Ha !!! There are about 20 fingers frantically trying to win page 32!!! Nerves of steel, playing a waiting game...breathless anticipation...and the depths of despair, when you hit the button, only to find you are at number 2!!! fierofetish
^^^ You summed it up pretty well fetish!
EDIT- Nice job indy.
[This message has been edited by 88red4cyl (edited 01-27-2005).]
No one paid the dang toll here on this thread either.
I have been living on shoe-scrapings the past two weeks, and may now have to resort to asking for cold hard cashon Ebay in order to sustain myself. Luckily, I have ample lupid reserves. My wife, alas, is not as lucky. I will miss her. Fierofetish may have started this thread, but when he's not looking, I stole it from him, and wrested the crystal shard of thread ownership from him.
[This message has been edited by FieroRumor (edited 01-28-2005).]
IP: Logged
09:00 AM
shop_rat45 Member
Posts: 3271 From: Lapeer, Michigan Registered: Mar 2004
No one paid the dang toll here on this thread either.
I have been living on shoe-scrapings the past two weeks, and may now have to resort to asking for cold hard cashon Ebay in order to sustain myself. Luckily, I have ample lupid reserves. My wife, alas, is not as lucky. I will miss her. Fierofetish may have started this thread, but when he's not looking, I stole it from him, and wrested the crystal shard of thread ownership from him.
Whooo Hoooo!!! I bought this thread!! (Now I need to figure out how to pay for it??) I am the owner!!!! You take paypal Rumor? If not, I'll get a money order for $.05
Whooo Hoooo!!! I bought this thread!! (Now I need to figure out how to pay for it??) I am the owner!!!! You take paypal Rumor? If not, I'll get a money order for $.05
We'll work out the specifics via PM... PM me yer address, and I'll send you the deed and the thread in card copy.
Now that you own this entire thread, what are you going to DO with it?
Ha!!! You would even CONTEMPLATE purchasing anything from a used-mantis salesman?!!You have been duped!! Taken in!!! Sold a Pup!! Sold up the river!! Stuffed!!! It wasn't his to sell in the first place!! Wrested from my grasp indeed!!!Oh, the iniquities,falsehoods and downright malpractices I have endured to keep this thread open to the Public, and not taken into private collections, to be drooled over, and coveted as one would the virginity of a Lady of the Cloth!!! To be secretly delved into by mysterious flickering candle light, savoured by evil and selfish tastebuds, salivating at the prospect of exclusive ownership of this Jewel of the Internet!!! Protecting it from the sullying Madding Crowd!! A curse on all ye who scurry back and forth under the covering of oily black midnight, exacting your diabolical assaults on the innocents of Internet-land, and sneaking away into the menacing darkness that exists under the hastily- assembled flatpack delivered Portal-supporting edifice known as a computer desk!! only to emerge again in the dusk of the gathering cloak of darkness which heralds the approach another night of terrible deeds and actions, executed by those that would indeed attempt to wrest this Tome of Incredible knowledge and guidance, from the loving hands and thoughts that indeed first created it!!
Hey, you all can be jealous and claim that it's not for sale, but the fact is, I will have a deed in my hands. This thread is mine now!!! Now that it's mine, I'm taking it to Disney World.
Rumor, PM sent
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11:19 AM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37457 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Yes !! It is true!! You shall be holding a deed in your quivering, anticipatorarily-clutching little mitt!!!!But ...wait!! Is it a deed, or a DIRTY Deed?Have you checked to find the hieously fiendishly cached watermark, that will dispel all wrongful claims?Prove that that which you clutch to your feverishly-pounding bosom is, in fact, the authentic article? NO???!!!!!!Heavens preserve you!! Hasten to thy trusty keyboard, and send forthwith and immediately, a claim to eBay for full remuneration of all your payments and fees, and at the same time notify their fraud department that all is not as it would appear in this transaction!!!They, and you, have been conned by MANTIS-MAN!!!! fierofetish
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 01-28-2005).]
Runpertty dunperty dum..ermmm...should I start smoking again? It seems to me that I am more high than Doctor Hook when they missed it, through not smoking, than most people get after smoking half a pound of Gunja!! Am I the first case, or incidence, of somebody driving whilst under the influence of not smoking?/!! ARGHhhhhhhhhhh!! FR!! Talk to me!! Tell me I shall come to no harm by my abstinence from all things tobacco? I am feeling very dizzy at the moment...HHeeelllllP!! fierofetish
FR!! Talk to me!! Tell me I shall come to no harm by my abstinence from all things tobacco? I am feeling very dizzy at the moment...HHeeelllllP!! fierofetish
Don't smoke, dude. If you quit, Keep it up. Look at this dude...Think he's happy he smoked? Top: him enjoying a nice smoke...
Bottom, After the surgery to try to get rid of the canger that was caused by his habit. OUCH.
...Wrested from my grasp indeed!!!Oh, the iniquities,falsehoods and downright malpractices I have endured to keep this thread open to the Public, and not taken into private collections, to be drooled over, and coveted as one would the virginity of a Lady of the Cloth!!! To be secretly delved into by mysterious flickering candle light, savoured by evil and selfish tastebuds, salivating at the prospect of exclusive ownership of this Jewel of the Internet!!! Protecting it from the sullying Madding Crowd!! A curse on all ye who scurry back and forth under the covering of oily black midnight, exacting your diabolical assaults on the innocents of Internet-land, and sneaking away into the menacing darkness that exists under the hastily- assembled flatpack delivered Portal-supporting edifice known as a computer desk!! only to emerge again in the dusk of the gathering cloak of darkness which heralds the approach another night of terrible deeds and actions, executed by those that would indeed attempt to wrest this Tome of Incredible knowledge and guidance, from the loving hands and thoughts that indeed first created it!!...
OMG!!! I can't see images posted by _PIP!!!! Maybe a good thing...I daren't even start to imagine what those pics show...but you COULD email them to me!! And whilst nyou are there, my Friend..can you tell me why my Old Toshiba Tecra 520cdt regularly shuts itself off with this blue message"... AN EXCEPTION OE HAS OCCURRED AT 0028:C0031C7A IN VxD------ THIS WAS CALLED FROM 0028:C00301F9 IN VxD----- It is running Win 98 SE...I am getting fed up with turning it on and off all the time...and it only seems to happen when I am surfing PFF! fierofetish
OMG!!! I can't see images posted by _PIP!!!! Maybe a good thing...I daren't even start to imagine what those pics show...but you COULD email them to me!! And whilst nyou are there, my Friend..can you tell me why my Old Toshiba Tecra 520cdt regularly shuts itself off with this blue message"... AN EXCEPTION OE HAS OCCURRED AT 0028:C0031C7A IN VxD------ THIS WAS CALLED FROM 0028:C00301F9 IN VxD----- It is running Win 98 SE...I am getting fed up with turning it on and off all the time...and it only seems to happen when I am surfing PFF! fierofetish
Sorry, That's my Fault. All your Drivers beloNg to RuMuh.
Why can't you see PIP Pics? (That only happens when you have a lot of ghey pron on your machine...)
Whooo Hoooo!!! I bought this thread!! (Now I need to figure out how to pay for it??) I am the owner!!!! You take paypal Rumor? If not, I'll get a money order for $.05
You'll be gettin' a Deed, a hard copy of this here thread, and some of my bounty ---> I think I'm going to go outside and hunt in the woods for some arctic mantids...
IP: Logged
12:40 PM
Capt Fiero Member
Posts: 7657 From: British Columbia, Canada Registered: Feb 2000
You'll be gettin' a Deed, a hard copy of this here thread, and some of my bounty ---> I think I'm going to go outside and hunt in the woods for some arctic mantids...
since shop_rat owns this thread now he should start a real auctions and let all the PFFer's bid on it, It'd be funny if it went for like 5000 dollars. lol