Was just watching the Morning show this morning and they said the observatory on Mt Washington in NH is having one of the coldest Feb. in 75 year.
Like I said before.
It’s just an excuse for scientists to get more money to study the weather.
They can’t get a job in the real world so why not scare us about global warming so they can sit in their offices and collect money for looking at a computer and predicting catastrophic weather.
Has anyone ever seen a weather man accurately predict next weeks weather?
Never mind the climactic changes for the next hundred years?
Global warming my a$$.
This is just people who can’t find anything better to do than scare everyone. So they can keep their cushy, high paying jobs.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't. Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.
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08:26 AM
System Bot
Pyrthian Member
Posts: 29569 From: Detroit, MI Registered: Jul 2002
Ya same here. ALL of February has been the coldest on record. Its been close to 0* all month. It finally got above freezing a few days ago. For last 2 days weve had Freezing Fog, and local weatherman said hes never even heard of that here before. I also noticed Florida must have been cold because I saw almost everyone at Daytona wearing winter coats....... Someone send Gore a bus ticket home, lol.
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09:56 AM
xtn668 Member
Posts: 156 From: Savannah, GA Registered: Jul 2006
It’s just an excuse for scientists to get more money to study the weather.
They can’t get a job in the real world so why not scare us about global warming so they can sit in their offices and collect money for looking at a computer and predicting catastrophic weather.
Actually I have to disagree with you on this point.
I too think Global Warming is a great gobbly gook!
However I think the big wigs who push for Global Warming are people who are just Anti-Capitalism. Global Warming Advocates use to be a bunch of tree huggers, but now they got Socialism backing them up. In my opinion, Global Warming is the new Communist Movement, trying to bring down Capitalism. Why else would the Notorious Kyoto Protocol, make the US decrease its emissions, crippling the economy, while allow the Growing Industrial Communist Giant CHINA, increase theirs!
I am all for conservation, recycling, alternative energy sources. But don't destroy my Nation with hypothetical scare tactics , just to fulfill your Utopian dream.
Just my opinion.
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10:00 AM
Pyrthian Member
Posts: 29569 From: Detroit, MI Registered: Jul 2002
Ya same here. ALL of February has been the coldest on record. Its been close to 0* all month. It finally got above freezing a few days ago. For last 2 days weve had Freezing Fog, and local weatherman said hes never even heard of that here before. I also noticed Florida must have been cold because I saw almost everyone at Daytona wearing winter coats....... Someone send Gore a bus ticket home, lol.
well, maybe for y'all down there - but here in Detroit - this has been the lamest winter in awhile. we got a whole 4" of snow sofar.
and yes, I remember the comments during the Daytona 500 about it being so damn cold down there.
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10:05 AM
Posts: 10199 From: Ticlaw FL, and some other places. Registered: Aug 2001
This is my theory on Global Warming. The earth has a core made of magma and lots of other hot stuff. It is nowhere near that warm on the surface. Why? The earth is covered by about 75% water. This is how is able to retain a fairly stable atmospheric temperature. If it gets hot, some ice melts, increasing the surface area of the water until it cools and freezes again. It's just that simple. I may be wrong, but this is the best explanation that I can come up with.
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10:15 AM
84fiero123 Member
Posts: 29950 From: farmington, maine usa Registered: Oct 2004
The planet has been around for billions of years and will be around for billions more, no matter what we do.
It’s us with our self righteousness that think we are killing the planet.
We are not, we are killing ourselves.
As far as I’m concerned most of the people on the planet don’t need saving.
Like those that want us to go by their ideological (if that’s the right word) of how we should live. Example is the girls without fieros thread that think it is getting to racy. I say let them not look.
Or those that think we can save or change the child molesters. I say castrate them all.
Or those that think we are the cause of global warming.
Maybe this is the planets way of ridding itself of us.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't. Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.
And those that say there is global warming, send them to the top of Mt. Washington and leave them there till the spring thaw.
Global Warming My A$$
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 02-22-2007).]
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10:25 AM
Pyrthian Member
Posts: 29569 From: Detroit, MI Registered: Jul 2002
This is my theory on Global Warming. The earth has a core made of magma and lots of other hot stuff. It is nowhere near that warm on the surface. Why? The earth is covered by about 75% water. This is how is able to retain a fairly stable atmospheric temperature. If it gets hot, some ice melts, increasing the surface area of the water until it cools and freezes again. It's just that simple. I may be wrong, but this is the best explanation that I can come up with.
while this is vague, and oversimplified - it is true. what is the earth temp at 10' depth? roughly 60* and, this temp goes up as you go down. anyone here of "the frost line"?
solar activity & earth core activity are NOT consistant. the insignificant atmoshere is NOTHING compared to these forces, and stands NO CHANCE of making much difference. even the earths oceans affect global temps more than the atmosphere can.
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10:27 AM
fierobear Member
Posts: 27089 From: Safe in the Carolinas Registered: Aug 2000
Actually I have to disagree with you on this point.
I too think Global Warming is a great gobbly gook!
However I think the big wigs who push for Global Warming are people who are just Anti-Capitalism. Global Warming Advocates use to be a bunch of tree huggers, but now they got Socialism backing them up. In my opinion, Global Warming is the new Communist Movement, trying to bring down Capitalism. Why else would the Notorious Kyoto Protocol, make the US decrease its emissions, crippling the economy, while allow the Growing Industrial Communist Giant CHINA, increase theirs!
I am all for conservation, recycling, alternative energy sources. But don't destroy my Nation with hypothetical scare tactics , just to fulfill your Utopian dream.
There are so many scare tactic "trigger" words in there, that I don't know where to begin. But my favorite is "Utopian Dream" used in a negitive way!
"%$@!^! visions of sugarplums danced in my head!"
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11:42 AM
System Bot
Pyrthian Member
Posts: 29569 From: Detroit, MI Registered: Jul 2002
Originally posted by Boondawg: There are so many scare tactic "trigger" words in there, that I don't know where to begin. But my favorite is "Utopian Dream" used in a negitive way!
"%$@!^! visions of sugarplums danced in my head!"
well, "Utopian Dream" - it is just like a perpetual motion machine. as in: IMPOSSIBLE. just like there will always be drag - there will always be envy. the closest we could ever get to "Utopian Dream" is if the human race suddenly went back to being animals.
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12:12 PM
xtn668 Member
Posts: 156 From: Savannah, GA Registered: Jul 2006
------------------ * USA Presidential election results, 2000:
G W Bush - 50,456,002........ Al Gore - 50,999,897 [Infoplease]
Originally posted by fierobear:
(off topic)
You left out one important fact...
G W Bush - 286 electoral votes........ Al Gore - 252 electoral votes [CNN]
Like it or not, electoral votes are what determine the outcome of a presidential election, not popular votes.
We Live in a Republic not a true Democracy! As fierobear points out with the results of the electoral college.
The Founding Fathers wanted it to be a Republic that way one state did not have a greater influence over the others. If we elected the President by Popular Vote, California, Florida and New York could determine every election on their own.
You were suppose to learn that in History Class NEPTUNE.
Originally posted by Boondawg:
But my favorite is "Utopian Dream" used in a negitive way!
Not to crush any dreams, a Utopian society is wonderful in concept. However history has shown that the great communist experiment has failed, with the fall of the Soviet Union. I hope no one even tries to use Cuba as an example. And even Communist China is moving closer to Capitalism.
Maybe we have not evolved enough to achieve Utopia, I guess we are still too close to our Cave Men descendants that ended the Ice Age driving their SUVs
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12:12 PM
Pyrthian Member
Posts: 29569 From: Detroit, MI Registered: Jul 2002
Originally posted by xtn668: Maybe we have not evolved enough to achieve Utopia, I guess we are still too close to our Cave Men descendants that ended the Ice Age driving their SUVs
actually - thats backwards. Global Warming preceeds Ice Ages. at least historictly. temps climb, climb, climb, then poof - sudden rapid drop.
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12:28 PM
xtn668 Member
Posts: 156 From: Savannah, GA Registered: Jul 2006
Originally posted by fierobear: All without human influence, several times in Earth's history. Except THIS time?
exactly.....thats why most of us say that "Greenhouse Gasses" is junk. along with the other stuff posted above, regarding earth core temps & solar activity
it is 100% true that overall average temp is rising. that is NOT in question.
National Institute for Greenhouse Gas Elimination and Reduction
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02:05 PM
Steve Normington Member
Posts: 7663 From: Mesa, AZ, USA Registered: Apr 2001
There are basically three possibilities for if the globe is getting warmer.
Global warming is totally human-caused: Result of action: Global warming stops Result of inaction: Continued global warming
Global warming is caused by both cyclic events and human causes: Result of action: Global warming is reduced both in rate and overall change Result of inaction: Continued global warming
Global warming is caused by cyclic events only: Result of action: Reduced consumption of fossil fuels and reduced dependance on foreign oil Result of inaction: Continued global warming and people can continue their current lifestyle
In all three cases, doing nothing means global warming continues. In two of the three cases, action eliminates or reduces the problem. And in the one case that action does nothing for global warming, it has other benefits.
Has there been a recent case when an enviromental or other large issue was identified and it turned out to go away with no action whatsoever? The global cooling had reductions in particulate production. The Y2K bug had many people working on it. While they may not have fixed the event, we have no way of knowing either way.
So isn't it better to take an action that will create positive results in all three situations rather than do nothing which has negative consequences in two of the three situations?
[This message has been edited by Steve Normington (edited 02-22-2007).]
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03:47 PM
Pyrthian Member
Posts: 29569 From: Detroit, MI Registered: Jul 2002
There are basically three possibilities for if the globe is getting warmer.
Global warming is totally human-caused: Result of action: Global warming stops Result of inaction: Continued global warming
Global warming is caused by both cyclic events and human causes: Result of action: Global warming is reduced both in rate and overall change Result of inaction: Continued global warming
Global warming is caused by cyclic events only: Result of action: Reduced consumption of fossil fuels and reduced dependance on foreign oil Result of inaction: Continued global warming and people can continue their current lifestyle
In all three cases, doing nothing means global warming continues. In two of the three cases, action eliminates or reduces the problem. And in the one case that action does nothing for global warming, it has other benefits.
Has there been a recent case when an enviromental or other large issue was identified and it turned out to go away with no action whatsoever? The global cooling had reductions in particulate production. The Y2K bug had many people working on it. While they may not have fixed the event, we have no way of knowing either way.
So isn't it better to take an action that will create positive results in all three situations rather than do nothing which has negative consequences in two of the three situations?
of course action would be a good thing - if it was done by EVERYONE. we already know that wont happen. the human race will not hold hands & stop burning stuff. what are we gonna do with nations that wont stop burning stuff? blow them up? they're gonna be the only ones making "stuff". and we all love our "stuff".
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04:02 PM
Steve Normington Member
Posts: 7663 From: Mesa, AZ, USA Registered: Apr 2001
of course action would be a good thing - if it was done by EVERYONE. we already know that wont happen. the human race will not hold hands & stop burning stuff. what are we gonna do with nations that wont stop burning stuff? blow them up? they're gonna be the only ones making "stuff". and we all love our "stuff".
The problem is that someone has to start making changes. If everyone waits for everyone else to start making changes, no one will make changes.
The US looks at China and think, "They aren't making changes, why should we?" China looks at the US and thinks (in Chinese), either "They aren't making changes, why should we?" or "Fine for them to cut back, they already have a strong economy, they just want to cripple our development." I think the second thought is the reason behind the carbon credits in the Kyoto Accords.
I can understand that people would object to the Kyoto Accords. But I've not seen any alternate suggestions on how to make nations comply or even alternate solutions on how to track progress. All I've seen is denial that humans have anything to do with it and attacks on the Kyoto Accords. A suspicious man would think that we just don't want to give up our lavish lifestyle.
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04:42 PM
System Bot
lurker Member
Posts: 12355 From: salisbury nc usa Registered: Feb 2002
while working as a computer programmer in 1992 i became aware that the year 2000 was going to be a problem. most of our (multinational corporations) routines that calculated billing, interest and depreciation had either a 2 or 3 digit date. this would have caused tremendous problems because subtracting, say, (19)99 from (20)01 gives a negative result, which at best yields a wrong answer, and at best causes the programs to crash. (actually crashing was in some ways better, because it immediately alerted you to a problem).
so yes, the y2k problem was a serious issue. i don't think it would have caused airplanes to fall from the sky or the end of the world, but it wouldn't have been nice on bill-paying day, or down at the bank.
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08:19 PM
lurker Member
Posts: 12355 From: salisbury nc usa Registered: Feb 2002
my feelings on global warming? sure, every now and again you'll have an odd temperature that doesnt fit the pattern. but that's kind of irrelevant, because we need to look at the big picture.
man is accellerating a natural cycle. there's good reason to think global temperatures are rising, caused both by natural phenomena and man's activity. to those who say "so what? it's natural?" i reply: death is natural, and inevitable. does that mean we should all smoke and eat pork rinds all day?
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08:28 PM
fierosound Member
Posts: 15206 From: Calgary, Canada Registered: Nov 1999
of course action would be a good thing - if it was done by EVERYONE. we already know that wont happen. the human race will not hold hands & stop burning stuff. what are we gonna do with nations that wont stop burning stuff? blow them up? they're gonna be the only ones making "stuff". and we all love our "stuff".
But what's more annoying is celebrities always jumping on ANY bandwagon and asking you for YOUR money for their causes, while most don't really sacrifice anything in the long run for "the cause" beyond their "free" appearance at the big event. Columnist Lorrie Goldstein hit it on the head.
I applaud the many rock stars and other celebrities who are helping former U.S. vice-president Al Gore stage seven "Live Earth" concerts around the world on July 7, to alert us to the dangers of global warming.
As long as every one of these Captain Kyotos signs the following pledge:
"I (insert name here) accept that as a multi-millionaire who has profited enormously from our consumer-driven culture, I have become a poster (insert gender here) boy/girl for excessive and conspicuous consumption, and that I am therefore disproportionately responsible for man-made global warming.
"I promise to take the following steps immediately, both to set an example to others and to reduce my carbon imprint on the Earth.
(1) Since cars are a major contributor to global warming, I will sell all the vehicles I own, donating the proceeds to a worthy environmental charity and replace them with one car -- a small hybrid with no air conditioning. Of course I will take public transit whenever possible.
(2) Since houses are major emitters of greenhouse gases, I will sell all the mansions and other residences I own around the world and donate the proceeds to environmental causes. For my personal use, I will purchase one home in the country of which I am a citizen of no more than 2,000 square feet, still giving me a level of privacy and luxury unknown to the people of the Third World, who have suffered enormously due to my excessive, personal contribution to man-made global warming throughout my career.
(3) Since flying is devastating to the climate because it injects greenhouse gases directly into the atmosphere at high altitudes, I will never again fly for pleasure anywhere in the world, including in my own jet or in one chartered for me. If I must fly for my work, I will restrict myself to regularly-scheduled commercial flights, substituting more environmentally-friendly train or bus travel whenever possible.
(4) I will never again claim to be "carbon neutral" merely because I made a donation to some group that plants trees, since such programs are increasingly suspect in terms of their effectiveness and because this would be a continuation of my refusal to accept personal responsibility for the disproportionate environmental damage my extravagant lifestyle has caused.
(5) I will never again go on a shopping spree in New York, L.A., London, Paris, Rome, Hong Kong or anywhere else, thus freeing myself from unnecessary possessions that require the burning of enormous amounts of fossil fuels both to create and to transport around the globe.
(6) Since locally-produced food and drink generate fewer greenhouse gases than those imported from abroad, I will consume only domestically-produced food, water and alcohol, including champagne.
(7) When taking vacations, I will confine myself to locales that are within driving distance of my home. Never again will I fly to any exotic, five-star resort, whose very existence is a grotesque monument to conspicuous consumption, one which could not have been built without the excessive burning of fossil fuels.
(8) Finally, I will never again permit my music or image to be used to sell any commercial product, to show that we must all simplify our lives in order to reduce our carbon footprint and save the Earth."
I can't wait to see who signs up. Can you?
------------------ 3.4L S/C 87 GT www.fierosound.com 2002/2003/2004 World of Wheels Winner & Multiple IASCA Stereo Award Winner
[This message has been edited by fierosound (edited 02-22-2007).]
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08:30 PM
Cadillac Jack Member
Posts: 1165 From: Jacksonville, IL, USA Registered: May 2003
The planet has been around for billions of years and will be around for billions more, no matter what we do
The above statement is obviously true, however it might have a slightly hotter mean temperature, and therefore have a completely different climate. If we are the cause, the problem will get worse as the world continues to become more populated. Then we will eventually die off to the point that we do no longer create a problem for the planet. If we aren't the cause we will probably die off anyway because of the global warming. We will not live forever, either individually or collectively. In any case the planet doesn't care. I'm always amused by our desire to make everything that is bad, our fault. You see if it's our fault then we can do something about it. Control it. Make the environment do what we want. Save ourselves. Live forever. Well we can't. It's as futile as Tic Tac To. If we all work together we might make some difference, but we will only postpone the inevidble. We are not in control, the universe is. We're just hitching on this roller coaster for a fractional time.
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08:43 PM
Feb 23rd, 2007
Pyrthian Member
Posts: 29569 From: Detroit, MI Registered: Jul 2002
Originally posted by fierosound: "I (insert name here) accept that as a multi-millionaire who has profited enormously from our consumer-driven culture, I have become a poster (insert gender here) boy/girl for excessive and conspicuous consumption, and that I am therefore disproportionately responsible for man-made global warming.
"I promise to take the following steps immediately, both to set an example to others and to reduce my carbon imprint on the Earth.
(1) Since cars are a major contributor to global warming, I will sell all the vehicles I own, donating the proceeds to a worthy environmental charity and replace them with one car -- a small hybrid with no air conditioning. Of course I will take public transit whenever possible.
(2) Since houses are major emitters of greenhouse gases, I will sell all the mansions and other residences I own around the world and donate the proceeds to environmental causes. For my personal use, I will purchase one home in the country of which I am a citizen of no more than 2,000 square feet, still giving me a level of privacy and luxury unknown to the people of the Third World, who have suffered enormously due to my excessive, personal contribution to man-made global warming throughout my career.
(3) Since flying is devastating to the climate because it injects greenhouse gases directly into the atmosphere at high altitudes, I will never again fly for pleasure anywhere in the world, including in my own jet or in one chartered for me. If I must fly for my work, I will restrict myself to regularly-scheduled commercial flights, substituting more environmentally-friendly train or bus travel whenever possible.
(4) I will never again claim to be "carbon neutral" merely because I made a donation to some group that plants trees, since such programs are increasingly suspect in terms of their effectiveness and because this would be a continuation of my refusal to accept personal responsibility for the disproportionate environmental damage my extravagant lifestyle has caused.
(5) I will never again go on a shopping spree in New York, L.A., London, Paris, Rome, Hong Kong or anywhere else, thus freeing myself from unnecessary possessions that require the burning of enormous amounts of fossil fuels both to create and to transport around the globe.
(6) Since locally-produced food and drink generate fewer greenhouse gases than those imported from abroad, I will consume only domestically-produced food, water and alcohol, including champagne.
(7) When taking vacations, I will confine myself to locales that are within driving distance of my home. Never again will I fly to any exotic, five-star resort, whose very existence is a grotesque monument to conspicuous consumption, one which could not have been built without the excessive burning of fossil fuels.
(8) Finally, I will never again permit my music or image to be used to sell any commercial product, to show that we must all simplify our lives in order to reduce our carbon footprint and save the Earth."
That is beautiful
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08:57 AM
xtn668 Member
Posts: 156 From: Savannah, GA Registered: Jul 2006
The planet has been around for billions of years and will be around for billions more, no matter what we do
The above statement is obviously true, however it might have a slightly hotter mean temperature, and therefore have a completely different climate. If we are the cause, the problem will get worse as the world continues to become more populated. Then we will eventually die off to the point that we do no longer create a problem for the planet. If we aren't the cause we will probably die off anyway because of the global warming. We will not live forever, either individually or collectively. In any case the planet doesn't care. I'm always amused by our desire to make everything that is bad, our fault. You see if it's our fault then we can do something about it. Control it. Make the environment do what we want. Save ourselves. Live forever. Well we can't. It's as futile as Tic Tac To. If we all work together we might make some difference, but we will only postpone the inevidble. We are not in control, the universe is. We're just hitching on this roller coaster for a fractional time.
But what's more annoying is celebrities always jumping on ANY bandwagon and asking you for YOUR money for their causes, while most don't really sacrifice anything in the long run for "the cause" beyond their "free" appearance at the big event. Columnist Lorrie Goldstein hit it on the head.
I applaud the many rock stars and other celebrities who are helping former U.S. vice-president Al Gore stage seven "Live Earth" concerts around the world on July 7, to alert us to the dangers of global warming.
As long as every one of these Captain Kyotos signs the following pledge:
"I (insert name here) accept that as a multi-millionaire who has profited enormously from our consumer-driven culture, I have become a poster (insert gender here) boy/girl for excessive and conspicuous consumption, and that I am therefore disproportionately responsible for man-made global warming.
"I promise to take the following steps immediately, both to set an example to others and to reduce my carbon imprint on the Earth.
(1) Since cars are a major contributor to global warming, I will sell all the vehicles I own, donating the proceeds to a worthy environmental charity and replace them with one car -- a small hybrid with no air conditioning. Of course I will take public transit whenever possible.
(2) Since houses are major emitters of greenhouse gases, I will sell all the mansions and other residences I own around the world and donate the proceeds to environmental causes. For my personal use, I will purchase one home in the country of which I am a citizen of no more than 2,000 square feet, still giving me a level of privacy and luxury unknown to the people of the Third World, who have suffered enormously due to my excessive, personal contribution to man-made global warming throughout my career.
(3) Since flying is devastating to the climate because it injects greenhouse gases directly into the atmosphere at high altitudes, I will never again fly for pleasure anywhere in the world, including in my own jet or in one chartered for me. If I must fly for my work, I will restrict myself to regularly-scheduled commercial flights, substituting more environmentally-friendly train or bus travel whenever possible.
(4) I will never again claim to be "carbon neutral" merely because I made a donation to some group that plants trees, since such programs are increasingly suspect in terms of their effectiveness and because this would be a continuation of my refusal to accept personal responsibility for the disproportionate environmental damage my extravagant lifestyle has caused.
(5) I will never again go on a shopping spree in New York, L.A., London, Paris, Rome, Hong Kong or anywhere else, thus freeing myself from unnecessary possessions that require the burning of enormous amounts of fossil fuels both to create and to transport around the globe.
(6) Since locally-produced food and drink generate fewer greenhouse gases than those imported from abroad, I will consume only domestically-produced food, water and alcohol, including champagne.
(7) When taking vacations, I will confine myself to locales that are within driving distance of my home. Never again will I fly to any exotic, five-star resort, whose very existence is a grotesque monument to conspicuous consumption, one which could not have been built without the excessive burning of fossil fuels.
(8) Finally, I will never again permit my music or image to be used to sell any commercial product, to show that we must all simplify our lives in order to reduce our carbon footprint and save the Earth."
I can't wait to see who signs up. Can you?
This is a wonderful dream, just like Communism. Or that man can change the weather.
Do you have any idea of how many local and global jobs would loose if enough celebrities actually held true to this. It might be worse than when Carter was President. This document would devastate the Auto, Real Estate, Airline, Retail, Vacation and Hotel Industries. I can not even contemplate the trickle down affect it would have.
[This message has been edited by xtn668 (edited 02-23-2007).]
Originally posted by xtn668: I too think Global Warming is a great gobbly gook!
However I think the big wigs who push for Global Warming are people who are just Anti-Capitalism. Global Warming Advocates use to be a bunch of tree huggers, but now they got Socialism backing them up. In my opinion, Global Warming is the new Communist Movement, trying to bring down Capitalism. Why else would the Notorious Kyoto Protocol, make the US decrease its emissions, crippling the economy, while allow the Growing Industrial Communist Giant CHINA, increase theirs!
I am all for conservation, recycling, alternative energy sources. But don't destroy my Nation with hypothetical scare tactics , just to fulfill your Utopian dream.
Just my opinion.
Right-o You have nailed it. There is ALWAYS one motive behind leftist activities. SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY! Where is John Galt?
Originally posted by xtn668: This is a wonderful dream, just like Communism. Or that man can change the weather.
Do you have any idea of how many local and global jobs would loose if enough celebrities actually held true to this. It might be worse than when Carter was President. This document would devastate the Auto, Real Estate, Airline, Retail, Vacation and Hotel Industries. I can not even contemplate the trickle down affect it would have.
ya ya - we are all scared that celebrities will suddenly live clean & green......
the point of that post was to show the outragous hypocracy of celebs with political views. celebs actually have the power to make many good social changes. they just dont want to.
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11:22 AM
System Bot
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
perhaps. but nihilism doesn't play well in peoria.
Actually it does. A friend of mine once described himself as a "modern Jew". The definition you ask? A Jew that eats pork but doesn't tell his parents.
Glaciers may move slowly, but they DO move to the sea.
Actually it does. A friend of mine once described himself as a "modern Jew". The definition you ask? A Jew that eats pork but doesn't tell his parents.
Glaciers may move slowly, but they DO move to the sea.
well, clutch my pearls. a response from todd to me that doesn't either completely villify me or elaborate on his rape fantasies.
next stop... the twilight zone.
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01:08 PM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
As for John Galt, he's pretty busy lately. I think he is being audited by the IRS and has been subpeanoed to testify before the House Select Committee on monopoly charges. I'm pretty sure he is in violation of some UN resolution that was voted on by every western nation except the United States and his union is threatening to go on strike if he doesn't pay his employees 50% more than similar employees earn with his competitors.
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01:16 PM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001