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Denied due process for the THIRD DAMN TIME!!!! by Tha Driver
Started on: 08-11-2008 05:48 PM
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Last post by: Red88FF on 08-22-2008 01:33 PM
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Report this Post08-13-2008 05:10 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ditchSend a Private Message to ditchDirect Link to This Post

Originally posted by Tha Driver:

No, I DID NOT break the law! What part of that don't you understand? ACCORDING TO STATE LAW, I am allowed to DRIVE the car to the DMV (& in fact am REQUIRED to) for them to inspect it. The tag transfer is COMPLETELY IRRELEVENT! I could have driven it with NO TAG AT ALL, & I would STILL be COMPLETELY WITHIN STATE LAW.

Originally posted by ditch:

The law says you need to have it there for inspection, nothing about allowing you to drive it there for the inspection. Show me where it says you can drive the car without tags/registration and I'll eat my words.

posting this for the 3rd time, still waiting for the proof

Oh wait, there isn't any
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Report this Post08-13-2008 06:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for acemanSend a Private Message to acemanDirect Link to This Post
I don't think anyone but Bill posted in agreement and rallying with you. And...well... to most people here...Bill's categorized as special, too.

So you go ahead and rant some more and point out how corrupt the judicial system is when you broke the law and then went in with a smartass cocksure attitude.

We'll be right here, laughing at you.

[This message has been edited by aceman (edited 08-13-2008).]

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Hulki U. My-BFF
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Report this Post08-13-2008 06:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Hulki U. My-BFFSend a Private Message to Hulki U. My-BFFDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

I wish it would, or get deleted. I've certainly wasted far too much of my time trying to help these pricks. I'm done.


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Report this Post08-13-2008 06:51 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PhrancSend a Private Message to PhrancDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Hulki U. My-BFF:


Now that right there is funny.
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Report this Post08-14-2008 01:33 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 84BillClick Here to visit 84Bill's HomePageSend a Private Message to 84BillDirect Link to This Post

Well if it isnt skanc and his trusty sidekick skanc jr... Out looking to trash some threads are ya?
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post08-14-2008 07:13 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84Bill:

Well if it isnt skanc and his trusty sidekick skanc jr... Out looking to trash some threads are ya?

You know, every time I start a thread, to help someone or for folks to become aware of what they're doing or what's going on, there are the same idiots that are just out to argue & trash it. It's a shame THEY are always the ones that post here. It won't happen again.

Edit: you have tp put a blank space between the smilie codes Bill...
Edit again: & spell them right...

[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 08-14-2008).]

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Report this Post08-14-2008 07:19 PM Click Here to See the Profile for afRaceRSend a Private Message to afRaceRDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

You know, every time I start a thread, to help someone or for folks to become aware of what they're doing or what's going on, there are the same idiots that are just out to argue & trash it. It's a shame THEY are always the ones that post here. It won't happen again.

Edit: you have tp put a blank space between the smilie codes Bill...

But the problem now, people are pointing out why you ARE at fault for this violation. And instead of accepting other people's explanations of why you are at fault, you took it personal.

...........and rolleyes has two L's
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Report this Post08-14-2008 07:34 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PhrancSend a Private Message to PhrancDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84Bill:


Well if it isnt skanc and his trusty sidekick skanc jr... Out looking to trash some threads are ya?

Don't you have kids you should be neglecting?
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Report this Post08-14-2008 07:38 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Hulki U. My-BFFSend a Private Message to Hulki U. My-BFFDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84Bill:


Or a dictionary to open?

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Tha Driver
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Report this Post08-14-2008 10:47 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by afRaceR:
But the problem now, people are pointing out why you ARE at fault for this violation. And instead of accepting other people's explanations of why you are at fault, you took it personal.

Yeah: they don't know anything about Al. state law. I only did what they told me to do & I've done it before SEVERAL times. I checked the law on the website & it backed me up. NO ONE has PROVEN me guilty: not the JUDGE, not the police, & certainly not anyone here! "Innocent untill proven guilty my ass!" < that's another thread here if you didn't know - & not mine, but another of my experiences is posted there.
But EVEN THAT is not what this is about. I was DENIED DUE PROCESS when the judge REFUSED to look at my evidence! And that's what our judicial system is FOUNDED ON! I can't understand why these folks don't get SEVEARLY PISSED OFF when this happens. I can only assume (& their posts here on PFF support this) it's because they don't give a **** about anyone else. Wiat untill it happens to them.
And I do take it personal. I'm an honest person (to a fault!) & I work hard to get by. But hey I'm over it now & these idiots can do whatever they like. I'm fully aware that the vast majority of people in this country (especially the ones that make over $30,000 a year - ie the "rich") don't give a flying duck about anyone else. Or the truth, for that matter (see my thread "I think I found the problem")

Originally posted by afRaceR:
...........and rolleyes has two L's

Noticed that.
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:03 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post

Tha Driver

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Originally posted by ditch:

Originally posted by ditch:
The law says you need to have it there for inspection, nothing about allowing you to drive it there for the inspection. Show me where it says you can drive the car without tags/registration and I'll eat my words.

posting this for the 3rd time, still waiting for the proof

Oh wait, there isn't any

The law says you have 20 days from the date of aquisition to register the car. It also says you keep the tag from your previous car to use on your next car. It says you have to have insurance (thanks to the INSURANCE CARTEL & their BRIBES "campain contributions" to ALL the politicians). It says you have tio take the car to the DMV for them to inspect. If you don't believe it's OK to drive the car there for inspection then CALL THEM YOURSELF.
Even so: are you saying I wasn't DENIED DUE PROCESS when the judge REFUSED to look at my evidence?
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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:14 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 86GT3.4DOHCSend a Private Message to 86GT3.4DOHCDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84Bill:

Personally I'd have told the pig to stuff it up his arse.. but thats me. Some people have ballz and most people dont.. Which category do you fit into. Wolf or sheeple?

Im in the category who doesnt get falsely convicted because hes a jackass. You give that "**** " right back to him, just make sure you have someone to bail you out for disorderly conduct, then you can try to defend against the half dozen tickets he gives you.

I left after I made my last post because I saw the kind of mindsets in this thread, and I knew right where it was going. I was right.

You guys have some serious authority issues, yes there are some bad cops out there, you go allong with them, take your ticket, fight it in court and file a complaint with his lutenant. Its sure as hell going to look like every cop is a bad cop when you start out giving them attitude.

Last time I got stoped, first thing out of my mouth was "good afternoon maam." I was there for 15 minutes, 15 minutes chit-chatting about my car and how I liked it and what she thought about it and how she wished she had one. Had I cop'ed the attitudes you guy do, I would have had at least one ticket, probably two and been there just as long getting crap instead of casually chatting. Didnt kiss ass, didnt bend over, I treated her like a person, but I have a strong feeling my words are falling on deaf ears...
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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:14 PM Click Here to See the Profile for JimmySClick Here to visit JimmyS's HomePageSend a Private Message to JimmySDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

Even so: are you saying I wasn't DENIED DUE PROCESS when the judge REFUSED to look at my evidence?

Yes. You "chose" to let a traffic court judge decide your fate instead of pleading not guilty and getting a trial of your peers.
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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 86GT3.4DOHCSend a Private Message to 86GT3.4DOHCDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by JimmyS:

Yes. You "chose" to let a traffic court judge decide your fate instead of pleading not guilty and getting a trial of your peers.

Exactly, you waived your right to due process when you chose to plead guilty or no contest. At that point, there is no arguing or evidence or anything, you are convicted, the only thing left to decide at that time is the penalty. You dont have to say anything, nor should you, other than not guilty and you will be given a trial date.
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:21 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 86GT3.4DOHC:

Exactly, you waived your right to due process when you chose to plead guilty or no contest. At that point, there is no arguing or evidence or anything, you are convicted, the only thing left to decide at that time is the penalty. You dont have to say anything, nor should you, other than not guilty and you will be given a trial date.

JESUS CHRIST! You guys just do NOT have a CLUE! I DID plead not guilty, & this WAS my trial!!!
READ MY DAMN POST. ALL the people that plead guilty was LINED UP AGAINST THE WALL & dealt with FIRST. I was the LAST one of the folks pleading NOT GUILTY to talk to the judge.
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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for acemanSend a Private Message to acemanDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by aceman:

An actual plea is left out of this story. So, my assumption would be that the judge assumed you were pleaing guilty with an explanation. This is common in traffic court. Most realize they are guilty and want to explain to reduce the fine or keep it off the record. The judge didn't like your smartass approach and fined you and made the guilty plea stick on your record.


You've been too busy yelling, looking like a fool on the forum and NOT LISTENING.

I pretty sure my assumption is closer to the truth than you will every admit.
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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 86GT3.4DOHC:

Im in the category who doesnt get falsely convicted because hes a jackass. You give that "**** " right back to him, just make sure you have someone to bail you out for disorderly conduct, then you can try to defend against the half dozen tickets he gives you.

I left after I made my last post because I saw the kind of mindsets in this thread, and I knew right where it was going. I was right.

You guys have some serious authority issues, yes there are some bad cops out there, you go allong with them, take your ticket, fight it in court and file a complaint with his lutenant. Its sure as hell going to look like every cop is a bad cop when you start out giving them attitude.

Last time I got stoped, first thing out of my mouth was "good afternoon maam." I was there for 15 minutes, 15 minutes chit-chatting about my car and how I liked it and what she thought about it and how she wished she had one. Had I cop'ed the attitudes you guy do, I would have had at least one ticket, probably two and been there just as long getting crap instead of casually chatting. Didnt kiss ass, didnt bend over, I treated her like a person, but I have a strong feeling my words are falling on deaf ears...

Appearently you don't read too well either! WHERE did I say I gave the cop **** ???
I ALWAYS start a conversation with a cop with "How are you doing today?", & if he dosen't tell me what he stopped me for (like he's SUPPOSED to do!) I ask "Do you mind if I ask you what you stopped me for?".
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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PhrancSend a Private Message to PhrancDirect Link to This Post
Fact. You broke the law by driving a car on expired tags.

Fact. You keep crying because they didn't let you get away with breaking the law.

Fact. You are special.
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Tha Driver
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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:30 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by aceman:

You've been too busy yelling, looking like a fool on the forum and NOT LISTENING.

I pretty sure my assumption is closer to the truth than you will every admit.

RIIIIIIIGHT. YOUR assumption that I pleaded guilty with the REST of those that were LINED UP AGAINST THE WALL (of which I was NOT a part of) & their cases were disposed of first (making EVERYONE ELSE - all the INNOCENT FOLK) wait is much more accurate then of someone who was ACTUALLY THERE.
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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:32 PM Click Here to See the Profile for acemanSend a Private Message to acemanDirect Link to This Post
I would also assume this is embellishment:

Judge: (interupting me) " I don't want to see no goddamn website!"

OK Sparky,

I asked my wife (Legal Assistant) about this sentence and I also have been a paralegal in military courtrooms, and judges don't usually swear in their own courtroom and they are refined and educated to the point that they don't use double negatives.

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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:34 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
FACT: I said I wasn't going to argue with anyone as dumb as a rock like phranc anymore so I'm not...
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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:36 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by aceman:

I would also assume this is embellishment:

Judge: (interupting me) " I don't want to see no goddamn website!"

OK Sparky,

I asked my wife (Legal Assistant) about this sentence and I also have been a paralegal in military courtrooms, and judges don't usually swear in their own courtroom and they are refined and educated to the point that they don't use double negatives.


THAT, my friend is an EXACT QUOTE!!!! Yep: SPECIAL ALLRIGHT! I was pretty shocked, but I damn sure didn't say anything!
So, SPARKY: tell you wife she should visit the Ft. Payne courthouse if she wants a REAL shock in the subject of "justice".
Edit again:
The double negative didn't surprise me at all. The foul language did though!

[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 08-15-2008).]

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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:37 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PhrancSend a Private Message to PhrancDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

FACT: I said I wasn't going to argue with anyone as dumb as a rock like phranc anymore so I'm not...

Yes keep calling me dumb. To bad I'm smart enough to know better then to drive a car on expired tags then cry like a tot with a crappy nappy when I get caught and the judge doesn't let me get away with it. And after all that I still wouldn't be so dumb as to claim I was denied due process.

I've pisses puddles smarter then you. They just weren't as special.
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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:49 PM Click Here to See the Profile for SphynxSend a Private Message to SphynxDirect Link to This Post
I think my IQ just lowered 2 points.
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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:51 PM Click Here to See the Profile for timmerSend a Private Message to timmerDirect Link to This Post
Actually we should let "Tha Driver " keep opening his mouth and proving his stupidity .

As you keep repeatedly regurgitating to every one that its 20 or so whatever days of aquisition of the vehical...... Here is how the law sees it as the reality of the law is . THE LAW SEES AQUISITION AS A PAPER TRAIL ONLY THEY DON'T GIVE TWO FLYING FIGS AS TO WHEN YOU PICKED UP THIS PEICE OF CRAP YOU OWN. With that being said ,You WERE in VIOLATION of the LAW .You are an idiot and You should go back to special ed class where you belong .You need to suck it up buttercup your just a hardcore marshmallow that causes his own greivances in life and needs a crutch called humanity to blame it on . All you ever do is ***** and whine "poor me" in everyones threads.

Here ill give you three months of my life My best friends dad shot himself . i found him with no head, my house burned down and i had no home or clothes,i then got in two major car accidents within two weeks of each other totalling both my cars ,neither accident my fault, then i had a nervous breakdown. Thats three months of my life .I never complained or bitched or blamed it on anyone ..... i got back on the horse ,buckled down and got back to the business of life, and i am the better for it all.

Now back to you you whining ,snivling crybaby bed wetter . Get off your poor self pity trip ,be a man and get your s h i t together and look in a mirror for fault you anal retentive pinhead.......

(just my two cents )

rant off

[This message has been edited by timmer (edited 08-14-2008).]

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Report this Post08-14-2008 11:57 PM Click Here to See the Profile for acemanSend a Private Message to acemanDirect Link to This Post
But, timmer, by looking at your avatar, though it all, you look pretty cut, trim and buff. You got that going for ya!
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Report this Post08-15-2008 12:01 AM Click Here to See the Profile for timmerSend a Private Message to timmerDirect Link to This Post
lol thanks aceman i can always count on you for moral bosting buddy lol
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Report this Post08-15-2008 12:36 AM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwDirect Link to This Post
Best vibes your way timmer. Good job. I hope that I would do so well. I wonder if I can help ?
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Report this Post08-15-2008 01:19 AM Click Here to See the Profile for timmerSend a Private Message to timmerDirect Link to This Post
aw thanks for the input but its all good this was years ago that this happened . I was just emphasizing for people that can't read between the lines that karma is truly a biotch and that you reap what you sow. I work very hard at helping others even when i am at a low point and i try not to blame others for my misfortune. I think a few of us can always take a page from that and learn a thing or two ...... Right Driver ?For all of you out there facing adversiry and hardship , friends are who and what you lean on in times when you feel that the world is against you and you cannot keep your head up . These are the times when you have to look at the pile in frnt of you and realize how much of the pile you created and that only perseverance will dig you out . Ah well but i digress ...the vent has shut and i feel slightly better . Self pity trips of ones own design set me off to the max and get no empathy from me .
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Report this Post08-15-2008 01:32 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Sphynx:

I think my IQ just lowered 2 points.

phranc has that effect on people.
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Report this Post08-15-2008 01:45 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post

Tha Driver

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Originally posted by timmer:

Actually we should let "Tha Driver " keep opening his mouth and proving his stupidity .

As you keep repeatedly regurgitating to every one that its 20 or so whatever days of aquisition of the vehical...... Here is how the law sees it as the reality of the law is . THE LAW SEES AQUISITION AS A PAPER TRAIL ONLY THEY DON'T GIVE TWO FLYING FIGS AS TO WHEN YOU PICKED UP THIS PEICE OF CRAP YOU OWN. With that being said ,You WERE in VIOLATION of the LAW .You are an idiot and You should go back to special ed class where you belong .You need to suck it up buttercup your just a hardcore marshmallow that causes his own greivances in life and needs a crutch called humanity to blame it on . All you ever do is ***** and whine "poor me" in everyones threads.

Here ill give you three months of my life My best friends dad shot himself . i found him with no head, my house burned down and i had no home or clothes,i then got in two major car accidents within two weeks of each other totalling both my cars ,neither accident my fault, then i had a nervous breakdown. Thats three months of my life .I never complained or bitched or blamed it on anyone ..... i got back on the horse ,buckled down and got back to the business of life, and i am the better for it all.

Now back to you you whining ,snivling crybaby bed wetter . Get off your poor self pity trip ,be a man and get your s h i t together and look in a mirror for fault you anal retentive pinhead.......

(just my two cents )

rant off

I don't call it "misfortune" when ****ing THEIVES steal from anyone: I call it low-lifes ****ing up someone's life. I don't call it "misfortune" when a person goes to jail for something he didn't do: I call it being screwed by the system. I don't call it "misfortune" when the goddamn cops are too damn LAZY to get off their ass & follow leads. I call it "lazy cops NOT DOING THE JOB THEY'RE GETTING PAID FOR".
As for me, I'm doing all I can. I STILL work EVERY DAY - yes 7 days a week most of the time. I can't work for 8 to 12 hours a day 7 days a week like I used to, as doing so for 35+ years has taken it's toll on my body & there is too much pain to work that much. I'm sorry you - & anyone else - has suffered any misfortune and/or other life altering circunstances. I've alway said I know there are lots of others that are much worse off than I am, but that still dosen't negate the fact that my - & EVERYONE ELSES' - life would be SO much better if we weren't being screwed by various individuals & organizations that are only out for the MONEY - & damn right & wrong. LIERS, THEIVES, & GREEDY BASTARDS screwing people for money I can do without!
THAT is why I started this thread.
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Report this Post08-15-2008 02:00 AM Click Here to See the Profile for timmerSend a Private Message to timmerDirect Link to This Post
like said Karma is a biotch and yours is affecting you
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Report this Post08-15-2008 03:23 AM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:
I don't call it "misfortune" when would be SO much better if ........
THAT is why I started this thread.

You have a point but you do not make it well. Hmmm....
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Report this Post08-15-2008 03:41 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by cliffw:

You have a point but you do not make it well. Hmmm....

Yeah, well, I'm not a writer. I'm a bodyman/painter/custom car builder.
So....I was just working on the Mera, getting ready to prime a bunch of parts, & it occured to me. When I posted about my living conditions & the damn theives & everything, everyone thought I was (b word goes here). I wasn't. I posted that 'cause someone said I (& others - everyone?) was "living beyond my means". I simply wanted everyone to know my situation - where I'm coming from - & how far I was from doing that! After all, how can you live beyond your means when you don't have any means?

[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 08-15-2008).]

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Tha Driver
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Report this Post08-15-2008 03:53 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Tha DriverClick Here to visit Tha Driver's HomePageSend a Private Message to Tha DriverDirect Link to This Post

Tha Driver

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Originally posted by timmer:

like said Karma is a biotch and yours is affecting you

No such thing as "karma". What comes around goes around? Not even close.
Bad things happen to good people - that don't deserve it - ALL THE TIME. Likewise, very good things happen to bad people. I know people that are as good as you'll find, & their life is a living hell at times. Looks like timmer falls into that category. How about it timmer? Did you deserve any of that? I doubt it.
Life is CHAOS. Yes you have some control over some of the things some of the time, but anyone who says they have full control of their life & everything that happens to them is living in a fantasy world.
Do I deserve the crap I've been through? Ask anyone who knows me & they'll tell you absolutely not, & that I have the worst luck of anyone. Now, don't start with your crap about "wa wa wa I'm a crybaby & I said that": What I said is that my FRIENDS have siad that - and repeatly over the years I might add.
Understand this: I'm not (b word again) here about what chaos has thrown at me (although I have occasioanly in the past), but what I'm talking about here the WRONGS that people go through. Somebody screwing someone else over. It happens FAR too much in this country (all over the mighty dollar ) & something needs to be done about it.

[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 08-15-2008).]

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Report this Post08-15-2008 05:34 AM Click Here to See the Profile for NazarethSend a Private Message to NazarethDirect Link to This Post
I was with yoiu there till you lied and claimed to have friends... there is no point in telling all thses lies!!!!!
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Report this Post08-15-2008 08:18 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofetishSend a Private Message to fierofetishDirect Link to This Post
Sorry, but that was totally called for, and baiting him.
Some people seem to be a magnet for bad luck and misfortune.Sometimes their own fault, sometimes just because they are too kind or softhearted. Sometimes because things they have done before, and are not neccessarily legal or at least debatable, suddenly bite them in the backside.
Sometimes Life can hit one person a LOT harder than somebody else, whether they deserve it or not. Irrespective of whether your life is a bed of roses or NOT, it doesn't give you a licence to post that sort of comment. You donīt have a CLUE as to whether he has friends or not, and you are using conjecture just to add to the pain HE is going through. Next thing you'll be getting out a rope and finding the nearest tree.
Makes me see red, when I see so many people who have posted the same sort of complaint HERE, whether justified or not, against the Police over speeding, street racing , drinking and driving etc..and then you turn on his comments, which are just as valid, or not, as your own.
it also seems that the people who are vociferous in their attacks outnumber the people who DO understand the complaint. I doubt that is true. It is just that some people who MIGHT have a bit of sympathy dont want to speak up, for fear of getting the same sort of harsh treatment Tha Driver is getting.
Everybody has made their point, so why prolong the vitriol? Nothing is going to be resolved by continuing with it, and it takes a Man to NOT have the last word So who is going to be The Man here?
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Report this Post08-15-2008 11:27 AM Click Here to See the Profile for timmerSend a Private Message to timmerDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

No such thing as "karma". What comes around goes around? Not even close.
Bad things happen to good people - that don't deserve it - ALL THE TIME. Likewise, very good things happen to bad people. I know people that are as good as you'll find, & their life is a living hell at times. Looks like timmer falls into that category. How about it timmer? Did you deserve any of that? I doubt it.
Life is CHAOS. Yes you have some control over some of the things some of the time, but anyone who says they have full control of their life & everything that happens to them is living in a fantasy world.
Do I deserve the crap I've been through? Ask anyone who knows me & they'll tell you absolutely not, & that I have the worst luck of anyone. Now, don't start with your crap about "wa wa wa I'm a crybaby & I said that": What I said is that my FRIENDS have siad that - and repeatly over the years I might add.
Understand this: I'm not (b word again) here about what chaos has thrown at me (although I have occasioanly in the past), but what I'm talking about here the WRONGS that people go through. Somebody screwing someone else over. It happens FAR too much in this country (all over the mighty dollar ) & something needs to be done about it.

actually i do beleive in Karma so i always try to do the right thing ... and yes i did some very bad things as a young adult that warranted all the bad that happened to me .Now i help all i can, and my life is very nice, Two excellent boys ,wonderfull wife, nice house ,several vehicals and many many good friends .

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Report this Post08-15-2008 11:34 AM Click Here to See the Profile for acemanSend a Private Message to acemanDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Tha Driver:

Understand this: I'm not (b word again) here about what chaos has thrown at me (although I have occasioanly in the past), but what I'm talking about here the WRONGS that people go through. Somebody screwing someone else over. It happens FAR too much in this country (all over the mighty dollar ) & something needs to be done about it.

No, sorry, throughout this thread, you've been b!tching and it's been ME! ME! ME!. You've tried to say it's about telling others to watch out, but in reality it's been b!tching, moaning, and complaining and ME! ME! ME!

Now if someone BESIDES you and Bill want to debate and differ with what I said, I'd be happy to debate them about it. But, I don't think that'll happen.
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Report this Post08-15-2008 12:23 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ToddsterSend a Private Message to ToddsterDirect Link to This Post
Just popping in to say how much I am enjoying this small bit of vindication.

Carry on.
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