Andrew, keep your chin up. There is a saying. "You can do the time or let the time do you". I borrowed it for my job in the oilfield. "You can work the iron or let the iron work you". Everything is made of solid thick heavy steel. My phrase espouses using the mind to do things smartly to save using the body. Also to avoid double work. In your case, you are losing freedom and time. Prescious time. Or are you ? You work with your mind and they can not take that from you. You have a chance to put ideas to paper. This can be an opportunity. To create. You also have a pretty keen insight. Everyone has a story. You will be surrounded by people with a different outlook. Just as an actor sometimes lives the life of a part they portray, you may be able to gain a different type of inspiration which you might be able to exploit. How could you do this to me ? I am fixing to start a business and you were on my "short list" of people to help with catch phrases, graphics, advertising, and slogans. I forgive you. Take care my friend, I will try to send you some commissary money.
Andrew, I don't personally know you, nor do you know me, but I feel like I've gotten to know you from reading your posts (especially the wacky ones) everyday. Good luck in the "big house".. You'll be in my thoughts, and I look forward to your return.. I'll also try to get something sent out for ya in the next couple weeks here.. -Will
Good luck Andrew. You can always dispute the unemployment findings and be able to collect, they don't tell you this up front, you need to ask. You have paid into the system and should be able to collect, no matter what your ex-employer says about you, as long as you can prove that you are actively seeking employment. You made a couple of bad decisions, but a higher force has intervened to stop you from making the biggest mistake of all. There are people counting on you so don't blow it. Take this time out to reflect on what you have done and what you can do. Revenge isn't always sweet, it would be best for your to move on with your life. Good luck again.
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08:33 PM
litespd Member
Posts: 8128 From: No where you want to be Registered: Aug 99
Andrew, I can't really add much to what everyone else has already said, so I'll just say good luck to you and your family. I hope to see you back here when you're a free man again.
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09:48 PM
Jan 3rd, 2006
F-I-E-R-O Member
Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
Good luck man. You're a very funny guy and your ideas in your store are awesome. I'm glad I was able to help support your family, I have a couple of your shirts right here . Maybe you can build up a bunch more ideas while serving your time, so I can buy them up when you get back!
I had to do one more design for my buddy Tinton, sorry Cliff...
I considered making this a long post with some of my past mistakes I have learned from. Then thought again, and then again. So here goes; I as most of you here know am not a religious man, never have been. So I won't go into that but feel that we all make choices that we have to live with and ether learn from or not. You made a choice that you now have to pay for. Learn from it! While you are in there you will have time to think about what you did and what you could have done, hurt more people than you did. Luckily you are just hurting you and your family. I'm no angel, believe me. My wife says I have a very colorful past, I've been where you are and where you are going. I ended up in the Worcester County House of correction for 6-month back in the 70's, for things we won't get into here. So I know what you are going threw. If you learn from this maybe it wasn't such a bad thing. If you don't then I hope you will at least not be any worse for the experience. But my hope is that you do learn that we make our own problems, and should learn from them. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, Maybe I should just shut up and let you do your time in peace. If you need someone to write to, e-mail, Jails have come a long way since I was there. Give me a holler. I am sending my address in a PM if no one else writes to you besides your family send me a line and I will write back. I know when I was in every letter helped. Be good and if you can't be good at least be careful while you’re in. Steve
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07:53 AM
F-I-E-R-O Member
Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
Thanks Steve. Well, I just want to say thank you to everyone here for everything- the kind thoughts, the sig thing which I can't even begin to tell you what that means to me even though I know that this afternoon everybody's going to change theirs back since they know I wan't be able to see it for a while... I off to see the wizard.
Andrew Rogers Singing Off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (yes, I know I spelled sing-ing, that was supposed to be funny- don't worry so much about the little things in life like grammer, punctuation and spelling, look for the message and how you can take a poor misguided and befuddled individual and help him/her to see the best side of themself. I'm really going.......Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.......)
I missed this thread with all of the holiday hoopla. I hope you have an early release. Keep you chin up and know that you have friends here. I said a prayer for you and your family during this trying time. We'll be thinking about you and here for you when you return.
Ummmmmm.... this is a little embarassing.... I went to court this morning and everything was a mess. The area that I had gotten off the highway happened to be the intersection of three different villages: Johnson City, Dickenson, and Binghamton. When I went to court, the Judge was confussed about the deal ? the ADA was confused about the deal ??? So, I had a choice of going in now and waiting to see what the final disposition would be or post-pone till Jan 27th. Knowing that I'd miss the season premire of Gallactica and the Sheild, and not wanting to be in a postition of being stuck in jail when they decided what the final ruling was going to be, I chose to come home and wait. I'll get a letter in the mail giving me the determination within a couple weeks. I can't believe this! At least this way I can come up with some more stuff for the store. I'll also take a look at what the most popular searches are for that site and come up with something that might be more lucrative than just the Fiero thing. I'd take this opportunity to get sappy about how great everybody has been but I don't want to over do it, there's too many big heads around here anywho, so I'll wait for my second farewell post. Oh maaaaaaannnnnnn...
Dude you only got 90 days in the first place. I'm thinking that would be felony evasion here. Then they do this. At this rate when you go in next time they will say "Hey Andrew sorry to have wasted your time.Lets just forget about the whole thing and let bygones be bygones." It could happen we are talking about the government here.
------------------ PLAY HARD-DIE FAST "The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can't get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten, that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods." -- H. L. Mencken
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04:07 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38259 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
mang, u get a plus from me. sorry to hear about all the sh!t that happend, i know it sucks. but, i just have 1 question.
were you driving a fiero when u ran from the cops? ive always thought that with the proper amount of skill, and my fiero, i could just maybe, just maybe, have a chance at getting away :/
new national holday: High Speed Pursuit Day! the one day a year anyone can see if they have what it takes to evade the cops.
maybe they'll just forget about you and the whole go to jail thing... but in any event, time will fly im sure, from what you've said, it sounds like winter camp..... with tv. at least its not tent city!
i be prayin for yas!
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05:32 PM
84fiero123 Member
Posts: 29950 From: farmington, maine usa Registered: Oct 2004
Dam Dude I didn't even get a chance to get stamps, never mind write a letter. Glad to here you got a postponement.
Originally posted by ShaddowGt:
but, i just have 1 question.
were you driving a fiero when u ran from the cops? ive always thought that with the proper amount of skill, and my fiero, i could just maybe, just maybe, have a chance at getting away :/ i be prayin for yas!
Get a mouth piece and see if you can get the sentence commuted to house arrest. Things have changed, you have changed. They my be willing to hear you out. If nothing else you could postpone it for another few months
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05:58 PM
Boondawg Member
Posts: 38235 From: Displaced Alaskan Registered: Jun 2003
Get a mouth piece and see if you can get the sentence commuted to house arrest. Things have changed, you have changed. They my be willing to hear you out. If nothing else you could postpone it for another few months
Good advice. Well worth the try!
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06:42 PM
Boondawg Member
Posts: 38235 From: Displaced Alaskan Registered: Jun 2003
You know, the whole time I was reading this thread, I was thinking....Im too late to respond to you, and then I see that someone is on your side and now you are here still., so that I can say... It makes me proud to hear the way you are handling this situation. 3 months may seem like a long time, but its really just a bleep in time. Before you know it, it'll be over. 21 years ago my older brother thought about commiting suicide because he thought his life wasn't worth the time. He thought he couldnt deal with it. He thought everyone would be better off without him. Then he did it. He committed suicide. His life couldnt be crap, because he was only 24, he didnt have a life yet. Im not better off without him.. it really messed up my life. I would have choosen to listen to his complaints about how he couldnt afford oil for his home in the winter or how his girlfriend had left him or even how he was being sued because he crashed into someone elses car. I could handle listening to it for the last 21 years! My point... suicide destroys everything else. Im glad you survived. My prayers go out to you and your family and friends, for they have another day with you , even if its visiting you in jail! God Bless. John
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07:11 PM
Jan 4th, 2006
84fiero123 Member
Posts: 29950 From: farmington, maine usa Registered: Oct 2004
Get a job and try and get your sentence reduced to weekends so you can still work and serve your time. The judge will loo at you more favorably, even if its just a job at McDonalds. Ether way good luck.
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09:18 AM
86GT3.4DOHC Member
Posts: 10007 From: Marion Ohio Registered: Apr 2004
I spoke with my attorney yesterday who told me that everything was squared away, charges dismissed for the little stunt in Nov. and that when I go to court tomorrow morning, I'll be going in to the big house to finish my sentence meaning I've got 13 weeks left. Hope everybody can live without me that long (I'm sure you can ) I've been up all night and day and am very tired now but all the badge orders are in and I'm going to take a little nappy for myself. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Good luck, Andrew...hope it flies by, and we can see some more of your zany wit, and excellent design talents. Will be thinking of you every day!! Nick
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04:07 PM
ryan.hess Member
Posts: 20784 From: Orlando, FL Registered: Dec 2002
You attention slut! Get yo' azz to jail or get a job!
First boondawg I have to have one of those smiles only with it given the finger. Where do you get those. Second like I said before give me a address and I will write and keep you up to date on what's going on here, and these guys in touch with how you are doing. Third what the fukk it's only 91 days. 2,184 hrs, 131,040 min., 7,862,400 seconds Sorry I had to, but really its only 91 days, 3 months. You may even get time off for good behave your.(Spelling) Anyway if you lost it tell me and I will send you my address again. Good luck and don’t bend over in the shower.
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07:44 PM
F-I-E-R-O Member
Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
Be sure and buy a mug from the commisary. Out here they have them and they have a dude behind bars pictured and it says hard time cafe! I bought two.
They don't have mugs or cups available for order through the commissary. They give you one plastic cup to use when you go in that you use for how ever long you're there. Guys will trade for one of two or three larger plastic containers that somehow made it into the hands of the cons which is better than the small cup they give you and use them to make instant soups. These containers have been around for a long time. They look really gross. Watching someone eat out of it is enough to make you glad you don't have instant soup. :barf: They usually aren't given up until someone goes home. :doublebarf:
Cliff, thanks for making me feel better.
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08:44 PM
ryan.hess Member
Posts: 20784 From: Orlando, FL Registered: Dec 2002