He was 16, and had fooled me a number of times. He's been going downhill for the last several months. At one time he weighed over 16 lbs. At the middle of summer he weighed 7 lbs. Last week, he weighed 5.5 lbs. Things weren't looking good for old Al. We eventually had to exhile him and our other cats to the basement, because he'd become incontinent, and would pooh pretty much anywhere. With cream colored carpet throughout the house, that was a bad thing. He tricked me a lot lately, as I would come home, and find him laying on the floor, completely unresponsive to my voice. I would approach him, my heart pounding, thinking certainly he was dead. Only to have him open one eye and gaze up at me in a "hah, gotcha" kind of look. Very funny Al. So last night, when the same thing happened, I gave it no second thought and went about my business, went upstairs to do some paperwork. My g/f came home about 9:30 and inquired about Al. She went downstairs to check on him, and came back up holding a cat bed. I looked, and Al was laying in the bed, on his back, legs splayed out, mouth half open, his tongue dangling. I was stunned, I had no idea he was in this condition. He was alive, but just barely. We placed the bed on the floor and gathered around him. His breathing was labored and he was non-responsive. I think he lost his eyesight at some point because he never blinked, and there was no response from his eyes whatsoever. He never moved a muscle for the next two hours as we sat with him. At one point I was so concerned with the possibility that he might be suffereing that I was trying to figure a humane way to end things. I considered putting him in a plastic bag, closing the end, so that he would exhaust the oxygen and eventually just go to sleep and it would be done. But Lori was vehemently opposed to that idea. I didn't want to shoot him, it just seemed so violent, and I knew that was out of the question as well. So we waited. He cried once in a while, very quiet and sad. Then around midnight it happened. He took a few deep breaths, cried loudly a couple of times, his whole body stiffening as if in a big stretch after a long nap. Then slowly his eyes closed a bit, then opened again, and he lowered his head for the last time, his whole body relaxing. I watched his abdomen for movement, but there was none. Lori began to sob again, and tears ran down my own cheeks. I put my hand on his chest to stroke him, and my heart skipped a beat; his heart was still beating. I put my ear to his chest. He wasn't breathing, but his heart was pounding at an incredible pace. I'm pretty sure he was suffocating. I was mortified. I wept at the prospect of him still being in agony, and that suffocating had to be a horrible way to die. We waited in tears for his heart to stop. It continued to beat, and began to slow. For what seemed an eternity we sat holding our own breath, listening at his chest, begging him to let go. Finally, without any external indication, his heart stopped, and he was really gone. It was one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever experienced. I still tear up when I think of the ordeal, and I wasn't really all that attached to him. But I love Lori deeply, and her agony was mine to share.
We'll be burying Al next to a newly planted tree in the front yard. The tree will grow, and consume his body for nutrition, and he will become a part of that tree, which will live on for many years, serving as a living memorial to Al. That might not be important to some people, and might even seem a bit corny to others. But he was a huge part of Lori's life for many years. I feel I owe him whatever honors I can give him. He took good care of her, and has now handed that job off to me.
Anyway, sorry for the length and the downer. This just seemed like as good a place as any to share this story.
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11:59 AM
System Bot
Posts: 1894 From: Timmins ON Canada Registered: Apr 2004
wow glad I'm alone while reading that actually over here crying that is so sad poor al. and Lori too. losing a pet is so very hard. our Harvey was that way too. we used to come home and wonder weather he had died but nope he just gave us that same look. Harvey died September 21st 2003 and is now also helping a tree become big and strong. so all my love to you lori and al.
You have probably learned something from your pain..you are a good and compassionate person.Be proud of your tears;there was nothing you could do, other than stay by him in his final moments in our World.He knew you were there and caring.I have tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat for you both, and ask you to read this thread:it eased my pain, and may do the same for you: https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Archives/Archive-000003/HTML/20040223-6-016007.html fierofetish
That was really deep dude. It just goes to show you that there is some form of humanity still left in this forum. With all of the bickering, name calling, political threads, and just hate in general it is good to read something that is so heartfelt. As sad as Al's death was it did bring a little compassion out of me, the same compassion that this emotionally cold forum has tucked away.
------------------ Drew S. 86 Fiero SE, 2.8L V6, Bum Stock and dark proud of it. 87 Ford Mustang GT, 5.0L V8, T-Top's
I hear ya. My Sympathies. Here is my cat story. Also told here. Just an animal some would say. I dont think so. In finding my thread and reading what I wrote so long ago I still tear up. HIOSILVER
I have two cats that we raised from 4 weeks old (bottle feeding and all), and I dread the day that this happens to them. I can imagine how painful it is to see one die. I'm sorry for your loss and pain.
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01:09 PM
DotTC Member
Posts: 2345 From: Hamlet, North Carolina Registered: Nov 2003
guys you are turning me in to a big pile of tears. I have had many pets in my life and losing one never gets easier. but knowing that without you they may have n ot had such a wonderful life helps. I have 4 dogs and I love each one so much. they are there when I need them. when I want to play when I need a hug or even when I need to talk. I know they can't talk back but I believe they know and feel what I needed to say.
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01:19 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41056 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
Sorry about your loss John. I have a cat that Ive had since a kitten. I try not to get attached to them too much because of just such a thing happening. Sometimes it cant be helped though. At least he had you both to comfort him in the end. My last one got hit by a car so no chance to do that for me.
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01:39 PM
Tom Slick Member
Posts: 4342 From: Alvarado, TX Registered: May 2003
i have two cats, one is about 12 years old with 46 bird shot in him someone shot him when he was a young cat. the other one is about 1 or 2 got him from the local shelter.
i know the loss is great and it will get better.
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01:56 PM
Dangerkitty Member
Posts: 142 From: Troy, Michigan Registered: Jun 2003
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your loss Losing a long time pet can be a very hard thing to go thru. You have my sincerest sympathies during this time. May Al rest in peace and now be able to run free and healthy in kitty heaven
[This message has been edited by Fiero5 (edited 10-27-2004).]
I can't thank everyone enough for all of your kind words and thoughts. I especially appreciate the comments regarding the humanity being expressed. Not for me, but because, one of my fundamental beliefs is that we all serve a purpose while we're here. And if my relating this story brings everyone back to their core, even for a few minutes, then Al has one last time served a purpose, and in some small way effected everyone who read this story and was moved by it. And that's a great thing. So again, I want to thank you all for your wonderful comments. I absolutely choked up reading some of them.
I guess I'm chiming in a little late, but I'm sorry for your loss. You'll be looking around the house for him for a bit, then you will remember what happen and relive the whole thing over. Just remember all the good memories of him and you will make it thru this ordeal. Take care and remember we are here for you!
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03:54 PM
Fierochic88 Member
Posts: 4984 From: Staunton, VA Registered: May 2001
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss...losing a pet is sooo hard. I'll say a prayer for Al.
My old cat is at the "hospital" right now. She's 14 and needed some teeth removed. She wasn't eating and here she had a toothache. I just hope she pulls through!
I am very sorry for your loss. Pretti went pretty much the same way. She was poisoned by some uncaring neighbor. I was on the way to the vets when she died, I wish I could have made her last few hours go by without pain but I was not strong enough to let go, I should have took her to the vet the day before. I still miss our cat and it hurts to read about your loss, I hope you can remember Al with a smile and not the sad way he passed. Jake
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07:18 PM
hugh Member
Posts: 5563 From: Clementon,NJ,USA Registered: Jun 2000
I have a Shepard that is almost a year old.I get mad at her sometimes,but I used to get mad at my kids also.I love her dearly,as much as my kids when they were at home.She is only a baby,granted a big baby,but a baby none the less.She beats hell out of me when I come home from work and sometimes it is annoying,but I know it is because she loves me.Anyone who has a pet,not owns a pet,gets nothing but admiration from me and even without knowing that person I know they are good .I had a Husky named Max,I'll never forget him.I loved him in a different way.You love your kids,but each one is different.It's the same way with our little friends.
Again, for myself, and on Lori's behalf, I thank everyone for your thoughts and the things you've all shared. There may be some small relief to the story. After talking to some people, there's a good chance his suffering was minimal. One person suggested that he possibly was in some sort of coma for the hours preceeding his death. Also, it's most likely that the time after he stopped breathing when his heart was still going, it wasn't that he was suffocating, but rather that he was clinically dead, but his organs hadn't all shut down. I don't know these things to be fact, but I like to think they may be possible. True or not, it's a great relief to think he may not have been suffering as much as I originally thought. Lori and I dug the hole next to the tree this afternoon, and will be laying him to rest here in a little while. As it turns out, she has the ashes from his litter-mate, a female named Ellie who passed away several years ago from cancer. We'll probably lay her ashes in with him. Born together, resting together. Seems like a nice conclusion to this whole affair. Anyway, everyone's been great, and we appreciate all the contributions here. We're doing a lot better; the shock has sort of worn off. Lori probably has some more grieving to do, and I'll be there for her during that, but life does go on. ~Taiji
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08:22 PM
The Funkmaster Member
Posts: 1541 From: Chilliwack, B.C., Canada Registered: Oct 2004
I feel your pain, have been through the whole process with our cat this past year, and my dog in years past. It's never easy. You did the best thing for him, I think in some way, he knew you both were there and it helpped him.
Wish I could say more, but know we all share your pain and wish you both the best.
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08:38 PM
Lady Pegasus Member
Posts: 1416 From: Hammond, IN Registered: Jul 2001
But I have to ask...do you not have a vet near you? Or did you want him to pass at home? I know that you had said you thought about ways to humanely put him out of pain....are you opposed to euthanasia?
I don't want to start a flame...please don't think that. I was just wondering if you knew about the option for the future.
I understand your question and why you're asking. We took him to the vet last week and it seemed as though he might still have some time. He hadn't appeared to be in any real pain, and in fact was catching mice outside up until just a week ago! Granted, he was in rather sad shape, which is why we took him in the first place. But you know, it's difficult to make the call. We didn't want to just put him down because it was convenient for us. If it needed to be done, it had to be for the right reason. And at the time it didn't really seem the thing to do. Then, last night's episode was very sudden. It was also rather late. We called the nearest vet, but of course at 10:00 pm they were closed, and for emeregencies, referred us to a location almost 40 minutes away. (We live out in the boonies, about 25 miles north of Columbus) He was extremely uncomfortable, and didn't appear to like being moved around much, initially he cried when he was moved around. We didn't feel it prudent to take him that far. It would have likely caused him even greater suffereing, if not killed him. Our intent was to take him to his regular vet (the close one) in the morning, although we suspected he wouldn't make it through the night. If he had, we would have had him euthanized first thing, as we knew there was no chance for a recovery.
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10:10 PM
Fieros_Forever Member
Posts: 950 From: Alabama, United States Registered: Oct 2002
As a pet lover who has had a cat for the past 15 years, you have my deepest sympathy. I have been there watching a cat die. I had a kittten that was attacked by a dog, and after returning from the vet, he passed away in about four hours. It's heartbreaking, and I feel deeply for both you and Lori.
My cat's name is Rafferty, and I have had him since he was a kitten. He was rescued from the Humane Society, and I can honestly say is the best cat I have ever seen. He never growls, scratches or bites, no matter what you do to him. I dread the day that he goes to be with God. I'm sure that he, as your cat, will make a shining star in the sky.
Everytime that he gets sick, or lays around, I walk the floor worrying about him. I can imagine how you both must feel.
This is a poem that I post alot, but gives me so much comfort when I think of my animals passing both those passed, and those yet to pass. May God grant you both peace and serenity in your time of loss.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Sorry to hear about your loss man, seriously. My dog died a week before Christmas of 03, I prefer not to go into details cause even typing this is making me sad. I'm sorry about your loss and know how you feel man.
[This message has been edited by Fiero Finale (edited 10-27-2004).]
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05:48 AM
NotaNotchy Member
Posts: 60 From: Tarheel Country Registered: Oct 2004
Yeah, it's funny. Like I said before, I wasn't all that attached to him myself. I mean, I liked him OK, but he's been in only fair shape since I came into Lori's life about a year ago. He used to aggrevate the crap out of me really. He was always jumping on the kitchen counter, no food was safe around him. If you cooked something and left it on the counter while you ate, and you were out of sight, he would be right up there knawin' on it. And he'd hover at your feet while you cooked, getting underfoot, just waiting for an opportunity to snag a morsel. He also stopped using the litter box several months ago, and took to crapping in our gym mostly, which given the way our house is set up, was impossible to close off. So we basically lost the use of our equipment because the carpet had become so nasty in there. (He had diarrhea, so it was impossible to get out of the carpet) At least now we can actually replace the carpet and reclaim our gym. But my point is, that as much of a PITA as he was, I'm still sad that he's gone. I know a lot of that is from me sharing Lori's pain, but I will miss him too. But I do know this; I appreciate my cat a whole lot more today. I appreciate that he's healthy and has lots of spirit. I appreciate that he's cool and friendly a pleasure to be around. I can only hope to have him with me for as long as Al was around. We did bury Al last night. Lori put a crumpled piece of paper (his favorite thing to play with) and some catnip in with him. After we said goodbye, it was tough to leave him there. I felt bad leaving him out there in the ground, all alone. I almost felt the need to stay there and keep him company. But, life does go on, so we said goodnight, and left a candle burning for him under the tree. Rest in peace Al, whereever you are, may there be plenty of counterspace, with lots of leftovers for you to enjoy.