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thinking of joining the marines..Any opinions?? by turboguy327
Started on: 05-06-2008 09:36 PM
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Report this Post05-06-2008 09:36 PM Click Here to See the Profile for turboguy327Send a Private Message to turboguy327Direct Link to This Post
Well my life has dealt me a hand. My g/f of a year broke up with me. She said I need to grow up and be more mature and thats basically it without getting into details. So I moved back into my parents house. I am by no means a slacker I just want to do something with my life. I have a job I really like and I am worried about loosing it. I also just bought a car and owe 6300 on it so I am not sure how that would work. But anyway, my nephew joined and is leaving next tuesday. It got me thinking about all of it. I am just asking your guys opinion on the entire thing. I am not doing this because of the g/f. Its just before we broke up I thought I had it all figured out. I just hate going to work, and then coming home and messing around in the garage and then going to bed. I lead kind of a boring life i guess. LOL. So what do you guys and girls think?? what do you think is going to happen with this war and all that?? I dont know how pay works or what kind of job I would do or any of that. I really dontknow anyone else that is in all this. I am going to talk to my nephews srgt. with him tomorow. But any goods or bads or any ?s I really should ask?? Or anything else I should think about??
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Report this Post05-06-2008 09:45 PM Click Here to See the Profile for SaxmanClick Here to visit Saxman's HomePageSend a Private Message to SaxmanDirect Link to This Post
Not knocking other branches of the military, but check out the Air Force the same day you visit the marine recruiter.

Be ready for the Marine recruiters to take you in as their best friend - including working out with you, inviting you to lunch. They will basically be your best friend until you are in basic. My nephew is going to Marine boot camp next week and wouldn't even consider another branch because the Marine recruiters suckered him in - keeping him from approaching the Air Force in an unbiased way. He told them AF guys were weak. I argued that they are not only strong, but they use their heads as much as their strength to do their job.

Anyway, just keep an open mind. Talk to the Air Force, too. They don't have to recruit as hard as the other branches because they are after the top of the heap - and there is a reason for that. Air Force will not settle for slackers. If you check them out, you will see the difference in standards - be it drugs, intelligence - and even the strength requirements were higher to get into basic when I joined up. You had to lift a weight to a certain height. The AF line was higher than all the other branches.

Good luck to you. Whatever branch you join, you are doing good for the country and many will thank you for that. Cheers!
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Report this Post05-06-2008 09:49 PM Click Here to See the Profile for AJ7Send a Private Message to AJ7Direct Link to This Post
from the sounds of it.. I would consider a different branch than marines... they get paid the least and do the most basicly.. its not like any other branch of the military.. you dont sound like you want to be a marine.. if your worried about the way the war is going, dont join the marines, I dont think they'd want you lol I was considering enlisting also but decided not to... and I also have a few ex marine friends, which is why I said what I said
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Report this Post05-06-2008 09:55 PM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
All services are good. The Marines are unique, and few who become a Marine ever regret it. I am one, and like all Marines will be a Marine till the day I die. I have not worn the uniform since Feb 21, 1973.
But understand this up front--Should you become a Marine--no matter what your MOS is, be prepared to see combat in one form or another. It's just what we do. And it is usually why people chose the Marines--not for the $--not for the benefits-not for the education.

If, this were peacetime, I might be inclined to take a little playful jab at the other services, but not while we have men and women in all branches of the service at war. Some things are just in bad taste.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 05-06-2008).]

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Report this Post05-06-2008 09:58 PM Click Here to See the Profile for acemanSend a Private Message to acemanDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by AJ7:

from the sounds of it.. I would consider a different branch than marines... they get paid the least and do the most basicly..

Naw.... not worth it...Just going to go back to my Twins game and yell at the Twinkies. That seems more productive tonight.

My gut feeling from reading what you wrote.... I don't think you are Marine material. Marines are fanatics about being.....Marines.

Check you some of the other services before checking out the Marines.

[This message has been edited by aceman (edited 05-06-2008).]

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Report this Post05-06-2008 09:58 PM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyDirect Link to This Post
Yes, check out the Air Force!

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Report this Post05-06-2008 09:59 PM Click Here to See the Profile for GeckoSend a Private Message to GeckoDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by turboguy327:

Well my life has dealt me a hand. My g/f of a year broke up with me. She said I need to grow up and be more mature and thats basically it without getting into details.
So I moved back into my parents house. I am by no means a slacker I just want to do something with my life. I have a job I really like and I am worried about loosing it. I also just bought a car and owe 6300 on it so I am not sure how that would work. But anyway, my nephew joined and is leaving next tuesday. It got me thinking about all of it. I am just asking your guys opinion on the entire thing. I am not doing this because of the g/f. Its just before we broke up I thought I had it all figured out.
I just hate going to work, and then coming home and messing around in the garage and then going to bed. I lead kind of a boring life i guess. LOL. So what do you guys and girls think?? what do you think is going to happen with this war and all that?? I dont know how pay works or what kind of job I would do or any of that. I really dontknow anyone else that is in all this. I am going to talk to my nephews srgt. with him tomorow. But any goods or bads or any ?s I really should ask?? Or anything else I should think about??

Are you sure your not doing this because of the gf? She was the first thing you mentioned, and then later you made felt the need to tell us it wasn't because of her.

I think going into the service is great if your a strong person and you go for the right reasons. If your life is boring, there are plenty of other things you can research/get into to make it more exciting. I would suggest not making any quick life changing decisions. Maybe wait until you have the car paid off. Going back with your parents is a great time to save up some $$
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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:05 PM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
What aceman was going to say (I think) is that all the services get paid the same base pay.

OKflyboy--you just proved my point. Thanks!!
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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:07 PM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by maryjane:
If, this were peacetime, I might be inclined to take a little playful jab at the other services, but not while we have men and women in all branches of the service at war. Some things are just in bad taste.

Originally posted by maryjane:
OKflyboy--you just proved my point. Thanks!!

Whoops, didn't see that first part, honest. Now I feel bad...
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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:19 PM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post

Originally posted by OKflyboy:Whoops, didn't see that first part, honest. Now I feel bad...

Originally posted by maryjane:

OKflyboy--you just proved my point. Thanks!!

OKflyboy, don't worry about it--I was referring to the Marines being unique.

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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for AJ7Send a Private Message to AJ7Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by maryjane:

What aceman was going to say (I think) is that all the services get paid the same base pay.

OKflyboy--you just proved my point. Thanks!!

doubt thats what he was going to say. well, maybe in a different way...

and yes, I know this... I was meaning the bonuses and other things... not just regular pay.

Edit - wow looks like I got a neg.... I wonder why... seriously..

[This message has been edited by AJ7 (edited 05-06-2008).]

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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:22 PM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by maryjane:
OKflyboy, don't worry about it--I was referring to the Marines being unique.

Ahh, OK.
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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:23 PM Click Here to See the Profile for turboguy327Send a Private Message to turboguy327Direct Link to This Post
Its not about the g/f. I have moved on. I mentioned her because, my life when i was with her, I thought was all figured out. I am over her and have moved on. I dont talk to her or think about her at all. Its now just altered my living situation. Im not worried about my life or anything. I want to do something important with my life and not just drift through life doing nothing. If anything happens then it happens. Thats how I have always looked at things. I am just not sure how the entire thing works. I have been thinking about it for awhile. I just find it better to deceide stuff when it is written down. No air force for me. I have kinda bad eye sight. I am not sure how that will affect any other branches though. i dont wear glasses although i should. I am not a genius but im not retarted either. The main reason I ask on here is some of you guys have more life experience(I am 22) and have been through all this. I just dont want the srgt. to lie to me. I have been told they will so I want to know how it all works before I go to talk to him. My nephew has just started the entire deal also. Thank you for all the replies everyone. Maybe I am not meant to be a marine. I dont really know. I just want honest opinions like all these I have recieved so far.
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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
I would't know anything about US Marine bonuses--they were a rarity when I was on active duty.

I'm old, but not Old Corps just yet..Marines will know what that means.
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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for AJ7Send a Private Message to AJ7Direct Link to This Post
basicly all I was trying to say is dont join the marines unless you WANT to be in combat.. like maryjane said... I kind of know where your coming from also, I'm kind of in the same place.
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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for acemanSend a Private Message to acemanDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by AJ7:

doubt thats what he was going to say. well, maybe in a different way...

and yes, I know this... I was meaning the bonuses and other things... not just regular pay.

Oh look.....Wrong again.

The game's a blow out soooooooo.............

a) Actually a Marine gets a higher bonus than most soldiers and definitely most Airmen and Sailors.

b) Average time for a Marine to make E7 (Senior NCO)= 11 years. Army=13years. Navy= 16 years. Air Force= 17 years

c) What other "things".....Please tell! I'll see your zero years of Human Resource Management in the military and raise you 16 years. I'll see your zero years of military experience and raise you 22 years.


Edit: AJ7, I'm looking at "My Ratings" and your name ain't in there. Maybe someone else also thought you made a dumbass statement that you have no way of backing up.

[This message has been edited by aceman (edited 05-06-2008).]

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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:28 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ryan.hessSend a Private Message to ryan.hessDirect Link to This Post
The marines are called in whenever there's a situation they need light/quick infantry. I think someone said the marines are the first ones to get called into a battle, and the army gets to clean up their mess and stabilize things.

Enjoy some recruitment films.

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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:31 PM Click Here to See the Profile for AJ7Send a Private Message to AJ7Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by ryan.hess:

The marines are called in whenever there's a situation they need light/quick infantry. I think someone said the marines are the first ones to get called into a battle,

from what I hear... marines are first in last out... one of my best friends is a marine. but who knows, things may have changed since back then...

edit - nvm

[This message has been edited by AJ7 (edited 05-06-2008).]

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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:39 PM Click Here to See the Profile for acemanSend a Private Message to acemanDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by turboguy327:

Its not about the g/f. I have moved on. I mentioned her because, my life when i was with her, I thought was all figured out. I am over her and have moved on. I dont talk to her or think about her at all. Its now just altered my living situation. Im not worried about my life or anything. I want to do something important with my life and not just drift through life doing nothing. If anything happens then it happens. Thats how I have always looked at things. I am just not sure how the entire thing works. I have been thinking about it for awhile. I just find it better to deceide stuff when it is written down. No air force for me. I have kinda bad eye sight. I am not sure how that will affect any other branches though. i dont wear glasses although i should. I am not a genius but im not retarted either. The main reason I ask on here is some of you guys have more life experience(I am 22) and have been through all this. I just dont want the srgt. to lie to me. I have been told they will so I want to know how it all works before I go to talk to him. My nephew has just started the entire deal also. Thank you for all the replies everyone. Maybe I am not meant to be a marine. I dont really know. I just want honest opinions like all these I have recieved so far.

So what is it that you think the Marines will give you that you feel that you're missing right now?

What's your current job/career?

What important thing in life will you do as a Marine that you won't do as as a civilian?

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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:46 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84BillClick Here to visit 84Bill's HomePageSend a Private Message to 84BillDirect Link to This Post
Marine = open contract. IOW they choose your career.
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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:59 PM Click Here to See the Profile for turboguy327Send a Private Message to turboguy327Direct Link to This Post
I make molds for plastic injection. I am not really 100 % sure what it will do. thats why I am here. I just want to do something with my life. Not just drift through life. I was thinking of just stockpiling my money and saving it all for a house. I just need to find some way to grow up and be more diciplined. I asked around to some people around here about what I was going through and they suggested the military. Maybe its just the marines are not for me. Maybe its the air force. Or the navy. Again thats why I am here. What I know about the militaryu I have seen in movies or just small talk around here and there. So I dont know anything about it really. I am looking to the other guys that have been through this for guidence.
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Report this Post05-06-2008 10:59 PM Click Here to See the Profile for AJ7Send a Private Message to AJ7Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by aceman:

Oh look.....Wrong again.

The game's a blow out soooooooo.............

a) Actually a Marine gets a higher bonus than most soldiers and definitely most Airmen and Sailors.

b) Average time for a Marine to make E7 (Senior NCO)= 11 years. Army=13years. Navy= 16 years. Air Force= 17 years

c) What other "things".....Please tell! I'll see your zero years of Human Resource Management in the military and raise you 16 years. I'll see your zero years of military experience and raise you 22 years.

If I wanted to prove I was right I guess I would have added in all the info wouldnt I? I really dont care to prove it.. I made my point. and I would have to look for the bonuses again to find out the differences, but last I checked about 4-5 months ago, marines were the lowest, army IS the highest (20-25k if you qualify) and marines were clear down around $3500... not sure what it is now, it doesnt even matter anymore in this thread. but dont say I'm wrong without proving me wrong. I dont see anything that has to do with money in your post. let alone bonuses...
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Report this Post05-06-2008 11:08 PM Click Here to See the Profile for acemanSend a Private Message to acemanDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by AJ7:

If I wanted to prove I was right I guess I would have added in all the info wouldnt I? I really dont care to prove it.. I made my point. and I would have to look for the bonuses again to find out the differences, but last I checked about 4-5 months ago, marines were the lowest, army IS the highest (20-25k if you qualify) and marines were clear down around $3500... not sure what it is now, it doesnt even matter anymore in this thread. but dont say I'm wrong without proving me wrong. I dont see anything that has to do with money in your post. let alone bonuses...

I could yell across my cubicle to the Gunney 20 feet from me and ask him to post the differences. OH WAIT! I don't work these issues EVERY FRIKKEN DAY in a joint command. I could ask the two Petty Officer 1st Classes (E6s) who work next to me which branch makes more. (Wait! I kinda outrank them.) I could ask the two Air Force Master Sergeants (E7s) that work 20 feet from me. (Wait! I kinda outrank them). Hmmmmm, I wonder why the Marines and Soldiers I work with are usually higher ranking than the Sailors and Airmen I work with.

BTW, what are those "other things"?????

[This message has been edited by aceman (edited 05-07-2008).]

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Report this Post05-06-2008 11:18 PM Click Here to See the Profile for acemanSend a Private Message to acemanDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by turboguy327:

I make molds for plastic injection. I am not really 100 % sure what it will do. thats why I am here. I just want to do something with my life. Not just drift through life. I was thinking of just stockpiling my money and saving it all for a house. I just need to find some way to grow up and be more diciplined. I asked around to some people around here about what I was going through and they suggested the military. Maybe its just the marines are not for me. Maybe its the air force. Or the navy. Again thats why I am here. What I know about the militaryu I have seen in movies or just small talk around here and there. So I dont know anything about it really. I am looking to the other guys that have been through this for guidence.

If you're in it for a technical job skill...........Air Force and then Navy

If you're in it for a career and want advancement........Army.

If your in it for a sense of duty and patriotism and like comradarie......Marines

If you want to hide out for a few years...Navy and then Army.

I joined the Army Reserve 22 years ago and then went Active Duty in the Army 18 years ago. My college roommate did the same thing in the Air Force. I'm two pay grades higher than him. I've out ranked him for the past 20 years by one grade and outranked him by two grades for the past 16 years. I like what I do and cannot imagine being in any other branch of the military.
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Report this Post05-06-2008 11:38 PM Click Here to See the Profile for uhlanstanSend a Private Message to uhlanstanDirect Link to This Post
The Marines have more pride most Marines are proud to have been a Marine,, When I was a Marine we had it much worst than the other services this has changed some what ,,now the Marines get the support they should.. I was on an air force base a few times its like the girl scouts compared to the Marines Marine basic is still the toughest Marines allways get less money the other services pay out more to get people to reenlist Many Marines want to fight so retention money is often less
Do not join the marines unless you want to,, or you have something to prove to yourselve
you will fight more and suffer more in the Marines...I personally Guaranty more pain in the Marines
Your pride in being a Marine can not be measured..My nipples get hard when I hear the Marine corp hymn
You will see more Marine corp stickers on cars than all other services combined ,thiers a reason for this
If you want to fight .. to kill ragheads for America join the Marines
If you want to just have a change DO NOT JOIN THE MARINES,,you will not like the people in charge of you,they are demanding
There is only one reason to join the Marines YOU want to be a Marine!! U.S. Newton sgt USMC,,airborne ,artillery, Infantry ....weapons and tactics instructor
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Report this Post05-06-2008 11:54 PM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
OK, I'll try, but it's been a long time. #1, You ain't a Marine till you leave boot camp with an Eagle Globe and Anchor. People don't join the Marines--they become Marines. Marine Boot camp is tough, degrading and absolutely exhausting. Mentally, physically and emotionally. They will tear you down, to where all in your platoon are the same, then build you back up to become a Marine. It is the formula that has bred Marines for over 2 centuries. You will learn to march, to take care of yourself, to blend in, to think and act as a Marine. It does not matter where you are from, your lineage, your social standing, your race, sex, education, or anything else. You will go to class to learn Marine Corps history--a lot of it.
You will slowly, almost imperceptively beome green--Marine Corps Green. You will learn to fight, defend yourself, and how to accurately fire your weapon--above all else, you will learn that. Every Marine a rifleman--from the Commandant down to the lowliest private--a rifleman--always. Toward the end of bootcamp, you will have to endure a test--The Crucible** (I'm sure each service has it's own version) The Crucible is a test of strength, stamina, and endurance--it will tax you greatly. You will lean on your fellow Marines to make it, and they will lean on you. Once you pass he Crucible, you will be a Marine, and will proceed from Parris Island Marine Recruit Training Depot to Camp Lejune for Infantry Training Regiment. It makes no difference what mos you are. or what guarantee you may have had from your recruiter--all Marines go to ITR (it may have a different name nowdays). Then, upon completion of ITR, you will go to school, for your MOS training. (Aviation school, last I heard, was still in Memphis Tenn, at the Millington Naval Air Training Facility.) You may be guaranteed training for whatever MOS your scores qualify you for, IF there is a need for personell in that field. There is absolutely no guarantee in the world that any service branch can't or won't break if their needs dictate. They will send you where they need you--period. This is X2 true for the Marines. The needs of the Corps come first. Always-no matter what your recruiter tells you--remember that.

Once you get out of your school, the Marines become just about like every other job. Get up, go to your station and do whatever you are trained to do. Usually off by 5pm, and unless you are assigned watch or guard, you are free to go on liberty--out in town. ou will be required to keep a well groomed appearance, stay physically fit, and close as possible to high moral character. You will be required to at least once/year, requalify on the rifle range. You may be assigned stateside, afloat, or any nuber of Marine bases around the world--or you may (probably?) be sent into combat in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Ask a Marine what's so special about the Marines and the answer would be "esprit de corps", an unhelpful French phrase that means exactly what it looks like - the spirit of the Corps. But what is that spirit, and where does it come from?

The Marine Corps is the only branch of the U.S. armed forces that recruits people specifically to fight. The Army emphasizes personal development (an army of one), the Navy promises fun (let the journey begin), and the Air Force offers security (it's a great way of life). Missing from all of these advertisements is the hard fact that it is a soldier's lot to suffer and perhaps to die for his people, and to take lives at the risk of his own. Even the thematic music of the services reflects this evasion. The Army's Caisson Song describes a pleasant country outing over hill and dale, lacking only a picnic basket. Anchors Aweigh, the Navy's celebration of the joys of sailing, could have been penned by Jimmy Buffet. The Air Force song is a lyric poem of blue skies and engine thrust. All is joyful and invigorating, and safe. There are no landmines in the dales nor snipers behind the hills, no submarines or cruise missiles threaten the ocean jaunt, no bandits are lurking in the wild blue yonder.

The Marines’ Hymn, by contrast, is all combat. We fight our country's battles, first to fight for right and freedom, we have fought in every clime and place where we could take a gun, in many a strife we've fought for life.

The choice is made clear. You may join the Army to go to adventure training, or join the Navy to go to Bangkok, or join the Air Force to go to computer school. You join the Marines to go to war.

But the mere act of signing the enlistment contract confers no status in the Corps. The Army recruit is told from his first minute in uniform that "you're in the Army now, soldier". Navy and Air Force enlistees are sailors or airmen as soon as they get off the bus at the training center. The new arrival at Marine Corps boot camp is called recruit, or private, or worse (much worse), but not Marine. Not yet; maybe not ever. He or she must earn the right to claim the title, and failure returns you to civilian life without hesitation or ceremony.

I personally would not trade being a Marine for anything on this planet. And, tho it is a little known fact here at PFF, I also spent 6 years in the US Navy as well as being a US Marine for 4 years. So, I have something to compare the Marines to 1st hand.
Yes, I have seen combat as a US Marine, as a door gunner on CH-53 helicopters in Vietnam for 13 months.

** FYI-They did not have The Crucible when I went thru boot camp--it is something fairly recent, but I have read a great deal about it.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 05-06-2008).]

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Report this Post05-07-2008 12:02 AM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
IMO, if you are in it for the money or bonus, don't join any service. The serviceman/woman beside you, behind you, and in front of you deserves better.
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Report this Post05-07-2008 12:10 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 2birdsSend a Private Message to 2birdsDirect Link to This Post
21 years, Navy, nuclear power field, submariner. Lots of technical training, hard schooling, and comaraderie that will never go away. I retired as an E-7 almost 2 years ago. I don't regret one bit of it, and it was a good career, IMHO. Knowing what I know now, I'd still do it all over again if I could go back to being 18. I picked nuclear power for the long schools, the $$$ bonuses (great in 1985, but way better now), but it was Navy all the way even if I hadn't got nuclear power. No real reason why, except that maybe my brother was already in the Navy (he eventually retired as a Chief as well).

I recruited for a while in the early 90's, and I probably talked more people out of joining than I talked into joining. I was honest; some say to a fault. I heard more than once that nukes were too honest to be good recruiters. I never lost any sleep over that. Bottom line is, if you think any branch of the service is all flowers and sunshine, then bend over and let it blow where it will. But if you treat it like the commitment it truly is, and you become a true team player (shipmate), you'll do fine in any branch.

And read the friggin' enlistment contract. If it isn't on there, it isn't guaranteed, and YOU can release the service from THEIR obligations through any number of faults of your own. Disciplinary infractions are the quickest way to get dropped from a good program. The attrition rate when I went through Nuclear Power School was close to 50%, and that was just from academic failures (they would work with you if you were genuinely trying) and disciplinary infractions (alcohol incidents, sleeping in class, late for musters, not studying hard enough). You live up to your end, and they will generally live up to theirs, but the Needs of the Navy (or Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard) are always a final trump card. I know; I wrote transfer orders for my specialty for a few years, too.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but last I knew, EVERYONE signs on for an 8 year Military Service Obligation contract. C-O-N-T-R-A-C-T. Active, Drilling Reserve, Individual Ready Reserve, or some combination of each. Mine was four years active, two more years for school and advanced paygrade guarantees, and two years IRR. And the stop-loss clause was spelled out in plain English on my contract, too, so don't say you didn't know about it. And if you go in the Guard or Reserves, don't pretend you didn't know it would happen when your civilian life is disrupted by being activated. Your brothers and sisters are counting on you.

Sorry if this seemed to be a bit of a rant, but I've seen a lot of bad PR for the services lately, and I take some of it personally.

And a pitch for the Marines; I never knew a former Marine (not the same thing as an ex-Marine) who regretted it, not even the ones that had a rough time while they were in. Their recruiters don't sell how easy and fun it is, because they don't have to. That speaks volumes. This Navy Chief will buy a beer for a Marine any time.

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Report this Post05-07-2008 12:15 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 2birdsSend a Private Message to 2birdsDirect Link to This Post


1685 posts
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Originally posted by maryjane:

IMO, if you are in it for the money or bonus, don't join any service. The serviceman/woman beside you, behind you, and in front of you deserves better.

Leave it to The Marine to bring us wisdom. Thanks, Don.
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Report this Post05-07-2008 12:22 AM Click Here to See the Profile for CoryFieroSend a Private Message to CoryFieroDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by turboguy327:
She said I need to grow up and be more mature and thats basically it without getting into details. So I moved back into my parents house.


IMHO I would not join the military in your situation. No matter what you say, it is because of the girl. IMHO, if you want to do anything, look into contract work in Afganistan, Iraq, and Kuwait. Lots of opportunities there with lots of $$$.


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Report this Post05-07-2008 12:41 AM Click Here to See the Profile for UaanaClick Here to visit Uaana's HomePageSend a Private Message to UaanaDirect Link to This Post
Looks like the older dogs/salts/etc got most of this covered.
Speaking as a former Marine myself 86-92 Combat Engineer. Even back then I managed two hot spots, Phillipine coup attempt in 89 then GW 1

From reading your letters, sounds like the best fit generally speaking would probably be the Navy. Great place for a life reset, it aint easy but good travel opportunities and if you manage to get and stay in the wet navy you'll have a lot of opportunity to grind time and save money sitting aboard ship. Your combat options are fairly low unless you go for a few specialties. They also have a fair amount of high tech schools if that is another career interest.

This isnt a knock against Army or AF, I'm just going on what you've posted and what sounds like the best fit for what you're looking to put in and get out of the experience.

Two side notes,
1. Regarding promotion, alot of that is based on what MOS you are. If you have a high turn over rate say something like Infantry you're going to hit E5 probably in the first four. MOS's that are more technical/safe say Nukes, Aviation, IT etc tend to hold onto people longer and you could technically end up being forced to lateral move if you want to reenlist..

Big 2.. This topic has come up a few times in the last 8yrs I've been hanging around. The one constant.. NOBODY joins the Marines unless they want to be a Marine.
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Report this Post05-07-2008 06:10 AM Click Here to See the Profile for never2oldSend a Private Message to never2oldDirect Link to This Post
Never .ever join anything unless you are absolutely sure that will be the answer to your "problem".
You raise your right hand and you are stuck for 3-4 years and what do you do if you don't like it.
Relax for a couple weeks.......something good will happen..
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Report this Post05-07-2008 08:18 AM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
Turboguy327--registration here:
will get you into the forums and there is a section dedicated to young folks wanting to know the straight scoop from both young and old Marines. You can find straight up-no BS answers to your questions, from regular Marines instead of listening to just a recruiter. It is NOT an official USMC website---it's a forum like PFF-but Marine related instead of Fieros. I've been a member there for several years. I usually hang out in The Slop Shute, a virtual bar. The sections you want to view and post questions in, are down at the bottom of the main forum index.

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Report this Post05-07-2008 08:39 AM Click Here to See the Profile for ace35Send a Private Message to ace35Direct Link to This Post
You could always do a National Guard route as well. I joined the Army National Guard back in August 07. I can NOT comment on any other branches but I believe all 50 states have what is called an "RSP" drill for pre-basic recruits. Ask a recruiter to attend one of these. The RSP (Recruit Sustainment Program) allows for "buddies" to be brought to experience what goes on during the weekend drills. They usually teach the basic drill and ceremony, marching, and usually we get to do some fun tactical stuff. It's a great experience and money wise, I was pretty happy with it. There is a 20K enlist bonus, ~$500 for a weekend, $18K for loan reimbursement for college...the list goes on if that's what you're in it for. I've always wanted to join the Army, but also want to finish out my college, and decided the ARNG was the way for me, this way once I am out of college I am still Army trained and able to go full time.

Good luck with your decision!
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Report this Post05-07-2008 08:49 AM Click Here to See the Profile for htexans1Send a Private Message to htexans1Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by AJ7:

from what I hear... marines are first in last out... one of my best friends is a marine. but who knows, things may have changed since back then...

edit - nvm

Not always. In Kosovo, in 1999, my AF unit was the first in [Theatre].

I have nothing but respect for the Marines. If you want to be a Marine, I say go for it. And I am in another branch no less.

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Report this Post05-07-2008 08:56 AM Click Here to See the Profile for ED's85GTSend a Private Message to ED's85GTDirect Link to This Post
I'll agree with what Don has said, and I would like add one more thing:
If you unsure about becomming a Marine, then (IMO) the Marine Corps is not the place for you,
You'll endure a lot of pain both emotional and physical, you'll want to kick yourself every time
you visit an Army, Air Force, Navy base and see how much easier/better their living/work conditions are.
I am not putting down other branches of the military, I am proud of every one of my military brother/sister
who is/has served in every branch. What I am trying to say is that in the Marine Corps things are a little

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Report this Post05-07-2008 09:13 AM Click Here to See the Profile for AJ7Send a Private Message to AJ7Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by htexans1:

Not always. In Kosovo, in 1999, my AF unit was the first in [Theatre].

I have nothing but respect for the Marines. If you want to be a Marine, I say go for it. And I am in another branch no less.

airforce is different.. they fly in and fly out lol I'd actually like to be a pilot in the airforce...

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Report this Post05-07-2008 10:44 AM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by AJ7:
airforce is different.. they fly in and fly out lol I'd actually like to be a pilot in the airforce...


"Remember, without Maintainers all pilots would be infantry."

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Report this Post05-07-2008 11:13 AM Click Here to See the Profile for AJ7Send a Private Message to AJ7Direct Link to This Post
I guess I have to be VERY specific on here.. I was thinking fighter pilots..etc but hey, I've only head things and dont really know for myself, so enlighten me lol

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Report this Post05-07-2008 01:49 PM Click Here to See the Profile for UaanaClick Here to visit Uaana's HomePageSend a Private Message to UaanaDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by AJ7:

I guess I have to be VERY specific on here.. I was thinking fighter pilots..etc but hey, I've only head things and dont really know for myself, so enlighten me lol

Well then you want the AF for sure.. Provided you have the perfect vision and high scores they want.. (You do have your full degree don't you? engineer/aeronautics?)
You want to stay well clear of Navy or Marines if you're looking to fly. 3 words - Night Carrier Landing.. Something like trying to commit suicide on a routine basis.

If you don't have a full degree, maybe just an associates degree you could try for for a Rotor head in the Army as a warrant officer.. Not sure if the Marines take direct Warrant applicants for helos.. I don't think the AF even considers helos as actual aircraft so they may let whoever crawl into a cockpit.

Info on Warrants

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