Stimpy, I've always read your posts, and felt you had a good grip on the situation and hand, and acted accordingly. Of course, that's just what I've seen...what you've written here. Reading what you wrote above about what's happened to you has opened my eyes a bit to who you are. You are human, just like the rest of us. We all encounter stressful situations, and handle them to the best of our ability. We all handle things differently...some of us let it get to us, some of us handle it with great seriousness, and some of us step back, analyze the situation...and laugh at it. I know that your problems are serious...but you can't let it get to you. Most of what happens to you in a day's passing is stuff that you can laugh isn't that important. That's the frame of mind you need to try and cultivate. From the impression of you that I had drawn, based upon your writings here, that's the way I thought you would have handled things. I'm truly sorry to hear that it isn't...because it would make life so much easier for you.
Just laugh it off, Stimp. You DO have the just need to learn how. Most things in life aren't that important. You've got a loving wife who understands what you're going through, and is standing by you...and THAT, my friend is what is REALLY important...and you're extremely lucky, because she's there to help you fight your battles.
We're here, too, Stimpy. Most of us are just unknown names and faces to you...but we DO care. That's the funny thing about the Internet. You can come to care about people that you've never met face to face, when you "talk" to them on a regular basis. We can't physically be there to help you through the rough times, but we ARE here to listen when you need someone to do that. Sometimes, it helps to be able to dump on someone you don't know, but who is willing to listen...and that's where we come in.
I hope that you're able to get past all of others have said, even though you present a "strong" front, we all know that you are a caring person....the thread about Jose's wheelchair was proof of that. Good luck...and if you need us, just whistle....
aww. Uncle Stimpy...[wow. haven't called you that in awhile, eh?] we will miss ya at the Rally if you're not up to making it. I really hope you get to feeling better.
best wishes! Janell
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11:10 PM
Mar 13th, 2005
Boondawg Member
Posts: 38235 From: Displaced Alaskan Registered: Jun 2003
I think a trip to Alaska might just put some Zen in your life. Good fresh air. People leave you alone to live your life the way you see fit. People are polite to each other. (mainly becouse we all carry sidearms!) And a certain "medication" is 100% legal, with no side affects. (unless munchies & naps are side-effects)
Keep your chin up buddy. I wish I could give you some advice to make the things you are going through in your life a little easer for you, but I have found no answers in my searches for my "Whys". Everyone just tells me "Just do the best you can with what you got", and "Focus on the good things in your life", and "There are Good and Bad people in the World, try to be one of the Good one's".
And people say I'M a dreamer.............
Please try to focus on the soul of that beautiful wife of yours. Try to absorb some of it's strength & power. Use it to lighten the burden you are carrying. Let it lift your eye's tword a future free of the pain that has invaded your peace of mind.
And remember, there are STILL people on this blue-green marble that DO care about the wellfare of the other souls that share this exsistence.
May you find Peace of mind and Strength of body.
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12:40 AM
Lady Pegasus Member
Posts: 1416 From: Hammond, IN Registered: Jul 2001
Originally posted by stimpy: It's for real, it kinda blows my mind but I know there's people who think I make **** up like this. If you don't care about me, don't care.
Having a brother who who went through a serious depressive phase, fueled by alchohol and a bizarre cult like following of his rock band (I kid you not) that stalked him from Hampton to Richmond until he moved to LA (where he fits in just fine, thank you) I can totally believe you.
Originally posted by stimpy:I don't get the part about the kids, the kids were the only joy in the job. I worked with multiply disabled highschoolers and love every single one of them. It's the adults that are ****ed up in the head.
Then there is my youngest brother... whom we wondered would ever mature enough to live on his own. He's the only one who actually graduated college, became a teacher at both high schools in Danville Virginia and then leaves to teach at the Kennedy Kreiger Institute in Maryland (part of Johns Hopkins). His students are all disabled either from birth or illness or injury, and he LOVES his job. He only left to work for the public school system because it pays a lot more and with a new mortgage, wife one year old and twins on the way he needed to get paid. The Captians' pay in the Army reserve wasn't cutting it. I can say it takes a special person to do all that. My mother in law went from being a welfare mom to a LPN who cares for terminal patients. I admire her a lot. Now as the parent of teenage girls, I'm a little touchy about teenagers in general, having to call the cops and confront parents who won't step up to their responsibilities and mouthy kids who want to challenge my authority because they are used to their parents kowtowing to them. When you referred to a kid being Emo, I related that to the Goth/Punk/Rap sorta poseur thing. I have lost most of my patience with many of them. You probably wouldn't be impressed with some of the stories. I wasn't questioning your motivation to work with kids, I still like them too, but the gist of your story was that a encounter with a kid starting the fireworks. I wasn't there, can't go on anything but what you say. You said your family suffers from clinical depression and you had an episode. I know, the world doesn't know how to handle it. You ARE very lucky you have a wife who is there to be a helpmate when you truly need her, not just fall to pieces and wring her hands as they strap you down and apply the electric shocks. My mom has a minor in Psych (She's a college professor) and she has been a counselor in the past. I've got a brother who is very artistic and has bouts of depression that tend to get scary. He just got married. The fact you are putting this out on PFF is a positive thing really. Just remember: YOU'RE an adult too.
Originally posted by stimpy:My vision tends to blur. I'm drooling. I've got confused digestive system, I'm a wreck. Give me a pass this time.
We'll make great pets.
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01:13 AM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
I've obviously attracted some people that don't like me. It happens here in the forum, where my size is irrelevant. Right now someone thinks that I'm part of the terrorist cell that denied access to a website for about 10 minutes. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that one. I've been coming here since summer of 99, when everyone knew Monkeyman and Batboy. I joined on Jan 2000, while me Fiero was getting rebuilt. I've pretty much lived and breathed this forum for years. Good people came and went. When busters would come on the forum bragging how they made a twin turbo Diablo replica but they don;t have a camera, we'd call bullshit. The busters just stopped posting on their own, or vanish after they ripped someone off.
The rest of us had a pretty cool time. The only people that got banned were 10 year old kids playing on their computer about how Fieros suck and Kias rule etc etc.
That was a long time ago. A whole lot of people joined, some who are brilliant technicians who can build an engine in their livingroom, people who organized gatherings, some who just made PFF an interesting place to be. I guess I mostly served the latter function, I had a lot to write about, and I got a reputation as one of the first to call bullshit when it came around.
This forum got huge. More people who had anonymous names like :87ecocoupe or GTwhateverguy, couldn't tell themselves apart. A lot of people asking the same questions,less time for me to tell my stories, more people who didn't "get me" yet. Then just in time to quit revved up for the political season comes RATING BARS! I thought it might be good to slap the playful 10 year olds for being stupid, but it has grown to be something different in my eyes.
People started to seem to hold grudges and fueds more easily. I know for sure I was. But while it was kind of an initiation mark to beef with me, as it got bigger I just look meanspirited. There's a guy by the name of APShaugnessy in Texas who accused my of making up Jose to steal money at Christmas, edhering brags whenever he rates me negative, camron claims I'm a bully who has never contributed to the Fiero community, Fierogirlsmom has some idea that I called her a slut and mentioned it in a letter that my wife read, Sparkjl on the Chat last night (which helped a lot, Pokey) questioned why I should be on the chat becasue I posted a link to a mirror journal like this theat I'm doing on PSS. Now Electrothorn is convinced that I had my hand in some internet McGuyver sabatoge.
I'm not sayng that this is how the forum has gone, but in a nutshell it's how it;s gone for me. For every hater I have 20 friends who would buy be a beer, so I do love this place and the people, but do I need this drama in my life? Maybe Cliff does need to do what he needs to do and take care of his family. It's like taking your hand out of a bucket of water, the void will be filled. There are at least 3 other forums maintained right now that could handle the traffic. I still love it here, but sometimes I go over there just so I can laugh about some of the ridiculousness of the drama. Everyone is welcome.
[This message has been edited by stimpy (edited 03-13-2005).]
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01:20 AM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
Well, in another thread he explained himself thus-
How come when u say things in peoples threads, its acceptable? I say something, you got to start a thread about it. Or like when you were getting negs on your ratings bar (GASP) you started a thread asking if you pissed people off?
I have been here since 2002....I know Im not a celebrity like you I understand you not remembering Ive told you this before. Yet you somehow act like because youve been here since yr 1, noobs shouldnt say stuff about you. If someone has been here a month and they start saying stuff to you about your brashness and your smartass comments....what is that telling you? Its easy to be an ass on the internet.....look at your buddys on the other forum. No way anyone would talk like that to someones face.....if they did...theyd get stomped. PERIOD. Yeah Im 9ft tall and 800lbs behind my keyboard too.
The problem I have with you is you make comments, and piss people off on purpose. But thats the way stimpy is so we need to accept that.
You praise the all knowing technical gods on the "other" forum. Yeah I know running NOS on a 2.8 is bad ass, and missing 2nd gear in a race is understandable. Oh and a dual TB set up is the way to have a bad ass street car. Hanging with camaros is cool, you can just go fill the bottle up when its empty. You act like thats the place to be.
When things arent going your way here, you b1tch about it. You dont like where the forum is going? Its not fun anymore? Then leave. Simple as that. This is a dont like your neighbors? MOVE!!.
You dont agree with the witch hunts, the bannings? Too bad, this isnt your place to decide that. If it were up to you those trouble makers on the "other" forum would still be here. So that pretty much lets everyone know what kinda place you want PFF to be.
The comment I made about Karma is true........whatever you believe in. You reap what you so. Yes I have reaped my fare share in my life. Im not above one is. I used to be a fan of yours have become more of an ass these past 2 yrs. Maybe thats why you took my comment to heart. It hit you hard. Your hampered mental state does not give you a free pass with me. We all have issues, but some dont take it out on other people.
I have issues myself...hell I cant even go to fiero shows. Its a effort to be around a large group of people. I have cut myself up numerous times. Because blood is cheaper than meds. I'm a self-destructive person. I can go on but its not important. I truly hate most people, but I dont take it out on them. I dont lash out at them. Its not other peoples fault im broken. I just think that you trying to use your hampered mental state is a excuse to be a ass.
This place very important to me................most people say its just the internet. But to me its more. Who could ever imagine a loser like me could be accepted with open arms into such a cool place. Maybe thats why I have such a problem with you, and all the other 2 faced people that go there and talk bad about this place. This place is a privilege.............not a right. Maybe if everyone acted that way, it wouldnt be as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
So as Stimpy would say.
bring on the negs.
Somone that I don't even know channeling hate toward me, although whe he talks about cutting himself I think he thinks he's Stan.
[This message has been edited by stimpy (edited 03-13-2005).]
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01:34 AM
USFiero Member
Posts: 4877 From: Everywhere and Middle of Nowhere Registered: Mar 2002
Stimpy, go to bed. You are up too late and you are scrambling your circadian rythms.
Originally posted by pokeyfiero:"I never really cared about the little things"
I remember that line from 'Point of No Return' the 'La Femme Nikita' remake that started a french TV series that was copied here in America and called 'Alias'.
And someone accused you of crashing the Forum? RIIIGHT... didn't you have restraints? (good thing you can't carry a gun... there's one less to worry about for a drive by)
[This message has been edited by USFiero (edited 03-13-2005).]
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01:34 AM
Electrathon Member
Posts: 5241 From: Gresham, OR USA Registered: Dec 2002
There is a history of chronic depression in my family too. One relative we believe committed suicide, and it was covered up. Another relative, was prescribed neurochemical re-uptake inhibitors, that worked on the serotonin and acetylcholine levels in the brain. These re-uptake inhibitors caused more problems than they solved in the one relative, and she stopped taking them.
Then, on the advice of another doctor, she started taking three nutritional supplements. One was 5-HTP for the serotonin side of things, and choline bitartrate and tyrosine for the acetylcholine side of the equation. She has shown an incredible improvement over the course of a year, without any horrible side effects. These supplements are available on the shelf at minimal cost.
If one visits the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) website, you see that using any prescribed psychoactive drug is sufficient for grounding a professional or even private pilot. It does state that using the aforementioned supplements is allowed without jeopardy to flight status. Pilots get depressed too, and so do doctors.
I myself, have used alcohol in excess, in the past to self-medicate, but I never got to the point of hopelessness and despair that some of my relatives have. I started using the above supplements a few years ago, and they made a dramatic difference in my outlook and feelings. They did not make me "happy", but allowed me to feel happy when things were going well. Some may say that its all in my head, "a placebo effect" if you will, but I definitely feel more calm, and in control of my situation. I do not feel the need to drink just to de-stress anymore.
This is not a recommendation on my part, but rather a suggestion that perhaps some medical professionals can offer alternatives.
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11:14 AM
Electrathon Member
Posts: 5241 From: Gresham, OR USA Registered: Dec 2002
No, if you can keep your crazy delusions out of my crazy thread, I'd appreciate it.
Involvement and knowledge are two totally differant things. I do not think that you were involved, never even implied that. I did say that Shaun had claimed credit, of which you were aware, that is knowledge.
I know better than to post in OT, I try to stay away from even reading there. I went there when I was reading about what is going on with the forum. I had not seen the thread about the trouble that you are personally having. I wish the best for you and pray that you have the strenght and support to make it through.
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11:45 AM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
Hey Stimpy.....glad you got through this low period relatively unscathed. Won't give you a congratulations because I know that the problem is ongoing and there will be good days and bad days to come. Good to hear that you have a good and loving woman who understands what you are going through around to support you in the bad times.
Sorry to hear about the really sucks when other people screw up something that is important to you. Hope you find alternate work soon adn maybe you can fill the void left by not working with the disabled students by volunteering some time at a local hospital or treatment center Just a thought cause you really seemed to enjoy working with the students.
Hang in there, don't let misguided comments by others here get you down and remain the irreverant person we have all come to know, respect and on some days ......put up with
Take care of you and yours and better days to you.
Besides you'd have to be crazy to stay sane in this messed up world we live in.....
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02:54 PM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
It's cool having people checking in on this thread who normally don't deal with me at all on the forum. That's cool. I know peoples hearts are in the right place when they say "I'm glad to see you made it through it." like it was a 72 hour flu bug. Something broke, and just like a broken leg needs time to heal, my mental state is far from fine.
I was raised during the end of the cold war going to Falwell style church and church school from 3rd to 8th grade. For 6 days a week I had their doctrine constantly fed to me. The biggest deal for me was Revelations-end of the world. For a man to have seen our future destruction and try to write about it impressed me. Also scared me into being a Christian of the reborn catagory. I can remeber my teachers ominously predicting the end of days coming in our generation, and head verses to back it up. So I've been pretty preoccupied about the prophecies in Revelation and how our leaders are guiding straight into how my teachers and ministers predicted armageddon would come. It makes no sense to try to leave a mark on society that it just might be possible that no-one is going to be left to see that mark.
Even in third grade, I couldn't justify the whole world ending in my lifetime as motivation to do homework. So I stopped doing it. I scored well on tests, and that was always enough to pass me on to the next grade. As a junior in highschool I had straight d's, but scored in the 97%ile on the PSAT. I was a National Merit Honor Scholar who was in danger of flunking out. I get an alumni magazine from my high school. Kids that I used to drink with on weekends are CEOs of companies, or test out Yachts for their millionaire buyers. I've never owned a new car.
Sp do I feel a bit screwed on the early child development part? A little bit.
But still today as I watch the news, I see the Beast of the Apocolypse coming out of the background. What mark will I have to choose when the Anti Christ comes around? A Pike Pass? A Visa Check card implant in my hand? So what mark am I making on the world, childless at 38? Could I bring myself to bring another person in the world?
Could I bring myself to bring another person in the world?
We all had to ask ourselves that at one time or another. Consider this. It just may be your child that has the wisdom, tenacity, and foresight to make the world right.
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06:11 PM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
We all had to ask ourselves that at one time or another. Consider this. It just may be your child that has the wisdom, tenacity, and foresight to make the world right.
Just not the time. It's the end of the world as we know it.
Originally posted by stimpy: I was raised going to Falwell style church and church school from 3rd to 8th grade. For 6 days a week I had their doctrine constantly fed to me. The biggest deal for me was Revelations-end of the world. Also scared me into being a Christian of the reborn catagory. I can remeber my teachers ominously predicting the end of days coming in our generation, and head verses to back it up. So I've been pretty preoccupied about the prophecies in Revelation and how our leaders are guiding straight into how my teachers and ministers predicted armageddon would come. Even in third grade, I couldn't justify the whole world ending in my lifetime as motivation to do homework. So I stopped doing it. I scored well on tests, and that was always enough to pass me on to the next grade. Kids that I used to drink with on weekends are CEOs of companies, or test out Yachts for their millionaire buyers. I've never owned a new car.
Sp do I feel a bit screwed on the early child development part? A little bit.
But still today as I watch the news, I see the Beast of the Apocolypse coming out of the background. What mark will I have to choose when the Anti Christ comes around? A Pike Pass? A Visa Check card implant in my hand?
Well. I wish I knew it was bullshit 30 years ago.
Aw, Stimpy. I don't want to get all heavy on you and tell you the devil has maneuvered things in your life to make you ineffective, to not serve God... but that's what's happened. It happens all the time, and being involved with the kids at church, it is easy to see how it happened to me, and how it goes on in todays' society; child converts are targeted by their non-believing friends like bullies do other kids on the school yard... they are ostracized and attacked, martryed if you will unless they cave in and commit the cardinal 'sin' of silence or the worst - denying their salvation (blaspheming the Holy Spirit) they are crushed by their now certian condemnation to Hell (according to the scriptures) I know the bible says you come to Christ as a little child, but little kids are not equipped to carry out spiritual war. They are unable to process the overwhelming input of the world. Every Sunday I/we spent hours stripping away the trash the world dumps on kids. You know what happens when you leave the garbage of the world in your life? It causes rot. I'm not trying to say stimp your problems are due to all that or you are unable to cope with life, I'd offer you have some unresolved things that as an adult you are maybe more ready to take on and not ignore anymore. I am not interested in coming off as someone looking to take advantage of your situation but get back to church, man. It's hard to find a non-judgemental group (believe me I've been there) but after many years I think I have. I can't believe I'm at an Independant Baptist Church, it's been a long strange trip... it ain't over... but for the grace of God there I am. God still loves you, prodigal son... and I think in spite of your concerns pretty much everyone here holds no ill will towards you.
end of sermon.
I mentioned my brothers in an earlier post, you wanna see two diametricly opposed characters: My youngest brother (yes he is the creator of the Indycycle): Google will produce a bunch of interesting links.
I have a horrible fear of churches. We all know about my elementary school being a church school. Defending your faith was not the issue, but were you faithful enough? My classmates were the sons and daughters of the preacher, the deacons.I was the ridiculously big kid who couldn't keep his mouth shut. I would receive paddlings on a daily basis, just to see those same sadistic grins on Sunday. My classmates would mock me for whatever reason, and as a tall fat kid, there were plenty of reasons. As soon as I no longer had to go to church, I've avoided them as much as possible.
When I was about 22, I had a breakdown after my brothe threw a 7 lb glass ashtray at my head, missing by inches. I couldn't stop crying and I took a rusty razorblade and cut off chunks of my hair to try to control myself. I scratched a 7 in cut in my face with my fingernail. I looked like a mess. The next day, my girlfriend at the time (and if you read this stuff lokg enough, you'll hear a lot more about Tami) was getting baptized. My parents encouraged me to go, and she came with a friend to pick me up. Her friend drove even though we had planned to have a sunday dinner with Tami. Not looking good. I was put in the backseat, and the driver quoted verses for the entire drive about couples being unequally yoked.
Once we got to the place where the service was to be held, her friends surronded her like she was the vice president, blocking me out. I couldn't sit next to her in the church. So I went outside to the park across the street. I talked to a homeless black guy for an hour about God, the afterlife, brotherly love. I had never felt so spiritually exhalted in years. As the service let out, I was so excited to talk to Tami about my experience, but again, her friends pulled a tight circle around her. Apparently they were concerned that I might have gone and offed myself in a remote corner of church and wouldn't be found until the smell comes out, like a dead hamster.
They had a gym kid there who looked like he would happily kick my ass if it were the Lord's Will. "We'll be taking you home and then taking Tami." Uhh. No. They started taking off in her car and I jumped in. At the first light I saw some Oakland Police. I jumped out of the car, and I could hear behind me "Let him go,he can take the bus." I lived 130 miles away. The cops pulled everyone out and seperayed Tami and got her to say that she wanted to be with me, and anyone not involved in letting that happened would be arrested for kidnapping.
I've been back to church aas a favor to my parents. I have a hard time breathing, I sweat, and get very jumpy. However, I'm a spiritual person, and I feel that God sends the person I need in my time of need. Going to church is not the answer for me, at least right now.
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09:27 PM
USFiero Member
Posts: 4877 From: Everywhere and Middle of Nowhere Registered: Mar 2002
Originally posted by stimpy:Defending your faith was not the issue, but were you faithful enough? I've been back to church aas a favor to my parents. I have a hard time breathing, I sweat, and get very jumpy. However, I'm a spiritual person, and I feel that God sends the person I need in my time of need. Going to church is not the answer for me, at least right now.
Don't ask me to quote scripture but I'll paraphrase; NO ONE is perfect enough to be on the same level as God, and NO ONE has the godly right to pass that sort of judgement on anyone else. We can encourage each other, be cautious about pointing out faults (since we're all full of them). I am sorry about your experiences with church folk but I gotta tell ya; if you find a church full of perfect people, tell me so I can stay away and not mess it up for them. We could sit around and tell of our dissappointments in other people all the day and nite long... don't go to church for your folks. You can't get them into heaven. I wish (sometimes, well - sorta) I had the kind of reactions you do to going, it would liven things up. And excuse me if I slapped a 'go to church, it'll fix everything' sticker on your problems, that's pretty wrong too. I am a pretty big advocate on bible study though. You really get to know folks (oh yeah, and God) with that, as long as it's study, not one guy who likes to hear himself talk. a lot. Again, I appreciate your wit. My 'edge' statement I got from something my LA brother said many years ago, he read Hunter S Thompson (I did too, but wasn't really moved by his work) I guess he was paraphrasing. Some of the stuff on his profile disturbs me, I'll have to deal with that as I can. I first found it odd including people from PFF in my prayers at night, especially when I only know them by their UserNames. I hope Jesus chuckles when I do. I've been spending a lot of time here in O/T since I have most of my technical issues under control at the moment. Oh, and if it makes you feel better, you've been removed from the list of suspects:
Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:
Update 4:30pm Well, I feel a little better now because there is a slight chance I can clean this up with little downtime. I figured out what it is they/he/she are trying to do so at least I now know what I'm battling. I might have caught this just in time, or at least, I hope so.
Update 6:10pm 14 hours of work later and I think I now have an ip-address of who did it. And if there's one thing I can do, is tie an ip-address to a name. So I do have a name right now. I also think this attack is unrelated to the forum (which is important [and a good thing] because I don't want people ripping each other a new one at coming car-shows ). My first priority now is to make sure the server is secure. I am on top of it, and I think I'm in control now.
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11:13 PM
Mar 14th, 2005
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
One time, when I was younger, I had a guy walk up to me and say "You need Jesus in your life."
He didn't know me from Adam.
I'm not going to choose a church because of some arbitrary common interest. I might as well go to a Star Trek convention. As far as having some spirituality, I suppose that's what keeps me questing.
People, however, generally suck. And since God is everywhere, I'm better off being where the people aren't there to distract me.
In regards to my "cleared name", gee thanks.
[This message has been edited by stimpy (edited 03-14-2005).]
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12:08 AM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
Originally posted in news article by a dumb ass sheeple:"I wanted to know where God was when this happened," Free told the Chicago Sun-Times. "He was supposed to be everywhere. He could have at least been there."
God was there watching. Do you think it made a sound when that guy snapped? I bet that guy never imangined he could ever have done that.We have no understanding what any of us could do given the wrong set of circumstances.It could happen to any one of you guys and gals out there so keep that thought in your mind next time you see some nut job having an arguement with a bench.
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01:19 AM
System Bot
Phaeton Member
Posts: 1437 From: Interior Alaska Registered: Dec 1999
Originally posted by stimpy: I might as well go to a Star Trek convention.
You would make one hell of a Klingon Jeff Just hang in there man. Since you are intelligent enough to realize what is going on for the most part to be able to type this out and look at yourself like this and still know that you have a long road ahead that should give you promise. As you can see you have more friendly support on here then not. Just make sure you focus more on the 10 positive remarks to each one that seems to you to be questionable, while still keeping in mind that any of the negative or questionable comments posted can at least be a perception of how a few (or many) may see you which is also important to know at least as a member of this forum.
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08:12 AM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
I don't know if I'm going to unravel brcause of ne sleep. It suck to be only able to sleep 3 or 4 hours. just to wait unfil the nexy bedtime. I can't typ too well now. I'm going to try to rest but thaks for eriting/
Stimp, you and I have had our differences, and probably basically don't even like each other all that much. But, I'd never wish anything like this on anyone, not even on someone I don't like. No, the world isn't conspiring to piss you off as you've asked a couple of times. It sure seems that way on ocassion, I can tell you that from experience. The truth is, we can either choose to feel victimized, or we can see it as just the way life is sometimes. One valuable lesson I learned a long time ago: All of our discomfort is a result of our mind resisiting LIFE. A bit obscure maybe, but think about it and it'll make sense. Hope you find your way back OK.
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01:16 PM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
Being deprived of sleep will definitely mess with you head. I used to have problems sleeping too. What I do now is I won't eat anything after 6:00 P.M., if I do I have a hard time sleeping and have some very weird dreams. I also exercise for about an hour after I have my dinner, a hot shower does wonders to relax me too. I also enjoy watching the History channel or the Discovery channel before going to bed, these tend to relax my mind or at least distract it from the days problems. You need to try and go to bed at the same time every day, in other words you need to set a routine. Lastly, you have to remember that there is no future without hope. I believe that even if we have another World War there will be survivors to help rebuild a much more peaceful World. I also believe I will be one of those survivors if it happens. You have to believe that you can make it no matter what happens and not worry about it happening. The worrying will only drive you insane or eat you from the inside out. I don't even worry about dieing, it will happen when it is supposed to happen without any help from me, unless I'm a vegetable in a coma. My wife has instructions to pull the plug if this happens to me, no need to prolong the innevitable then.
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01:26 PM
stimpy Member
Posts: 8197 From: Salinas, CA Registered: Jan 2000
I don't even worry about dieing, it will happen when it is supposed to happen without any help from me, unless I'm a vegetable in a coma. My wife has instructions to pull the plug if this happens to me, no need to prolong the innevitable then.
How far from vegetable in a coma would you have to be. Would it be ok to fight voices in your head and be in horrible pain all the time? So you've established that there is a point where "The Sanctity of Life" is compromised. At what point, then, is your line of no return? Could you live the life of Job?
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01:40 PM
fogglethorpe Member
Posts: 4828 From: Valley of the Sun Registered: Jul 2001
It seems to me that the people who have a problem with stimpy do so because he is just honest. His biggest sin on this forum is saying what he thinks, and sometimes doing so with irreverent humor.
But, based on the little I do know about him, I'd say he has a big heart.
He makes the forum interesting to me. Some of his posts have made me laugh out loud, and anyone that knows me knows that's a feat.