January 8, 2005 ET has confirmed that Hollywood super couple BRAD PITT and JENNIFER ANISTON have announced that they are separating.
"We would like to announce that after seven years together we have decided to formally separate," Brad and Jen said in a statement posted on People.com. "For those who follow these sorts of things, we would like to explain that our separation is not the result of any of the speculation reported by the tabloid media. This decision is the result of much thoughtful consideration. We happily remain committed and caring friends with great love and admiration for one another. We ask in advance for your kindness and sensitivity in the coming months."
Just recently Jen was photographed without her wedding ring and the tabloids ran rampant that the couple was having marital troubles. However, just this New Year's, Brad and Jen were spotted vacationing on the beautiful Caribbean island of Anguilla with "Friends" pal COURTENEY COX and her hubby DAVID ARQUETTE.
The former couple were married on July 29, 2000 in a lavish Malibu, CA, ceremony in front of family, friends and many of Hollywood's elite. The two actors have been extremely busy working on individual projects and have spent a lot of time apart recently as Jen worked on such films as 'Along Came Polly' and the upcoming 'Rumor Has It' with KEVIN COSTNER and Brad worked on such films as 'Troy,' 'Ocean's Twelve' and the upcoming 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith' with ANGELINA JOLIE
So sad....I thought they were one of Hollywoods cutest couples!
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12:51 AM
System Bot
Patrick Member
Posts: 38261 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
patrick im beginning to wonder , are you here just to contradict people and be troublesome ... orrrr? some people do care i dont know why but let em alone , really cmon. Personally I dont care but that was a pretty useless post. of course in replying I too have made a useless post i realize this so let me make it sorta useful
oh noes the celeberity icons have been seperated.. wheres lucky the mantis to save us? ....
[This message has been edited by Weponhead (edited 01-08-2005).]
Well its pretty obvious that I care a little. Pitt is one of my fav actors....and i've always thought they were like the spitting image of a "perfect" couple....but i guess every type of person can have relationship issues at some point...
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01:07 AM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38261 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
I guess in the whole grand scheme of things, I can’t see the value in worrying about the lives of Hollywood celebrities. They are so far removed from mainstream society that they may as well be from another planet. Well, that’s not true either. If they were from another planet they’d at least be truly newsworthy.
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01:37 AM
frontal lobe Member
Posts: 9042 From: brookfield,wisconsin Registered: Dec 1999
I have to agree with Patrick on this one. MINIMALLY interesting in a way. As worthy of posting as any post, though. I'm not criticizing you.
It just comes as no surprise. Hmmm. Let's see. Spending large chunks of time apart with highly attractive people not your spouse. That is a recipe for marital success every time.
You mean as opposed to the earth shattering difference it makes for one Canadian to post that seems to find it his mission in life to contradict people and be troublesome?
Some people enjoy watching the going on's of celebrities lives. Some like to watch and keep track of hockey players, eh? Just because it's not something you like, doesn't mean other people don't find it interesting. Personally, I couldn't care less if Pitt and Anniston both walked off into the sea and were never seen again, but if Sarah wants to talke about it, more power to her. It's certainly no less useful a conversation than some of the political ones.
John Stricker
Originally posted by Patrick:
I guess in the whole grand scheme of things, I can’t see the value in worrying about the lives of Hollywood celebrities. They are so far removed from mainstream society that they may as well be from another planet. Well, that’s not true either. If they were from another planet they’d at least be truly newsworthy.
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08:40 AM
css9450 Member
Posts: 5524 From: Glen Ellyn, Illinois, USA Registered: Nov 2002
Patrick, you just don't understand, do you? My life is so marginal that I must find my happiness vicariously through celebrities. Their happiness is so much more important then mine, because they are rich and famous.
PS, You shouldn't be allowed to post your opinion when it disagrees with anyone, cuz you're a big fat Canadian poopiehead!
------------------ Member of the Year One OG's
Originally posted by shop_rat45: It's much better than head cheese.
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11:28 AM
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Jennies88gT Member
Posts: 79 From: hellertown,pa,usa Registered: Dec 2004
I care a little, next to julia roberts she's one of my favorite actresses and they make such a good couple. i find it hard to believe that they are breaking up cause a few weeks ago she was on ellen talking about their new house in the hamptons and that they were planning on having children but who knows with celebrities
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11:50 AM
doublec4 Member
Posts: 8289 From: Oakville, Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2003
As a car forum that is host to I'd say 98% men, do we really need to be this sensitive? Do we really need to think about everyone's emotional consequence of our posts? Why can't Patrick share his opinion. He didn't say anyone was stupid for caring, he was stating his opinion.
Half the posts to threads these days are people stating, "jeeze, your opinion differs so much from others. That makes you a prick. Think about the children when you say such a thing. Have you thought about the children?"
What do you know. We get rid of a dozen members of the red bar brigade and the place still isn't happy with its level of communal agreement with everyone's opinion. Kinda makes me think maybe they weren't the problem.
**** Jennifer Aniston. **** Brad Pitt too. Who cares? We have an emotional consequences problem to worry about.
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12:52 PM
Gridlock Member
Posts: 2874 From: New Westminster, BC Canada Registered: Apr 2002
I'm with the Canadians. Who cares? Then again this is O/T so it's technically fair game. I am sure a lot of our sports and gun threads they say the same thing to, lol.
[This message has been edited by Black88GT (edited 01-08-2005).]
Some of ya'll are just freakin bitter or something......You keep talking about "We dont care" or "its a car forum, we're guys" blah blah blah.....well there are things you all post about that I could care less about but I dont go into your threads posting useless crap about how I dont care. Its just straight up rude! I think some of you would just rather be jerks and thats why you do it. If you don't have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all.
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12:57 PM
ryan.hess Member
Posts: 20784 From: Orlando, FL Registered: Dec 2002
Here's the thing guys and gals. None of us men give a sh!t about celebrity marriages. Most of us just don't care and can't understand why anybody does care. What it comes down to is that women for some odd reason like that stuff. Notice who here cares, and you will see that the men pretty much unanimously agree that we don't give a rat's @ss, whereas you gals are all defensive about posting this subject and seem to think its important. I like Brad Pitt's movies like Fight Club and I used to watch Friends, but thats about it. I would care if one of them died or something, but otherwise I would rather stare out the window like a moron then read about Bennifer or Bradd Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. No offense, but if you haven't noticed we like cars, politics, computers, TV's, building stuff, and of course women (most of us anyway). Please note: hollywood personalties are not on that list.
I'd rather read Threads like THIS, then read about famous people. I used to not know most "famous" people's names (other then the main ones) and I prefer not knowing that some actor had a sore toe because he hit it on the end of his 9 million dollar coffee table. Buy a frickin 99 cent nightlight, or a 7 thousand dollar one made out of the wings of some endangered butterfly. But I don't need to know it. That's what www.IloveFamouspeopleforum.com is for.
But Sara, you have to remember that this is a car forum, and even though this place is less "flamey" then other places, you still may get you head handed to ya if you post stuff that gearheads think is silly.
Don't let it get to ya. I'm sure part of the reason why you are upset is because they split up. Do you think they'll send you back your wedding present?
I just don't like "half-assed" famous people that are really snotty. I once met Jerry O'connell at a Yankee game. Bumped into him when we were on line getting some beers. We talked like two regular people. He didn't act like a stuck up idiot. I did ask for his autograph after we got our stuff, since my wife is a fan of his. But it was a nice conversation.
Most guys just aren't interested in this type of celebrity stuff, unless it a story involving sexy women wearing very little clothing. And even then, we use the "mute" button.
[This message has been edited by FieroRumor (edited 01-08-2005).]
Im not really concerned with people caring about it or not....but it bothers me that people have to be rude and uselessly post about them not caring...if you didn't care, you wouldnt waste your time posting that you didnt care. I just think its rude. Oh well
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02:51 PM
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Raydar Member
Posts: 41079 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
Im not really concerned with people caring about it or not....but it bothers me that people have to be rude and uselessly post about them not caring...if you didn't care, you wouldnt waste your time posting that you didnt care. I just think its rude. Oh well
You are such a girl!
(That's not a bad thing, or an insult.)
[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 01-08-2005).]
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02:53 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38261 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
You shouldn't be allowed to post your opinion when it disagrees with anyone, cuz you're a big fat Canadian poopiehead!
What was I thinking !!!
Sara, I purposely didn’t post in your thread, Bad person or Bad luck? because you wouldn’t have appreciated what I had to say. That thread was about you and I didn’t feel it was fair to give you a wake-up call while you were still hurting.
However, this thread isn’t about you, it’s about a couple of Hollywood publicity hounds whose main focus in life is to be in the limelight. I’m afraid that Ken and Barbie are fair game when it comes to forum member’s opinions.
I'm starting to see more and more neg ratings show up on my little bar....I guess people are sick of me. Oh well, maybe i'll just lurk for awhile, that way, I can cause no harm!
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03:49 PM
fogglethorpe Member
Posts: 4828 From: Valley of the Sun Registered: Jul 2001
"We would like to announce that after seven years together we have decided to formally separate," Brad and Jen said in a statement posted on People.com.
How can I possibly go on, knowing that Brad and Jen are no longer cracking the whip?
------------------ Veritas
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04:00 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38261 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
Yeah, I don't think Sara deserves red ratings for this - it IS off-topic after all. All she did was post something she found of interest. I'm giving her a +.
I DO find its reassuring that there are people who feel as I do - that the off-screen lives of Hollywood celebrities are no more interesting or newsworthy than mine or my neighbors. I mean, I might go see their movies if they sound interesting, but I'm never going to watch Access Hollywood to see a sneak preview of who's wearing what designer's clothes at the Oscars.
Let's put it another way. I like sports, but the off-the-field lives of the athletes have no interest to me. I don't think anyone else is interested either. Why can't we treat Hollywood celebrities the same way? For some reason, the media (or something) thinks we need to know every little detail of the star's lives. The entertainment industry has built a whole separate business just documenting the most mundane things about the stars. I just don't get it.
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05:21 PM
ryan.hess Member
Posts: 20784 From: Orlando, FL Registered: Dec 2002
Holy crap people, let's put away the micrometers and quit trippin about ratings. If you start flashing, then worry. Otherwise you'll make yourself sick because somone you'll never meet doesn't like you.
i find it hard to believe that they are breaking up cause a few weeks ago she was on ellen talking about their new house in the hamptons and that they were planning on having children but who knows with celebrities
hmmm on Ellen huh. Maybe that is a good indication of what the real problem might be. She's gone off men
OK, Sara, since this thing has grown legs and looks like it's gonna walk a ways, I'll bite. Most folks post a thread in OT in order to solicit a response, or reaction. Exactly what response were you expecting from a bunch of car people far removed from hollywood and vine?
Your's was "So sad. I thought they were one of Hollywood's cutest couples".
That's odd, because I saw them separately on TV today and neither of them seem to be saddened a bit. Most of us don't care for one reason. You rarely see these broken hearted couples out crying about it. They act like it's a PR thing at best. Those 'beautiful people' go thru GFs and spouses like we do ignition modules. The public has become immune from these things, simply because it's a weekly occurance. Are these people even real homo sapiens anymore? How do you ever tell what's real and what's acting out there anyway? Mostly, the only people it directly affects is someone like that goofball Cujo, who stands to make a bundle just talking about it.
And, you gotta admit. Compared to the current news from the Indian Ocean, and Iraq, this isn't exactly at the top of most people's agendas-thoughtwise. We all have our escapes from the real world, but far and away, most of us just can't get too ripped up about 2 people who made their living and their names by pretending.
The most interesting thing I see in wonder boy's bio is this:
Before he became successful at acting, Pitt supported himself by driving strippers in limos, moving refrigerators and dressing as a giant chicken while working for "el Pollo Loco".
[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 01-08-2005).]
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07:30 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41079 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
...Those 'beautiful people' go thru GFs and spouses like we do ignition modules. The public has become immune from these things, simply because it's a weekly occurance...
My previous post in this thread was half-joking. I'll be serious for a minute, this time.
The exact scenario that Don brought up is used as an argument by the proponents of gay marriage. I wonder what "cheapens the institution" more; gays getting married? or all of these celebrities with their "revolving door" relationships/marriages, paraded across prime time TV? (Britney comes to mind as a prime example.)
Personally, I don't give two hoots in hell about either one, as neither situation is going to affect my marriage in the slightest, but it is something to think about. Makes ya' go "hmmmm...".
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07:56 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41079 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
Raydar said: The exact scenario that Don brought up is used as an argument by the proponents of gay marriage. I wonder what "cheapens the institution" more; gays getting married? or all of these celebrities with their "revolving door" relationships/marriages, paraded across prime time TV? (Britney comes to mind as a prime example)
Amen, brother. I think Hollywood and stable marriage are mutually exclusive.
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10:24 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38261 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99