WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!! i go away for 12hours, and all hell breaks loose!! Hey, wouldnīt it be nice if some of the "Uptight" Members came and frolicked for a while...come on in Guys and Gals!! Thingie drove Jaws away, and Mantis is standing guard!! Topless if you want!! Hey, let it all hang out... This one will finish it: I was going to go for a swim in the local hotel pool, and noticed there werenīt many people in the water.There was a big West Indian standing on the edge, with his arms folded, and a faraway look in his eyes...I woke him from his reverie, asking if the water was cold or not.He looked at me with scant interest, turned away and said"Man, it luke warm" I thanked him for his kindness, and jumped straight in...30 aeconds later, I dragged myself out of the pool,blue,goose bumps and shivering wildly.I looked for the West Indian guy, and found him lounging in a deckchair, chewing on a toothpick.I confronted him angrily, or at least as angrily as one does when addressing a 245lb guy with muscles in places others donīt even have places, and said" Hey, Man!! I ttthoughttt yyyyyyyou sssaiddd ttthhthe wwwwater wwasss llllukewwwarmmmm" , shivering violently: He fixed me with a lazy stare, removed the toothpick from his mouth, and said" Man, ah only say it LOOK waarm" There!!!That should do it!!! Goodbye thread!!! Sorry FieroRumor didnīt come back to finish the cryptic sentence, but, tomorrowīs another day!! fierofetish
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 11-11-2004).]
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01:46 PM
Boondawg Member
Posts: 38235 From: Displaced Alaskan Registered: Jun 2003
Doctor: Charge it to 500. Nurse: Doctor, that voltage is insane!! Doctor: Just do it! I can't lose another one! Nurse: Do it yourself, I won't have anything to do with this. Doctor: Fine! *Turns Nob* Defibrillator:Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Beep Beep Beep. Doctor: CLEAR! *Zap* Nurse: I can't believe you did it. It's still alive. Doctor: This thread will never die, not as long as I have anything to say about it.
[This message has been edited by APShaughnessy (edited 11-11-2004).]
Originally posted by APShaughnessy: Oooh Oooh, Me Me!
Allright Drew, PM coming. Anyone else ? I have been held hostage at Galfriend's new house for two weeks doing honeydos. Going home to see if Dog recognizes me. Will check back in in a few.
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02:34 PM
achawkins Member
Posts: 1891 From: Greenville S.C. Registered: Jun 2003
Is all well with FieroRumor? He must have a will of steel to be able to resist these pleas for finality!! He is making sure this never dies!! Perhaps when Christmas has been and gone...can we hold on til Easter? Come in 84Bill....donīt hold back..let it all out Man...we are listening..honest!! fierofetish
I killed the hamburger nipple thread.. how bad is that!!!!! But heck I do it to alot of threads! (help w/home theater, Pantera, What Guitar you have, you name it I killed it!) COuld I possibly kill this one also?? I doubt it cause someone else will come in with a vengeance to be the last, There can only be one. (highlander, maybe you are) I am the almighty post killer, the end all of all threads!!!!!!! (menacing laugh) Yeah So you guys just go about your evil ways and see you in about 15 more pages!!!! LOL
------------------ Ferrari 308 GTB rebody on a modified 86SE chasis Soon to have a highly hooped up 3800SC..Ohh yeah baby!! Contacts _ AIM / Zildjianfx _ Yahoo / djdraggin Remember, always brush your milk, drink your teeth, dont do sleep and get eight hours of drugs.
Is all well with FieroRumor? He must have a will of steel to be able to resist these pleas for finality!! He is making sure this never dies!! Perhaps when Christmas has been and gone...can we hold on til Easter? Come in 84Bill....donīt hold back..let it all out Man...we are listening..honest!! fierofetish
Originally posted by cliffw: Unh unh, nope ! You will have to do worse than that (it was funny).
What does a woman say who has been totally satisfied sexually ???
Originally posted by cliffw: C'mon, I am waiting for an answer.
Originally posted by Boondawg: Don't tell my husband?
Originally posted by Boondawg: No, wait.............. Nothing. Dead women can't talk?
Originally posted by Boondawg: No, No, wait............. Whatever imaginary women say?
Boondawg. You are guessing. Try again. To please a woman I mean !
Originally posted by fogglethorpe: "Oh, fogglethorpe..."
Ha ! Ha ha. Is that your final answer ? ???
Originally posted by cliffw: C'mon, I am waiting for an answer.
Originally posted by Boondawg: "We must eradicate all unpure threads that threaten the very fabric of the superior intellect of PFF members." ~ Adolf Jerkdolf ~
Hey ! Dammit !!! Leave 84bill out of this !!!!
I am fixing to go home. I have been on my new job, held hostage actually, Galfriend bought a new house and I am the Head Worker Bee. It pays to have connections but it doesnt pay well, monitarily . I am going to go home and see if Dog recognizes me. Anyone else want to know what a woman says when she has been totally satisfied sexually?
Originally posted by APShaughnessy: Oooh Oooh, Me Me!
Damn it Drew ! Control yourself. You wouldn't know a joke if your gut bust out laughing ! (j/k)
Originally posted by cliffw:
Allright Drew, PM coming. Anyone else ? I have been held hostage at Galfriend's new house for two weeks doing honeydos. Going home to see if Dog recognizes me. Will check back in in a few.
Ok, things are not that bad on the homefront. Dog only bit me twice. Y'all are embarresing us. MontralMike is on the prowl. Tel you what. I am in Bandera and I have to report back to work at Galfriends house three hours ago. She lives in Kerrville Texas. I call it Herville. Anyway, I am a guy also. I know we have a thing about asking directions. But MontealMike is on the way. It will take me about an hour to get to Herville. I know, I know ! Some women might take more than an hour. But you have one hour to prove your studhood ! If you can.
OoooooR, My wife came home, we ate dinner, then I had to read a dumb story for school.
Maybe that was it...
and for those who want to know what he said:
\/\/000! Wooo!
7|-|3 The
13r0Rĩ|\/|0r FieroRumor
|-|4$ Has
(|-|4ĢĢ3|\|93Ð Challenged
|\/|3 Me
70 To
4 a
Ģ337 Leet
Ðĩ3Ģ! Duel!
Ĩ0ĩ You
$|-|4ĢĢ Shall
0r for 1 I
7|-|3 The
|\/|0$7 Most
Ģ337 leet
p3r$0|\| Person
7|-|47 that
|-|4$ has
3\/3r ever
$37 set
007 foot
0|\| on
7|-|1$ This
34r7|-|. Earth.
Pr3p4r3 Prepare
Ĩ0ĩr$3Ģ Yourself
0r for
7|-|3 the
$3(0|\|Ð second (0|\/|1|\|9!1!! coming!
17 it
\/\/1ĢĢ Will
b3 Be
4 a
Ð002Ĩ!!11! Doozy!
(give or take)
I didn't challenge you. You win, you are the "LORD OF THE L33t" I'm not a huge fan of that %^%%*%* stuff.
But, we have found yet another way to kill a thread... Speek liek those kidz in dat muvie "Hackers"... Heh.
I wanna sleep, but between the Bawls, story, and dinner, I'm wide awake..oh yeah, And I wanna play some more Halo. But I'll go to bed, knowing that when I wake up tomorrow, this thread will be on page 2...and dead.
[This message has been edited by FieroRumor (edited 11-12-2004).]
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12:44 AM
fogglethorpe Member
Posts: 4828 From: Valley of the Sun Registered: Jul 2001
Four pages and several posts ago PFF members brought forth on this forum a new thread, concieved in lunacy, and dedicated to the proposition that all members are thread killers.
Now we are engaged in a great war of nonsense, testing whether that thread, or any thread so concieved or dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great page of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that page, as a final resting place for those who here gave their inane drivel that this thread might die. It is altogether a waste of time that we do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not kill- we can not end- we just can not destroy- this thread. The crazy men and women, living and rumored to be dead, who posted here, have ruined it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The internet will little note, nor long remember what we post here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the bored, rather, to be dedicated here to the never-ending thread which they who posted here have thus far so inexplicably advanced. It is rather for us to post here dedicated to the great task remaining before us- that from these insane members we take increased devotion to that cause for which they photoshopped with such devotion- that we here highly resolve that these members shall not have posted in vain- that this forum, under Cliff, shall have a new birth of freedom- and that this thread of the members, by the members, and for the members, shall perish from the forum.
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07:52 AM
Pyric Member
Posts: 951 From: Raleigh, NC, USA Registered: Nov 2001