Trying to figure out how many calories I can eat a day and lose weight at an alarming rate (Oh god.. I'm turning into a teenaged girl!).. Any know of the formula for this.. I'm about 5'11, 175 pounds..
Also, when it comes to food labels.. do the calories at the top, include everything (Carbs, fat, etc).. And if that is true, the only thing I have to look at it is the calorie content, correct (I'm not trying to be mr. universe, just lose some pounds)..
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01:45 PM
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Steve Normington Member
Posts: 7663 From: Mesa, AZ, USA Registered: Apr 2001
I have one word for you that will solve all your weight loss problems, allowing you to eat as much as you want and still lose weight. It is all natural, and involves no dangerous drugs. No exercise is required. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tapeworms.
Yeah! and whey you have a Tapeworm, you're never alone!
It's an easy-to-care-for pet, and never makes a mess on the rug!
I posted a pic here while back, it was a pic from an old "tapworm diet" Ad... the woman looked sooo happy that she had "her friend, the tapeworm" inside of her
Why do you want to loose weight? It sounds to me like you are 10 pounds under your ideal weight already. Im 5'-9" and weigh 190lbs. I am a bit over weight but I wouldn't consider myself fat. My ideal weight is supposed to be around 165-170lbs, yours should be about 20 lbs more or about 10 lbs for each inch of height, unless you are going for an anorexic look.
If you'd just quit getting punched in the face and let the swelling go down, you'd look a lot thinner.
Seriously, you're close to where you need to be in weight, if you think that you need to "lose weight at an alarming rate", then you have more problems than just a few extra pounds.
YMMV, take it for what it's worth, the advice is worth what you paid for it.
One of my friends lost ALOT of wieght by not eating many carbs. I mean he lost probably 50 lbs in a very short time, Just cut down on them and you should loss some wieght. If I were you I would just hit up the wieght bench and turn it into muscle...
Want to build muscle? Burn Fat? Want to see results?
I know soounds like an infomercial. Go to walmart and buy the book called Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution. This is not just a diet, it is logical, it makes sense, and it works. I have burned 30lbs so far in a little over a month.
I am serious now if you want to lose weight there IS NO BETTER WAY
atkins diet in a nutshell = eat VERY LITTLE carbs. There are some other factors, but that's the main one.
And very little is even less than you think. I think for the first two weeks you're supposed to have <40g of carbs per day. That's about 1/4 can of pop for reference. Sounds like it sucks, right?
You can enjoy all the greeaaazzzzzyy bacon and eggs you care to stuff in your face for breakfast. Hell, eat a stick of butter if that trips your trigger. I like to call it the carnivore's diet.
There are a lot of things involved besides the low-carb part though. You're only supposed to have a certain amount of certain kinds of veggies, no caffein, etc etc. I'd try to grab the book for reference if I were you.
I have personally lost about 25 lbs on this diet, though I don't follow it religiously. I'm trying for a permanent change in eating habits so I can maintain ideal weight. All that beer and pizza in college adds up :P
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01:09 AM
Earl Member
Posts: 945 From: Dayton Ohio USA Registered: Oct 2001
I don't post here often. But I had to chime in on this. I am over weight that is a fact. I have been all my life. I am 5'9" tall and 365# I have gained about 120# since getting hurt at work and being laid up for 2 years. About 6 years ago I lost some and got down to about 220# and promply got sick with pnumonia (sp) and no sooner did I get over it I got sick again. So after 5 trips to the hospital my doctor advised me that I may want to gain back a few pounds. So I di I went up to 260# and spent the next 3 or 4 years without getting anything more than a cold. Then I lost a few pounds due to everyone telling me it would be healthier and sure enough I ended up in the hospital with yep you guessed it pnumonia (sp). I didn't go on any crash diets I didnt diet at all I just cut down on fat and caleries. And I never lost more than a pound or 2 a week. In the past (10 or more years ago I did try some starvation type diets and after the first 5 or 6 pounds I didnt loose any more I just got weak and tired. So what am I saying? I am saying that my ideal weight is between 240 and 260 pounds. And I have accepted this as pure fact. No one can tell you what the healthiest weight weight is for you with out alot of testing. I weigh quite a bit more than most people my size. When I go fo a physical the nurse starts the scale out at 200# and starts there I tell them to start at 300# and they laugh and tell me they know what they are doing. Then the get a surprize. Like I said I am over weight and my BP is 120 over 65 and my restig pulse is 50 so I am in good shape for (as the web page linked above sayes) an "Extremely Obese person" It all come down to this if you can do what you want and keep up with or surpass people half you size then you have to accept the hand DNA has delt you.
I think you missed my point. Everyone shouldn't loose weight. Yes some should but the idea that you can make a general statement that if you are X tall weigh Y pounds and measure Z around the waist they "Know how much you should weigh" is arrogant and wrong. We are all different and our bodies are all unique. Yes they are similar. But a healthy weight for one person is not the same for all people of the same height. Just like drugs affect every one differently so does weight. If I get down to fewer than 240 or so pounds I will most likely get ill. My genetics are different than anyone else. I agree most people fit fairly close to the "Ideal weight" they advertise however my point is they are using averages and statistics to say that "All people" should be in this range. And when they try to tell me that they "Know" what I should weigh or what I should eat I remember that at one time "They knew that the world was flat" They are always claiming that they "Know" one thing or another only to find out much later, they were wrong. Remember the food pyramid? I also remember the ads of a few years ago where they touted " Early results show that a diet high in beta carotene reduces your risk of cancer" Yet when the study was over the data showed that people in the study actually had a slightly higher incidence of cancer. They must not have believed their data or were to embarrass to admit they made a mistake and said nothing. Some companies that sell supplements are still making this claim though the data showed the opposite. At this point I will not believe any thing "They" Know without proof from more than one or two sources. I refuse to believe anything they claim to know that they can't prove without the help of computer models they designed to show exactly what they wanted. I was reading about a scientist that found a direct correlation between the cycle of sun spots and global warming proving that man was not the culprit. His peers have claimed that they "Knew" for so long that they publicly dismissed all the evidence and said he was wrong to believe differently than they. Not to long ago he would have been charged with blasphemy and called a Heretic. This is just further evidence that they are always 100% sure they know some thing and we should listen to them after all "They Know" Until so much evidence to the contrary is found that they can’t fool us any more. I am sick of the elitist attitude of our "Intellectually gifted" self proclaimed infallible experts! So please don’t just blindly follow the advice of the “Experts” make an informed decision do some research and think for yourself. It is your responsibility if you put all your trust in others you will have only yourself to blame if things go awry.
I used to be a bodybuilder and when I was trying to get "CUT" I would eat 7,000 calories a day spread out through 6 meals. I would eat mostly protien and fat. I would cut out ALL Sugar and most carbs. This means no Pepsi, white bread ect. It works wonders!
I would lose almost 50 LBS of FAT in a month and a half. And was NEVER hungry.
I would do 10 Min of "HIIT" Cardio when I first woke up before eating. And 1 hour of weight lifting 3 times a week.
What part of "5 trips to the ER and pnumonia did you not understand? Not dangerous? Did you even read my post? If so I want some of whatever drug you are on? You should read the post before you reply. It can keep you from looking like an a$$. I was explaining my experience with weight loss and the troubles loosing weight can cause and yes it can be verry dangerous. People die every day due to complications from loosing weight. I was encouraging him to do some reading and make an informed decision On if he should try and if so how much weight would be safe. And to listen to what his body is telling him. If you loose weight and and end up in the ER then you gain weight and feel fine for a long time then you loose weight and its back to the ER? Then I dont think it is difficult to conclude that if you loose weight again you will get sick. If you stick your hand in a fire you will get burned it isnt rocket sceince. I am sorry if I have hijacked this thread I just feel verry strongly about this. And I am getting tired of people replying to a post without having taken the time to read it. I think it's just rude!
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03:02 AM
topcat Member
Posts: 5486 From: Charleston SC Registered: Dec 2001
What part of "5 trips to the ER and pnumonia did you not understand? Not dangerous? Did you even read my post? If so I want some of whatever drug you are on? You should read the post before you reply. It can keep you from looking like an a$$. I was explaining my experience with weight loss and the troubles loosing weight can cause and yes it can be verry dangerous. People die every day due to complications from loosing weight. I was encouraging him to do some reading and make an informed decision On if he should try and if so how much weight would be safe. And to listen to what his body is telling him. If you loose weight and and end up in the ER then you gain weight and feel fine for a long time then you loose weight and its back to the ER? Then I dont think it is difficult to conclude that if you loose weight again you will get sick. If you stick your hand in a fire you will get burned it isnt rocket sceince. I am sorry if I have hijacked this thread I just feel verry strongly about this. And I am getting tired of people replying to a post without having taken the time to read it. I think it's just rude!
I hear you and agree to an extent. I use to be into body building, and had about 220 pounds on my 5'8" frame, however my bodyfat was never over 15 percent. I think too many people focus on the amount that you weigh, and not how much of that weight is actually bodyfat. It is possible to weigh a lot and still be in excellent health. The thing that I will say that it is important to lose weight sensibly, meaning a combination of diet and exercise. One without the other will not work, and will result in either rapid weight loss with a rebound of gaining more wieght, or getting sick because you are starving your body.
Bottom line, different strokes for different folks. Since I stopped body building, I exercised (cardio) my weight down to 155 lbs, and my body fat is right at 13 percent.
Time and time again you shoot off your mouth before engaging your brain. We’re all guilty of it occasionally, but I can’t believe how often you do it in these forums. This thread is a perfect example. Earl takes a lot of time to thoughtfully explain something he obviously feels strongly about. All you can do is quickly brush it aside with a couple of flippant, single line responses. As Earl has already inquired, did you even read his posts, or were you in too much of a hurry to belittle his statements?
It’s perfectly acceptable to disagree with someone, but you consistently do it in a manner which demonstrates either your ignorance or your arrogance or both.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 08-17-2003).]
You should know by now that my responses are always 1 or 2 lines.. I don't write essays for responses like some of you. They are not meant to belittle, or be arrogant.. I read it.. I disagreed with some points. I don't see the problem. My posts are taken to emotionally some(all?) times..