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Dark Sucker Theory (long) by Raydar
Started on: 10-19-2001 11:45 PM
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Last post by: hugh on 10-26-2001 08:46 PM
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Report this Post10-19-2001 11:45 PM Click Here to See the Profile for RaydarSend a Private Message to RaydarDirect Link to This Post
The Dark Sucker Theory

For years, it has been believed that electric bulbs emit light, but recent information has proved otherwise. Electric bulbs don't emit light; they suck dark. Thus, we call these bulbs Dark Suckers.
The Dark Sucker Theory and the existence of dark suckers prove that dark has mass and is heavier than light.
First, the basis of the Dark Sucker Theory is that electric bulbs suck dark. For example, take the Dark Sucker in the room you are in.
There is much less dark right next to it than there is elsewhere. The larger the Dark Sucker, the greater its capacity to suck dark. Dark Suckers in the parking lot have a much greater capacity to suck
dark than the ones in this room.
So with all things, Dark Suckers don't last forever. Once they are full of dark, they can no longer suck. This is proven by the dark spot on a full Dark Sucker.
A candle is a primitive Dark Sucker. A new candle has a white wick. You can see that after the first use, the wick turns black, representing all the dark that has been sucked into it. If you put a pencil next to the wick of an operating candle, it will turn black. This is because it got in the way of the dark flowing into the candle. One of the disadvantages of these primitive Dark Suckers is their limited range.
There are also portable Dark Suckers. In these, the bulbs can't handle all the dark by themselves and must be aided by a Dark Storage Unit. When the Dark Storage Unit is full, it must be either emptied
or replaced before the portable Dark Sucker can operate again.
Dark has mass. When dark goes into a Dark Sucker, friction from the mass generates heat. Thus, it is not wise to touch an operating Dark Sucker. Candles present a special problem as the mass must travel into a solid wick instead of through clear glass. This generates a great amount of heat and therefore it's not wise to touch an operating candle.
Also, dark is heavier than light. If you were to swim just below the surface of the lake, you would see a lot of light. If you were to slowly swim deeper and deeper, you would notice it getting darker and
darker. When you get really deep, you would be in total darkness. This is because the heavier dark sinks to the bottom of the lake and the lighter light floats at the top. The is why it is called light.
Finally, we must prove that dark is faster than light. If you were to stand in a lit room in front of a closed, dark closet, and slowly opened the closet door, you would see the light slowly enter the closet.
But since dark is so fast, you would not be able to see the dark leave the closet.
Next time you see an electric bulb, remember that it is a Dark Sucker.

For more info go here...

Raydar - aka Steve

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Report this Post10-19-2001 11:57 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Cheever3000Send a Private Message to Cheever3000Direct Link to This Post
Okay, without reading that website yet, let me ask you this...

When you're in a room looking at a Dark Sucker, then suddenly it ceases to operate, does the room get so incredibly dark because all the dark was moving into that spot but then instantly crashed together, having noplace else to go?

Follow-up question: why do you then see purple spots?

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Report this Post10-20-2001 12:34 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Cheever3000Send a Private Message to Cheever3000Direct Link to This Post
And another thing: I thought Dark Suckers were those Shadow People that Art Bell keeps talking about.
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Report this Post10-20-2001 12:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for RaydarSend a Private Message to RaydarDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Cheever3000:
Okay, without reading that website yet, let me ask you this...

When you're in a room looking at a Dark Sucker, then suddenly it ceases to operate, does the room get so incredibly dark because all the dark was moving into that spot but then instantly crashed together, having noplace else to go?

Follow-up question: why do you then see purple spots?

1. Could be. Works for me.
2. The purple spots are caused by the essence of Dark. Ever looked at black shoe polish? Black fabric dye?
It's really very Dark purple.

Raydar - aka Steve

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Report this Post10-20-2001 03:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
What if it's a black light? And can you bend dark? Reflect? refract? What's the speed of dark? If a star (our sun) is a giant dark sucker, why is it going to turn red or brilliant white in about 6 billion years? It should turn black. I don't understand.
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Report this Post10-20-2001 04:57 PM Click Here to See the Profile for stimpySend a Private Message to stimpyDirect Link to This Post
I honestly came into this thread expecting to see something about grape Blo-Pops...
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Report this Post10-20-2001 08:28 PM Click Here to See the Profile for hughSend a Private Message to hughDirect Link to This Post
That explains why when you open the refrigerator door it is bright.With the door shut the dark can't get in and the bulb has plenty of time to suck up all the dark.UH OH
This is starting to make sense to me.I think I'll go lay down!
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Report this Post10-20-2001 08:44 PM Click Here to See the Profile for MrPBodyClick Here to visit MrPBody's HomePageSend a Private Message to MrPBodyDirect Link to This Post
And I suppose that explains why it's dark down inside wells, caves, etc. If dark has mass, then the earth's gravity (or suction, if you hold that theory) attracts it into holes, displacing light from them.

Hmmmmmm . . .

But if dark has mass, how can it move faster than light?

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Report this Post10-21-2001 12:42 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 84BillClick Here to visit 84Bill's HomePageSend a Private Message to 84BillDirect Link to This Post
I wonder what would happen if you shined a very bright light at a black hole in space. If what you are saying is true then the black hole will be attracted to the light and get smaller and if the light were strong enough the hole will disapear, sucked up by the light? eghads man!
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Report this Post10-21-2001 01:48 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 72vinmanSend a Private Message to 72vinmanDirect Link to This Post
This post is starting to move towards a broken donut and pine air freshners.
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Report this Post10-21-2001 09:08 AM Click Here to See the Profile for FormulaSend a Private Message to FormulaDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by stimpy:
I honestly came into this thread expecting to see something about grape Blo-Pops...

me too...

then how does a laser work?

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Report this Post10-21-2001 10:00 AM Click Here to See the Profile for hughSend a Private Message to hughDirect Link to This Post
Formula,Everybody knows that dark travels in a straight line.With a laser the hole for the dark to get sucked through is so small the dark has to line up to get sucked in.Now I'm really going to lay down.
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Report this Post10-21-2001 09:53 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PontiaddictSend a Private Message to PontiaddictDirect Link to This Post
What about glow in the dark paint?
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Report this Post10-21-2001 10:07 PM Click Here to See the Profile for hughSend a Private Message to hughDirect Link to This Post
Glow in the dark paint is just that,it absorbs light because it is made up of dark absorbing molecules.It's just that they are not as strong as the dark absorbing bulb which has an exterior source of power.
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Report this Post10-21-2001 11:10 PM Click Here to See the Profile for artherdClick Here to visit artherd's HomePageSend a Private Message to artherdDirect Link to This Post
Wait, so if this is true, then what you're saying is that the Universe has a finiute supply of Dark! Oh, are you one of those 'closed-dark-universe' theroey-subscribers?

You know, the kind who think the universe will end awash in nothinb but pure and total light after all the Dark is gone?!?!

Fire and Ice...



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Report this Post10-21-2001 11:28 PM Click Here to See the Profile for fierospeederClick Here to visit fierospeeder's HomePageSend a Private Message to fierospeederDirect Link to This Post
dark is just the abscent of light

and light is a form of energy. Just like a fire emits a light due to chemical reactions.
and not sexual relations like bill clinton.

And isn't the fridge, like the fiero, you open the door and the light comes on but in a fiero, theres windows to make sure you didn't leave the light on.

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Report this Post10-22-2001 01:13 AM Click Here to See the Profile for PontiaddictSend a Private Message to PontiaddictDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by artherd:
Wait, so if this is true, then what you're saying is that the Universe has a finiute supply of Dark! Oh, are you one of those 'closed-dark-universe' theroey-subscribers?

You know, the kind who think the universe will end awash in nothinb but pure and total light after all the Dark is gone?!?!

Fire and Ice...


I've been reading up on this.

Darkness can neither be created nor destroyed, only moved from one form to another.

With the candle for example, when the wick burns down, the dark is released through the smoke of the candle which eventually dissipates back to it's normal concentration of darkness. Dark suckers transfer the darkness to the power plants that release the darkness through their smokestacks. Some power plants are more efficient at dissipating the darkness than others and you might not see the darkness in noticeable amounts. Nuclear power plants are really efficient in matters like this and the fuel itself is capeable of sucking light directly and holding it for thousands of years.
Portable dark suckers store their darkness in batteries, when the batteries are full, they usually get thrown away where they eventually break down and release their energy in a landfill. Glow in the dark paint, is interesting, it works like a sponge, releasing it's darkness when a stronger force of suction is introduced.
Stars are very interesting, they use nuclear fusion to suck the light from very far distances. Stars keep sucking until the fusion reaction runs out and the concentrated darkness is once again released.

For more information about this, read "Intemediate Dark Sucker Theory for Dummies"

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Report this Post10-22-2001 05:50 AM Click Here to See the Profile for dennis_6Send a Private Message to dennis_6Direct Link to This Post
I found the dark sucker theory to be interesting except for the mention that the bible suggest the earth is square and such. Anyone who has actualy read the Bible knows this is false. The Bible states the earth is round. The Catholic religion said it was square, way back when. As for the dark suckers, yes I know it is a joke.
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Report this Post10-22-2001 03:24 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84BillClick Here to visit 84Bill's HomePageSend a Private Message to 84BillDirect Link to This Post
so basicly the amount dispelled darkness can be measured by the amount of soot ,carbon residue and heat that the candel left behind?
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Report this Post10-23-2001 12:29 AM Click Here to See the Profile for SootahClick Here to visit Sootah's HomePageSend a Private Message to SootahDirect Link to This Post
I can't belive that this hasn't been brought up yet..!!

Anybody notice that electronics run on smoke? If you let the smoke leak out, then it stops working! And possibly adding the total dark mass of the planet, if the smoke being consentrated dark theory pans out..


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Report this Post10-23-2001 01:26 AM Click Here to See the Profile for PontiaddictSend a Private Message to PontiaddictDirect Link to This Post
Electicity works because of the darkness in modern houshold dark suckers having to flow through electrical lines back to the power plant where it is released. You can use the flow of dark to power other things like a water wheel was once used to move mechanical equipment, darkness flows through a motor and makes a blender work. Electronics use the power of dark to control the types of darkness they can suck. That's why you can see pictures on a tv screen or an led alarm clock. When you release the smoke on something electronic, the darkness won't travel through it anymore, like a straw that has a hole in it.

[This message has been edited by Pontiaddict (edited 10-23-2001).]

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Report this Post10-23-2001 02:02 AM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
this is gettin too weird. Startin to make sense.
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Report this Post10-25-2001 08:54 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Matthew_FieroSend a Private Message to Matthew_FieroDirect Link to This Post
haha i printed off the first message and showed it to my physics teacher, he said he wants to know more about it and asked for the webpage hahaha.
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Report this Post10-25-2001 01:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Return of FieroSend a Private Message to Return of FieroDirect Link to This Post
ok, i skipped the last half due to the amout of teasing (i have no problem with this, i do it myself, damn it) but i want to talk physics and symantics. granted, the theory posed is light bulbs do not emit, but then answer this properly, and ill give this theory a bit of real thought. give me one reason why this is wrong: light is emited due to the fact that it DOES travel outwards. If you set up a test with a light source, then a sensor every 3 ft. for a 10 mile streach (yes powerfull light), it would set off the sensors in order from closest to the light source out to the furthest ssensor at 10 miles. now, if a bulb "sucked" dark, then the first places the light would hit would be the FURTHEST sensors due to the fact theat the "dark" would have to travel toward the bulb. if you drop a cup of water, the water travels from the cup, it doesnt apear fathers from the cup, then come back. there for with a light, the same appies. if you turn on a buld, the light comes from the bulb, it does not travel to the bulb. i can clarify any of this if you like, but what im saying is the darkl would have to clear from the furthest regions first in order for the bulb to "suck" dark. this theory holds no water (no pun intended) any other thoughts?
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Report this Post10-25-2001 09:09 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PontiaddictSend a Private Message to PontiaddictDirect Link to This Post
Simply put, the speed of dark is faster than the speed of light.
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Report this Post10-25-2001 10:33 PM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
Now I'm no physics expert, so this is probably full of holes. Maybe dark has mass, takes up space just as air, water & Fieros. If you dip out a cup of water from a pail, the molecules of water 'nearest the void moves in first, then the molecules nearest the first ones move inward toward the void, until you reach the outermost molecules, which move almost imperceptivly. That's why if you ignite a small candle in a very large darkened room, it only sucks in the dark in the immediate area of the candle first. But if you had a very sensitive device to measure, you would see that a minute amount of dark was sucked in from even the fartherest reaches of the room. You can be as technical and scientific as you desire in your rebuttal, I won't understand it anyway.
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Report this Post10-25-2001 11:48 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Return of FieroSend a Private Message to Return of FieroDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Pontiaddict:
Simply put, the speed of dark is faster than the speed of light.

how can dark be faster than light? if dark vacates an area faster than light, what is there between light and dark? if light is slower, something has to fill between, because if it is not dark, its _______ fill in the blank.

im out!

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Report this Post10-26-2001 12:42 AM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Return of Fiero:
how can dark be faster than light? if dark vacates an area faster than light, what is there between light and dark? if light is slower, something has to fill between, because if it is not dark, its _______ fill in the blank.

im out!

If it's not dark, it's dusk.
Makes sense to me.
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Report this Post10-26-2001 12:46 AM Click Here to See the Profile for PontiaddictSend a Private Message to PontiaddictDirect Link to This Post
I should have gone into more detail, what I meant to say is that darkness is sucked out of a room faster than light can be perceved, so it only looks like light is moving away from a darksucker. The dark moves so fast that you don't see it moving.
Light is the absense of dark, it's what fills the void left by a darksucker.

Maryjane, you seem to have gotten the right idea about this. Not bad, I had to read 3 books on the subject to know that much.

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Report this Post10-26-2001 12:47 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Return of FieroSend a Private Message to Return of FieroDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by maryjane:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Return of Fiero:
[b] how can dark be faster than light? if dark vacates an area faster than light, what is there between light and dark? if light is slower, something has to fill between, because if it is not dark, its _______ fill in the blank.

im out!

If it's not dark, it's dusk.
Makes sense to me.[/B][/QUOTE]

cute, im trying to be serious for once, and you go and ruin it, MJ, lmao oh well, i could really warp this with the topic being dark suckers........ nevermind _

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Report this Post10-26-2001 01:00 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Cheever3000Send a Private Message to Cheever3000Direct Link to This Post
Does this mean dawn is a dusk-sucker?
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Report this Post10-26-2001 01:02 AM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
Sorry, Return of Fiero, The proper ans is " I don't know" Any of you brains out there got a logical answer to the fill-in -the-blank?
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Report this Post10-26-2001 01:33 AM Click Here to See the Profile for GTDustySend a Private Message to GTDustyDirect Link to This Post
The area between dark and light would be the twilight zone.

This explains the naming of the Dark Ages when there were no Dark Suckers around so the world was literally full of Dark.


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Report this Post10-26-2001 02:03 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Return of FieroSend a Private Message to Return of FieroDirect Link to This Post
simple explanation... rememeber my test with the sensors every 3ft going to the 10 mile mark? light will hit them from the closest sensor to the light sorce till it get to the farthest? this shows light goes out ward, and this can be measured. now if a bulb sucks darkness (god, im feeling real silly about this topic now) then the theory would be the buld has to draw the darkness into itself. that means teh darkness has to come toward the light source. if this happened, the experiment listed above would NOT come out with the results that it does. (if i had a chalk board.....)ok.... here it is, simple as i can get it, because im sure you are getting as fustrated with me, as i am with myself. for the bulb to draw darkness in, the farthest reaches of the darkness would turn to light first. IE if you turn on the light next to you computer, the farthest corner of you room would be light before the area right next to your bulb.think of fishing. you cast your line. now your line is representing the darkness. if you real it in, it would be the same as turning a light bulb on. the line comes toward you, and the light, or in this model it would be the now exposed ground you had your line on, comes tword you gradualy. the line dispates from the farthest area from you till it gets to the reel. or... the light disapates from the fathest area from the light bulb, till it reachs the light bulb.

ok, so it wasnt short.lmao

anyhow, physics 101 with Mr. Mychel J Elderd
thank you for your time, im tired, and g-night peps. im out'ie

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Report this Post10-26-2001 09:44 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 84BillClick Here to visit 84Bill's HomePageSend a Private Message to 84BillDirect Link to This Post
Look at the natural state of the universe COLD & DARK. Light does not exist in a natural static universe. If there were no interactions no movement there would be no light and darkness would be ever present. Light is an anomaly that (eats) lives on top of the ever present natural darkness through an unnatural chemical process. darkness if it had a property would be the weakest force in nature but at the same time the most powerful and persistent simply because after every star burns out (this will happen eventually) in the entire universe, darkness will prevail. So no matter how much darkness is eaten up it will return. kind of like bailing out the ocean with a bucket and dumping it on the beach, the water will return to the ocean eventually.

One other thing that kind of puzzles me is the big bang theory.
Typically with an explosion there is a burst of light that intensifies then slowly dies out. I wonder is the universe getting brighter or darker and at what rate? I know new stars are being born and others are dying out but which is happening more often?

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Report this Post10-26-2001 09:52 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 84BillClick Here to visit 84Bill's HomePageSend a Private Message to 84BillDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by Return of Fiero:
simple explanation... rememeber my test with the sensors every 3ft going to the 10 mile mark? light will hit them from the closest sensor to the light sorce till it get to the farthest? this shows light goes out ward, and this can be measured. now if a bulb sucks darkness (god, im feeling real silly about this topic now) then the theory would be the buld has to draw the darkness into itself. that means teh darkness has to come toward the light source. if this happened, the experiment listed above would NOT come out with the results that it does.

Not true look at it like this. Light being the engine on a train that initiates the movement. When the train begins to move the cars attatched to it begin to move BUT not all at once. First the engine then car1 then car2 then car3 and so on and so on so IF darkness were moving tward light it would not start at the furthest reaches of darkness but very cose to the source and work its way out from the center, like a whirl pool.

Remember you are REMOVING darkness not emitting light.

Look again at the theory of relativity
git it?

Light and dark move in equal but opposite directions at the same instant. this also could support Stephen Hawkens theory of "Virutal particals"

[This message has been edited by 84Bill (edited 10-26-2001).]

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Report this Post10-26-2001 10:25 AM Click Here to See the Profile for RaydarSend a Private Message to RaydarDirect Link to This Post
Dark is faster than light.
You can prove this by going into a closet and shutting the door.
You are now in the dark.
Now, open the door.
See any dark leave? Nope.
See the light come in? Yup.


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Report this Post10-26-2001 12:51 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FormulaSend a Private Message to FormulaDirect Link to This Post
you actually can measure darks speed. it is (6^(3/40)*Light^20)\46

I found this equation using 3 old pepsi bottles, 2 dark suckers, and 9 used diapers.

Full report avaible upon request.

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Report this Post10-26-2001 01:03 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84BillClick Here to visit 84Bill's HomePageSend a Private Message to 84BillDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Formula:
you actually can measure darks speed. it is (6^(3/40)*Light^20)\46

I found this equation using 3 old pepsi bottles, 2 dark suckers, and 9 used diapers.

Full report avaible upon request.

Yes Yes and the other night I ran an expariment

To support the theory here is an expariment
Have someone hold a flashlight outside at night.

Look directly at the light source and you see light entering your eyes.
Light appears to come at you

Look away from the light source
Darkness appears to be coming at you

looking away from the light source turn off the light
darkness still appears to be coming at you WHY? HOW?

Well being a living thing that runs on energy and energy being created from the consumption of dark to light with residual effects such as heat and carbon. I am in a sense a "dark sucker". therefor darkness is coming at me at all times. Assanine as it sounds but hard to dispute.
A "Black Hole is a GIGANTIC dark sucker that is sucking up so much dark so rapidly that dark has overwhelmed the light in mass since light has no mass it can be blocked by mass.

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Report this Post10-26-2001 06:44 PM Click Here to See the Profile for dennis_6Send a Private Message to dennis_6Direct Link to This Post
I just had a disturbing thought. How would the Dark Sucker Theory, affect our understanding of Flux capacitors? I was really wanting to put one on my Fiero. I don't think I know enough about darksuckers to safely engineer a flux capacitor unit. Can someone help??? If we could travel back in time we could "persuade" GM to keep producing the Fiero.

[This message has been edited by dennis_6 (edited 10-26-2001).]

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