Fierofetish, you had asked a question to which I replied in another thread about the existance of other peoples outside the Garden of Eden, here is part of what I had posted in that thread in case you missed it.: If you look into Genesis 4:1-15, Adam lay with his wife Eve to give birth to Cain and Abel, implying there were 4 family members on earth. Now, after Cain had killed Abel, there were only 3 people left on earth. However, after Cain's murder, when God appeared before him, rebuking him, Cain told God that he was worried of being killed by someone who would find him (Genesis 4:15). Then the LORD said to him, "Not so; if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over." Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. Here, if there were no other people, God would not have given him a mark so that no one who found him would kill him. From this story, it is clear that there were other people besides Adam, Eve, and Cain on earth. In addition, in Genesis 4:16, Cain went out from the LORD'S presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden and Cain lay with his wife. This also provides an additional evidence that there were other people present in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
Now maybe that this has gotten religious it will kill it for good.
[This message has been edited by avengador1 (edited 11-15-2004).]
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09:45 AM
Boondawg Member
Posts: 38235 From: Displaced Alaskan Registered: Jun 2003
However, after Cain's murder, when God appeared before him, rebuking him, Cain told God that he was worried of being killed by someone who would find him (Genesis 4:15). Then the LORD said to him, "Not so; if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over." Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.
The way I understood the writings, Cain WANTED to die. God marked Cain to prevent him from taking the easy way out. God wanted Cain to walk the earth with the horror of what he had done, for ALL men to see and heed God's warning about killing. Living out his natural life with that knowlage, and remorse for his transgression, would have still given Cain a shot at Heaven. Cain later hanged himself, barring himself from salvation. Some believe the wethered remains of the tree he used is still there today.
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10:44 AM
TaurusThug Member
Posts: 4271 From: Simpsonville, SC Registered: Aug 2003
Wow 8 pages, holy moly! I lost track of this after 2 pages, and god knows I have not wasted anytime reading pages 3 - 8. I thought I would post because usually I am a thread killer. Hope it works.
edit for spelling
[This message has been edited by WingNut - MD (edited 11-15-2004).]
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04:51 PM
achawkins Member
Posts: 1891 From: Greenville S.C. Registered: Jun 2003
Thread Killer... If anyone posts here again I will give out a -. BOOYAH! IM GONNA WIN WOOTZOR... Wait, what about people who love -'s? In that case, I will give you a +!!! HAHA! WINNAR W00T W00T PWNED! Last Post.
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07:32 PM
TaurusThug Member
Posts: 4271 From: Simpsonville, SC Registered: Aug 2003
its a V-AFC, also known as a Vtec Controller, that i installed in a 1998 Integra GS-R yesterday and VTo is when Vtec comes on. oh yeah.... and i just closed this thread...
its a V-AFC, also known as a Vtec Controller, that i installed in a 1998 Integra GS-R yesterday and VTo is when Vtec comes on. oh yeah.... and i just closed this thread...
Damn! You called my bluff. Anyways, the thread has been closed and no other replies will register because I hacked the forums database and restricted all access to the reply function in this thread. In other words, DON'T TRY TO REPLY. Last Post.
Seriously, has been a lot of fun. but shall we close this thread out of respect for Derangedsheep and His friends? Seems kinda wrong to be jesting whilst they are suffering..just my 0.02 cents, no flames intended Nick fierofetish
Seriously, has been a lot of fun. but shall we close this thread out of respect for Derangedsheep and His friends? Seems kinda wrong to be jesting whilst they are suffering..just my 0.02 cents, no flames intended Nick fierofetish
Sure, why not? People, lets make this this Last Post.
Seriously, has been a lot of fun. but shall we close this thread out of respect for Derangedsheep and His friends? Seems kinda wrong to be jesting whilst they are suffering..just my 0.02 cents, no flames intended Nick fierofetish
What does this have to do with him? From what I've seen , both in religious and non-religious circles, the BEST thing to do is to keep positive, "send good vibes", "pray" whatever... if we each take one minute and think healing thoughts, maybe it will help him a bit. no need to make this the LAST POST.
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09:27 AM
achawkins Member
Posts: 1891 From: Greenville S.C. Registered: Jun 2003
This is kind of like that word association thread, it just keeps going and going and going.........................................................................................................and going.
maybe Cliff will lock her down and get the last word here.
[This message has been edited by WingNut - MD (edited 11-16-2004).]
Well, Ellie has said I have been a good boy, and can play with my PC,but not to waste time...So, I listened to her, and came straight here, to have some quality time with my friends!!!If this thread gets much longer, we can use it to make a rope to decide!! Nick fierofetish
Originally posted by fierofetish: Well, Ellie has said I have been a good boy, and can play with my PC,but not to waste time...So, I listened to her, and came straight here, to have some quality time with my friends!!!If this thread gets much longer, we can use it to make a rope to decide!! Nick fierofetish
Soon, every thing will become apparent. What is already apparent is that fierofetish can not kill a thread. He wreaks havoc elsewhere but we are immune. I had plumbing in my wall reconfiguration. Seems you might want to be working on some plumbing yourself....since she just got home. Oh, I wasn't paying attention. You were a good boy !
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06:11 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37457 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003