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Denied due process for the THIRD DAMN TIME!!!! by Tha Driver
Started on: 08-11-2008 05:48 PM
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Last post by: Red88FF on 08-22-2008 01:33 PM
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Report this Post08-12-2008 08:46 PM Click Here to See the Profile for DRAClick Here to visit DRA's HomePageSend a Private Message to DRADirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

The home WAS INSURED. I got ****ED on that too! Try READING the other posts! But hey you don't care abouth THAT, either! Just go on paying for your insuranse & see if anyone cares about it when YOU get ****ED by them. As you can see they won't, because NO ONE in this country CARES about ANYONE ELSE!!!

I guess they are just exercising their personal freedom! LOL

Dealing with failure is easy: work hard to improve. Success is also easy to handle: you've solved the wrong problem, work hard to improve.

[This message has been edited by DRA (edited 08-12-2008).]

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Tha Driver
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Report this Post08-12-2008 08:47 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by aceman:

I've been laughing too hard at you to remember....

The date of purchase was?

The date acquired was?

Can you prove the date of purchase?

Can you prove the date acquired?

Can you? What part of innocent untill PROVEN guilty don't you understand?
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post08-12-2008 08:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post

Tha Driver

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Originally posted by DRA:

I guess they are just exercising their personal freedom! LOL

No, they were exercising their MUSCLE that they get from being a CARTEL. They, like the corrupt police & government, can do anything they like when dealing with the poor.
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Report this Post08-12-2008 08:52 PM Click Here to See the Profile for acemanSend a Private Message to acemanDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

Can you? What part of innocent untill PROVEN guilty don't you understand?

What part don't you understand?

You need to argue instead of answering my simple questions?

Maybe since you were playing the Mr Smartass with the judge (YOUR DUE PROCESS OF THE LAW), the judge ruled that "Date Acquired" is to be interpeted as "Purchase Date".

It's his job to interpet the laws, not yours. If you were not such a smartass, perhaps he would have entertained your logic. Instead, he used his. YOU LOSE.

[This message has been edited by aceman (edited 08-12-2008).]

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Report this Post08-12-2008 08:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for NazarethSend a Private Message to NazarethDirect Link to This Post
I tend not to break the funking law you funking idiot... not to complain ... maybe... to ***** and cry definatly ... the fact that you have to do it here proves that no one in the "real world" gives a snit about you either... why not make use of that all mighty pistol of yours and use 1 bullet.....
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Report this Post08-12-2008 08:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for lurkerSend a Private Message to lurkerDirect Link to This Post
here's how the legal system works

the police get paid to be out there looking for people they can haul in to court for possibly breaking a law, any law, no matter how silly or self-contradictory, depending on the officer's mood and the jurisdiction's quota system.

the prosecutor is paid to be there so you cant just wriggle out of the charges by saying something like "life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, due process,,,,"

if you don't protest, the jurisdiction takes their ounce of flesh and throws you back out there so you can earn more money for them to harvest.

if you do protest, they up the ante, obstruction, resisting, threatening a law enforcement officer, contempt of court, stuff like that, while they decide whether it's worth their while to tamper with the evidence.

if you get a lawyer, they have a contest to see whether your lawyer, paid out of your pocket, is better than the jurisdiction's tax-funded (everyone's pockets) prosecutor.

if their lawyer wins, everyone gets paid, out of your pocket.

if your lawyer wins, your lawyer gets paid out of your pocket.

any questions?
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Report this Post08-12-2008 08:57 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Jeff SmithSend a Private Message to Jeff SmithDirect Link to This Post
First off you got the ticket for "expired tags" not the fact that you were driving it to DMV for the inspection.

If the tag was expired why didn't you take it off? You said you can drive to the inspection, and have driven to inspections before, without having any tags on the car.

So, were the tags expired? I'm thinking so, and you probably were driving with them on the car or the law wouldn't have stopped you.

Pay up and stop bitchin you broke the law, and it doesn't have anything to do with the lame ass 20 day rule that you are spouting off about.
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Report this Post08-12-2008 09:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for DRAClick Here to visit DRA's HomePageSend a Private Message to DRADirect Link to This Post
Let me clarify, I was not referring to the insurance companies:

Originally posted by Tha Driver:

As you can see they won't, because NO ONE in this country CARES about ANYONE ELSE!!!

I guess they are just exercising their personal freedom to not care!

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Report this Post08-12-2008 09:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for rogergarrisonSend a Private Message to rogergarrisonDirect Link to This Post
If I "aquire" aids, ive got it then, not when the doctor examines you the next month. You owned the car the minute the owner signed it over. You were at that second liable for insuring and tagging it. If it had gotten a parking ticket, YOU would have been the one cited.

I know how frustrating laws can be, Ive had my own issues. I just sucked it up and took it as a lesson learned. I got a speeding ticket once from a Sheriff WHILE following a State Highway Patrol car at the same speed for 30 miles @ 5 over the posted limit. I just paid it, but did enjoy paying the fine with a briefcase full of pennies. It kept 3 officers and clerk an hour or two to count while I watched tv.
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Report this Post08-12-2008 09:01 PM Click Here to See the Profile for NazarethSend a Private Message to NazarethDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

I like to cry and cry because nobody loves me even though i'm always right the rest of the world will bow to my superior wisdom!!!!.

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Report this Post08-12-2008 09:02 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Hulki U. My-BFFSend a Private Message to Hulki U. My-BFFDirect Link to This Post

Here's how to resolve your problem:

Step 1. Pack up your sh1t. Oh wait you don't have any because of a big conspiracy. Go to step 2.

Step 2. Move to a different state/area. San Francisco, CA sounds right up your alley. Go to step 3.

Step 3. Find a good store, let people punch you in the groin for money, buy a pink skirt and white sports bra. Go to step 4.

Step 4. Proceed to local courthouse and legally change your name to Polly M. Pissypants. AS LONG AS you don't run into a conspiracy there with that judge also.

Step 5. Start walking down the road singing, "Sweet home Alabama.......home sweet home.......Sweet home Alabama......."

Problem solved and shouldn't cost you too much money.
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Report this Post08-12-2008 10:08 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ls3machSend a Private Message to ls3machDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

Can you? What part of innocent untill PROVEN guilty don't you understand?

No need to. You admitted it all. 6 weeks is greater than 30 days. Self-incrimination. You were guilty at the time of the ticket, they weren't on trial you were. This isn't difficult.
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Report this Post08-12-2008 10:15 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Lambo nutSend a Private Message to Lambo nutDirect Link to This Post
I have not seen anywhere yet, that you are supposed to drive the car to the DMV. They are required to see it, it seems, but I have yet to read where you are "supposed to/have to" drive it there.

I'm building a kit car, and it has to be inspected by the highway patrol when finished, it has to be done in their facility, and I have to get it to them. I sure as Hell ain't driving it there. I'm going to use a trailer. I know better.
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

GOD there are SOOO many IDIOTS on this board!!!

I only see one.......

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Report this Post08-12-2008 10:19 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PhrancSend a Private Message to PhrancDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

What a bunch of ****ing ***holes! I posted this not to COMPLAIN, but to help you idiots WAKE UP to what's going on. It's NOT an isolated incident, or I wouldn't have bothered. But you all have a life that's hunky-dory, & have never been wronged by corrupt police or government. Or so you think....

You woke me up all right, you woke me up to the fact you cried when you you got caught breaking the law. And you are right it is not an isolated incident as you stated you have done this before. Only this time you got caught. And I have been wronged by corrupt cops before. But unlike you I wasn't actually doing a crime.

You broke the law. You got caught. You went to court. The court upheld the law and punishment bestowed on you for breaking that law.

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Report this Post08-12-2008 10:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PhrancSend a Private Message to PhrancDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by Tha Driver:

Can you? What part of innocent untill PROVEN guilty don't you understand?

You were proven guilty when you got caught driving a car with a tag that didn't belong it and was expired.
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Report this Post08-12-2008 11:09 PM Click Here to See the Profile for JimmySClick Here to visit JimmyS's HomePageSend a Private Message to JimmySDirect Link to This Post
I was a military police officer and a similiar tag law was this... People in the military were given extra time to renew their out of state tags. They were given a sticker to put in their windshield stating that the new tag was applied for but not yet received. Even then they still had to remove the expired tag from the vehicle or they would get a ticket. I don't know about the civilian law in your state but it may be similar?
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post08-12-2008 11:33 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Nazareth:
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

I like to cry and cry because nobody loves me even though i'm always right the rest of the world will bow to my superior wisdom!!!!.

ONLY a REAL ***HOLE would post a "quote" that was FRAUD.
The rest of you can kiss my ass too. I posted this for YOUR benefit - not to piss & moan: I should have known better because there are SOOOO many ***holes here that just want to argue ANY point that the TRUTH cannot get through NO MATTER WHAT. The TRUTH is you are all sheep, going along with the status-quo because it hasn't affected you PERSONALLY. You'll remember me when YOU'RE being denied due process, and/or are put in JAIL or PRISON unfairly. It happens every day. Look at the things others here are posting.
In the end it really dosen't matter if I was guilty or not (maybe that will stop the idiots posting - naw not likely I already know they still will - wait & see), but the fact that I was DENIED DUE PROCESS can NOT be DENIED. When a judge REFUSES to see the EVIDENCE it's a DENIAL of DUE PROCESS.

[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 08-12-2008).]

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Tha Driver
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Report this Post08-12-2008 11:36 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post

Tha Driver

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Originally posted by rogergarrison:

If I "aquire" aids, ive got it then, not when the doctor examines you the next month. You owned the car the minute the owner signed it over. You were at that second liable for insuring and tagging it. If it had gotten a parking ticket, YOU would have been the one cited.

I know how frustrating laws can be, Ive had my own issues. I just sucked it up and took it as a lesson learned. I got a speeding ticket once from a Sheriff WHILE following a State Highway Patrol car at the same speed for 30 miles @ 5 over the posted limit. I just paid it, but did enjoy paying the fine with a briefcase full of pennies. It kept 3 officers and clerk an hour or two to count while I watched tv.

You can't drive aids.
You "just sucked it up". THAT is why they KEEP DOING IT. If you don't complain, then they will NEVER STOP.
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post08-12-2008 11:38 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post

Tha Driver

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You know, you guys are worse than the jerks at Real Fiero Tech.
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Report this Post08-12-2008 11:45 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PhrancSend a Private Message to PhrancDirect Link to This Post
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Report this Post08-12-2008 11:57 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ditchSend a Private Message to ditchDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

No, I DID NOT break the law! What part of that don't you understand? ACCORDING TO STATE LAW, I am allowed to DRIVE the car to the DMV (& in fact am REQUIRED to) for them to inspect it. The tag transfer is COMPLETELY IRRELEVENT! I could have driven it with NO TAG AT ALL, & I would STILL be COMPLETELY WITHIN STATE LAW.

The law says you need to have it there for inspection, nothing about allowing you to drive it there for the inspection. Show me where it says you can drive the car without tags/registration and I'll eat my words.
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Report this Post08-13-2008 02:43 AM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwDirect Link to This Post
source Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
in·tro·spec·tion Audio Help /ˌɪntrəˈspɛkʃən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[in-truh-spek-shuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.
2. the tendency or disposition to do this.
3. sympathetic introspection.

To be fair, Tha Driver, I also looked up sympathetic introspection. I saw myself in you somewhat. Life is all about attitude.

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Report this Post08-13-2008 02:59 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by cliffw:

To be fair, Tha Driver, I also looked up sympathetic introspection. I saw myself in you somewhat. Life is all about attitude.

Yeah; I don't need no stinkin' introspection. I KNOW I'm a ****in' LUNATIC. The things that I've "let go" (or "sucked up") throughout my ENTIRE LIFE has made me so. It's difficult enough for an artist to get by, without all the bull **** I've had to put up with in the meantime. I subject myself to the crap like on this thread to try to help others. But I think I've FINALLY learned my leson: I won't be spending so much of my time trying to help people any more. I'm not saying I'll NEVER help anyone, because that's not in my nature. But this is the last time I do this. It's really only the JERKS on PFF that **** up a thread like this, but I let them get to me too eaisly. Never again.
Fact is, I no longer care if any of these jerks get denied due process or not. I won't be here when the **** hits the fan, anyway. Or if I am, I'll have my weapons to defend myself & my rights to the bitter end (or to get food with).
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Report this Post08-13-2008 03:26 AM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwDirect Link to This Post
I did not say what I meant.
Originally posted by cliffw:
I saw myself in you somewhat. Life is all about attitude.

The myself that I saw was a lot younger cliffw. A more ignorant cliffw. No offense, ignorance is not an insult, it is a lack of understanding. We are all ignorant to differing degrees.
The thought that I was trying to impart was that attitude is important. The attitude that we have, and, the attitude that we create in others, has a great bearing on the outcome in events in our lives.
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Report this Post08-13-2008 04:41 AM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwDirect Link to This Post


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Introspection is a never ending process.
Originally posted by cliffw:
I saw myself in you somewhat.

Another mirror image I see is emotion. A powerful feeling. It can greatly enable us or, disable us. Depending on if we can channel it effectively. I can recognize that you have reason to be upset. To quote an old saying, "life never promised us a rose garden". I used to, and still occasionally let my emotions affect my actions. I am much more successful only allowing them to affect my course of action.
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Report this Post08-13-2008 07:28 AM Click Here to See the Profile for rogergarrisonSend a Private Message to rogergarrisonDirect Link to This Post
It was a metaphore !!!! No where did I say I drove aids.

Sucking it up, I wont do it ever again because I learned the lesson...some cops are pricks. Im happy with my life after the ticket, not whining about it. Seems to me you gave the judge attitude from the start and he gave you some back. Sounds like youd do better to turn your license in and take the bus...
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Report this Post08-13-2008 08:04 AM Click Here to See the Profile for intlcutlassSend a Private Message to intlcutlassDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:
The rest of you can kiss my ass too. I posted this for YOUR benefit - not to piss & moan: I should have known better because there are SOOOO many ***holes here that just want to argue ANY point that the TRUTH cannot get through NO MATTER WHAT. The TRUTH is you are all sheep, going along with the status-quo because it hasn't affected you PERSONALLY. You'll remember me when YOU'RE being denied due process, and/or are put in JAIL or PRISON unfairly. It happens every day. Look at the things others here are posting.

"Oh Yea! WELL *UCK YOU TOO" - Ron White - J/k
Look I won't be arrested for this, wanna know why? because in Ohio, they make temp tags available FOR THIS REASON.

You arguments are specious.... at best. And at this point you have done a wonderful job illustrating to everyone here that you seem to be a sanctimonious prick.

Now HAD you not insulted the judge by informing him that the officers charged with the safety of the community were in fact.. incompetent, had you approached the matter with a little more prudence.... he likely would have told you, to get you car issues done asap, and let you go onto business. BUT , thats not what happened , you acted impetuously and want to know why you haven't been given any slack??? Seriously??

We all know - Innocent until proven guilty , bla-bla-bla......Did YOU know driving is NOT a right , it's a privilege... A privilege reserved for those who know HOW to not only obey the law, but to play the game as well, and when I say "Play the game" I mean act like a grown up and accept the responsibilities that come with car ownership...And since it's clear to everyone here now that you a not a person who can take responsibility for his own actions, I don't feel the great need to take your "Valued" advice.

So Comments like
Originally posted by Tha Driver:
"And, they won't be taking me to jail. I'll die in a ****ing shootout before that happens - & I'll take as many of the BASTARDS with me that I can! I'm ****ING SICK & TIRED OF THIS BULLSHIT!"

All play into you profile..... Speaking of profile , if you do and up getting out of your firefight unscathed , I certainly hope you enjoy you backpacking experience at the state lock up for attempted murder, seen on how what you write her can be counted as evidence n all... Thats also the law....champ.

[This message has been edited by intlcutlass (edited 08-13-2008).]

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Report this Post08-13-2008 11:20 AM Click Here to See the Profile for JimmySClick Here to visit JimmyS's HomePageSend a Private Message to JimmySDirect Link to This Post
After thinking about this last night I am a little confused. You want Due Process right? You recived a ticket and went to traffic court right? When you go to traffic court, you have 4 options there. Plead Guilty, No Contest, No Contest with an explination or Not Guilty. Which did you plead? If you had plead Not Guilty then you would have been given a Court/Trial date at which time you could present your arguement and evidence and you would then get your "Due Process". It seem to me that you did not plead Not Guilty and therefore opted to let the Traffic Court Judge make his own rulling. So you were "not" denied Due Process. You, in fact, opted to waive your right to Due Process.

[This message has been edited by JimmyS (edited 08-13-2008).]

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Report this Post08-13-2008 11:40 AM Click Here to See the Profile for acemanSend a Private Message to acemanDirect Link to This Post
He probably didn't realize he plead guilt with an explanation. Too busy calling everyone idiots and ignorant and complaining that The Man was sticking it to him.
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Report this Post08-13-2008 01:01 PM Click Here to See the Profile for intlcutlassSend a Private Message to intlcutlassDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by aceman:

He probably didn't realize he plead guilt with an explanation. Too busy calling everyone idiots and ignorant and complaining that The Man was sticking it to him.

I don't recall what he plead , but your absolutely soon as he started defending his actions, the court probably assumed the guilty plea...
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Report this Post08-13-2008 01:18 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ditchSend a Private Message to ditchDirect Link to This Post

Originally posted by Tha Driver:

No, I DID NOT break the law! What part of that don't you understand? ACCORDING TO STATE LAW, I am allowed to DRIVE the car to the DMV (& in fact am REQUIRED to) for them to inspect it. The tag transfer is COMPLETELY IRRELEVENT! I could have driven it with NO TAG AT ALL, & I would STILL be COMPLETELY WITHIN STATE LAW.

Originally posted by ditch:

The law says you need to have it there for inspection, nothing about allowing you to drive it there for the inspection. Show me where it says you can drive the car without tags/registration and I'll eat my words.

still waiting for proof that you can drive the car there without registration
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Report this Post08-13-2008 01:19 PM Click Here to See the Profile for acemanSend a Private Message to acemanDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

So I go to court. First, I was the LAST to be called. In fact the judge did not even call me, he asked if there was anybody else that had not been called, & I raised my hand. This was after he had cleared ALL the people who were pleading guilty, the convicts in shackles, then the folks pleading not guilty (whom best I could tell all had to pay a fine anyway!). When I raised my hand he asked me to come up, & asked my name. He found the paperwork, & asked me why I was there. I told him "The Fort Payne police department does not know the state law.".
Me: (handing copies to the judge) "Here is a copy of the Ohio title and the bill of sale I presented to the officer. And here is a printout of the Alabama DMV website..."
Judge: (interupting me) " I don't want to see no goddamn website!"
Me: (pointing to hi-lighted text on the page) "But it's the Alabama Department of Motor Vehicles website showing that I'm required to take the car to them for inspection before they'll issue a tag."
Judge: (not even looking) "I don't care." "Do you have the registration?"
Me: "Yes here is the tag receipt & title application dated the same day."
Judge: (looking at the bill of sale) How long had you owned the vehilce?"
Me: Well when I bought it, it was in Ohio, and it took about 6 weeks before I took delivery..."
Judge: (interupting me again) Well you have 30 days to get a tag so you're guilty!"
Me: "How am I supposed to take a vehicle to the DMV to get it inspected when I don't even have it yet?"
Judge: "That is not my problem!"

An actual plea is left out of this story. So, my assumption would be that the judge assumed you were pleaing guilty with an explanation. This is common in traffic court. Most realize they are guilty and want to explain to reduce the fine or keep it off the record. The judge didn't like your smartass approach and fined you and made the guilty plea stick on your record.

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Report this Post08-13-2008 02:10 PM Click Here to See the Profile for USFieroSend a Private Message to USFieroDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by aceman:
An actual plea is left out of this story. So, my assumption would be that the judge assumed you were pleaing guilty with an explanation. This is common in traffic court. Most realize they are guilty and want to explain to reduce the fine or keep it off the record. The judge didn't like your smartass approach and fined you and made the guilty plea stick on your record.


The 'correct' thing to do is plead 'no contest.' That gives you a chance to get it reduced, I suppose... since you didn't shell out for an attorney. I got a ticket a couple months ago, the cop pulled me over and said I took a corner a little fast. I asked if I failed to signal? (I knew that would be a no, he would have to say he didn't see me, and I always signal). Did I cross the solid lines? (The answer was again no, there was a cement barrier) I was unapologetic, and that may have been my mistake. Polite, but whatever - it must have been quota time. He said that he heard my tires squeal - a lie, I didn't hear that and had my windows down while he was facing the opposite way at the stoplight with his windows up (I know this because I pointed out they were rolled up and if I couldn't hear it, how could he?) Him: "What do you want, reckless driving or improper lane change?" Me: "I would never endanger other people, so if you gotta write a ticket, improper lane change." I thought I'd go to court with my clear reasoning and show up the cop; get out of the ticket. No such luck. All I managed to do was have the judge reduce it to 'defective equipment' which carried a $15 charge (+$67 court charges) and no impact on my driving record and 'have a nice day.'

I considered it a Nuisnace Ticket.

So, Tha Driver, I sort of understand your anguish, but not your anger. I have moved on because even tho the principle is all wrong, and I wasn't willing to spend my extra money to hire a lawyer to 'fix the system' which would really have no effect other than improving a lawyer's lifestyle somewhat. Like gas prices, this didn't hurt me financially enough to get worked up over it. Now, if rampant police abuse gets progressively worse for me, sure - I'll kick and scream and make things uncomfortable for everyone I think deserves it. But not over relatively trivial stuff..... trivial stuff.
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Report this Post08-13-2008 03:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by USFiero:

So, Tha Driver, I sort of understand your anguish, but not your anger.

That's the whole point: It's been like this ALL MY ****ING LIFE!!! This is not even CLOSE to an isolated incident. The PIGS have done NOTHING but HARRASS me, charged me with **** I DIDN'T DO, DAMAGED my property, BREAK the LAW (the pigs not me!), & I'VE had to pay the price. But If an actual CRIME gets commited, they DON'T DO A ****ING THING!!! ROB my house (3 times!)? Oh gee that means they have to file a report! STEAL my **** out of a warehouse? Oh gee they have to do paperwork! Steal my **** off of my property? Damn it they have to do more PAPERWORK!!! I had someone try to steal a car out of my driveway; you know what the pig said? "Well it won't do any good to file a report."!!! Well I KNOW it won't do any good you ****ING PRICK, because you don't give a goddamn about crime!!! Get off your ****ING ASS & do what the taxpayers are paying you for!!!
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over & expecting different results. Well I'm DEFINATELY insane! I've always reported it to the pigs when my **** got stolen, & EVERY TIME I expected them to follow any leads they had. GOD am I CRAZY!
I used to have the utmost respect for an officer, but now I don't think there is a single one of them that's honest or cares about TRUTH or JUSTICE!! They certainly don't give a **** when a CRIME is commited!!!

[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 08-13-2008).]

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Report this Post08-13-2008 03:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PhrancSend a Private Message to PhrancDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

That's the whole point: It's been like this ALL MY ****ING LIFE!!! This is not even CLOSE to an isolated incident. The PIGS have done NOTHING but HARRASS me, charged me with **** I DIDN'T DO, DAMAGED my property, BREAK the LAW (the pigs not me!), & I'VE had to pay the price. But If an actual CRIME gets commited, they DON'T DO A ****ING THING!!! ROB my house (3 times!)? Oh gee that means they have to file a report! STEAL my **** out of a warehouse? Oh gee they have to do paperwork! Steal my **** off of my property? Damn it they have to do more PAPERWORK!!! I had someone try to steal a car out of my driveway; you know what the pig said? "Well it won't do any good to file a report."!!! Well I KNOW it won't do any good you ****ING PRICK, because you don't give a goddamn about crime!!! Get off your ****ING ASS & do what the taxpayers are paying you for!!!
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over & expecting different results. Well I'm DEFINATELY insane! I've always reported it to the pigs when my **** got stolen, & EVERY TIME I expected them to follow any leads they had. GOD am I CRAZY!
I used to have the utmost respect for an officer, but now I don't think there is a single one of them that's honest or cares about TRUTH or JUSTICE!! They certainly don't give a **** when a CRIME is commited!!!

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Report this Post08-13-2008 03:51 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ohioindyClick Here to visit ohioindy's HomePageSend a Private Message to ohioindyDirect Link to This Post
I’ve always wanted to post in a thread before it goes to the trash can….
My life is now complete.
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post08-13-2008 04:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by rogergarrison:

It was a metaphore !!!! No where did I say I drove aids.

Sucking it up, I wont do it ever again because I learned the lesson...some cops are pricks. Im happy with my life after the ticket, not whining about it. Seems to me you gave the judge attitude from the start and he gave you some back. Sounds like youd do better to turn your license in and take the bus...

It was a BAD comparison - not a metaphor.
I didn't give the judge attitude. He asked & I answered truthfully. I'm not a lier. The more I think about it, I might not have even said that. I was planning to... I AM sure about the rest of the conversation.
No matter what I do my life won't get any better, unless I start acting like most of you pricks & start lieing & cheating people to get what I want. My thread "I think I found the problem" proves I'm right about that. Is there a single one of you that can say you don't lie on the job? From now on, ONLY those that haven't lied on the job can post in this thread. Now, don't LIE about it & SAY you don't lie. ' The HONEST person dosen't stand a chance in this corrupt country!
As for the plea, he had already processed the cases that plead guilty the FIRST thing (if you had read my FIRST post you'd see that!). So it was assumed I was pleading not guilty.
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Report this Post08-13-2008 04:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post

Tha Driver

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Originally posted by ohioindy:

I’ve always wanted to post in a thread before it goes to the trash can….
My life is now complete.

I wish it would, or get deleted. I've certainly wasted far too much of my time trying to help these pricks. I'm done.
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Report this Post08-13-2008 04:22 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ToddsterSend a Private Message to ToddsterDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

I wish it would, or get deleted. I've certainly wasted far too much of my time trying to help these pricks. I'm done.

Ohhhhhh, so THAT was the purpose of this thread.....

I guess all the "**** you", and you're all "pricks" remarks had me confused.
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Report this Post08-13-2008 04:24 PM Click Here to See the Profile for intlcutlassSend a Private Message to intlcutlassDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

That's the whole point: It's been like this ALL MY ****ING LIFE!!! This is not even CLOSE to an isolated incident. The PIGS have done NOTHING but HARRASS me, charged me with **** I DIDN'T DO, DAMAGED my property, BREAK the LAW (the pigs not me!), & I'VE had to pay the price. But If an actual CRIME gets commited, they DON'T DO A ****ING THING!!!

Originally posted by Tha Driver:
No matter what I do my life won't get any better, unless I start acting like most of you pricks & start lieing & cheating people to get what I want.

So , really this wasn't about his day in court.... He just wanted to air out his frustrations.....

I am cool with that....

If all you wanted to hear was "it sucks to be you"..... you could have just asked....

I will go get my violin.....

Originally posted by Tha Driver:
I've certainly wasted far too much of my time trying to help these pricks. I'm done.

Bout time
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