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Why I Americans by dezie36
Started on: 10-23-2005 11:05 AM
Replies: 283
Last post by: FieroMojo on 10-27-2005 11:21 AM
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Report this Post10-23-2005 11:05 AM Click Here to See the Profile for dezie36Send a Private Message to dezie36Direct Link to This Post
Because people in this country only buys big ass SUVs thus scaring away smart cars from ever entering our country, and giving me yet another cool small 2 seater with great gas mileage. So now I’m going to have to import this little beauty over from Canada and then get new gauges because I don’t convert metric to standard in my head.

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Report this Post10-23-2005 11:08 AM Click Here to See the Profile for jstrickerSend a Private Message to jstrickerDirect Link to This Post
Don't you have a V8 Fiero?

John Stricker

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Report this Post10-23-2005 11:09 AM Click Here to See the Profile for dezie36Send a Private Message to dezie36Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by jstricker:

Don't you have a V8 Fiero?

John Stricker

Yes... but that doesnt mean I dont love the stock ones... just havent bought one yet.... I still want the smart car

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Report this Post10-23-2005 11:13 AM Click Here to See the Profile for jstrickerSend a Private Message to jstrickerDirect Link to This Post
So you ***** about people buying SUV's and take a car that makes 30 mpg and turn it into one that makes 20. Why? Because you WANT to. Fine. Just don't whine about people that WANT SUV's.

John Stricker

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Report this Post10-23-2005 11:19 AM Click Here to See the Profile for dezie36Send a Private Message to dezie36Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by jstricker:

So you ***** about people buying SUV's and take a car that makes 30 mpg and turn it into one that makes 20. Why? Because you WANT to. Fine. Just don't whine about people that WANT SUV's.

John Stricker

***** that’s not what this thread is about... but fine you want to bring it there... I don’t hate SUV'S for their poor gas mileage, many get better then my v8 Fiero... I hate them because in an accident they will kill the occupants of other vehicles... they are on ridged ladder frames that don’t collapse or bend so the driver of a car hit by a SUV will feel all of the impact energy!

I have a V8 Fiero because I’m a speed demon.

You'll take any excuse to try and turn a thread against me... just shows how immature you are.

[This message has been edited by dezie36 (edited 10-23-2005).]

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Report this Post10-23-2005 11:29 AM Click Here to See the Profile for F-I-E-R-OSend a Private Message to F-I-E-R-ODirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by dezie36:
So now I’m going to have to import this little beauty over from Canada and then get new gauges because I don’t convert metric to standard in my head.

Just put post-it's on the gauge: one for each of the most common speed zones in your area! When you get pulled over, just tell the officer that the post-it fell off and you couldn't convert from metric in your head. Then tell him you were just on your way to Staples to buy another pack...

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Report this Post10-23-2005 11:32 AM Click Here to See the Profile for JazzManSend a Private Message to JazzManDirect Link to This Post
Dezie, JS has a hard-on for you and will follow you around forever harping on everything you say and do, just like he does me and several other PFF members who have attracted his ire. He's like an untrained pit-bull, he just can't let go. Hang in there, and I agree with you on the issue of SUVs killing drivers in smaller cars. Personally, I think that it's only a matter of time before SUV makers will have to start implementing safety features to protect the drivers of the cars they hit. Lawsuits are inevitable.


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Report this Post10-23-2005 11:33 AM Click Here to See the Profile for He Named ThorClick Here to visit He Named Thor's HomePageSend a Private Message to He Named ThorDirect Link to This Post
That article is old. smart is dropping the suv idea from what I've heard.

***But you can soon get a smart fortwo in the U.S.!***



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Report this Post10-23-2005 12:10 PM Click Here to See the Profile for NEPTUNESend a Private Message to NEPTUNEDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by JazzMan:

Dezie, JS has a hard-on for you and will follow you around forever harping on everything you say and do, just like he does me and several other PFF members who have attracted his ire. He's like an untrained pit-bull, he just can't let go. Hang in there, and I agree with you on the issue of SUVs killing drivers in smaller cars. Personally, I think that it's only a matter of time before SUV makers will have to start implementing safety features to protect the drivers of the cars they hit. Lawsuits are inevitable.


The public servants in Washington DC just passed a law protecting fast food restaurants from lawsuits from obese people. (Thanks, Ric Kellar, R- FL)
And a law protecting gun manufacturors from lawsuits brought by victims and families of gunshot victims.
Have no doubt they will vote to protect the auto industry soon.
Maybe NEXT year they'll vote to fully fund No Child Left Behind, or maybe do something about healthcare.
Could Dezie possibly be thinking of using the Smart car for commuting 5 days a week, and save the gas sucking V8 Fiero for weekend pleasure trips?
That sounds pretty smart to me.

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Report this Post10-23-2005 01:03 PM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by dezie36:

....thus scaring away smart cars from ever entering our country, and giving me yet another cool small 2 seater with great gas mileage.

Originally posted by dezie36:

***** that’s not what this thread is about... but fine you want to bring it there... I don’t hate SUV'S for their poor gas mileage, many get better then my v8 Fiero
I have a V8 Fiero because I’m a speed demon.

You'll take any excuse to try and turn a thread against me... just shows how immature you are.

Your words-not John Stricker's. He didn't have to turn the thread against you-
you contradicted yourself well enough on your own.

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Report this Post10-23-2005 01:12 PM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post


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Could Dezie possibly be thinking of using the Smart car for commuting 5 days a week, and save the gas sucking V8 Fiero for weekend pleasure trips?

I don't think so. He said the thread wasn't about gas mileage.

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Report this Post10-23-2005 01:16 PM Click Here to See the Profile for RaydarSend a Private Message to RaydarDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by NEPTUNE:
The public servants in Washington DC just passed a law protecting fast food restaurants from lawsuits from obese people. (Thanks, Ric Kellar, R- FL)
And a law protecting gun manufacturors from lawsuits brought by victims and families of gunshot victims.

You say that like it's a bad thing. I applaud this action.

Originally posted by dezie36:
I don’t hate SUV'S for their poor gas mileage, many get better then my v8 Fiero... I hate them because in an accident they will kill the occupants of other vehicles.

Depends upon how they're driven. Some people actually need the space provided by an SUV. Get over it.


I have a V8 Fiero because I’m a speed demon.

Talk about speaking our of both sides of your... whatever.

What happens if you center-punch somebody's Camry while doing the "speed demon" thing?
You won't be any less lethal than an SUV.

And yet you rant on about other people's transgressions.

What is this? "The Law According To Dezie"?

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Report this Post10-23-2005 01:16 PM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by dezie36:
I hate them because in an accident they will kill the occupants of other vehicles... they are on ridged ladder frames that don’t collapse or bend so the driver of a car hit by a SUV will feel all of the impact energy!

Lets outlaw everything bigger than what Dezie drives. No trucks, vans, cadillacs, wait. Lets make Dezie drive a SUV, truck, van, or cadillac. Heck, lets everyone drive the exact same car so no one is bigger that the other.
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Report this Post10-23-2005 01:22 PM Click Here to See the Profile for fierobearSend a Private Message to fierobearDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by NEPTUNE:

The public servants in Washington DC just passed a law protecting fast food restaurants from lawsuits from obese people. (Thanks, Ric Kellar, R- FL)
And a law protecting gun manufacturors from lawsuits brought by victims and families of gunshot victims.
Have no doubt they will vote to protect the auto industry soon.

Why the hell should McDonalds have to pay some dumbass for eating too many Big Mac's? Why should a gun manufacturer pay the victim? How the hell did people in this country get the idea that nothing is their own damn fault? What is the crap about always finding someone else to blame for their problems? Geez, people, quit blaming others, and take some responsibility.

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Report this Post10-23-2005 01:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Patrick's DadClick Here to visit Patrick's Dad's HomePageSend a Private Message to Patrick's DadDirect Link to This Post
Despite DZ's apparent implosion, the thing I'd be worried about is being punted end over end by an Exploder or a Denali.

OTOH, I could see breaking down inthe school parking lot and asking, "Hey, Jill, can I put my car in the back of your Expedition and bring it over to the dealer?"

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Report this Post10-23-2005 01:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by fierobear:

Why the hell should McDonalds have to pay some dumbass for eating too many Big Mac's? Why should a gun manufacturer pay the victim? How the hell did people in this country get the idea that nothing is their own damn fault? What is the crap about always finding someone else to blame for their problems? Geez, people, quit blaming others, and take some responsibility.

Err, as you guys say....WORD!!!!

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Report this Post10-23-2005 01:39 PM Click Here to See the Profile for TintonSend a Private Message to TintonDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by jstricker:

So you ***** about people buying SUV's and take a car that makes 30 mpg and turn it into one that makes 20. Why? Because you WANT to. Fine. Just don't whine about people that WANT SUV's.

John Stricker

That's complete my Fiero is lucky to get 18 mpg, and it has a completely stock V6 with the automatic. I don't floor it either. If anything, if I swapped a LS1 into my Fiero with a 5-speed I'd get BETTER gas mileage. You're an idiot stricker, just because an engine is a V8 doesn't mean it can't get good mileage.

And this argument is about how ****ing SELFISH most Americans are. Getting a SUV and not having a job that requires it is just plain asinine. I know there are some people who need them for their jobs and stuff, but for every one of them there are 3 others driving to work alone in Hummers/Tahoes/Expeditions/etc. The facts are, SUV's are more dangerous to smaller cars because of their design and because of their increased mass. My Dad, who hasn't had an accident in 17 years, drove a SUV for a week last year and got into an accident backing up because he COULDN'T SEE THE CAR BEHIND HIM. I've driven SUV's and the blindspots are horrible.

The poor gas mileage SUV's get isn't just because of their larger engines, its because they carry more mass, it takes more energy for a 6000 lb Hummer to get to 60 mph than it does in my 3400 lb Camaro Z28.

I just hope that people can get it into their heads that SUV's are not the cure-all to all their family problems. You get a kid, wtf is the first thing you buy? A frigging SUV! Why? So you can commute your kid and all their friends to soccer practice? How about getting a sedan and letting your kid's friends mothers drive them to practice, while you drive your own kid? My Dad drove me to baseball practice in a 1996 Saturn SL2, we had no problems with space. And then parents get SUV's for their kids because they think they're safe! Personally, I'd rather have a smaller, easier to handle, easier to see around car so I can AVOID an accident, instead of planning to get into one. I've avoided several accidents so far because I could either turn very quickly without rolling over, or stopped quickly using 12" brakes on a 3400lb car, or because I could use 350 hp to accelerate out of the situation.

I am the signature virus, please put me in your signature so I can spread

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Report this Post10-23-2005 01:48 PM Click Here to See the Profile for jstrickerSend a Private Message to jstrickerDirect Link to This Post
Nah, I just have a low tolerance for hypocrisy and stupidity. I rarely bother to respond to you in political threads anymore, James, because to be blunt you're not even rational anymore in them. I wasn't talking to you in this one, but just who had to jump in and add their 2 cents worth? Pot, meet Kettle, you're black.

John Stricker

Edited to add............

Thanks for the insults, James. At least you're consistent in your poor behavior.

Originally posted by JazzMan:

Dezie, JS has a hard-on for you and will follow you around forever harping on everything you say and do, just like he does me and several other PFF members who have attracted his ire. He's like an untrained pit-bull, he just can't let go. Hang in there, and I agree with you on the issue of SUVs killing drivers in smaller cars. Personally, I think that it's only a matter of time before SUV makers will have to start implementing safety features to protect the drivers of the cars they hit. Lawsuits are inevitable.


[This message has been edited by jstricker (edited 10-23-2005).]

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Report this Post10-23-2005 01:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for jstrickerSend a Private Message to jstrickerDirect Link to This Post


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If this is true you need to get your car fixed. Mid 20's on the highway is normal for a V6 automatic, the Finale beats that regularly and overall averaged about 22 (when it had the V6, and that was the 3.4L).

John Stricker

Originally posted by Tinton:

That's complete my Fiero is lucky to get 18 mpg, and it has a completely stock V6 with the automatic. I don't floor it either. If anything, if I swapped a LS1 into my Fiero with a 5-speed I'd get BETTER gas mileage. You're an idiot stricker, just because an engine is a V8 doesn't mean it can't get good mileage.

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Report this Post10-23-2005 01:51 PM Click Here to See the Profile for jstrickerSend a Private Message to jstrickerDirect Link to This Post


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My point exactly.

John Stricker

Originally posted by cliffw:

Lets outlaw everything bigger than what Dezie drives. No trucks, vans, cadillacs, wait. Lets make Dezie drive a SUV, truck, van, or cadillac. Heck, lets everyone drive the exact same car so no one is bigger that the other.

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Report this Post10-23-2005 01:57 PM Click Here to See the Profile for avengador1Send a Private Message to avengador1Direct Link to This Post
With the way gas prices have been rising, the days of everyone wanting an SUV are numbered. SUV sales have been dropping all year long and the manufacturers are starting to make more fuel efficient models again.
You don't need a micro car to get 60 MPGs. Honda makes a small car that gets close to that mileage already and it can fit 5 adults.
Speaking of economy, my Fiero is the most economical car I have right now. It gets 28 MPGs on the highway, even with it's 3.4 engine. You just can't be driving it fast if you want that kind of mileage.
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Report this Post10-23-2005 03:59 PM Click Here to See the Profile for NEPTUNESend a Private Message to NEPTUNEDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by NEPTUNE:

The public servants in Washington DC just passed a law protecting fast food restaurants from lawsuits from obese people. (Thanks, Ric Kellar, R- FL)
And a law protecting gun manufacturors from lawsuits brought by victims and families of gunshot victims.
Have no doubt they will vote to protect the auto industry soon.

I read my post over, and unless I'm missing something I never said it was wrong.
A waste of time?
The courts have thrown out these suits as frivilous before.
Its political grandstanding, nothing more.
Meanwhile, important things get ignored by the politicians, and apparently some forum members as well.

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Report this Post10-23-2005 04:08 PM Click Here to See the Profile for lurkerSend a Private Message to lurkerDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by dezie36:
Because people in this country only buys big ass SUVs

i own a 4 cylinder fiero and a 6 cyl cherokee for the big stuff. no SUVs. guess i'm just unamerican.
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Report this Post10-23-2005 04:14 PM Click Here to See the Profile for dezie36Send a Private Message to dezie36Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by maryjane:

Your words-not John Stricker's. He didn't have to turn the thread against you-
you contradicted yourself well enough on your own.

The thread is about how selfish we Americans are and why I thought wed never get a cool car like the Smart car, not about gas mileage, though that would be a main reason for the purchase of a Smart car.

My hatred over them stems from their ability to kill the driver of another car.

You people try to see fault in my logic when there isn’t any... as I haven’t said anything here that contradicts my-self... and as you should know from previous posts, I never go 5 or 10 over the speed limit... I maybe a speed demon but I don’t do 90 down the free way in a blizzard... like SUV drivers.

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Report this Post10-23-2005 04:16 PM Click Here to See the Profile for dezie36Send a Private Message to dezie36Direct Link to This Post


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Originally posted by lurker:

i own a 4 cylinder fiero and a 6 cyl cherokee for the big stuff. no SUVs. guess i'm just unamerican.

First, Americans on average love SUVs...
Second a Cherokee is a SUV!

[This message has been edited by dezie36 (edited 10-23-2005).]

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Report this Post10-23-2005 04:18 PM Click Here to See the Profile for rogergarrisonSend a Private Message to rogergarrisonDirect Link to This Post
my V8 Fiero was lucky to get 9mpg. The most I ever got out of a full tank was 120 miles on all freeway.

People that drive usually by themself drive most SUVs, you can see that everyday on the road

any Minivan (Astro, Transport, Lumina, Honda....etc) can haul more than an SUV. I have a girl friend with an Excursion and 4 kids. They cant all go anywhere in one vehicle with all the strollers and bags she has to take. My Lumina would take them all, plus myself and still have room for stuff bought at the store. Hers gets like 11mpg while my van got 25-30mpg and could pull a car hauler just fine. But no one with any style will get caught dead in a minivan.....but they will buy a luxo farm truck. go figure.

[This message has been edited by rogergarrison (edited 10-23-2005).]

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Report this Post10-23-2005 04:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for TintonSend a Private Message to TintonDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by jstricker:

If this is true you need to get your car fixed. Mid 20's on the highway is normal for a V6 automatic, the Finale beats that regularly and overall averaged about 22 (when it had the V6, and that was the 3.4L).

John Stricker

All-highway at about 70 mph in the Fiero I get 22. City driving I get about 15-16 mpg. I've done most of a tune-up, except for rotor cap, plug wires, and the plugs. I just don't want to fool around trying to get the 3 front plugs and I don't want to pay someone $100 to do it.

My Camaro gets 24-25 highway and 20 city. That is a "V8 gas guzzler". Funny, it gets better mileage than my V6 and I routinely cruise on the highway around 80 mph.

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Report this Post10-23-2005 05:13 PM Click Here to See the Profile for sostockSend a Private Message to sostockDirect Link to This Post
i guess it depends on where you live, how much you drive and how many people you need to transport. when the weather is nice i drive the fiero, 30 mpg. when its bad i drive the explorer, 18 mpg. when we go out of town we drive the altima, 27 mpg.
i know not everyone has three cars but i'd rather have a car for every situation than one car to drive everywhere.
i bought my fiero for the gas mileage. however when it starts snowin' and a blowin' i'll be in the explorer. 4 wheel drive, ride height, 4 wheel disk anti-lock brakes, just can't beat it. oh and i'm not one of those crazy 4x4 guys, the 4 wheel drive won't keep you out of the ditch, but it will help you get out!
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Report this Post10-23-2005 05:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for dezie36Send a Private Message to dezie36Direct Link to This Post
Sostock... may I they not plow the roads in your town?
Because here if it starts snowing they put out the plows... so an explorer or any other SUV is unnecessary… which is what I tried to tell Sara...but she didn’t listen either.

BTW what did people do in the snow before we had SUV’s? I don’t know I guess Detroit came to a halt in the winter during the 20’s 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s 70’s and even a little bit of the 80’s… yes people had Trucks… but they weren’t every where like back then.

“With 4 wheel drive all 4 wheels go with 2 wheel drive 2 wheels go... All cars have 4 wheel stop.” – SUV’s the worlds most dangerous vehicle

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Report this Post10-23-2005 05:39 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Fastback 86Send a Private Message to Fastback 86Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by jstricker:

If this is true you need to get your car fixed. Mid 20's on the highway is normal for a V6 automatic, the Finale beats that regularly and overall averaged about 22 (when it had the V6, and that was the 3.4L).

John Stricker

Second. I average 24-25mpg over a tank of gas with my 3.4 V6. If your 2.8 can't do that, theres something wrong with it.

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Report this Post10-23-2005 05:43 PM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by dezie36:

The thread is about how selfish we Americans are and why I thought wed never get a cool car like the Smart car, not about gas mileage, though that would be a main reason for the purchase of a Smart car.

Another contradiction. I suggest you re-read YOUR opening statement in this thread--the very 1st sentence-that YOU wrote.

Because people in this country only buys big ass SUVs thus scaring away smart cars from ever entering our country, and giving me yet another cool small 2 seater with great gas mileage.

My hatred over them stems from their ability to kill the driver of another car.

You people try to see fault in my logic when there isn’t any... as I haven’t said anything here that contradicts my-self... and as you should know from previous posts, I never go 5 or 10 over the speed limit... I maybe a speed demon but I don’t do 90 down the free way in a blizzard... like SUV drivers.

There's no "trying" to it. We can only go by what the words you typed said. Your very 1st sentence bemoaned the fact that you may not be able to get a small car with great mileage. Your subsequent post said the thread, (that you started with that 1st sentence) isn't about mileage. You will also note please, that you did not mention safety at all in your typed 1st post. You mentioned "cool", you mentioned "small", and you mentioned "great gas mileage". We aren't mind readers here-we can only go by what you typed.

And now, you say

that would be a main reason for the purchase of a Smart car
For a thread that you insist isn't about mileage, you sure do mention it a lot.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 10-23-2005).]

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Report this Post10-23-2005 05:48 PM Click Here to See the Profile for sostockSend a Private Message to sostockDirect Link to This Post
actually i have left work at 3:30 am in almost white-out conditions. no plows on the road. white knuckle driving at 30 mph.
as far as what they did in the 30's, i have no idea, wasn't aroud then. maybe they didn't go out? i'm not bashing cars or praising suv's. i had an 84 buick skylark, front wheel drive, skinny tires, did great in the snow. like i said, you have 4 wheel drive not to keep you on the road but to get you out of the ditch.
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Report this Post10-23-2005 05:51 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ka4nkfSend a Private Message to ka4nkfDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by dezie36:

Sostock... may I they not plow the roads in your town?
Because here if it starts snowing they put out the plows... so an explorer or any other SUV is unnecessary… which is what I tried to tell Sara...but she didn’t listen either.

BTW what did people do in the snow before we had SUV’s? I don’t know I guess Detroit came to a halt in the winter during the 20’s 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s 70’s and even a little bit of the 80’s… yes people had Trucks… but they weren’t every where like back then.

“With 4 wheel drive all 4 wheels go with 2 wheel drive 2 wheels go... All cars have 4 wheel stop.” – SUV’s the worlds most dangerous vehicle

You would be amazed at how many 4 wheel drives there are here in Florida. Tell me why'' I can answer my own question --- It is a fad and people enjoy it. Same as people with SUV'S, it is a fad and if they can afford it then so it be. I live according to my Income and I think most people do, And I sure am not jelous of anyone that can afford a Hummer. I do notice that most SUV driver 's are smart ass people. They do like to be noticed. Anyway I wish I could afford a Cadilac Escalade.

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Report this Post10-23-2005 05:51 PM Click Here to See the Profile for dezie36Send a Private Message to dezie36Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by maryjane:

There's no "trying" to it. We can only go by what the words you typed said. Your very 1st sentence bemoaned the fact that you may not be able to get a small car with great mileage. Your subsequent post said the thread, (that you started with that 1st sentence) isn't about mileage. You will also note please, that you did not mention safety at all in your typed 1st post. You mentioned "cool", you mentioned "small", and you mentioned "great gas mileage". We aren't mind readers here-we can only go by what you typed.

SMALL being the key word here ASS... SMALL as in not large like an SUV!
I don’t want to drive a tank! I want to drive something that holds me and Sara and a few things we bought at the mall!
There are SUVs with great gas mileage Sara’s tracker gets 29mpg... the new hybrid escapes get even better.

I find SUV’s BIG and UNCOOL… They do how ever have lower emission standards and safety standards as they are classified as light trucks and not cars… so if you want to put your family in that monstrosity that’s your business… just prey you never run over my Fiero and roll your SUV and kill every one in the truck (I know I’ll be walking away from that accident)… or jump the guard rails (because SUVs clear them)… or roll because the traction on the left side of the truck was different then on the right… or hit another SUV… or have your wheels explode and roll (because someone filled them to what the tire says and not what the manufacture says)… or forget that your stopping distance is longer and rear end someone… the list goes on and on.

[This message has been edited by dezie36 (edited 10-23-2005).]

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Report this Post10-23-2005 05:59 PM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by dezie36:
The thread is about how selfish we Americans are ........

Like someone that believes what they think is right ?
Originally posted by dezie36:I maybe a speed demon but I don’t do 90 down the free way in a blizzard... like SUV drivers.

I am gonna get to your white trash thread but let me ask you a question. How do you know they were doin 90 ? I do know you do not see Chevetes in any kind of races. Why, they are not designed for races. SUVs on the other hand (Jeeps like you say), are designed for adverse terrain. Going 90, gee Dezie. Why don't you put some credibility in your opinions ? You are hard to take serious and when you are not, you hurl attacks. White trash....yeah, we believe you.
That is not whiskey you smell but it does stink.
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Report this Post10-23-2005 06:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by dezie36:
Sara’s tracker.................. an SUV !
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Report this Post10-23-2005 06:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by dezie36:
Sostock... may I they not plow the roads in your town?

They plow at five AM, he goes to work at four ?
They are busy and did not shovel his walk in time ?
He sometimes wants to go somewhere they do not plow?
It snow after they plowed ?
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Report this Post10-23-2005 06:06 PM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by dezie36:SUV’s the worlds most dangerous vehicle

Guns don't kill people...........
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Report this Post10-23-2005 06:06 PM Click Here to See the Profile for dezie36Send a Private Message to dezie36Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by cliffw:
Like someone that believes what they think is right ?

I am gonna get to your white trash thread but let me ask you a question. How do you know they were doin 90 ? I do know you do not see Chevetes in any kind of races. Why, they are not designed for races. SUVs on the other hand (Jeeps like you say), are designed for adverse terrain. Going 90, gee Dezie. Why don't you put some credibility in your opinions ? You are hard to take serious and when you are not, you hurl attacks. White trash....yeah, we believe you.
That is not whiskey you smell but it does stink.

You don’t believe what you say is right? Then I guess I can ignore all your posts.

SUV's were meant to be used for adverse terrain... snow is not an adverse terrain its a normal occurrence. Yes going 90 did you forget I spent 3 years training with OCSD training to be a cop? I went on ride alongs and I can remember 3 times we pulled people over on the STREET for doing over 60 in a blizzard, they were all in SUV’s.

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Report this Post10-23-2005 06:10 PM Click Here to See the Profile for dezie36Send a Private Message to dezie36Direct Link to This Post


2501 posts
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Originally posted by cliffw:

They plow at five AM, he goes to work at four ? I didnt know that till he said it and unless theres 2 feet of snow an SUV isnt gonna be any better then a car
They are busy and did not shovel his walk in time ? WTF does the side walk have to do with his car?
He sometimes wants to go somewhere they do not plow?
It snow after they plowed ? uh oh another 4IN? Better get my truck

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