12K Dollars is a drop in the bucket. I just hope you stay employed and insured, till you reach retirement age, and that you never are involved in a bad acident or require surgery if you don't have insurance. When I had my car accident, back in 1980 when I was 21, the intensive care room was $15,000 a day. Thank God I was insured and covered for this. I also was in the hospital for over a month. The totals of all the bills were in the hundreds of thousand Dollars. I hate to think about what would have happened if I didn't have insurance. I probably would still be paying for it. You never know what is going to happen to you or a loved one but it can be life altering. Spend your money wisely.
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07:34 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38259 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
Originally posted by dezie36: YUP... especially if I had a steady career going... if not... its probably time for a trip to planed parenthood (that would be ultimately her decision to make not mine).
What , you are pussy whipped also
Originally posted by dezie36: She’s gainfully employed, she has 2 jobs, she models part time and she’s an IT specialist. Her income alone is over 60k a year. I myself am trying to figure out what I want out of life... I thought it was auto tech... and I was wrong... I’m thinking a Business Management degree... but my first love will always be photography...
Ah, I see, she is a domesticated cash cow. You have no job.
Originally posted by dezie36: Um, I work full time...
What about the "kids" in class ? Are you in the first grade ? Ya remember the white trash "kids" ?
Originally posted by dezie36: My parents spent over 20k on physiologist appointments to get me to stop thinking that way... I was 9 years old with anxiety issues... because I was worried about my parents being able to pay the bills, I was worried about getting good grades... about being able to make something of my self...
You still habe anxiety issues and they will be, actually they are your downfall. Dr. Ritilan did you no good, or whatever his name was. The truth is.....is that you are worried about yourself, always have been, always will. That is why you defend yourself so much. It will be all Sarahs fault when she gets tired of your sorry a$$ (neg finally coming). She is gonna neg you too. I hope it is not your best friend or your brother, worse your sister, or white trash. Women do not want a no one. What are you bringing to the table ? A$$hole opinions (which I have had many of) with no re-evaluation ? I also was a loser. Now that I am not as much of a loser, I still have not regained what I lost. I will never know it all. What kind of drugs do you take ? What is Dr. Ritilan's address ? Sir, you are an A$$.......and you have the audacity to call my friend an A$$.
I ain't done yet.
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08:16 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37460 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
You still habe anxiety issues and they will be, actually they are your downfall. Dr. Ritilan did you no good, or whatever his name was. The truth is.....is that you are worried about yourself, always have been, always will. That is why you defend yourself so much. It will be all Sarahs fault when she gets tired of your sorry a$$ (neg finally coming). She is gonna neg you too. I hope it is not your best friend or your brother, worse your sister, or white trash. Women do not want a no one. What are you bringing to the table ? A$$hole opinions (which I have had many of) with no re-evaluation ? I also was a loser. Now that I am not as much of a loser, I still have not regained what I lost. I will never know it all. What kind of drugs do you take ? What is Dr. Ritilan's address ? Sir, you are an A$$.......and you have the audacity to call my friend an A$$.
I ain't done yet.
Now that was funny!
Thank you for the laugh.
Oh FYI I’m sorry you were a loser and lost the love of your life... I on the other hand will not.
LOL your too funny... and to think I was getting up set at you...
Any one see that episode of south park where the passion of the Christ came out? Dude your Mel Gibson... I was upset over you and your freaking daffy! I can just picture you yelling at people, “you want to torture me now? Oh don’t twist my nipples their too sensitive”… LOL
Originally posted by dezie36: You obviously forgot that I gave up that dream...
Yes, I did forget. Good move on your part.
...and your right I have no business being a cop... but for different reasons.
1. I'm not a bigot... every cop I know uses racial slang’s and hates blacks and Mexicans. 2. I don’t take what I should pay for... every cop I know takes free food, drink and anything else given to them because they are cops 3. Id never abuse an inmate... every cop I ever worked with in the jail beat them, or spit on them... or degraded them with words.
And when I refused to take free coffee at 7/11 on a ride alone with one of our advisors and thus embarrassing him in front of his friends (other officers) I was denied a promotion I had worked very hard for and deserved and had been previously promised ... I was also given every **** job they had for me... and when I complained I was told to either deal or quit... so I did!
...you know jack **** about me and my life or how I would handle the badge... obviously I was a better person then the cops I was working with.
Cops are given (your words) food and coffee (or whatever) as a courtesy. Also, obviously, when they are there eating or drinking (whatever) it's a pretty safe bet that the criminal element is going to stay away. If I had a food business or 7/11, you better know that cops would get free food or coffee. What would you do? Give free coffee to the Meth heads? (That would be redundant, anyway.)
It was your "I'm better than everybody else." attitude that got on everyone's nerves (just as, coincidentally, I said it would, earlier in this thread.) They did the right thing by drumming your arrogant self out. And make no mistake. You were drummed out. If you'd have persisted, they would have come up with something even uglier for you to deal with. Good move on their part.
And I have visions of you beating down some poor "white trash hick". I'm certain it would have happened, with your attitude. In that regard, I don't think that you'd have been one bit better than the cops you look down your nose at. Just that your choice of victim may have been different.
So **** you,
Yeah. Whatever. Back at ya', sparky. Get a clue how life works. I'm out of here.
[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 10-23-2005).]
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09:54 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37460 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
What , you are pussy whipped also ????????????????????
So your white (sperm) trash (throw-a-way) is decided by other than you. She gets pregnant and it is her decision. Puullleeeeze ! You do have no business having a ding dong, Did Sarah buy your Fiero ? Why ? She can not be a reflection of you. I hope not. My friend wanted your siblings contacts so he could tell them how much better that they were than you. Call Dr. Rittilan.
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09:58 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37460 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Originally posted by JohnnyK: You have to stop posting in these threads, it's not making you look very pleasant.. I'm sure you are, but not in these threads.
Thanks JohnnyK.
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10:01 PM
dezie36 Member
Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
Raydar WTF is wrong with you? They took **** because they felt it their right! It was never offered to them... they just walked in and took it. So **** you. I didn’t deserve free **** because I was doing my job!
You have no idea of who i am... I got drummed out because I embarrassed the advisor!
and your obviously one of these assholes whom I hate that i wrote about in my open letter! Why don’t you go beat your wife, teach your kid to hate black people, and drink another beer and get in your truck.
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10:05 PM
dezie36 Member
Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
What , you are pussy whipped also ????????????????????
So your white (sperm) trash (throw-a-way) is decided by other than you. She gets pregnant and it is her decision. Puullleeeeze ! You do have no business having a ding dong, Did Sarah buy your Fiero ? Why ? She can not be a reflection of you. I hope not. My friend wanted your siblings contacts so he could tell them how much better that they were than you. Call Dr. Rittilan.
ya she gets pregnant and its her decision on weather or not to keep it... and she probably wouldn’t. I bought my Fiero!
you do realize your posts are making less and less sense... been sampling your bathtub drug?
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10:07 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37460 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Cops are given (your words) food and coffee (or whatever) as a courtesy. Also, obviously, when they are there eating or drinking (whatever) it's a pretty safe bet that the criminal element is going to stay away. If I had a food business or 7/11, you better know that cops would get free food or coffee.
Ahh, the joys of the service industry. I remember them well.. "Want your discount?" "Sure!" "I was just kidding".. Wonder if my boss ever found out about that.. Thats where you and I differ. That and I Don't look like a deadhead..
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10:55 PM
BigRed88 Member
Posts: 839 From: East Guilford, NY Registered: Apr 2003
Dezie, you need to purchase a new crystal ball. Yours is obviously clouded.
Remember when I suggested in an earlier post that you put your therapist on speed dial? I’ve changed my mind. Consider inpatient. Your hate of both yourself and your fellow man is appalling and appears to be consuming you.
I’m wearing my Teflon suit tonight (got it on over my trash bag), so please feel free to refer to me with any or all of the terms you used in your comments to maryjane, cliffw and Radar. I would actually consider it a compliment.
------------------ Life is a minestrone...
(Creme, Stewart)
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11:06 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38259 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
Originally posted by dezie36: ........you do realize your posts are making less and less sense...
Originally posted by dezie36: .....ya she gets pregnant and its her decision on weather or not to keep it... and she probably wouldn’t. I bought my Fiero!
Ahhh, she is dick lashed. How did that happen ? Your quotes.
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11:24 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41079 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
Raydar WTF is wrong with you? They took **** because they felt it their right! It was never offered to them... they just walked in and took it.
That's not what you wrote, earlier. Check it out....
Originally posted by dezie36: "...takes free food, drink and anything else given to them because they are cops"
So which is it? Did they just take it? Or were they given it? There's a big difference. If they just took it, then that's wrong.
So **** you.
There you go again. Kind of "Deliverance-like" of you. Can you hear the banjos?
You have no idea of who i am... I got drummed out because I embarrassed the advisor!
You might have embarrassed the advisor, but you got drummed out because of your holier-than-thou attitude. Edit - and because you're a nut-cluster.
and your obviously one of these assholes whom I hate that i wrote about in my open letter!
You just hate me because I call you out on all this vapid BS that you spew.
Why don’t you go beat your wife, teach your kid to hate black people, and drink another beer and get in your truck.
Actually, I wouldn't even consider it. I've never raised a hand to my wife. I don't have any kids, and on those uncommon occasions that I even open a beer, it usually gets hot before I finish the whole thing. And I would never teach my child to hate someone. For any reason. I would, however, encourage them to not tolerate arrogance and stupidity. Therefore, I'm sure they wouldn't like you either.
[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 10-23-2005).]
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11:30 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37460 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Cliff! Cliff! It's time to take out the trash! Dezie let me introduce to you "The Ideal Meets the Real". the two are much different. ideally bad things, corruption, sin, yada yada wouldn't happen. however we live in the Real, where it ALL happens. if you're out to save the world don't post on a car forum.
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11:45 PM
BigRed88 Member
Posts: 839 From: East Guilford, NY Registered: Apr 2003
Originally posted by Taijiguy: Whether his rant was articulate, properly punctuated, grammatically correct, and/or contained spelling errors, I'm having a hard time reconciling the flames being directed his way.
Much respect to you Taijiguy. The above is of no issue to me. The dweeb does not say what he means. Or he does not mean what he says. Maybe he does and that is why he is a dweeb. It is still not too late for me to grow up.
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12:43 AM
Gordo Member
Posts: 2981 From: East Guilford, NY, USA Registered: Mar 2002