Liveing in Georga you would. Do they even have plows there? I lived in Tenn. for 5 years and found people don't have a clue how to drive in the snow, its a good thing they close the toads down if you get a 1/4" of snow or half the state woukd be in accidents. To me your dad's Sidekick is the most useless thing on the face of the planet. It wont haul anything bigger than your Fiero, and by the way my 94 Burb get 18 to 20 miles to the gallon in 4 wheel drive. So now how do I get my 3' tall 4' wide 2" deep tool box plus people and steel in your dads Sidekick. I need my Burbs, I drive my Burbs when needed, and you know what I don't care about going off road, lets see your dads Sidekick go threw 4' of snow or down a distantinued road in mud season. '
Dude those of us with no need to do that don’t drive a burb... well some do and those people are the ones I’m bitching about. A soccer mom hauling her family around in a Burb is utterly retarded... I have no kids and no cargo to haul... if I have to haul stuff around like if I move... I rent a moving truck... that simple. Otherwise a small commuter like the Smart car is just what I need.
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08:53 PM
dezie36 Member
Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
You're probably too young to remember it, but that is exactly what they said about the American Motors Pacer. Copy/Paste the next line into Goggle and you will find some of the ads.
"Car of the future"Pacer
Now copy paste this line into Google:
"Ugliest American Car"
And I believe you will find the Pacer is considered the ugliest car ever-hands down--until the Aztec came along to dethrone it.
Hmm I always liked the Pacer... im just that crazy.
And people not wearing seatbelts is the SUVs fault how?
You know what I don't wear my seat belt in the Burb or the Fiero, and you know what they both got 5 star crash rateings, and I live in a state that its mandator to wear them. Drove an ambulance just out of high school and pulled 2 people out of cars that were on fire and they paniced and paniced and died. I don't and wont wear a belt.
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09:03 PM
dezie36 Member
Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
You know what I don't wear my seat belt in the Burb or the Fiero, and you know what they both got 5 star crash rateings, and I live in a state that its mandator to wear them. Drove an ambulance just out of high school and pulled 2 people out of cars that were on fire and they paniced and paniced and died. I don't and wont wear a belt.
My grandmother died because she was cut in half by her seat belt.
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09:06 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37439 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Drove an ambulance just out of high school and pulled 2 people out of cars that were on fire and they paniced and paniced and died. I don't and wont wear a belt.
I don't know the figures, but I would suspect that for every person who dies because they panicked and didn't release their seatbelts in a firey crash, there's a hundred (or a thousand?) who died because they were thrown around or were ejected from the vehicle and died on impact.
I wouldn't drive around the block without my seatbelt being on. That goes for my passengers as well.
My grandmother died because she was cut in half by her seat belt.
Come on are going well over the top now!!! Woah there, rein it in a bit!! Your family must be in the Guinness book of records by now, for misfortunes!! If it is true, I apologise, but you do seem to be very adept at pulling "proof" out of nowhere!! And I don't think it is very respectful to call a Gentleman like MJ an cool it a bit!!! Nick
Hmm I always liked the Pacer... im just that crazy.
figures. As I heard one person sayabout the Pacer, they are so uncool they are cool-in a strange sorta way. Now the Aztec-well I don't think they'll ever reach that status. But, people that own & drive them seem to love them, but that may be because they are on the inside looking out at the world, if you get my drift. They only have to look at it as they are walking out to get in it.
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09:21 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38245 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
Come on are going well over the top now!!! Woah there, rein it in a bit!! Your family must be in the Guinness book of records by now, for misfortunes!!
Nick, I see that you noticed my comment in This thread.
Come on are going well over the top now!!! Woah there, rein it in a bit!! Your family must be in the Guinness book of records by now, for misfortunes!! If it is true, I apologise, but you do seem to be very adept at pulling "proof" out of nowhere!! And I don't think it is very respectful to call a Gentleman like MJ an cool it a bit!!! Nick
No problem here Nick. Been called much worse. Considering that I actually have no ass, it's sorta refreshing. (Belt don't fail me in public!!)
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09:24 PM
dezie36 Member
Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
Come on are going well over the top now!!! Woah there, rein it in a bit!! Your family must be in the Guinness book of records by now, for misfortunes!! If it is true, I apologise, but you do seem to be very adept at pulling "proof" out of nowhere!! And I don't think it is very respectful to call a Gentleman like MJ an cool it a bit!!! Nick
yes it did happen, i believe the year was 1955 when my mom was 5... I can double check for you... I know my mom loves talking about it. maybe I can check the newspapers for that year in Chicago... if I must track it down for you. Don’t expect me to get back to you very quickly on the subject… ill have to go to the Chicago public library first.
[This message has been edited by dezie36 (edited 10-23-2005).]
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09:25 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37439 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Originally posted by fierofetish: And I don't think it is very respectful to call a Gentleman like MJ an cool it a bit!!!
MJ aint no gentle man, he just knows when to be, how to be, and can be. I was trying to be, but I went over the edge when you called him an a$$. You would have been better off callind me an A$$. Actually Don, I take it back. You are a gentleman. Sorry.
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09:27 PM
84fiero123 Member
Posts: 29950 From: farmington, maine usa Registered: Oct 2004
yes it did happen, i believe the year was 1955 when my mom was 5... I can double check for you... I know my mom loves talking about it. maybe I can check the newspapers for that year in Chicago... if I must track it down for you. Don’t expect me to get back to you very quickly on the subject… ill have to go to the Chicago public library first.
dam seeing seat belts weren't put in until the mid 60's that does sound a little odd.
edited it was proven tho that the old lap belt did cut people in half, ie brake there backs.
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 10-23-2005).]
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09:31 PM
Posts: 10199 From: Ticlaw FL, and some other places. Registered: Aug 2001
I don't know the figures, but I would suspect that for every person who dies because they panicked and didn't release their seatbelts in a firey crash, there's a hundred (or a thousand?) who died because they were thrown around or were ejected from the vehicle and died on impact.
I wouldn't drive around the block without my seatbelt being on. That goes for my passengers as well.
You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT sir. I was an insurance adjuster for 12 years. I've paid the death claims. People who don't wear seat belts (or helmets on a motorcycle) are proving Darwins theory of evolution every day by removing themselves from the gene pool. Wise up, or die. Your stories of seat belts killing people are at best rare, isolated incidents, and mostly just BS.
Personally, I think Smarts are cool. It would be fun to tool around the city in one. Not so good in Wyoming, I would think.
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09:32 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38245 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
yes it did happen, i believe the year was 1955 when my mom was 5... I can double check for you... I know my mom loves talking about it. maybe I can check the newspapers for that year in Chicago... if I must track it down for you. Don’t expect me to get back to you very quickly on the subject… ill have to go to the Chicago public library first.
Don't worry too much about it!! Google just confirmed the first seatbelts fitted as standard in US Automobiles in 1963....maybe you got the date a bit wrong!!! Nick
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09:36 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37439 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Don't worry too much about it!! Google just confirmed the first seatbelts fitted as standard in US Automobiles in 1963....maybe you got the date a bit wrong!!! Nick
Nick in his defence some cars did have them before that. Not sure of what ones, Kizer Fraser comes to mind but not sure.
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09:48 PM
dezie36 Member
Posts: 2501 From: Moved to Okemos, Mi, USA Registered: Feb 2005
All I know is what my mother has told me... unless she’s lying about the cause of death. I do know she died in 1955 and I only have my mom and her sister's words to go on.
And making light of it just shows how horrible you people are... if there is a hell you are all going to be welcomed to it... if not... at least some of you were wrong and I get some comfort out of both.
Johnny, you're spending too much time at the "other" forum. You're starting to sound like an ex-PFF member who doesn't post here anymore. (Well, not under his original username anyway.)
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09:56 PM
84fiero123 Member
Posts: 29950 From: farmington, maine usa Registered: Oct 2004
All I know is what my mother has told me... unless she’s lying about the cause of death. I do know she died in 1955 and I only have my mom and her sister's words to go on.
And making light of it just shows how horrible you people are... if there is a hell you are all going to be welcomed to it... if not... at least some of you were wrong and I get some comfort out of both.
I know I shouldn't, but I can't stop myself. Ahead of time SORRY!
There are only 2 things in life to worry about, if your sick or your healthy. If your healthy you have nothing to worry about, you have your health. If your sick you only have 2 things to worry about, whether you live or die. If you live you have nothing to worry about, if you die you only have 2 things to worry about, if you go to heaven or hell. If you go to heaven you have nothing to worry about. If you go to hell you'll be to dam buisy shakeing hands with friends so why worry.
again for those of you affended SORRY
sorry had to edit punch line
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 10-23-2005).]
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10:02 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38245 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
And making light of it just shows how horrible you people are...
No one is making light of your grandmother's death. We're making light of YOU, and I suspect none of us will be going to hell for doing that.
You deserve every dig you're getting in this (and other) threads. As a matter of fact, I'm convinced you enjoy it. You keep coming back and asking for more!
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10:03 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37439 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Originally posted by dezie36: All I know is what my mother has told me... unless she’s lying about the cause of death.
Or as dumb as you. My Mom told me Santa Clause existed. Then she told me there was a God. Then she told me the tooth fairy would come. I know more than you have told me.
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10:15 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37439 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
I know I shouldn't, but I can't stop myself. Ahead of time SORRY!
There are only 2 things in life to worry about, if your sick or your healthy. If your healthy you have nothing to worry about, you have your health. If your sick you only have 2 things to worry about, whether you live or die. If you live you have nothing to worry about, if you die you only have 2 things to worry about, if you go to heaven or hell. If you go to heaven you have nothing to worry about. If you go to hell you'll be to dam buisy shakeing hands with friends so why worry.
Johnny, you're spending too much time at the "other" forum. You're starting to sound like an ex-PFF member who doesn't post here anymore. (Well, not under his original username anyway.)
Hey, I was just pointing out that was a little cruel to make fun of someones dead relative.
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10:56 PM
System Bot
Patrick Member
Posts: 38245 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
May I ask have you ever been in an accident when 2 SUVs hit? I have and I had whiplash and my neck hurt for months... plus I hit my head on the window... and I had a bruise for 3 weeks. When I was in an accident with a geo prizm I walked away with no injuries not even whiplash and the car I was in was destroyed... yet the occupants of the s10 that hit us left in the ambulance... we left in a ride that we called.
There are way too many variables to predict the outcome of any collision....
My wife's best friend died in a car accident three years ago. She was a passenger. Her boyfriend, the driver, walked away without a mark on him.
Speed demon doesn’t mean I speed or drive recklessly... I accelerate fast to the speed limit...
That's a good one. Thanks for the laugh!
You should know better about making fun of the size of someone’s car... you do own a Fiero don’t you?
No, and I never have.
I’m not one of those people who compensate for the size of their manhood by driving a big ass SUV…
How juvenile.
Maybe they're just compensating for other drivers who "accelerate fast to the speed limit..."
[This message has been edited by fogglethorpe (edited 10-23-2005).]
I’m not one of those people who compensate for the size of their manhood by driving a big ass SUV… my car is just like me… small quick and only makes me happy
Quote of the century! Dezie, I think we have a new cliche for you! No longer will you be known for the soda-throwing incident!
Liveing in Georga you would. Do they even have plows there? I lived in Tenn. for 5 years and found people don't have a clue how to drive in the snow, its a good thing they close the roads down if you get a 1/4" of snow or half the state would be in accidents. To me your dad's Sidekick is the most useless thing on the face of the planet. It wont haul anything bigger than your Fiero, and by the way my 94 Burb get 18 to 20 miles to the gallon in 4 wheel drive. So now how do I get my 3' tall 4' wide 2" deep tool box plus people and steel in your dads Sidekick. I need my Burbs, I drive my Burbs when needed, and you know what I don't care about going off road, lets see your dads Sidekick go threw 4' of snow or down a discontinued road in mud season. '
Won't haul anything bigger than the Fiero? I work in computers and I've carried gigantic printer boxes in it 4' x 4' x 4' by just laying the seats down, I admit it would be as easy or easier in a pickup truck, but my point here is that it holds a LOT more than the Fiero. It'll hold 1 of those gigantic boxes and some other stuff and 2 people easy. There is no way that a Fiero could hold it, I couldn't even fit it in my Camaro or my Dad's Saturn.
I'd like to see his Sidekick go through 4' of snow but there are no opportunities around here. Offroading in North Georgia Mountains we've gone through 3'-4' deep mud easily. Its so small and lightweight that it can turn around in smaller East Coast wooded trails and it doesn't get stuck in the mud as easy because it's only half the weight of some other SUV's. And we're not afraid to take it off road, its a '89 Suzuki Sidekick with 101k on it, we could care less about damaging anything on it or scratching the paint, etc. These are things that bug people with SUV's and keeps them on the pavement.
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12:04 AM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37439 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
Originally posted by Tinton: Quote of the century! Dezie, I think we have a new cliche for you! No longer will you be known for the soda-throwing incident!