The feeling could be mutual if I judged you based on the content of your post.
Originally posted by dezie36:
Yes, I am.
Originally posted by dezie36:
I live in an area with a population that would fill a skyscraper on many a persons given workdays. Fortunately, I’ve had the opportunity to get out of my own backyard and can speak from the experiences of having done so in relation to where I have chosen to live. City vs. rural = hick. Pleased to meet you. Have a seat at my table, because you’re welcome at it.
Originally posted by dezie36:
Your 23, 39, 45, 50
I’m 47, will be 48 in December.
Originally posted by dezie36:
and your not married, but you have like 5 kids.
I was married for 27 years, and I/we chose to have two children, then we weren’t married for a year, then we remarried (same us). Yeah, try to keep up, I know it’s difficult.. That piece of paper (marriage license) didn’t really mean shi* to a tree in the sense of whether or not we belonged or wanted to be together In the beginning of our relationship, it was just what was done and that’s probably why we “did it” at the time. On a side note, I’m glad to have health insurance again.
Originally posted by dezie36:
If you love the ***** enough to put your seed in her and have a child you love her enough to marry her.
Who you calling ***** ? I grow seeds in my garden. Lots of ‘em. I usually grow annuals (Merriam Webster definition:: something that lasts one year or season. As opposed to perennials regularly repeated or renewed ). My gardening style tends to parallel one of my philosophies of life, ie: Minds are like parachutes, they only function when open.
Originally posted by dezie36:
All your doing is teaching your children that this is normal and acceptable. You should not breed; you obviously have no common sense.
You’re 20 something, right? Just barely gotten your pubes. I guess the PC term might be that you’re a “grasshopper”. Lay this one on me when you’ve had children and are able to speak from the experience of having done so.
Originally posted by dezie36:
Im sick and tired of hearing about "this time" you " and a buddy were out drinking, and got in your truck"! You are scum! if you are drunk and you get in a motor vehicle you are the lowest piece of **** in the world... and is yet more evidence to my last paragraph. You take more then you and your buddies life in your hands when you got in your truck drunk for the 40th time this week. When you get busted you have the audacity to ***** about the cops? Your lucky you didn’t kill someone... how exactly would your Jesus feel about you if you killed little Suzy and her mother?
Who’s Jesus? Yours or mine? Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell. Spirituality is for people who have already been there. I missed church today, and it wasn’t because I was busy practicing Lesbianism and Witchcraft.
Originally posted by dezie36:
Enough with the hunting stories! I don’t need to hear a story every day about the rabbit/deer who’s brain/heart you shot out... don’t you have anything better to do then kill animals? 8 rabbits... when the hell are you going to eat 8 rabbits?
I have never eaten rabbit. You can be sure that I would if I were hungry enough, though. I’m sure you can freeze them from a logical standpoint. As far as hunting, it’s a sport. Do you watch football or baseball, etc.?
Originally posted by dezie36:
In summation you are **** ... you make me sorry I’m white... no scratch that you make me sorry I’m human!
This turd is tired and I’m gonna try to catch some sleep. I sincerely hope that you will, too.
[This message has been edited by BigRed88 (edited 10-17-2005).]
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03:18 AM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41079 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
I don't know why I'm bothering to respond, but here goes. First, dittos to fogglethorpe, Raydar, and BigRed88.
Originally posted by dezie36:
I am sick of you... you white trash hick! Your 23, 39, 45, 50 and your not married, but you have like 5 kids. If you love the ***** enough to put your seed in her and have a child you love her enough to marry her. All your doing is teaching your children that this is normal and acceptable. You should not breed; you obviously have no common sense.
Hick? You're probably referring to me, I guess, given where I grew up in rural northern Michigan. I still live in a "suburb" of a city of 20,000, so I'm probalby still a hick. You missed my age though...I'm 34, and I only have one kid. My wife left me, and I'm now remarried to a wonderful woman. Come to think of it, I didn't even plant a seed first. Common sense? It's not a big stretch to say the same thing about you, given many of your posts here. I wouldn't rant too loudly...a post about common sense, hipocracy and decency from a guy who openly posts on the internet about how he committed assault and MDOP (probably a couple other misdemeanors in there too) with a large cup of soda? Give me a break.
I've reconsidered. I'll leave it at that and not waste my breath further. It's been covered. Oh...and all these "Christians" that you work with, and go to school with...what church do they go to Dez?
For the record, I don't disagree with your disdain for those who drink and drive. Just your flippant hatred, and your blanket statements classifying everyone you hate as a Christian.
[This message has been edited by AndyLPhoto (edited 10-17-2005).]
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07:16 AM
dezie36 Member
Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
hmm, you can almost smell the whiskey coming off the screen from some of these posts.
If you were offended by my post I do not apologize. In my set of morals by which I live my life; having a child out of wed lock is one of the worst atrocities you can do to a child... I’ve seen how these children grow up (IE my sister, brother, and my brothers daughter). And they do not grow up to be normal... in my experience anyway, I’m sure there are a few lucky ones out there, and I’m sure your all going to know some... or be one.
If you drink and drive I hold tight to my statement that you are scum. You are the lowest piece of flea **** the oozing anus of society. And I hate you with all my soul. I’ve lost 3 friends 1 cousin, and nearly my mother to drunk drivers. I will not allow anyone to say it’s not as bad as it is, or to make excuses for it.
Call me a retard if you wish, call me an ******* , but I’m finally saying what I’m feeling (thank you doctor Rapistine my therapist). I did grow some balls and told one of the guys what I thought of him for his drinking and driving... big man wasn’t so big once I stood up to him and he was faced with a 20 year old with adrenalin running through his veins... he backed the **** down, as I’m sure any one who said they’d kick my ass would have.
You don’t have to like my post, you don’t have to agree with it… hell you can hate it for all of your self you see in it… but calling me a retard and other names just works to vilify what I’ve posted.
I like this forum, and most of you who responded unkindly to my post as if it were directed at you... prior to this I had not thought you white trash... but I guess you thought you saw enough of your self in my post to become offended by it. As long as you don’t share your drinking and driving stories with the group with pride... then I still have no problems with you... as I said before that was the soul catalyst for my out burst.
Having a child out of wed lock and staying that way is totally different then having a child out of wed lock and marring the mother... or your wife leaving you... or your wife dying, or divorcing her and marring another woman...
[This message has been edited by dezie36 (edited 10-17-2005).]
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07:22 AM
dezie36 Member
Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
Originally posted by AndyLPhoto: a post about common sense, hipocracy and decency from a guy who openly posts on the internet about how he committed assault and MDOP (probably a couple other misdemeanors in there too) with a large cup of soda? Give me a break.
I've reconsidered. I'll leave it at that and not waste my breath further. It's been covered. Oh...and all these "Christians" that you work with, and go to school with...what church do they go to Dez?
LOL!!! You don’t even know what id be charged with. it would have been battery, assault is saying im going to kick your ass and battery is doing it. I highly doubt id have faced any criminal charges had I been caught... pulse I felt bad about it afterwards, and said I felt ashamed...hmmm no one ever seems to remember that part! Not as if any of these guys were ashamed about drinking and driving… they were ****ing proud of it.
Who cares what church they go to... they say I hate fags cause god hates them...
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07:26 AM
AndyLPhoto Member
Posts: 2420 From: Skandia, MI, USA Registered: Nov 2001
LOL!!! You don’t even know what id be charged with. it would have been battery, assault is saying im going to kick your ass and battery is doing it. I highly doubt id have faced any criminal charges had I been caught... pulse I felt bad about it afterwards, and said I felt ashamed...hmmm no one ever seems to remember that part!
Shucks,'re right! That's too funny! Seeing as I wasn't there and all. And unlike yourself, I've never had the need to look into legal definitions of what I might be charged with.. According to Michigan legal definitions, one of the definitions of assault is an attempt to commit a battery. I guess it's as likely that you might have been charged with "Assault & Battery," which is a common pair.
I'm sure a lot of people that drive drunk and kill someone "feel bad" about it afterward. Feeling bad doesn't cut it. Thinking about your actions *before* you commit them, and making decisions accordingly, is what counts.
Good day.
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07:46 AM
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
Originally posted by JohnnyK: and buddy, I think you are (were) pretty much exempt from that.. Well you were until your final sentence.. Before that, I would have excluded you (of course, my exclusion doesn't really matter, being that this is not my post..) People seem to lose their argument as soon as they threaten to 'put someone in the hospital'...
JohnnyK, I didn’t say he would be going to the hospital. I’m not an aggressive person. I’ve been in very few fights, and most of them I lost. I was trying to suggest that it’s very possible that I would have the hell beat out of me and so I said “one of us”. To the point. Some things you have to stand up to, even knowing you wont win. Calling my woman a *****, referring to my child as a product of “breeding” in a condescending fashion, and suggesting that I do not have the right to have a child would qualify.
Originally posted by dezie36: In my set of morals by which I live my life; having a child out of wed lock is one of the worst atrocities you can do to a child... I’ve seen how these children grow up (IE my sister, brother, and my brothers daughter). And they do not grow up to be normal... in my experience anyway,
dezie36 If I understood this, you mother has two children out of wedlock, and you brother has one. Have you told them how you feel about them? Better yet…PM me you’re brothers email address and I’ll just forward that first paragraph to him for you. I would be interested in what their response would be.
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08:04 AM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41079 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
I wasn't offended by your tirade. To the contrary, it helped me realize just how fscked up you really are. It's one thing to have morals and convictions. It's quite another to be a narrow minded, judgemental, bigoted prick. I have no patience for people who brag about how much better they are than others. I'll make my own observations and decisions as to whom I respect and hold in high regard, if that's quite alright with you. (Clue: It certainly isn't people like you.) It must be nice to be 20 years old and to know it all. Maybe after you've grown up for a few years, you'll get it. Probably not, though. You'll be one of those people who is "never wrong" no matter what the occasion. And your bigoted, arrogant ass will continue to wonder why nobody can stand you and why the only kind of job you can get is working with the people you freaking despise so much. Perhaps one of them will give you a little bit of schooling in "real life". I hope you survive. Kind of.
Originally posted by dezie36: hmm, you can almost smell the whiskey coming off the screen from some of these posts.
Another ad hominem generalization....that seems to be your standard mode of argument.
If you were offended by my post I do not apologize.
It wasn't offensive. It was embarrassing. You are barely able to string together a coherent thought.
In my set of morals by which I live my life;
So now, because you're mad at the world, you have "morals"?
having a child out of wed lock is one of the worst atrocities you can do to a child... I’ve seen how these children grow up (IE my sister, brother, and my brothers daughter). And they do not grow up to be normal... in my experience anyway, I’m sure there are a few lucky ones out there, and I’m sure your all going to know some... or be one.
My twins were born out of wedlock...I adopted them when they were barely four years old. They are now nineteen. My daughter is in college on a full scholarship, with a 3.9 GPA. My son, her twin brother, is on his own, by choice. He's planning to get married next year, and is also in college. He works part time, and makes enough money that way to support himself.
If either one is ever in Michigan, maybe you'll have the honor of bagging their groceries.
I'd say they turned out ok. You don't know a damned thing about how the real world works.
If you drink and drive I hold tight to my statement that you are scum.
Almost everyone agrees with that.
Let me add something...If you hurl large fountain sodas at strangers in traffic, you are a moron and deserve any repercussions that result.
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10:26 AM
System Bot
fogglethorpe Member
Posts: 4828 From: Valley of the Sun Registered: Jul 2001
Are you still suffering from "Can't stop getting punched in bars" syndrome? Just wondering.
Think that was JohnnyK..
But as for Dezies rant..
Used to feel the same way myself.. grew up in a dem stronghold/union town. Where if you didn't play by the "rules" you didn't work Well couple yrs later moved to a real metro area, doubled my income and am quite happy Bitter, still annoyed with rednecks? Naw not really. Making myself a better person and improving my life was satisfaction enough.
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10:49 AM
F-I-E-R-O Member
Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
Do yourself a favor.. Leave! MI is a dying state for a whole host of reasons.
Get yourself a job that pays decent wages, find a nice girl or two.. and look back and laugh at the red necks and their shallow lives.
For those of you who jumped on the beat on Dez bandwagon.. no offense.. I've hunted, been in the military, worked union jobs etc. I just see Dez as a product of living in a place with no future. Does he have issues.. ya kinda.. but nothing worse than not seeing a future other than getting his ole lady knocked up so they can split the welfare check.
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10:55 AM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37460 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Originally posted by dezie36: hmm, you can almost smell the whiskey coming off the screen from some of these posts.
Dezie36.......if all your opinions in the "open letter" are as intelligently thought out as the above quote, you "letter" is more so incredulous. Getting slammed in the thread and you attack ? Are the people at work and school picking on you ?
Whether his rant was articulate, properly punctuated, grammatically correct, and/or contained spelling errors, I'm having a hard time reconciling the flames being directed his way. So what if there are generalizations and slanders. I have to agree with him on the point that some of you seem to be taking it very personally. If you have gotten your hackles up over this post, I can't help but think you saw some of yourself in the things he said. Why else get so exercised over it? He and I don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, but this gang mentality I'm seeing over his rant seems pretty uncalled for. Hell, half the stuff he said could easily apply to me, I just choose not to be offended by it, why are you choosing TO be offended by it? Some of you might ought to take a step back and evaluate why you're so cheesed over his comments. Pretty much everyone on here has had their fair share of rants and bicchin', and many have been more over-the-top than his was. Cripes, cut the guy some slack. Most of you have posted your OWN irrational, skewed, not to mention ANGRY rants, that were easily as out of control as his was. No doubt, some of his comments were probably uncalled for, or just plain unreasonable. (such as being "better" than anyone else) But hey, we ALL say dumb things when we're cheesed. By the way, I 100% share his attitude about drink drivers. The rest, well, that's up for debate, as, for one, I have a duaghter out of wedlock, but she turned out just fine. So I guess his "opinion" (which is all any of his comments really were) just isn't completely accurate, and certainly don't apply to me. Do they apply to you? If not, then get off your high-horse, you ain't so special. Your harsh criticisms of him make you not only as judgemental as him, they also make you a hypocrite, since your doing the same thing to him that you're critisizing him for! And if they Do touch home, well, turn on Jerry Springer, you'll feel much more normal afterwards. Unless it's your sister who's on there.....
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12:18 PM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
My sisters and brothers mom had them out of wedlock... our father felt horrible for the way they turned out and raised me differently.
My sister was a 30 year old virgin, who married the first man to show her any attention shes now divorced as well... and doesn’t have a job... living with her mom, my brother had his first kid out of wed lock at the age of 16 now 18 years later he still works as a short order cook and my niece is pregnant with her first out of wedlock baby, she’s also been in juvie.
These are my opinions one the people I’ve been exposed to.
And calling me a bigot doesn’t really apply because I’m hating the people who hate blacks, Mexicans, Jews, and gays... where as I hate none of the above.
[This message has been edited by dezie36 (edited 10-17-2005).]
... because I’m hating the people who hate blacks, Mexicans, Jews, and gays...
I can understand dismiss, dislike, and/or disapprove, but I cannot comprehend all this hate you refer to. Seems like a lot of baggage to be carrying around, or perhaps you have a different definition of “hate” than I do.
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06:43 PM
fogglethorpe Member
Posts: 4828 From: Valley of the Sun Registered: Jul 2001
I can understand dismiss, dislike, and/or disapprove, but I cannot comprehend all this hate you refer to. Seems like a lot of baggage to be carrying around, or perhaps you have a different definition of “hate” than I do.
Probably, I dislike broccoli... I hate drunk drivers... I loath vomiting.
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08:37 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38259 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
I’m glad to know that you are seeking some professional therapy. I sincerely hope that you are able to find some happiness in your life, as you are obviously a very angry young man. Put him/her on speed dial if need be. Just do something.
I have a question for you, Dezie. Were you really all that surprised at the reactions you got when you made your generalizations, slanders and bigoted remarks? As far as my having taken personal offense, yes I did. Hey, I’m working on it, but I ain’t Teflon Woman yet. We’ve all got issues, son. Issues lead to baggage. I’ve collected a full set of Samsonite luggage myself. I also refer to my baggage as my Jacob Marley chains. I may drag them behind me, but I’ve managed to cut out quite a few links and lighten my load. Until I recognized and accepted the fact that I had them, I was never able to get beyond myself. Get out of your way!
I do not mean to offend you or any of our younger members on the forum, but based on my own experience, your age plays a significant role in how you perceive the world. Quit trying to place the blame on others for “your plight” and take a good look at yourself before you start slinging arrows. You’ve no doubt heard the term, never judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. Uh oh…guess I’m beating you over the head with my Bible. Like the Prego spaghetti sauce commercial, it's in there.
I rarely post in these threads. That’s part of my baggage. I’m on the opposite end of your spectrum in that I have not as of yet resolved my inner anger. I’ve found what I consider to be productive releases for my anger, in the sense of not verbally lashing out. I beat the living hell out of my drum kit. I have at times taken on the role of actor in our Community Theatre and chosen parts, which I knew I could portray and attempted to represent what I felt was the author’s intended purpose. Hey, it’s cool to be someone else when you aren’t writing your own script. The irony of that exercise was that I always seemed to be typecast as the ditzy or the smutty type by our Director.
Call me an old hippie or whatever you want to label me, but I would prefer to kill you with kindness rather than risk hurting your feelings by staple gunning a label on you. Labels are for soup cans, not people. And, yes, in my dictionary, you are a bigot. I agree with Merriam-Webster’s definition of the word bigot:
A person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.
Your post did anger me, but I am also attempting to see through your words and compassionately understand the reasons why you did it. At the same time, by posting my comments, I am reinforcing some of the lessons I am still in the process of learning.
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08:48 PM
Uaana Member
Posts: 6570 From: Robbinsdale MN US Registered: Dec 1999
My sisters and brothers mom had them out of wedlock... our father felt horrible for the way they turned out and raised me differently.
My sister was a 30 year old virgin, who married the first man to show her any attention shes now divorced as well... and doesn’t have a job... living with her mom, my brother had his first kid out of wed lock at the age of 16 now 18 years later he still works as a short order cook and my niece is pregnant with her first out of wedlock baby, she’s also been in juvie.
These are my opinions one the people I’ve been exposed to.
Whats your point dez? I was raised on the welfare system, knew plenty of girls who wanted to have kids at 14 / 15 so they could get emacipated and on welfare.. it's a crappy system and a horrible life for anyone to choose.
I chose not to be a part of it, and worked my way out. I'm no uber success story but i'm getting further ahead every day. You can sit and rail against the losers while doing nothing your self, or you can try and make your own life better and be happy with that. You'll find that the further you get ahead the less you worry about those that have chosen to do nothing.
And calling me a bigot doesn’t really apply because I’m hating the people who hate blacks, Mexicans, Jews, and gays... where as I hate none of the above.
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10:53 PM
Oct 18th, 2005
fogglethorpe Member
Posts: 4828 From: Valley of the Sun Registered: Jul 2001
I am sick of you... you white trash hick! Your 23, 39, 45, 50 and your not married, but you have like 5 kids. If you love the ***** enough to put your seed in her and have a child you love her enough to marry her. All your doing is teaching your children that this is normal and acceptable. You should not breed; you obviously have no common sense.
Im sick and tired of hearing about "this time" you " and a buddy were out drinking, and got in your truck"! You are scum! if you are drunk and you get in a motor vehicle you are the lowest piece of **** in the world... and is yet more evidence to my last paragraph. You take more then you and your buddies life in your hands when you got in your truck drunk for the 40th time this week. When you get busted you have the audacity to ***** about the cops? Your lucky you didn’t kill someone... how exactly would your Jesus feel about you if you killed little Suzy and her mother?
Enough with the hunting stories! I don’t need to hear a story every day about the rabbit/deer who’s brain/heart you shot out... don’t you have anything better to do then kill animals? 8 rabbits... when the hell are you going to eat 8 rabbits?
In summation you are **** ... you make me sorry I’m white... no scratch that you make me sorry I’m human! I’m not even Christian (like you) and yet Id never get into an automobile drunk... you are a hypocrite you say the gays are destroying society and yet you do **** like this... you swear every other word, Ill cuss but you do it every other word thus taking away its power... every thing is a son of a ***** to you. I am better then you and you know it... and that’s why you hate me.... and I hate you because your trash.
Thank you and love, Matthew
Thank you for letting me vent.
What an attitude!
Sounds like another Deliverance movie in the makin'!
Cum on down. Let me tune up the banjo!
Drinkin and drivin gettin kinda expensive down here now but they ain't no law agaisnt a pig squeelin'!!
Gonna be lookin fer one of them there yankees and see if I can run him down. All the way down in the ground like plowing the back 40 under. Hell a little lime l' take care of the stink. I jus can't wait to get drunk and score another kill. Wish I could get the big one. Anyone know where this dezie36 is? I hear he is sick of me and my 5 bastard kids. Well me an my bastard boys was lookin to learn him a lesson. Call me trash I'll come up out of this can with a bunch of woop-ass for ya!
By the way piece out you jigsaw puzzle. Hope you find a booger to replace it.
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12:41 PM
Boondawg Member
Posts: 38235 From: Displaced Alaskan Registered: Jun 2003
Originally posted by BigRed88: Call me an old hippie or whatever you want to label me, but I would prefer to kill you with kindness rather than risk hurting your feelings by staple gunning a label on you.