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Well.will it ever stop? Naaaa.... by fierofetish
Started on: 04-05-2008 10:03 AM
Replies: 47
Last post by: fierofetish on 04-17-2008 01:29 PM
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Report this Post04-05-2008 10:03 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Just got home from my walk with Zwerver.He was on his lead, as ever. We were attacked by a Dalmation just outside our land.He went for Zwerver. Bit him badly on the face, and wouldn´t let go.I let Zwerver off the leash, and hit the Daalmation with the chain. he let go of Zwerver, and went for me. Zwerver got him by the throat. I had to make him let go, and the Dalmation ran off.No idea WHO it belongs collar, no tags. Now I have to visit the vet. here is the damage done to Zwerver. He is my hero, and it makes me cry like a baby, that he was wounded trying to protect me:

i'm gone..

[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 04-05-2008).]

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Report this Post04-05-2008 10:07 AM Click Here to See the Profile for RainmanSend a Private Message to RainmanDirect Link to This Post
That's too bad. He's a trooper.

Start carrying pepper spray on walks along with some type of defense, a chain,large stick, etc. Here in the states, I carry a gun everywhere I go, it only leaves my waist in prohibited ares. I'd have shot it. Not sure how it works over there, but it would be completely legal to do so over here.

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Report this Post04-05-2008 10:17 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Direct Link to This Post
Nick, good for Zwerver,
Glad he didn’t get hurt to bad.

Nick are paintball guns legal over there?

If so get one, carry it with you at all times when walking him. Then you can prove just who the dog is later.

What is wrong with people letting their dogs run loose? Next door still insists on doing it, even though they have been fined for it.

Here I can shoot the dog if it comes on our property and tries to hurt our stock. I really don’t want to do it, but it looks like I am going to have to.

Hope Zwerver is OK.


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Report this Post04-05-2008 01:32 PM Click Here to See the Profile for twofatguysSend a Private Message to twofatguysDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84fiero123:

Nick, good for Zwerver,
Glad he didn’t get hurt to bad.

Nick are paintball guns legal over there?

If so get one, carry it with you at all times when walking him. Then you can prove just who the dog is later.

What is wrong with people letting their dogs run loose? Next door still insists on doing it, even though they have been fined for it.

Here I can shoot the dog if it comes on our property and tries to hurt our stock. I really don’t want to do it, but it looks like I am going to have to.

Hope Zwerver is OK.


I agree, and have a paintball gun at home for the same problem. It won't kill the dogs, and marks them for later. They also seem to be really scared of just the sound of the paintball gun as I have been out of paintballs, and just went out and started dry firing and they all ran off like they had been shot.

They also work for people, just only aim for the face if you want them to be blind.

How is Zwerver doing now?

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Report this Post04-05-2008 03:13 PM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Well, I am back home again. Zwerver has been kept in 'til the morning. They think one of the other dog's canine teeth my have punctured the bone above his eye socket, but it isn´t too serious. It was a nasty bite, but the main puncture was small.He is going to be ok, they think. They just have to analyse his blood tomorrow, to make sure he hasn´t been given any nasty diseases. he wasn´t very happy to be left!! He looked at me as if to say ' That´s nice!! I protect you, and then you leave me here!!' He will be ok..the vet asistants are very sweet girls, and they love him.
I reported the attack to the Guardia, and they said 'where is the dog now''.!!! They duly noted the report, and that was that. I didn´t expect any more, to be honest.
The dog definitely isn´t 'local'. There are two like it here, but they were both in their gardens..I checked.He had a collar on, so he isn´t 'wild'.
Anyway, here's hoping Zwerver doesn´t have any nasty repercussions, and will be home again tomorrow.
Thanks for caring

[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 04-05-2008).]

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Report this Post04-06-2008 02:51 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
OMG OMG just rang ..he might lose his eye.It has swelle up overnight.He has an infection. OMG..please don´t let it happen to my boy.PLEASE say a prayer for him..please. If I lose him I don´t know what I will do.
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Report this Post04-06-2008 03:37 AM Click Here to See the Profile for mrfieroSend a Private Message to mrfieroDirect Link to This Post
Oh man.....I hope he doesn't lose his eye! Please keep us updated on his condition. Poor doggy.

On a personal note......I hate Dalmations....they're probably the most inbred dog out there.

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Report this Post04-06-2008 03:59 AM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickDirect Link to This Post

Geez Nick, I hope Zwerver is going to be okay. I'll be thinking of him...
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Report this Post04-06-2008 04:05 AM Click Here to See the Profile for DtheCSend a Private Message to DtheCDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by fierofetish:

OMG OMG just rang ..he might lose his eye.It has swelle up overnight.He has an infection. OMG..please don´t let it happen to my boy.PLEASE say a prayer for him..please. If I lose him I don´t know what I will do.

So much pain for you and Ellie, the past 2 years. Too many loses, maybe it would be a good time to think about a newish critter to bond with?
I'm hoping you can share your life and emotions with an 'Adoptee' before you you may go through another heartbreak?
I'm hoping the best for Zwerver, I know thanks to your kindness he is living on 'barrowed time'.
For myself I'm partial to Tropical Fish, I know they aren't something you can cuddle with, but they don't go outside into the cold cruel world either?

You know that positive waves are heading Zwervers way, doubling up for you and Ellie.

Ol' Paint, 88 Base coupe auto.
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Leaks a little, like owner.
Doesn't smoke....... OK, we're trying to quit.

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Report this Post04-06-2008 04:30 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Thanks for the kind words. There is a bigger problem with Zwerver. As most of you know, he is carrying Leishmaniasis, a disease which is fatal. We have kept it at bay for 2 years now, with constant medicines and careful diet. He could go on to live a complete and full life. HE WILL.I won´t give up.Now, this is causing complications with the injuries, and its healing.And it has come at a time when our finances have diminished to the extent that any extra costs just cannot be funded without selling something.Ellie has started back to work, but I can´t start for another 4 weeks. So, and with a happy heart, believe me, I am going to put the Fiero up for sale.Hopefully I can sell it quickly, and we can treat Zwerver in any way needed.Some might think me crazy to do this for a dog. But he is worth more to us than toys. He is our child.Simple choice, isn´t it? Zwerver, irreplaceable, and a car.I can always get another car.
I curse my brothers with such a hatred. If they did what they are supposed to do, we wouldn´t have this pain.May they rot in HELL.

[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 04-06-2008).]

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Report this Post04-06-2008 06:13 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Gokart MozartClick Here to visit Gokart Mozart's HomePageSend a Private Message to Gokart MozartDirect Link to This Post
I hope Zwerver gets better!

I feel your pain about your family. You can't get mad at them over this, that hatred just gets reignited every time something comes up that could have been solved with their kindness.
Your new family on the other hand, do you have a paypal account?
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Report this Post04-06-2008 06:52 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Thanks Dan. And I have got it covered..thnk God. Somebody wants to buy a couple of my 'spare' guitars, and I have raised enough to cover it in the last half hour...$800. That offer is so very kind, but I didn´t post this looking for financial help. i don´t want this to sound ungrateful:you know I am. But money borrowed is still a debt, and I hate debt. I will go to any lengths I can to avoid it, so please understand that I am happy to sell off 'unneccessary' toys to solve the problem.Thanks, from the bottom of our hearts. Our dog is our life, in many ways. We would be devastated if we lost him after all we have gone through with him, to an'accident'.
I will just explain one thing about my family. They should have sent the interet payment on the 1st April.$3000. He is refusing to send it, because I asked legitimate, and reasonable questions about how he is conducting the Funds. He has referred it all to a lawyer, and believes he can pay for the Lawyer from my interst. He can´t. He can claim the costs, if he is vindicated, from the capital of the trust funds, but he CANNOT withold the interest payments to me.So you see, his combative attitude towards me, has rendered us open to financial dire straits, which means we couldn´t pay from our funds.My lawyer, who is one of the best on Probate Law in the UK, has informed him point blank that he is rendering himself liable to prosecution. If he believes that , then he is deliberately slowing things up in the hope I will run out of money to continue to the struggle. i have asked the Lawyer, if he is so confident we will win, to do it on no win no fee basis. And if we win, my brother will have to pay everything, not the funds.He is very, very stupid, my brother. he is more concerned about 'beating ' me, than doing the right thing. I hope it will cost im everything he has..he deserves to lose it all. Not just from this, but things that have happened in the past, with HIS family, and his sickening cheating.
So, once again, Dan. Your implied offer of financial assistance means the World to us. We WILL win, I am sure. And Zwerver will be back home, safe and sound soon.
God Bless you. I am sure He will.
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Report this Post04-06-2008 08:42 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Direct Link to This Post
Hope Zwerver gets well soon without any more complications. You have had more than your share of tragedy.

Sending good vibes to him and you folks.

Nick it’s not the end of the world if he does lose an eye, with all he has been threw that sounds minor.

He will be with you for a long time yet, he is stronger than you or I.

Forget about you brother, Zwerver needs you.

Good vibes sent to all.

Steve, Melanie & Amanda
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Report this Post04-06-2008 10:20 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Thanks so much Steve and Melanie and Amanda, and Dan, and all you who have said a prayer for him. Steve, you are so right. I have just returned from the vet hospital. Two very kind friends here, who know us well, have lent me the money for the treatment.They were here within 30 minutes of finding out. So I went to the hospital with some money, and heavy heart. But, it was good news!! they had drained an enormous amount of infection from the wound, and X-rayed his skull. There is no serious or permanent damage!! They didn´t even shave him!! He looks really sad for himself, but he was cleared to come home with me ! ! And the most amazing thing? When Zwerver was so ill a couple of years ago, with Leishmania, this same hospital saved his life, after intensive treatment for 10 days.They remembered him straight away..and his photo is on the wall! And...we were so happy that they had done such a marvellous job then, we made a donation of $150 to the hospital. They didn´t want to take it, but we insisted, because it could maybe one day help somebody else who couldn´t afford the treatment. THEY TOOK IT OFF THIS TREATMENT BILL!! And we had enough to pay the balance!! They said 'one good turn deserves we can help you too'. Karma? I am sure of it. Prayers? Again, I believe they work. all we are praying now, is that the medication he has to take for this accident, won´t harm his damaged kidneys.
Be good to WILL be returned, just when you need it.
here he is now..a bit dopey after the anaesthetic..and looking horrible

God Bless
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Report this Post04-06-2008 10:35 AM Click Here to See the Profile for WhiteDevil88Send a Private Message to WhiteDevil88Direct Link to This Post
I feel badly about your dog. Genuinely I do. You should be aware when you are walking your dog that he is bait for more aggressive animals to attack him and yourself. Many responsible dog owners carry pepper spray.

However, it must take some pretty remarkable testicles to blame this on not getting your trust fund payment. Especially when you can go around criticizing how other forum households make their rent.
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Report this Post04-06-2008 10:41 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Thanks for feeling badly for my dog, Jeff. Appreciated. The rest of your wittering I shall ignore
Oh..just in case

And for your information, pepper spray is illegal in Spain

[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 04-06-2008).]

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Report this Post04-06-2008 10:50 AM Click Here to See the Profile for WhiteDevil88Send a Private Message to WhiteDevil88Direct Link to This Post
Are canned jalapeño peppers illegal? How about spray bottles?
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Report this Post04-06-2008 10:57 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by fierofetish:

Thanks for feeling badly for my dog, Jeff. Appreciated. The rest of your wittering I shall ignore
Oh..just in case

And for your information, pepper spray is illegal in Spain

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Report this Post04-06-2008 11:02 AM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by WhiteDevil88:

However, it must take some pretty remarkable testicles to blame this on not getting your trust fund payment. Especially when you can go around criticizing how other forum households make their rent.

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Report this Post04-06-2008 11:29 AM Click Here to See the Profile for WhiteDevil88Send a Private Message to WhiteDevil88Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by OKflyboy:

And here comes the attention whore bumping the post? No go on, tell us all how that applies to me.

I can Google some pretty crazy shitup too, if you just want to post pictures that don't apply to the thread in the hopes one can pick a fight.
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Report this Post04-06-2008 11:34 AM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by WhiteDevil88:

And here comes the attention whore bumping the post? No go on, tell us all how that applies to me.

I can Google some pretty crazy shitup too, if you just want to post pictures that don't apply to the thread in the hopes one can pick a fight.

You keep typing but all I see is "Blah blah blah I'm a hypocrite blah blah blah" Really, just STFU with your personal "fierofetish vendetta" already, no one cares but you...

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Report this Post04-06-2008 12:11 PM Click Here to See the Profile for WhiteDevil88Send a Private Message to WhiteDevil88Direct Link to This Post
You seem to care enough to keep bumping this thread after I went off to read on another forum. And I bet you have a monitor strapped to your chest to see if I'll reply and give you the attention you need. Last time, though, really. I've got a life and its a nice day here. Find another thread to trash with your soap opera.
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Report this Post04-06-2008 12:44 PM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by WhiteDevil88:

blah blah blah..... Especially when you can go around criticizing how other forum households make their rent.

AHHHHH!! So you admit it then?
In that case, here is a new avatar for you, Jeff

Have a nice day,Jeff've met your match here, so quit whilst you're only a LITTLE way behind
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Report this Post04-06-2008 04:08 PM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by WhiteDevil88:

You seem to care enough to keep bumping this thread after I went off to read on another forum. And I bet you have a monitor strapped to your chest to see if I'll reply and give you the attention you need

I'll say it again. If you STFU, I will, as long as you continue, I see no reason to stop pointing out your hypocrisy.

. Last time, though, really. I've got a life and its a nice day here.

I've heard that before, and yet, here you are again. You were SO close too! I hadn't seen you snipe at Nick in a good month or so. But you couldn't quite live up to your word of S'ingTFU that last time you said it...

Gives the title of this thread a whole new meaning!

Find another thread to trash with your soap opera.

The same can be said to you.

Nick said something that hurt you. You believe that Nick owes you an apology. Nick gave you one, but apparently it was not to your liking. So now you come into Nick's threads and randomly snipe from the corner, making jabs and questioning Nick's character, over and over and over and over . If someone points out the clear folly in this (myself, 84Bill, etc) you lash out at them and try to make yourself out to be the victim. Personally, I don't believe anyone is buying it. I don't believe that anyone thinks I'm the troll and you're the victim here. But perhaps I'm wrong.

Let's get a Forum Jury going, then? Does anyone want to speak up and tell me they believe I'm the troll here? If so, maybe I'll give it a rest, since you obviously cannot...

[This message has been edited by OKflyboy (edited 04-06-2008).]

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Report this Post04-06-2008 06:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for WhiteDevil88Send a Private Message to WhiteDevil88Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by fierofetish:

AHHHHH!! So you admit it then?
In that case, here is a new avatar for you, Jeff

Have a nice day,Jeff've met your match here, so quit whilst you're only a LITTLE way behind

Exactly what did I "admit" to? I'm just curious.

Ok, I'll admit to not being able to not peek. You people are just too funny.

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Report this Post04-06-2008 06:40 PM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by WhiteDevil88:

Last time, though, really. I've got a life and its a nice day here.

Originally posted by WhiteDevil88:
Ok, I'll admit to not being able to not peek. You people are just too funny.

You were saying? Oh, that's right "blah blah blah I'm a hypocrite" I can't believe almost missed it what with this monitor strapped to my chest and all...

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Report this Post04-06-2008 07:34 PM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by WhiteDevil88:

Exactly what did I "admit" to? I'm just curious.

Ok, I'll admit to not being able to not peek. You people are just too funny.

Glad you are laughing, Jeff! Seeing as I am so funny, I will humour you. This is quoted from your post above..

"Especially when you can go around criticizing how other forum households make their rent. "...

Now, I can´t recall having ever criticised anybody here for the way they make their rent...except for your cynical pursuit of 'damages' for twisting your ankle in a 'pothole' ... a pothole that thousands of other people managed to negotiate without mishap So, you want to be rewarded for your clumsiness...and everybody else has to pay for it, along with the other thousands of ridiculous claims lodged against Insurance Companies every day. Maybe you consider your payout to be minimal, shared amongst the thousands of premium payers who contributed. But add it on to the others who do the same, for personal gain, it becomes expensive. People like you cost responsible people who never claim, a LOT in increased premiums.
Maybe you should take up cattle-ranching..your expertise at 'milking' could be put to a legitimate use. Surprised you haven´t posted in the 'udder' thread..your expertise should have made you the Holy Grail of lactose extractors
Wriggle away, Jeff..wriggle is getting closer..


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Report this Post04-06-2008 10:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 8BallSend a Private Message to 8BallDirect Link to This Post
Nick, I am glad that Zwerver is going to keep his eye. He is such a good and brave dog Give him a bug hug for me, when he feels better.

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Report this Post04-06-2008 11:48 PM Click Here to See the Profile for WhiteDevil88Send a Private Message to WhiteDevil88Direct Link to This Post
Cool, cool. I'm curious, on what do you base your assumptions on what I received for an injury. Personally, I would double any money I've received to be able to go for a hike in the woods again, but apparently you have some insight to my finances that show what a fraud I must be.

I take it you have family in Salinas, because despite having posted pictures of the hole on this forum, you seem assured that there was no hole in front of the Kragen's store at 1380 North Main.

But let's just allow for a moment that the hole was there, how did I manage to find this elusive pothole, which to this day has surely claimed none of the indigent homeless and illegal alien berry pickers that live in the area. Because, like, you would totally fukkin know about it, huh? Ever step in something, Nick? A wad of gum, dogshit perhaps? Do you think that gum/**** is freshly laid in anticipation of your step? Imagine the thousands of feet that have passed over that wad of gum, until you step in it. Unfortunately, my step tore my foot completely behind me. Infinitely more painful then stepping in gum.

Anyhow, back to your Salinas visit. I'm sure how you recall how the parking lot was laid out. I can get you visual aids if you need them, Google Earth it! So it did take some work to find the hole within 3 strides from the front door. I was pretty committed apparently, when I decided to step off and stuff my foot backwards in a hole.

But apparently, I was able to really work the system. I'm not sure what system we worked, and to what success that turned out to be for me. I know that co-pays alone for dr visits and medications totalled hundereds of dollars a month. I never received a dime of financial support, and we were often overdrawn at the end of the month. I know that the case has been settled I never will receive another dime. I know this despite facing losing the priviledge to drive because of my disability, which you're in posession of intimate knowledge as being fake. You've had a chance to read my medical files? I'm just asking because they take up about 3 file boxes.

Which brings up an interesting question, Who is it that I am "milking"? And what does that mean? Are you mad that I settled with the insurance company for the property managers at my first opportunity for less then the cost of the surgery and physical therapy. Which I got to split with my lawyer.

Or are you upset that I actually have good medical care and could pursue trying to live pain free. It hasn't worked to that point and I haven't had a pain free conscious moment since I took that step off of the curb. I guess maybe you're referring to this healthy little vicodin dependency. You kicked cigarettes, I should look to your resolve and just ditch the pills, huh?

Well, I hope this clears things up. I hope your big brother gets you your allowance, and I do hope your dog recovers fully. I can also hope he bites your face off for being an insensitve prick.
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Report this Post04-07-2008 12:18 AM Click Here to See the Profile for red84semattSend a Private Message to red84semattDirect Link to This Post
i normally do not post, but this time i will.

you sir, need to get over urself and this petty stuff. forgive forget and just get on with life. also i read what happened with you and i am sorry you got hurt.

nick, i hope all turns out well for your dog and family matters, my prayers be with you.
take care nick. i will say no more,as i have said to much and will be flamed.
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Report this Post04-07-2008 01:34 AM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by WhiteDevil88:

I hope your big brother gets you your allowance, and I do hope your dog recovers fully. I can also hope he bites your face off for being an insensitve prick.

Would that be in reference to the dog or the brother?

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Report this Post04-07-2008 02:31 AM Click Here to See the Profile for DtheCSend a Private Message to DtheCDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by WhiteDevil88:
Well, I hope this clears things up. I hope your big brother gets you your allowance, and I do hope your dog recovers fully. I can also hope he bites your face off for being an insensitve prick.

Clearing things up. WhiteDevil88, I'm soo glad that you have cleared things up.
Anything else would seem like you speak 1 thing, and then contradict yourself.

No need to reply, I'm just glad you've decided to 'Clear Things Up.'

I doubt that Nicks brother would bite his face off, although he is being less than kind.
Pets usually have an unconditional affection for whoever cares for them.
Nick's affection is his own business, he's had some losses, but his affections are still his own.

WhiteDevill88, I'm soo glad you have decided to clear things up, once and for all.

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Report this Post04-07-2008 08:58 AM Click Here to See the Profile for lurkerSend a Private Message to lurkerDirect Link to This Post
Topic: Well.will it ever stop? Naaaa....
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Report this Post04-07-2008 09:09 AM Click Here to See the Profile for FieroRumorClick Here to visit FieroRumor's HomePageSend a Private Message to FieroRumorDirect Link to This Post
Sorry that Zwerver got hurt. he's a good dog, worthy of cloning. I know I'd love a companion like HIM! Not one of those wimpy dogs that runs away from cats and butterflies and ants and leaves...

Hope he heals quickly.
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Report this Post04-07-2008 09:46 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post

Thanks on behalf of Zwerver for the kind thoughts from you all. he was very sick this morning, and I guess it was because of the two medicines clashing. He has to take a Zyloric every day of his life, for the Leishmaniasis, and now he has to take an Augmentine three times a day. I guess I will re´schedule the Zyloric to in between the first two Augmentine doses, and see what happens. All the badness seems to have drained out overnight, and the swelling has nearly gone. He ate his breakfast with gusto this morning, so fingers crossed, he is on the mend.
Oh, by the way, we were introduced to his two remaining puppies this week!! The lady up the road's female dog was on heat last year, and Zwerver was given permission to visit I will see if I can go get a couple of pics of the pups
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Report this Post04-10-2008 05:32 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Gokart MozartClick Here to visit Gokart Mozart's HomePageSend a Private Message to Gokart MozartDirect Link to This Post
How's he doing?
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Report this Post04-10-2008 05:51 AM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
Yes Update please.

I once had a Dalmation, but not the black and white. This one was purple--and that was his name. Like many Dalmations, it was deaf from birth-------I understand that is why they were chosen for fire dept mascots--the sirens don't bother them.

It liked chicken tho--any chicken. Especially live ones. But it did come bounding thru the front door one day, straight into the kitchen and grabbed a whole fryer right off the counter my wife was about to cut up and cook. And, I mean it went straight in there and straight for it--and right back out the door in the blink of an eye. That dog was on a mission--and no chcken was safe.
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Report this Post04-10-2008 05:57 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Thanks for asking, Dan, and Don! We have turned the corner! he is no longer being sick, I found some medicine for him online, and it doesn´t affect him, and the wound has closed, and all the infection has gone. He lost about 10 lbs in weight, but he is bright and alert, eating and drinking.Looks like we will be having him around for some time yet! Worth every penny of two guitars that were only 'extras', rather than essentials! And, of course, everybody pulling for him makes a difference, I'm sure of it.Every night, since he first became ill over two years ago, before we go to bed, I sit with him, give him a cuddle, and say a prayer for him.Whether i makes a difference to him, I don´t know, but it sure gives ME strength!

God Bless

[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 04-10-2008).]

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Report this Post04-10-2008 06:21 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierogirls-momSend a Private Message to fierogirls-momDirect Link to This Post
Just opened this thread Nick..
I'm so glad that Zwerver is doing well!!! He's quite the trooper!!

Give him a hug and a scratch behind the ear for me will ya!!

Take care
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Report this Post04-10-2008 06:39 AM Click Here to See the Profile for blackramsSend a Private Message to blackramsDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by fierogirls-mom:

Just opened this thread Nick..
I'm so glad that Zwerver is doing well!!! He's quite the trooper!!

Give him a hug and a scratch behind the ear for me will ya!!

Take care

Same here.

Nick, glad things are turning out well. I hate it when those kind of things happen. Good luck to the whole family.

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