Hey I was all teary eyed at the end of the first post and so glad you came away safe but, not press charges? What about the general public that will have to deal with him on a daily basis? Is if going to be ok if a stranger loses their life because they look like they may call the cops?, Talk to the DA and find out what options there are, it would not be responsible to let him out in this condition. A feel incredibly bless that I never had to deal with sort of thing in my immediate family. However, 1st cousins, roommate/half owner of my house, and a best friend. You are not alone.
Drugs suck, and sucks too many in that think they are "trying them".
people like that need to die. Next time he tries to kill himself let him.....
Liquid, your advice sucks! First off , why would his sister allow him to kill himself. What that would do is destroy the remaining family members. His mom would be destroyed, his father would be destroyed, she would be destroyed.. anyone else would have to watch the pain of suicide ripe a family into peices... I know this, my brother commited suicide 20 years ago... and you know what ..it still f*en hurts!
sorry foir going off topic, but people like this just dont understand what its like to look into my mothers eyes and see the pain of her first son commiting suicide.
CuriousFiero.... Loads of great advice here... just remember that its the drugs and alcohol talking and acting... not the brother you used to know. Your best bet is to stay away from your brother for awhile until he gets the help he needs. You may want to help him, but it will do no good. Protect yourself , first. Maybe you can write him a letter to tell him about the times that you two shared and the shock of what happened and ask him if he could seek treatment. Using a letter will allow him to reread it and judge it in his own mind, to find out what he wants. Make sure he knows you love him ( thats if you do) He may have tried to commit suicide many times in the past ( my brother did and I talked him out of it) but it will take only once for him to succeed. You can even enclose a part in that letter about suicide and how it hurts so many. "Suicide is a permenant solution to a temporary problem" He needs to stop feeling sorry for himself and start living instead of drowning his sorrrows in drugs and alcholol. He needs to start explaining where the anger comes from( sounds like a deep rooted problem thats been building inside for some time). As far as your ex, why cant you call him up and talk to him about it? Doesnt mean you have to be in a relationship to be friends and friends help each other. Find the support you need in who ever you feel comfort in. I wish you luck and feel free to email me , if you want to further talk about anything. Ill say a prayer tonight for your brother in his lost world. John
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09:52 PM
Jun 3rd, 2005
Liquid-Reality Member
Posts: 2031 From: Fredericktown, MO Registered: Aug 2003
I knew i was gonna get some ******* like you to make ac omment like that.... TOTALLY uncalled for, but hey, thanks for your input
Your brother slammed you to the ground held a knife to your throat and threatened to kill you if you tried to send him back to jail. He is probably bi-polar with a little skitz thrown in but I am the ******* that tells you to forget the nut case before he slashes your throat and I am the bad guy. For all I care you can go back over to his house and stay with him untill he kills you it is your choice.
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12:51 AM
Liquid-Reality Member
Posts: 2031 From: Fredericktown, MO Registered: Aug 2003
Originally posted by FriendGregory: Drugs suck, and sucks too many in that think they are "trying them".
I work at a place where many people come and get the stuff to make meth and many many times I have thought it would be funny to add other stuff to the stuff they make meth out of. I think ground rat poison would do nicely and would take care of lots of bad people...
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12:59 AM
Liquid-Reality Member
Posts: 2031 From: Fredericktown, MO Registered: Aug 2003
I for some reason had you as a positive and I know we have disagreed. I do not know that we ever agreed. The reason I had you rated positive was "real". I am not sure why I noted that. That was a pretty callous thing to say so, I have re-thought my opinion. I am gonna put you back to nuetral, not that I think you care.
Well at least someone has something right.
[This message has been edited by Liquid-Reality (edited 06-03-2005).]
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01:06 AM
Liquid-Reality Member
Posts: 2031 From: Fredericktown, MO Registered: Aug 2003
The comment WAS insensitive and unsupportive. I wonder though, if he was trying to comment on the guys violent actions.
Example: "I can understand the depression and despair that could cause a person to want to take his own life. What I DON'T understand is how depression and despair with one's OWN life, could cause a person to put a knife to THEIR OWN sisters throte!"
Maybe the statement is so raw that I'm forceing myself to read more into it then is actually there, to keep from dealing with the fact that a person could really feel that way about a another person, plauged with such problems.
Then again, maybe It is exactly what it seems. I hope not.
I think it is sad that so many people defend some crazy ass mother ****er who would threaten to kill his own sister because they think it is sad that he has issues. What if the next time it was your wife sister or mother that this guy grabs and DOES cut her from ear to ear what would you think then? I have a friend whos sister was rapped and had her throat cut by a guy who was in and out of jail. He had lots of issues and even threatened to kill his own mom. No one said "hey this guy is a fuc king nut job lets do something about it" so he killed a beautiful young girl... You can all give me negatives and boot me off the island but the truth is the truth and the pictures are posted to prove it.
[This message has been edited by Liquid-Reality (edited 06-03-2005).]
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01:15 AM
lurker Member
Posts: 12355 From: salisbury nc usa Registered: Feb 2002
Originally posted by Liquid-Reality: I work at a place where many people come and get the stuff to make meth and many many times I have thought it would be funny to add other stuff to the stuff they make meth out of. I think ground rat poison would do nicely and would take care of lots of bad people...
would that not be murder?
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01:29 AM
Liquid-Reality Member
Posts: 2031 From: Fredericktown, MO Registered: Aug 2003
Yes it would. That is why I just let them kill themselves slowly but surely. That is called suicide.. I don't want you to think I would take the time to grind the rat poison and go to work and add it to the materials. I say the companies that make them should do something on their end. I say add ex lax to is and give them all the shits. That would be karmic.
[This message has been edited by Liquid-Reality (edited 06-03-2005).]
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01:32 AM
Liquid-Reality Member
Posts: 2031 From: Fredericktown, MO Registered: Aug 2003
Yes it would. That is why I just let them kill themselves slowly but surely. That is called suicide.. I don't want you to think I would take the time to grind the rat poison and go to work and add it to the materials. I say the companies that make them should do something on their end. I say add ex lax to is and give them all the shits. That would be karmic.
What the hell are you talking about? That is non sensical.. You want the companies (??) who make crystal meth to add rat poison.. Or exlax? sigh
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01:20 PM
Boondawg Member
Posts: 38235 From: Displaced Alaskan Registered: Jun 2003
Originally posted by Liquid-Reality: I think it is sad that so many people defend some crazy ass mother ****er who would threaten to kill his own sister because they think it is sad that he has issues.
I wasn't defending him, I was defending YOU, and your right to state your opinion. And yes, it IS sad that he has issues. I mean REALLY, what man IN HIS RIGHT MIND would threaten HIS OWN SISTER!?
Originally posted by Liquid-Reality: You can all give me negatives and boot me off the island but the truth is the truth and the pictures are posted to prove it.
I don't GIVE negitives for opinions. And I support your right to state them. But you gotta know the statement "The next time your brother trys to kill himself, LET HIM!", is not good advice or very supportive. And saying "People like that need to DIE!" didn't help her with all the emotions she was going through.
She was looking for support. Could you supply any? If not, maybe you should not have posted. To spare her any MORE grief.
But then again, what do I know............................I'm FAR from perfect!
Enough of the fighting people. I've had enough of that in my own family. Wednesday night my parents and my brothers case manager wanted me to go visit him in the hospital. Apparently he doesn't remember any of the incident, he doesn't even remember me coming over. He remembers falling asleep watching TV, then waking up in the hospital. They wanted me to go in hopes that I would jog his memory, I refused. Now it's been decided amongst my family that no one is allowed to speak of the incident. When they found out that I had told the guy I was seeing, they flipped out on me telling me that I shouldn't be broadcasting my family problems to people who know nothing of it (Uh, excuse me, *I* was the first and only one to visit my brother when he was in jail, and my man at the time had been there for me, he even went with me!!!!) but whatever... I'm so sick of the bullsh!t and drama, I want it over. I'm going to try to space myself away from my family.
My brother agreed to treatment, so now he has to be in there for a minimum of 7-14 days (whoopie doo, he can get out next monday, I feel so safe). I still don't know if he remembers the attack or he's just playing stupid, either way he's dangerous to me, and everyone else in the community.....