I missed this thread while at work. Glad I did. Or did I ? First, my comment to the news Raydar posted not knowing if it was five against one or six. "Way to go Dude", Semper Fi Marine, haha muggers !" Secondly, my comment to the news Patrick posted.
Originally posted by Patrick: Just to keep some perspective on this, it was a pregnant teenage girl who was killed.
"My, how horrible!" Then I wonder how the parents of the two lives lost feel. "My, how horrible!" Then I wonder about the lives of those that lost them. "My, how horrible!" Then I wonder about those whose lives are as those who lost them. "My, how horrible!" Then I wonder about the people (men, women, children, and babies), in other oarts of the world who are starving, enduring war, repression, terror, financial difficulties, relationship problems, substance abuse problems, mantally challenged problems, eminent domain problems (breaking news on the news channel behind me), wake up problems from the comet that did not hit, the people with problems with PIP. "My, how horrible!"
Then I think about how this thread made five pages. "My, how horrible!"
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01:38 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37423 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
I do think that your original intent was to SLIGHTLY make a victim out of the person that died, only so far as (at that time) an innocent life, the fetus, had been lost in all of this.
John, lots of what has been stated can be debated. However, I'd like to settle something once and for all.
At no time was I trying to make a "victim" out of the girl who was killed. At no time was I trying to make any kind of an issue over the unborn fetus. I stated that a pregnant teenage girl had been killed. Period.
I assummed initially that the mugger who died was a male. I was surprised to discover it wasn't.
I've stated many times over the course of this thread why I stated what I did. Perhaps I can be accused of being naive in my view of the criminal world, but I am not a liar, and I have not been trying to cover my tracks.
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02:22 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38243 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
Does getting the last word make you feel justified?
Does posting anything at all somehow make you feel intelligent?
Considering that you’ve probably done more than anyone else to try and drag this thread into the gutter, you should be the last one to be critical of anyone else's motivations.
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03:51 PM
BN Boomer Member
Posts: 2086 From: Snohomish, Wa Registered: Jun 99
Cliff, considering the length and subject matter of this thread, it's remained relatively civil.
If for some reason you don't agree, I'd prefer you simply closed the thread as opposed to moving it to the Trash Bin (or as otherwise known, sig test heaven).
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04:57 PM
System Bot
Raydar Member
Posts: 41065 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
No, but reading your many disgusting posts certainly does the trick.
How is a fetus dying as a result of the criminal activity of it's mother any more disgusting or disturbing than a fetus being literally dismembered and shredded during an abortion?
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05:46 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38243 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
How is a fetus dying as a result of the criminal activity of it's mother any more disgusting or disturbing than a fetus being literally dismembered and shredded during an abortion?
Somehow you’ve got it all confused. It is YOU who is “disgusting and disturbing”.
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05:52 PM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38243 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
OK then, I'll have to incite further rioting in here since it'll be in the trash can soon anyways.
I think Patrick did nothing wrong and I agree with his disgust of a teenage girl being killed, on the other hand if I were the Marine I would have done the same thing.
I think many of you missed the simple point Pat was making. He conveyed sadness at the death of a young girl in brutal circumstances regardless of the reason for her death, but failed to also mention his disgust at the attackers themselves.
Most of you took your anger and focused on Patrick even though he didn't defend the attackers or condemn the marine. It's a text book case of projecting anger in the wrong place.
He didn't express disgust at the attackers like most of you did, and even though he didn't actually defend them, you all acted as if he did and pounced on him. This is why mob justice is illegal.
Patrick was merely expressing regret about a senseless death.
[This message has been edited by connecticutFIERO (edited 06-06-2006).]
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05:58 PM
System Bot
Patrick Member
Posts: 38243 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
Thank you connecticutFIERO, for taking the high road, as opposed to this example posted earlier:
Originally posted by Patrick:
For the life of me, I cannot comprehend why you (BN Boomer) continue to harp on this topic. I expressed no emotion one way or another at any time in regards to this girl’s “unborn fetus”. All I ever stated was that it was a pregnant teenage girl who was killed. And then you stated the following:
Originally posted by BN Boomer:
Good. Sounds like that 2 dirts bags our society won't have to support and be victimized by.
Originally posted by Patrick:
That has got to be one of the most disgusting things I have EVER read in this or any forum, referring to an unborn fetus as a “dirt bag” that “our society won't have to support and be victimized by” !
I continue to find it amazing what many people in this forum find worthy and/or unworthy of a negative rating.
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06:13 PM
BN Boomer Member
Posts: 2086 From: Snohomish, Wa Registered: Jun 99
Originally posted by connecticutFIERO: Patrick was merely expressing regret about a senseless death.
For six pages ? Reminds me of the expression of some of your political opinions. No flame intended to either of you, really. Just making an observation. People agree or they do not.
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06:46 PM
Jun 7th, 2006
Fastback 86 Member
Posts: 7849 From: Los Angeles, CA Registered: Sep 2003
Yes, I'm sure the odds that a child nurtured by a violent criminal will grow up into a responsible, law abiding citizen are pretty great indeed.
Do you feel that same way about the millions of fetuses aborted in this country?
And I'm equally sure that the 3 sentances pertaining to the identity of the mother (who isn't a mother at all, it turns out) offer you no qualification upon which to judge her parenting abilities. All you know is that she took part in a violent mugging. I'm sure you've made no serious mistakes in your life, so please post a minor one so that we may judge you by it. Its becoming all too common these days that people who were raised in bad homes have persevered and turned out far better than their parents. There was a story just like that in my morning paper.
As for you question, I'll answer it, even if it is irrelevant to the conversation, marginally comparable, and obviously leading. To answer it directly, I would say that yes, I do find it disgusting that you would be so cold and cynical as to write off every aborted baby in this country arbitrarily. But regardless of your poor phrasing, thats not what you're asking. You're asking if I cry a river every time an abortion takes place, and the answer to that is no, I do not. While I am not in favor of killing innocents, I do not believe I have any right what so ever to dictate to a woman what she can or can not do with her body. So, to answer your question honestly, I am against abortion, but I am in favor of the right to choose.
Does it bother that your message and the manner in which you deliver it is unpopular?
And why won't you answer some simple questions?
Because it's a ridiculous question you should already know the answer to.. Now this is kind of like trying to explain Red to a blind man, but..
empathy A noun 1 empathy understanding and entering into another's feelings
I don't know your wife, and frankly it wouldn't really affect me one way or the other if she got hit by a bus tonight.. As far as I'm concerned, she doesn't even really exist. Doesn't mean I can't understand that you would feel shitty about it.
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10:39 PM
Scott-Wa Member
Posts: 5392 From: Tacoma, WA, USA Registered: Mar 2002
How is a fetus dying as a result of the criminal activity of it's mother any more disgusting or disturbing than a fetus being literally dismembered and shredded during an abortion?
Here is the problem I see... your playing spin doctor for a reason.
Patrick made mention that he was surprised to hear it was a pregnent girl that died (pregnent part was misreported).
For some reason you have decided that Patrick finds this more digusting or disturbing that an abortion and that he must justify that position. Why should he justify that position when you made it up, not him. You guys keep putting words in his mouth and attributing things to him that he didn't state. Why do you feel that need? It's a nasty tactic often used in the political world, why are you using it?
Sir, is it true you've stopped beating your wife? (yes or no Senator!)
Get the picture?
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11:12 PM
lurker Member
Posts: 12355 From: salisbury nc usa Registered: Feb 2002