Triplets! AHHHH!!! One would be bad enough right about now, much less three! The thought of that just sends shivers up my spine! No
Lesbian? Ummm NO thank you!!! Even though most all of my friends are gay, its just not my style. But good try...and Ryan...that dude is going to give me nightmares! Oh I mean oops, sorry, didn't realize it was a picture of you! Sorry!!! Just kidding kid
interesting thought...... not saying this is your case but 90% of the chicks i know who say they want "niceguys" would never date one if they were asked out.
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07:31 PM
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
interesting thought...... not saying this is your case but 90% of the chicks i know who say they want "niceguys" would never date one if they were asked out.
Ain't that the truth. Truth is, most (not all) women don't want a nice guy. They want the bad boy because he's more exciting. They also figure they can fix him and make him a nice guy. And if/when this fails, it can be blamed on him being an arsehole.
If you're a nice guy up front you have no chance, and if you do get anywhere, you'll get the "friend" speech or she'll tell you "I just think of you as a brother. Our friendship is much more important to me than a relationship."
If you keep getting involved with losers, you have to ask yourself what is the common denominator. Remember, the only thing all of anyone's failed relationships have in common is YOU.
Amen.. Girls love the assholes.. They don't THINK they do, but they all do.. And then they get all angry and depressed about who they are dating.. It's a hilarious/depressing paradox.. THank god I'm the most compassionate ******* in the world (I have to be, someone wrote it on an xmas card to me..)
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07:52 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 40982 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
interesting thought...... not saying this is your case but 90% of the chicks i know who say they want "niceguys" would never date one if they were asked out.
Yeah. Tell me about it.
Sara, You're not a bad person. You just got conned. It happens to just about everyone at one time or another.
[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 01-05-2005).]
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08:13 PM
FriendGregory Member
Posts: 4833 From: Palo Alto, CA, USA Registered: Jan 2004
Not all women want jerks. I know I dont! I've managed to find enough of them! You don't want a man who will do ANYTHING for you, like anything as far as, not thinking for himself or doing things for himself just please you, or a man whos completely stuck up your butt. It can get annoying if a theres no "spark" to a mans personality. I have to have a man who will stand up for himself, I can't deal with men who will get walked on by everyone. I guess thats because I have such a strong personality and i'm the exact opposite of that. So idunno, no softies, but no jerks either, a combination of both is good!
Edited to mention that line about "I think of you as my brother" or "your just too good of a friend", yeah I say that to guys who want to date, but im not attracted to them. Idunno if every women does, but I know thats the line I tell guys who i'm not attracted to, but are really nice people. An easy/unhurtful way to shoot um down. Just my .02....
[This message has been edited by sarabear (edited 01-05-2005).]
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09:44 PM
Jan 7th, 2005
FriendGregory Member
Posts: 4833 From: Palo Alto, CA, USA Registered: Jan 2004
Originally posted by Formula88: If you keep getting involved with losers, you have to ask yourself what is the common denominator. Remember, the only thing all of anyone's failed relationships have in common is YOU.
I know what your going through. You have seen my threads. Good things will come to good people. Just have to weed out the bad apples. Or just be a dumb ass like me and keep trying for the same person.
Probably gonna catch a few negs for this but oh well. This is your problem. Your wearing blinders. Self imposed blindness. You spend your life looking past whats in front of you and yes you will never find what you are looking for. Not all fires have to be an instant rocket blast you know those fires tend to burn out quickly. The ones that start small and when treated the right way can burn for a long time. I could go on and on and on about stories from all the women I have know that have spouted those same bullchit lines to me and you know what the best one was? The one that I chased/pined after for 10 plus years. For TEN years I wanted her and she knew it. And the stories I could tell you of stuff I did for her! And what I put up with from her. It would take all day. And the best part was when she found out I got engaged to my wife. ONLY then did she want to be with me/Marry me. And I had the satisfaction of seeing her cry when I told her no. Ive tried helping all the women like you in my past and you know what its a waste of time. No women would ever listen. And a lot are bad off now because of it. Hope it doesnt happen to you really. But spreading your legs for the guy on the first date is not the way to go. Sorry to be so harsh but with all the women I knew yours is not the first time I hear doing this crap and it comes with a lot of pain and grief. Im 32 and I have slept with enough women that I can count it on 1 hand. Easy/unhurtful way to turn people down? Not necessarily. Believe me I know. I heard it enough times that I can say it doesnt help. Take off the blinders and look into your past. Try to figure out who was interested and where they are now. You might be surprised as to what you might find out. My wife was the only one that saw me for what I am. I asked many women 2 questions. Who am I and What am I My wife answered with what I was looking for. My 10 + year women couldnt. I asked that of my wife and she answered correctly. I asked her to marry me. The day the woman found out I was engaged and asked me to reconsider and marry her instead I asked those questions of her as well. Because I still wanted her even though I was engaged. She answered incorrectly so I told her no. Best decision of my life.
Good luck to you. HIOSILVER
Originally posted by sarabear:
Edited to mention that line about "I think of you as my brother" or "your just too good of a friend", yeah I say that to guys who want to date, but im not attracted to them. Idunno if every women does, but I know thats the line I tell guys who i'm not attracted to, but are really nice people. An easy/unhurtful way to shoot um down. Just my .02....
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01:24 PM
KissMySSFiero Member
Posts: 5544 From: Tarpon Springs, FL USA Registered: Nov 2000
Thanks thought for sure Id be flamed for it. But the night is still young! It just agrravates me to no end now to see this happen. I have done a lot of things for women to show what extent I would go to for them. Jumping in front of a beer bottle being swung during a bar fight while the boyfriend actually hid behind her. Threatening an exboyfriend in front of a bunch of his friends in a bar with physical harm if he even contacts her all alone 150 miles from any of my own friends. (funny thing he still avoids her to this day) Stayed up 3 days straight after someone blew up her car. And NEVER left her side. Till she moved out of town. Threatened a guy in a pool hall to leave her alone that left though 3 hours later shot and killed someone in a fight. And I was not the one that got to go home with her ever. And thats just a few examples. I got tons. Women have no commen sense. HIOSILVER
Originally posted by KissMySSFiero:
Very well spoken. I'm like you. I sincerely doubt that ANYONE in my life(outside of family) could answer this of me.
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02:21 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 40982 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
Thanks thought for sure Id be flamed for it. But the night is still young! It just agrravates me to no end now to see this happen. I have done a lot of things for women to show what extent I would go to for them. Jumping in front of a beer bottle being swung during a bar fight while the boyfriend actually hid behind her. Threatening an exboyfriend in front of a bunch of his friends in a bar with physical harm if he even contacts her all alone 150 miles from any of my own friends. (funny thing he still avoids her to this day) Stayed up 3 days straight after someone blew up her car. And NEVER left her side. Till she moved out of town. Threatened a guy in a pool hall to leave her alone that left though 3 hours later shot and killed someone in a fight. And I was not the one that got to go home with her ever. And thats just a few examples. I got tons. Women have no commen sense. HIOSILVER
Ah yes but you aint seen a pic of her either. LOL. And really lack of common sense notwithstanding she was a wonderful woman in other ways that made up for it tenfold she could just not see whats in front of her. My wifes happy. Heres a thought sarabear go find someone that wanted you that actually has a girlfriend now and talk to her about him and see how she is treated by him. THATs what your missing.
Yet again, another guy who got burned by women, so now its all the womens fault. Eh whatever, no skin off my back. I'm over it all now, ya know the saying..."live and learn", Yeah thats what I did. Think of me how you wish, thats fine, its not going to hurt my feelings. I can handle it. And I can't say that there are ANY ex's that I would want to go and get back with, I dont even speak to most of them. Okay, i'm done, Im visiting my family and would rather not deal with this now....Have a good day!
I apologize for the tone of it it just galls me. Fact is women need to be smarter than men, more observant, more wary of them, less trusting. They have a great deal to worry about if things go wrong. Unplanned pregnancy(will the guy stand up and be a man or run?), STD's, Ive seen it all. Not just in my experience either. Women with a kid with one guy(not married) married another had 1 kid with him(and she entered therapy because of him and married him anyway) . 1st kid is 4 and in therapy because of it. Thats sad. And not right. There is so much friction between mom and dad that court orders them not to have any contact with each other and transfering kid for visitation has to be done by third party. And guess what that woman is my sister. My brother in law is a prick too. I was against her with him but it was her choice. Things are not like they use to be and it is scary for women. They bear a great deal more if things dont go right. Just trying to open some eyes to our side and if my bad posts keeps your eyes open to such problems then I am happy. Men are pigs Ill be the first to say it. I dont think less of anyone. Just please be careful. One such incident with a friend of mine cost her the ability to have children. And I didnt say think of your ex's I meant someone you didnt date. That you can find out what type of guy he really is by what the girlfriend says. So ya I was burned what guy hasnt? I have seen too many girlfriends get hurt worse by making the wrong choice. Sad to say but a womens decisions on men are far more important today than in years past. Again good luck in your search. Sorry if I came across bad. Rich
Originally posted by sarabear:
Yet again, another guy who got burned by women, so now its all the womens fault. Eh whatever, no skin off my back. I'm over it all now, ya know the saying..."live and learn", Yeah thats what I did. Think of me how you wish, thats fine, its not going to hurt my feelings. I can handle it. And I can't say that there are ANY ex's that I would want to go and get back with, I dont even speak to most of them. Okay, i'm done, Im visiting my family and would rather not deal with this now....Have a good day!
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05:13 PM
PontiacFiero Member
Posts: 760 From: Huntsville, AL Registered: Apr 2002
It's just such an elaborate dance. Who do you trust....who don't you trust..all that stuff. You don't want to get too cynical or jaded that you miss what's right in front of you that could fulfill your wildest dreams, but you don't want to have gullible written across your forehead either and end up getting burned. Trying to wade thru that sometimes just sux.
I was gonna quote you HIOSILVER but you said so much intelligent stuff I cant decide what to quote. And then after you said all that Sara came back with a rebuttle like she was offended. I think thats the problem, I have noticed that women fall on their faces and ask for help. They accept the help but when you try to explain to them the original problem that created their situation they get the, "Blame it on the women" syndrome. I dont understand it.
By the way Sara I am in no way trying to be an a$$ to you, most of your posts make me smile but on this one I think I just want you to understand that you are the common denominator in all of this. And that if it will ever change it will be you that changes it, cause one things for're always gonna hate men for the pigs that we are. You just have to find the nice pig.
Hope it helps and sorry if I was harsh earlier
------------------ Failing to prepare - Is preparing to fail....
I was gonna quote you HIOSILVER but you said so much intelligent stuff I cant decide what to quote. And then after you said all that Sara came back with a rebuttle like she was offended. I think thats the problem, I have noticed that women fall on their faces and ask for help. They accept the help but when you try to explain to them the original problem that created their situation they get the, "Blame it on the women" syndrome. I dont understand it.
Didn't we have a thread a few months ago where in the end it was decided that women don't actually want help or advice, they just want to vent, and have us nod, or did I Dream that.
Then you can put the incident into the category of "Support our Troops".
Having sex on a first date took two people, either you wanted it or you didn't. If the only reason you had sex was because you thought a long term relationship was coming, not because you were enjoying the company, then I'd put you in the category of the one doing something for the wrong reason. In this day and age, sex you regret later can be called rape especially when drinking is involved. To me that is ridiculous and indicates women are helpless creatures that must be protected from their own stupidity. I don't buy it.
There are probably the same percentage of jerks coming off military bases as from local colleges. Maybe you should find a different arena for meeting men. I'd think you'd have a better chance doing some volunteer work and meeting someone else that is also thinking about people besides themselves. Just a thought.
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03:37 PM
Posts: 1894 From: Timmins ON Canada Registered: Apr 2004
sorry to hear about your situation. Hope it gets better for you though. I agree that it was more of a bad idea than bad luck, and I hope your view of men isn't tainted too badly. Make a man stick around and know you.....if he's patient enough to do that, you're good to go, and even if it goes sour in the long run, it won't be that bad of a regret. If he just wants one thing, and doesn't call you back cause you didn't just give in, you were better off without. James
But, that brings up a question, and I'd kinda like to hear the answer from the ladies here, including you Sara.
IF the situation were reversed, and it was YOU about to be deployed on a 'long black never come back', boat (sub) full of women, what would you be doing your last week ashore?
Depends, is this the old me or the new me? The old me would have been out doing just what that guy did... am I saying its right? Naw, but more than likely I would have done it.
The new me, nope. They make BOB's for a reason (Battery Operated Boyfriends )
Originally posted by sarabear:
You don't want a man who will do ANYTHING for you, like anything as far as, not thinking for himself or doing things for himself just please you, or a man whos completely stuck up your butt.
THATS THE TRUTH!!! I was dating a guy who used to call me his "princess" and open all my doors and do EVERYTHING for me. It seemed I couldn't even go to the bathroom without him asking if he could wipe for me. It was nice the first 2 months or so because my previous boyfriend didn't do ANYTHING for me (couldn't even get him to hold my hand in public) but after a while I was so sick of it.
NOW, Sara, girl, WE NEED TO TALK! I got TONS of advice I need to give you, SO hit me up on AIM sometime
Hey girl! I was wondering how long it was going to take you to chime in Yeah, i'll have to get up with you on AIM eventually so we can talk! Thanks! -Sara
Hey girl! I was wondering how long it was going to take you to chime in Yeah, i'll have to get up with you on AIM eventually so we can talk! Thanks! -Sara
Yeah, i've been busy lately with finding a job and what not, and being out with Bryan Have i told you how much i hate being in love and yet love being in love at the same time? I haven't been able to tell him yet... maybe tonite... anyway, i should be around a bit this week. I start my new job tomorrow! Talk to you soon!!!