Since the Kansas School Board is mostly made up of Evangelical whackos, they have decided to de-emphise the theory of evolution to be taught in public schools. However, the Theory of Evolution will be taught, but it will have a sticker in the science book stating "This is only a theory". Children will also be taught an alternative theory, which many believe to be actual fact, and that is Intelligent Design.
So children will be taught both Evolution and Intelligent Design as to give them a rounded education, in which they can make up their own minds on which is right.
But the Flying Spaghetti Monsterist want in on it too. They think it is unfair that JUST evolution and God Intelligent Design will be taught. So they wrote a letter to the Kansas School Board to request that their theory to be taught as well. Only to be fair to the children!
that's ridiculous. everyone knows the Giant Space Chicken created the universe. well, maybe not everyone. looks like we need to teach about the GSC in schools.
the GSC is eternal. always was, always will be. the GSC created the entire universe complete, in 1 DAY. beat that, yaweh! this explains why the universe is so full of dumb clucks.
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09:15 AM
fierobear Member
Posts: 27098 From: Safe in the Carolinas Registered: Aug 2000
that's ridiculous. everyone knows the Giant Space Chicken created the universe. well, maybe not everyone. looks like we need to teach about the GSC in schools.
the GSC is eternal. always was, always will be. the GSC created the entire universe complete, in 1 DAY. beat that, yaweh! this explains why the universe is so full of dumb clucks.
The Great Space Chicken said it. I believe it. That settles it.
(great post, Wichita. Thanks)
[This message has been edited by NEPTUNE (edited 06-26-2005).]
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12:50 PM
lurker Member
Posts: 12355 From: salisbury nc usa Registered: Feb 2002
Originally posted by zardoz: What came first!? Giant Space Chicken, or the Giant Space Egg?!?!
no, No, NO! all right, one more time. the Giant Space Chicken is eternal. the Giant Space Chicken laid the Giant Space Egg, out of which hatched the universe. chickens are the Giant Space Chicken's avatars on earth. because the Giant Space Chicken is benevolent, you show your love for the Giant Space Chicken by eating more chicken. this is proof that the Giant Space Chicken cares for you, by sacrificing it's avatars in all their crispy goodness. fried, baked, BBQ, chicken 'n' dumplin's, chicken soup-it's all good.
i cant believe the ignorance i'm seeing here. proof that they need to teach about this in schools. think of all those poor children doomed to live in ignorance of the Giant Space Chicken's goodness and glory!
[This message has been edited by lurker (edited 06-26-2005).]
Tell me more about Colonel Sanders and Mrs. Winners......
houses of worship. those fine people serve the Giant Space Chicken. this is where the avatars sacrifice themselves for your eternal salvation. you can also show your devotion by dancing the "funky chicken"
[This message has been edited by lurker (edited 06-26-2005).]
Originally posted by zardoz: That proclaimed far and wide..... "EAT MOR CHIKIN" A moment of clarity ensues.............
got to compete with the hindus, zoroastrians and snake handlers somehow. now, if only we could advertise... uh, teach in the schools this wouldnt be a problem..
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08:26 PM
Jun 27th, 2005
RandomTask Member
Posts: 4545 From: Alexandria, VA Registered: Apr 2005
Puh-lease, the universe was sneezed out of the nose of the Great Green Arklesiezure. We must all be ready for the coming of the Great White Handkerchief.
HERETIC! it's the Giant Space Chicken, not the Great Space Chicken! BURN HIM!
GIANT refers to her size. GREAT describes her magnificence. Its modern,liberal, "feel good" revisionists who use giant when referring to the supreme egg -layer. In fact, they do not have a leg to stand on, either historically or philosophically speaking. When the time is right, we who follow the original, true prophesies (The Chicken Tracts) will rise up, take wing, and overthrow the revisionists and heretics and restore holiness and the proper pecking order to the world! I personally cannot WAIT to cross that road. -Neptune (also known as Fryer Chicken)
[This message has been edited by NEPTUNE (edited 06-27-2005).]
Be calm, my brother. Salvation can be yours. Eschew "nuggets." Embrace "Buffalo wings." Copious amounts of DARK MEAT will help in cleansing the soul. Heed ye the fried chicken livers generously smothered with the divine gravy! Be sure to partake regularly of the "Chicken soup for the soul." And do not forget to send LOTS of letters and Emails to your local school board. Praise the Great Chicken:
-Fryer Chicken
[This message has been edited by NEPTUNE (edited 06-27-2005).]
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11:41 PM
Jun 28th, 2005
achawkins Member
Posts: 1891 From: Greenville S.C. Registered: Jun 2003
Your posts on this "Giant Space Chicken" offends me to no end, it is ridiculous! Thats like saying a big all knowing all seeing force created the universe. I mean, come on, the Flying Spaghetti Monster has a graph! You just can't argue with evidence like that.