DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THEM? IS ANYONE A VETTE? HE APPERS TO BE PARAZLIED FROM THE WASTE DOWN, I KNOW IM NOT SUPPOSED TO MOVE HIM BUT I PUT HIM ON A TOWL WITH SOME CARDBOARD. LIKE A MAKESHIFT BACKBOARD AND PUT HIM IN THE BATHTUB HE IS STRUGGLING TO MOVE AND CAN ONLY MOVE HIS ARMS AND SORTA HIS WASTE. I TRIED TO GIVE HIM DROPS OFF THE END OF A TOOTH BRUSH LIKE WATER. opps sorry about the caps no time to correct. no vets will take him tell 8 am. how can i keep him alive? i have a 24 hour walmart and am willing to buy anything i need. i know squrrils have big sharp claws and can tear me up but i took the risk and slowly pet him on the head and he stoped struggling and closed his eyes. i know he may be suffering but i have no way to put him out of his misery except maybe put him in the road and drive over his head, but if there is a way to save him i will. i know if he is parazlied he cant live back in the wild but i dont care i will take care of him for the rest of my life if i have to. what should i do?
AAAwwwwww Poor little guy.... That is so sweet that you are trying for him.... I don't know how to help you. But have you tried doing a web search for Vet's? You might just find a site that could help you. Like a Web Md for animals... Keep us informed... Hope he makes it... Good luck!
i know he may be suffering but i have no way to put him out of his misery except maybe put him in the road and drive over his head,
Probably is paralyzed. Not much you can do, till the vet opens. Remember, it is a wild animal. Survival of the fittest. In nature, a carnivore would feed on it, or feed it to it's young, as it should be. Sounds cruel, but that is the nature of things. One dies, so another can survive. We interfere too much with nature as it is.
[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 07-08-2004).]
there is no carnavars over here its are front yard. nothing gonna eat him. i wanna save him. if he is parazlied i will have a custom wheelchair made for him. i seen a cat with no back legs once that pulled himself around with his back part straped to what looked like a skateboard cut in half. if he can be healed ill do it. i have been looking online but havnt found anything good yet. i hope he makes it to 8 am but it isnt looking to good he wont even open his eyes all the way now. alright look i dont wanna kill him but should it come to where he is suffring extreamly and there is nothing i can do whats the easyet way to kill him without him feeling anything. i dont wanna hack his head of with a butcher knife. what if i stuck him in the freezer? would he get real cold and go to sleep? and then die? i have a glock 17 but no ammo so i cant take him out and shoot him in the head. and i dont really wanna run him over but if thats the easyest i may have to. god i hope he makes it tell morning and can be helped or atleast put to sleep by the vet. poor little guy. there gonna charge me like 60 bucks to put him to sleep to huh? ohwell its gonna cost alot more if he can be kept alive but ill do it. poor little guy. say a prayer for him please i have been all night.
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01:10 AM
RACE Member
Posts: 4842 From: Des Moines IA Registered: Dec 2002
I took a ground squirrel to a vet last year that appeared paralyzed. They do treat wild animals for free but you will not be able to keep it.
In my case they took in and said that there was a lady that is affiliated with the vets office that has experience handling native, wild animals. She was to care for it once it was well enough to leave the vets office until it was to be released again. Make sure it has water for the night and take it in tomorrow morning.
------------------ 1987 Fiero SE, Tech IV, Auto.
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01:13 AM
84fierotrevor Member
Posts: 4998 From: puyallup washington Registered: Oct 2001
I took a ground squirrel to a vet last year that appeared paralyzed. They do treat wild animals for free but you will not be able to keep it.
In my case they took in and said that there was a lady that is affiliated with the vets office that has experience handling native, wild animals. She was to care for it once it was well enough to leave the vets office until it was to be released again. Make sure it has water for the night and take it in tomorrow morning.
i dont care if i can keep him i just want to see him live and get better and not be suffering in pain. i just didnt think a handicapped squrril could live on its own in the wild cause he wouldnt be able to move anything but his arms. i just looked it up and it is illiagel to own a squrril and someone else had a paralized one and the state game commesion took him from them. and any animal that cant survive on its own will put down here is the link to the other paralized squrril.
BE VERY CAREFULL!!! they have some sharpass teeth and will latch onto you in a milisecond!! They are very agile and quick.
That happens sometimes.. they sometimes miss tree limbs and land wrong.
There really is not much you can do. You can just take care of it as best you can or take it to a vet and they will most likely put it down. I'd try the vet first myself but I would not allow them to destroy it.
They eat a variety of nuts so you can get some at the local store and put them near it but don't get too close. Also try to get unsalted or lightly salted peanuts. If you get lightly salted be sure to provide water..
Sqirrel Psycology ---------------------------------------- They are VERY timmid yet curious creatures.
The best way to earn it's trust is to move very slowly arround it and let it dictate to you how it feels by watching it's movements in response to yours.
When it moves away.. you back off until it turns back tward you.. When it approaches quickly black off and it will do the same then move slowly tward it again. They "chatter" to eachother when they get close to another sqirrel they dont trust.. so talk to it when it seems scared of you wyhen you approach and if it backs off stop talking to it..
Keep your hands CLOSED and dont flash your teeth!! theese are weapons and they know it!! so when you open your mouth (show teeth) or hands (show claws) they get very scared and will either attack or run. Don't keep prolonged eye contact with it, look around the room or at another object for brief moments before returning you gaze to it.. then close your eyes just a little... this shows you trust it and it will trust you a bit more in return.
Be patient.. I have gotten male squrrils to take a peanut out of my hand in 5 minutes having never seen it before and it never saw me before either. I can have it trusting me in a few days to where it will almost leap out of the tree to get the peanut out of my hand. BUT they still are very very shy arround me once they got their prize.
They are very good natured and playfull creatures and it's a shame to see this one hurt but thats just nature.. I like the little guys alot myself.
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01:23 AM
84fierotrevor Member
Posts: 4998 From: puyallup washington Registered: Oct 2001
BE VERY CAREFULL!!! they have some sharpass teeth and will latch onto you in a milisecond!! They are very agile and quick.
That happens sometimes.. they sometimes miss tree limbs and land wrong.
There really is not much you can do. You can just take care of it as best you can or take it to a vet and they will most likely put it down. I'd try the vet first myself but I would not allow them to destroy it.
They eat a variety of nuts so you can get some at the local store and put them near it but don't get too close. Also try to get unsalted or lightly salted peanuts. If you get lightly salted be sure to provide water..
Sqirrel Psycology
its to late for being attacked i already stroke his head tell he closes his eyes. i think he is just to hurt to attack me but he strugles with his hand griping on the towel trying to pull himself out tell i stroke him on the head and then he lets go and lets his hands go down and he slowly cloeses his eyes. poor little guy is so sweet. i cant get him to drink any water maybe he is in to much pain? i will go to walmart and get him some nuts or some bird seed. they always used to steal are bird seed. i just hope he isnt interanly injured. i wish he would eat or drink some water drops. then id hope he could heal on his own. i know if i take him to the vets once they have him i will have no say in what they do because he is wild. there prolly gonna put him down, i cant deal with this **** i have enough stress in my life. do squirrels carry any deasise i need to worry about?
do squirrels carry any deasise i need to worry about?
I'm sure they do but I doubt anything will hurt you... well cept for the fleas.
Get whole shell peanuts if you can.. the love em!! Just set it colse so he can get to it.. he will eat if he is hungy and hasn't given up.
They are social creatures and like I said they are curious and playfull. They are also neat freaks so scratching his head is cool. Just be gentle with him..
If he survives the initial trauma he will live for alot longer and probably be your best friend.
I duno if you have seen this before but this guy is one of about 10 that visits me every day. There are about 20 or more total and they rotate on a weekly schedule but some, like this one are my regular customers. In this pic his one paw is actually grabbing on my finger as he stretches for the nut.
I'm the biggest squrrel in town and my little buddies love me.
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02:00 AM
84fierotrevor Member
Posts: 4998 From: puyallup washington Registered: Oct 2001
I think he has given up. i got some water on a teaspoon and stuck it to his mouth and let it run to his mouth and he doesnt open his mouth and barley opens his eyes and then closes them i think he has given up. i will by his side all night. this sucks to because i gota be at work at my first job at 9 am tell 4. and then i go to work at my second job from 5 tell 9:30. so ima be hella tired. ohwell i cant sleep im to worried about him. anyone that wants to please say a little prayer for him to get better
I know it sucks man but he won't be suffering if he dies.. I know it's sad and believe me it bothers me too but just get some rest and let him return to momma earth's lovin arms if that's what he wants. Get some peanuts anyway and toss them around your yard for his buddies.
Oh and they go to bed at sundown SHARP! So let him rest now if the sun has gone down.
[This message has been edited by 84Bill (edited 07-08-2004).]
This is Earls wife... I know a lady who is a wildlife rehabilitator and she specializes in squirrels and chipmunks... the most humane thing to do would be to take him and have him put down. I can guarantee that if he is paralyzed he is internally injured... I'll personally be suprised if he lasts another day or two... meanwhile look up a wildlife rehabilitation center in your area.. go to google and type in wildlife rehabilitation and your state.. if you call they will usually help or find you a person in your area... if not, call animal control or your sheriffs dept. They will know someone... Squirrels are cute when they are young but even rehabbers get rid of them once they reach adolescence and release them into the wild. They are NOT pets and he WILL bite if you keep him. Not to mention they can carry all kinds of diseases... a licensed rehabber will have all the drugs necessary to give him a jump start if he isn't internally bleeding but you need to find one NOW. The faster you get them to a rehab, the more chance he has...
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04:22 AM
84fierotrevor Member
Posts: 4998 From: puyallup washington Registered: Oct 2001
This is Earls wife... I know a lady who is a wildlife rehabilitator and she specializes in squirrels and chipmunks... the most humane thing to do would be to take him and have him put down. I can guarantee that if he is paralyzed he is internally injured... I'll personally be suprised if he lasts another day or two... meanwhile look up a wildlife rehabilitation center in your area.. go to google and type in wildlife rehabilitation and your state.. if you call they will usually help or find you a person in your area... if not, call animal control or your sheriffs dept. They will know someone... Squirrels are cute when they are young but even rehabbers get rid of them once they reach adolescence and release them into the wild. They are NOT pets and he WILL bite if you keep him. Not to mention they can carry all kinds of diseases... a licensed rehabber will have all the drugs necessary to give him a jump start if he isn't internally bleeding but you need to find one NOW. The faster you get them to a rehab, the more chance he has...
its 3:52 am i am sitting beside him waiting tell 8:00 am before i can take him to the vets. I already called every place i could find and only one place down here will take him and they wont take him tell they open at 8.00 am unless he is a endagerd species.
i had a paraplegic chipmunk that i kept alive for 2 years. i kept it in a terrarium lined with cedar chips, water dish, rodent food. it dragged himself around with its front legs for a while, eventually recovered the use of one back leg. cute little sucker.
when i first got it the Atlanta Nature Conservancy told me to kill it. i really didnt expect it to survive the first night. but even if it doesnt make it, it's not getting mauled by the neighborhood cat. dont give up.
[This message has been edited by lurker (edited 07-08-2004).]
Originally posted by Red86SEautox: make sure he has plenty of liquids
Thats a keeper!!
I have no doubt that it is a genuine (unphotoshopped) photo... Squirrels are VERY intelligent!
Trev They also take naps around the heet of the day between 1 and 3 or there abouts.. They have sleep habbits alot like cats..
Originally posted by JohnnyK: End it somehow. I felt horrible too, but it's better for him.
Mother nature will take her course Johnny, fate has interviened in this case, I say let Trev follow it. Compassion is one of our finest traits and killing something that WE FEEL is suffering is not what we are about.. Thats gods domain and we should not be so arrogant.
I say Trevor should make him as comfortable as possible and give him everything he needs and if he dies it's not becuse Trevor interviened, it's because nature and god have ways of showing us things that make us a better species... The good and kindly kings of the animal world.
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11:04 AM
Fierochic88 Member
Posts: 4984 From: Staunton, VA Registered: May 2001
If Trevor puts it down himself as Johnnyk and Earls wife suggest then Trevor would be required to eat him as far as I'm concerned.
I never went deer hunting because of just that, I don't cherish the thought of traditionally drinking the blood of the animal I shot.. I would if I was hungry enough though.
The recipies will make a great meal out of him, I have no doubt about that! In fact I bookmarked the site just in case I'm starving and need to club me a few squirrels in the future. I may have to move to another block at first depending on how successfull a hunter I am. Theres no place like home.
UPDATE: I took him to the lsu small animal clinic today. the front desk lady told me there wasnt gonna be much they could do for him. i had to fill out a relase form saying i am realesing the animal into there care to rehabilitate and re relase the animal. I hope they care as much in there heart for the little guy as i do and they do everything they can to help him. I hope that they have all that tecnology they do with humans where they could hook him up to some lines and feed him tell he will eat on his own or somthing. i dont think its gonna happend tho. The vet was really nice and told her I could call and check up on her. i didnt really know how to say thanxs. but maybe the water in my eyes helped her understand i really want him to be ok. at the bottom they had a form for donating to them. I told her id donate if he servived. hope that makes em wanna try even harder. altho they prolly know by the car i drive i dont have much money to donate to em. ohwell i been praying for the little guy and i really hope he pulls threw he is my little buddy now and i feel i lost a friend. pray for him please.
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01:39 PM
ryan.hess Member
Posts: 20784 From: Orlando, FL Registered: Dec 2002