I watched Shaun of the Dead this morning at 4 o clock and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. It was funny at the beginning but got pretty intense towards the end. To tell you the truth this one is more scary than the 28 Days Later wannabe "Dawn of the Dead". This one actually has a plot, is funnier(more like the original dawn of the dead), scarier and more gory. For those who seen it, the part with david and the zombies is ya uh you know. But ya if you haven't seen this movie yet I reccommend you do. I give it a 5 out of 5 cause I can't think of anything that I don't like about it.
WOOHOO, I own page 27!
[This message has been edited by 84Fiero2M4 (edited 01-07-2005).]
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06:33 AM
Jan 8th, 2005
iced_theater Member
Posts: 1755 From: Green River, Wyoming, United States Registered: Jun 2003
It is most definately not stupid. you most be thinking of Dawn of the Dead, that movie was stupid.
No, I'm thinking of Shaun of the Dead. A guy from it was on Leno (or maybe Letterman) and they showed some of it, and I thought it looked incredibly stupid. That's just my opinion though.
------------------ The unfortunate history of my GT
"I say it's a fallacy that kids need 12 years of school! 3 months is plenty! Look at me. I'm smart! I don't need 11 1/2 more years of school! It's a complete waste of my time!" -Calvin "How on earth did you get all the way to the bus stop with both feet through one pant leg?" -Hobbes "I fell down lots" -Calvin
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08:34 PM
Jan 10th, 2005
cliffw Member
Posts: 37457 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
"I say it's a fallacy that kids need 12 years of school! 3 months is plenty! Look at me. I'm smart! I don't need 11 1/2 more years of school! It's a complete waste of my time!" -Calvin "How on earth did you get all the way to the bus stop with both feet through one pant leg?" -Hobbes "I fell down lots" -Calvin
i like the ones he builds behind his dad's car.......they're all gathered in a circle looking down gasping at the one on the ground that appears to have been hit by the rear end of the car
i like the ones he builds behind his dad's car.......they're all gathered in a circle looking down gasping at the one on the ground that appears to have been hit by the rear end of the car
lol, thats a good one, also,t he one where they are protesting his dad with picket signs marching around the yard
No, This thread CONTAINS evil, much like that container that guy is holding... (Is that Thingie juice?) Once you open the cap, and expose it to oxygen, it turns black and becomes Evil Thingie.
BTW, Floppy disks are evil...
[This message has been edited by FieroRumor (edited 01-12-2005).]
It's a Romanian AK-47 Rifle .762 x 39, I'm ordering it from www.atlanticfirearms.com It's only $329 It's definately not the best, not even close but it's cheap and that's what I need is something cheap. Do you know where I can get one for cheaper?
It's a Romanian AK-47 Rifle .762 x 39, I'm ordering it from www.atlanticfirearms.com It's only $329 It's definately not the best, not even close but it's cheap and that's what I need is something cheap. Do you know where I can get one for cheaper?
Hm.. This might be a stupid question, but why do you need an AK-47?
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09:00 AM
shop_rat45 Member
Posts: 3271 From: Lapeer, Michigan Registered: Mar 2004
It's a Romanian AK-47 Rifle .762 x 39, I'm ordering it from www.atlanticfirearms.com It's only $329 It's definately not the best, not even close but it's cheap and that's what I need is something cheap. Do you know where I can get one for cheaper?
What FFL holder are you going to have do the transfer? If you didn't know, when purchasing a firearm from out of state, it must be transfered to an FFL dealer in your state. The cheapest FFL holder that I know of is Gun World in Metamora. They charge $20 to do the transfer. You will have to get thier info from them and send it to Atlantic Firearms before they will ship it. It's a bit of work. Williams over on Lapeer Rd. in Davison has some nice ones for about that price. I'd check them out first. That's where I bought mine. It was $299 about 3 years ago. Talk to a tall guy named Steve. He will hook you up. You definitely will have a lot of fun with it!! Do you ever shoot at the Roods Lake range? That's where I always go. We'll have to get together sometime and go shooting.
I was gonna get it shiped to Thompson's Guns in Davison. I'm probably gonna call around and check on prices. I haven't shot there I usually just shoot in my yard. Ya we should definately go shooting together sometime.
BTW 88red4cyl o you really need to ask that question.
I was gonna get it shiped to Thompson's Guns in Davison. I'm probably gonna call around and check on prices. I haven't shot there I usually just shoot in my yard. Ya we should definately go shooting together sometime.
BTW 88red4cyl o you really need to ask that question.
yeah, WHY do you need an AK-47? its an asult rifle
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01:43 PM
shop_rat45 Member
Posts: 3271 From: Lapeer, Michigan Registered: Mar 2004
yeah, WHY do you need an AK-47? its an asult rifle
It's the Bill of Rights not the Bill of Needs. And what do you think an "assult rifle" is? Please give me your description of it. (This will kill this thread quickly )
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01:54 PM
Posts: 1894 From: Timmins ON Canada Registered: Apr 2004
It's the Bill of Rights not the Bill of Needs. And what do you think an "assult rifle" is? Please give me your description of it. (This will kill this thread quickly )
no, you got it all wrong! i was wondering why he wants one! i mean, whats the need? i know you dont need one, and have the righ to one, but i was just wondering! didnt mena to flame it up!
hmm, bbq checken sounds good right now! mmmmmmm.............chicken
no, you got it all wrong! i was wondering why he wants one! i mean, whats the need? i know you dont need one, and have the righ to one, but i was just wondering! didnt mena to flame it up!
hmm, bbq checken sounds good right now! mmmmmmm.............chicken
Sorry. I've been cruisin the AR-15 forums all day and have seen a lot of stupid anti gun groups and thier propaganda. I guess I got a bit worked up.
Originally posted by FieroRumor:
Oh no! I smell the end of this thread...oh wat, it is just a smell sock I got for Christmas.
I'm wearing it right now...and I ain't wearin' it on my feeties.
Well as the unofficial official of this thread, i can officially say FieroFetish, you are not a thread killer. In fact quite the opposite, look what you have started!