I am sick of you... you white trash hick! Your 23, 39, 45, 50 and your not married, but you have like 5 kids. If you love the ***** enough to put your seed in her and have a child you love her enough to marry her. All your doing is teaching your children that this is normal and acceptable. You should not breed; you obviously have no common sense.
Im sick and tired of hearing about "this time" you " and a buddy were out drinking, and got in your truck"! You are scum! if you are drunk and you get in a motor vehicle you are the lowest piece of **** in the world... and is yet more evidence to my last paragraph. You take more then you and your buddies life in your hands when you got in your truck drunk for the 40th time this week. When you get busted you have the audacity to ***** about the cops? Your lucky you didn’t kill someone... how exactly would your Jesus feel about you if you killed little Suzy and her mother?
Enough with the hunting stories! I don’t need to hear a story every day about the rabbit/deer who’s brain/heart you shot out... don’t you have anything better to do then kill animals? 8 rabbits... when the hell are you going to eat 8 rabbits?
In summation you are **** ... you make me sorry I’m white... no scratch that you make me sorry I’m human! I’m not even Christian (like you) and yet Id never get into an automobile drunk... you are a hypocrite you say the gays are destroying society and yet you do **** like this... you swear every other word, Ill cuss but you do it every other word thus taking away its power... every thing is a son of a ***** to you. I am better then you and you know it... and that’s why you hate me.... and I hate you because your trash.
Thank you and love, Matthew
Thank you for letting me vent.
[This message has been edited by dezie36 (edited 10-15-2005).]
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08:18 PM
System Bot
sostock Member
Posts: 5907 From: Grain Valley, MO Registered: May 2005
LOL I get more negs because im sick of the white trash I work and go to school with... I guess we know what kind of people gave me a neg... probably been giveing me negs the whole time.
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09:50 PM
F-I-E-R-O Member
Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
If you think it's bad down there, you haven't been to NORTHERN Michigan! More hillbillies, white trash, heavy drinking, pickup trucks, and huntin' than a good portion of the deep south! Or maybe it's just Grand Traverse County
There used to be a joke that a glass of milk and a twinkie would make everything alright. I thought everyone knew it, but obviously not. Age difference? Geographic difference perhaps?
Anyway that is what it means.
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09:57 PM
dezie36 Member
Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
There used to be a joke that a glass of milk and a twinkie would make everything alright. I thought everyone knew it, but obviously not. Age difference? Geographic difference perhaps?
Anyway that is what it means.
Ya ive never heard that. Im 21... um... and live in MI most of my life... might be both?
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09:58 PM
Gordo Member
Posts: 2981 From: East Guilford, NY, USA Registered: Mar 2002
what? no, chill your ass down.. I'm saying I have a similar dialog running through my head, but not because of drinking and driving.
ahh ok... just not how it came across... ya the drinking and driving was the catalyst for yesterdays outburst (and todays as well).
3 people today had stories about it... I bitched Curtis out for it today... told him I hoped he lost his life next time because he obviously doesn’t care about his own or anybody else’s.
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10:05 PM
fogglethorpe Member
Posts: 4828 From: Valley of the Sun Registered: Jul 2001
It doesn't concern you...maybe you should leave it alone.
I am sick of you... you white trash hick! Your 23, 39, 45, 50 and your not married, but you have like 5 kids. If you love the ***** enough to put your seed in her and have a child you love her enough to marry her. All your doing is teaching your children that this is normal and acceptable. You should not breed; you obviously have no common sense.
In many of your former posts, you espouse moral relativism...so I'd call it hypocrisy to spout off about "normal and acceptable" behavior.
Im sick and tired of hearing about "this time" you " and a buddy were out drinking, and got in your truck"! You are scum! if you are drunk and you get in a motor vehicle you are the lowest piece of **** in the world... and is yet more evidence to my last paragraph. You take more then you and your buddies life in your hands when you got in your truck drunk for the 40th time this week. When you get busted you have the audacity to ***** about the cops? Your lucky you didn’t kill someone... how exactly would your Jesus feel about you if you killed little Suzy and her mother?
Enough with the hunting stories! I don’t need to hear a story every day about the rabbit/deer who’s brain/heart you shot out... don’t you have anything better to do then kill animals? 8 rabbits... when the hell are you going to eat 8 rabbits?
What business is that of yours? Are you a militant vegetarian?
In summation you are **** ... you make me sorry I’m white...
Do you hold "white" people to higher standards than people of other races?
I’m not even Christian (like you) and yet Id never get into an automobile drunk...
Maybe you should stop being such a wimp, and just directly state that you have irrational hostility toward Christians?
By the way, anyone can claim to be a Christian, but "you will know them by their fruit...:
you are a hypocrite you say the gays are destroying society and yet you do **** like this... you swear every other word, Ill cuss but you do it every other word thus taking away its power... every thing is a son of a ***** to you.
Your stupid, pseudo-profanity laced rant in broken sixth-grade prose makes you more of a hypocrite than they are.
I am better then you and you know it... and that’s why you hate me.... and I hate you because your trash.
Keep thinking that, Matt.
By the way...you are also a coward. You post your ridiculous, hate-filled screed here, where it will never be read by the persons for whom it is intended. Why don't you grow a scrotum, and go say it to them in person?
Originally posted by dezie36: I am sick of you... you white trash hick! Your 23, 39, 45, 50 and your not married, but you have like 5 kids. If you love the ***** enough to put your seed in her and have a child you love her enough to marry her. All your doing is teaching your children that this is normal and acceptable. You should not breed; you obviously have no common sense.
I don’t remember ever reading a post of yours’ before.
I’m 33. Polly is 37. We have been living with each other in my home for 7 years. We had our son two weeks ago out of wedlock.
I’m not a violent person. And I’m not a big man. Had you said these things in front of me, one of us would be going to the hospital.
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10:44 PM
Wichita Member
Posts: 20692 From: Wichita, Kansas Registered: Jun 2002
I think your post basically sums up what he is saying actually.. Good Nascar race today? As much as he does fly off the handle to things that have no corrolation sometimes, I do see his point..
and buddy, I think you are (were) pretty much exempt from that.. Well you were until your final sentence.. Before that, I would have excluded you (of course, my exclusion doesn't really matter, being that this is not my post..) People seem to lose their argument as soon as they threaten to 'put someone in the hospital'...
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12:44 AM
F-I-E-R-O Member
Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
If this were my backyard, I'd consider myself lucky! OK, they're not all choptops, or Lambos... but, they are something to start with. I'd wake up in the morning, throw on my white trash slippers, walk out to the gang and say hello, then I could start my day with a smile...
[This message has been edited by F-I-E-R-O (edited 10-17-2005).]
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01:02 AM
fogglethorpe Member
Posts: 4828 From: Valley of the Sun Registered: Jul 2001
Originally posted by JohnnyK: I think your post basically sums up what he is saying actually.. Good Nascar race today? As much as he does fly off the handle to things that have no corrolation sometimes, I do see his point..
If that statement made sense, I'd respond to it...oh wait...I did anyway.
[This message has been edited by fogglethorpe (edited 10-17-2005).]
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01:11 AM
sostock Member
Posts: 5907 From: Grain Valley, MO Registered: May 2005
i'll try to be diplomatic. don't post a "rant". if you have a question, don't understand someone's point of view, don't understand their train of thought, etc... ask WHY they do the things they do. don't just post a "people suck" post. i like ya dezie and i understand where you are coming from but don't group people together. i know lots of people who are hypocrits, know lots of people who claim they are a religious or belong to a particular political party then do the opposite of what they claim they are supporting. that's just how people are. i know you are young (younger than me me anyway) so don't judge someone until you've been in their shoes. people do all sorts of different things for different reasons. often times the reason they do them are not why you may think they do them. so long and good night. Jeremy
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01:21 AM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41079 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
Originally posted by dezie36: Its an open letter to those I work with, and go to school with.
...and you wonder why you had so much trouble finding a job. I'm willing to bet that your attitude comes shining through for the benefit of everyone who has the misfortune of meeting you. Maybe the ones who didn't hire you are smarter and more perceptive than you give them credit for.
[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 10-17-2005).]
I am sick of you... you white trash hick! Your 23, 39, 45, 50 and your not married, but you have like 5 kids. If you love the ***** enough to put your seed in her and have a child you love her enough to marry her. All your doing is teaching your children that this is normal and acceptable. You should not breed; you obviously have no common sense.
Im sick and tired of hearing about "this time" you " and a buddy were out drinking, and got in your truck"! You are scum! if you are drunk and you get in a motor vehicle you are the lowest piece of **** in the world... and is yet more evidence to my last paragraph. You take more then you and your buddies life in your hands when you got in your truck drunk for the 40th time this week. When you get busted you have the audacity to ***** about the cops? Your lucky you didn’t kill someone... how exactly would your Jesus feel about you if you killed little Suzy and her mother?
Enough with the hunting stories! I don’t need to hear a story every day about the rabbit/deer who’s brain/heart you shot out... don’t you have anything better to do then kill animals? 8 rabbits... when the hell are you going to eat 8 rabbits?
In summation you are **** ... you make me sorry I’m white... no scratch that you make me sorry I’m human! I’m not even Christian (like you) and yet Id never get into an automobile drunk... you are a hypocrite you say the gays are destroying society and yet you do **** like this... you swear every other word, Ill cuss but you do it every other word thus taking away its power... every thing is a son of a ***** to you. I am better then you and you know it... and that’s why you hate me.... and I hate you because your trash.
Thank you and love, Matthew
Thank you for letting me vent.
I only have a few words to say about this post--What a Retard!!!!