My job sucks. I've been working in this same horrible warehouse for the past 3 years and I have hated every day of it. I am considered the hardest worker by all of the employees as well as the general manager. Recently the "manager" gave our yearly reviews and whooda thunkit, my "manager" rated me the lowest of all of the employees at this hole in the wall. So I went to the GM and raised all kinds of crap ubtil I was blue in the face and the GM's ears were bleeding(figuritivly speaking) and in so many words I was told to go <screw> myself. So I decided that it was only fair to work to the level that my "manager" thinks I work at, and yet again whooda thunkit, my "manager" tells me to speed up. So I tell him that I am only going to work the same speed as all of the other employees because he obviously thought I was a below par worker. So a few days pass and work in the warehouse starts to get backed up quite bad, and my "manager" pulls me into his office with his and the GM and they tell me that if I dont speed up that they will let me go (Side note: I have a VERY short temper when people critisize me work). Well this totally pisses me off to no extent, so I start telling these pathetic excuses for humans what I actually think about my job, this and that all along wihtout using a single foul word. I then demand to speak to human resources because I wanted a raise and a new boss. So after a nice long conversation with HR, I was told that things would be delt with accordingly. I will find out my fate this afternoon. Last Post.
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10:27 AM
lurker Member
Posts: 12355 From: salisbury nc usa Registered: Feb 2002
My job sucks. I've been working in this same horrible warehouse for the past 3 years and I have hated every day of it. .
Not to whore this thread, but APShaughnessy, a wise man once told me that if you work a job where you hate it and wish for the day to be over every day, you are in fact wishing your life away one day at a time.
I worked at frito lay for 2 summers, and I know guys like you who bust their ass to be the best, and consistantly are, yet the bosses dont give a **** . I watched one guy come into the office (the hardest working guy) to report a lane was jammed and the crane operator needed to free it. The boss said just override it (not allowed more than 3 overrides per day). The guy got pissed and stormed out, I turned to the boss, and said (remember summer job, never going back, bridges can burn to hell) "what are you an idiot, the guy busts his ass all day every day, and keeps this place out of delay, and you dont help him at all, just give him an attitude?"
The boss didnt like that, but it had to be said. Unfortunatly even a new boss will be the same one, new face. You may want to look for a more fullfilling job.
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10:49 AM
Pyric Member
Posts: 951 From: Raleigh, NC, USA Registered: Nov 2001
People that rate at the drop of a hat can kiss my lily white azz and If you don't like it I'd be proud to sport a negative from you.
And folks always remember to eat before driving on the coast.If you fly off the cliff and no one finds you the only thing worse than knowing you are going to bleed to death alone is to do it hungry. PLAY HARD-DIE FAST
Manty's long gone, but now, a new friend has arrived to take her "Speci"...isn't she cute?
She's sooo tame, she will just sit on my arm for hours at a time.
She's very ticklish..she likes having her belly rubbed...
Kill this thread before I show you more pics like these!
Woah will that thing sting? It looks verrah grusome, but verrah cool! Rumor, it's time to stick another one of your cryptic messages. I wanna read! Last Post.
What I don't understand is how does this REALLY take up bandwidth? If the pics are either on different servers then the forum, or already cached in your system, isn't it just text? just curious. How much memory does this thread contain? (this page is 147 KB, about the size of a few sig files)I can see if thousands of people flocked to a particuliar thread (gwennniebabyyy, perhaps) but I don't think this thread is actually taking up a heckova lot of bandwidth. Maybe it is...I'm not trying to be annoying here, just curious.
[This message has been edited by FieroRumor (edited 12-03-2004).]
Rumor: It's time to edit your sig to put that lil' fella in. BTW, I just noticed you have a Banana holding open the door and a thingie getting out in youe sig, funny stuff! Last Post.
What I don't understand is how does this REALLY take up bandwidth? If the pics are either on different servers then the forum, or already cached in your system, isn't it just text? just curious. How much memory does this thread contain? (this page is 147 KB, about the size of a few sig files)I can see if thousands of people flocked to a particuliar thread (gwennniebabyyy, perhaps) but I don't think this thread is actually taking up a heckova lot of bandwidth. Maybe it is...I'm not trying to be annoying here, just curious.
Didn't say it was eating a lot.... just trying to find a way to kill this gluttonous blob of a thread that is consuming everything in it's path.
Didn't say it was eating a lot.... just trying to find a way to kill this gluttonous blob of a thread that is consuming everything in it's path.
One line on a page?
(That's the great thing about the thread format, you don't hafta click on 'em!)
too bad Cliff doesn't have a radio button for "pointless"
but really, is this REALLY consuming everything in its path? I think it has pretty much left itself out of other threads, perhaps it even made other threads better, because people posted dopey things in here rather in the other ones...kinda like a "scream room," of sorts... and I haven't seen it ';budd" off too many baby pointless threads...
Don't worry, I'm sure it will die soon enough.
Unless Mulder and Scully come around again...
[This message has been edited by FieroRumor (edited 12-03-2004).]