With all the animal threads lately that have been to do with peoples pets dieing I thought I might be able to make people smile with one about new kitties.
My garage kitty, Nut had kitties a few weeks ago. We hadn’t been able to find were she had them, until yesterday. I was watering in the barn and saw my cat, Nut dragging what I thought was a large rat into the barn, upon closer examination I found it to be one of her kittens.
She has 2 and they have taken up residence under Melanie’s feed bin in the barn.
And in keeping with the mechanical names I gave her and her brother, Nut and Bolt. Melanie thought that Ratchet and Socket would be appropriate names for them. So why not, the names put a smile on my face and I hope some of you.
Hey it’s a farm what can I say.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't. Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.
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01:05 PM
System Bot
FieroAurora Member
Posts: 1262 From: North Olmsted Ohio Registered: Mar 2004
Yes they will be staying here we need more barn kitties. What can I say the names are just appropriate for garage kitties.
Their eyes are open and they are friendly so we are guessing they are about 3 or 4 weeks old. And they don’t even hiss at us when we pick them up. Most of our barn kitties do when we first get to hold them.
And Ace, I guess all I can say is,
“You ain’t right.”
But then again nether am I so what the heck, hey look BMW guru named his dogs after booze so I guess we are in good company.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't. Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.
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01:22 PM
FieroAurora Member
Posts: 1262 From: North Olmsted Ohio Registered: Mar 2004
Pepsi Shasta Fresca Nesbitt Fanta Sierra Mist (Misty)
and a twist came with my dalamation: Oreo Blizzard (shortened to Blizzard)
Silly names belong on pets. Pets don't care about their name. I would have an issue if you named your kid one of those names. To anyone having kids, please don't name your kid Apple. Kids care about their names.
Silly names belong on pets. Pets don't care about their name. I would have an issue if you named your kid one of those names. To anyone having kids, please don't name your kid Apple. Kids care about their names.
I've always wanted to name a dog "Dammit"
"Come here Dammit!" "Get off the couch Dammit!" Roll over Dammit!"
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03:27 PM
BobadooFunk Member
Posts: 5436 From: Pittsburgh PA Registered: Jun 2003
I have a dog named "Squishy", one is named Meeko, then there are the two cats. Skeeter and Odie, and the two rats, Marsha and Jan to round out the brady bunch.
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03:55 PM
blackrams Member
Posts: 32364 From: Covington, TN, USA Registered: Feb 2003
Oh those are adorable kittens!! And the one with the dog licking the white kitten is too cute!! I'm not even going to get into our cats names... we have 8... laugh... and about 14 or more birds... all of them have names as well...
Don seems to think that dogs don't care about their names either. He named his dogs blue and red, after the color of the collars I put on them. I love kitties when their that small. They're so cuddly. It's hilarious when they start to play. You can teach them anything you want. I teach mine to play fetch and do flips.
------------------ Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality
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12:35 AM
84fiero123 Member
Posts: 29950 From: farmington, maine usa Registered: Oct 2004
Originally posted by calamityjane: Don seems to think that dogs don't care about their names either. He named his dogs blue and red, after the color of the collars I put on them. I love kitties when their that small. They're so cuddly. It's hilarious when they start to play. You can teach them anything you want. I teach mine to play fetch and do flips. Jane
Jane I’d be happy if they would just fetch a 10 mm when I needed it.
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12:40 AM
MidEngineManiac Member
Posts: 29566 From: Some unacceptable view Registered: Feb 2007
Jane I’d be happy if they would just fetch a 10 mm when I needed it.
Speaking of which, anybody got a dog that CAN find a socket...and ratchet?
I dropped mine after a little indecent with a smashed knuckle after 2 hours of frustration with a bolt, and a dremmel, and a grinder, and a ratchet, and a socket.
Seems I dropped it sideways at about 130 mph. I could have sworn I just put it down. Must have been one of those space/time anomalies.
Anyway, good retriever dogs would be appreciated.
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12:48 AM
Monkeyman Member
Posts: 15829 From: N. Wilkesboro, NC, USA Registered: Nov 1999
Sometimes we don't have a choice on the pet's name.
Sure we do. I was adopted by my cat a little over a year ago. Her "official" name was Boots. However, she only responds to "Baby" as that's what I've always called her. I called her "Boots" once and she just looked around like I was talking to someone else. Actually, her full name is "Baby Girl Kitty Cat". My two dogs were "Dallas Cowboy" RIP (named after the team, duh...ex had him before we got together and she was a fan) and "Sierra". We just called him Cowboy. He knew who he was but didn't like football. (Good for him.) Sierra was purchased when she was about 6 months old and that was the name on her AKC papers. Both were great dogs. Sadly, Cowboy passed away about 3 years ago. The ex took Sierra with her when she split. She promised to send me pics periodically but never has.
I'd post some pics of my cat but she doesn't like the camera much. Too bad as she's a beautiful cat. Best the vet can figure, she's about 4 years old now. She's getting fat, just like her owner.
Originally posted by randye: I've always wanted to name a dog "Dammit"
"Come here Dammit!" "Get off the couch Dammit!" Roll over Dammit!"
That there is funny and, it reminds of an argument my parents had when I was about five. Or ten, I forget. My Dad wanted to name our dog Mymann. My Mom did not want to go around calling out "Come here Mymann".
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06:32 AM
2.5 Member
Posts: 43235 From: Southern MN Registered: May 2007
My first dog I named BIG. Of couse I was probably 4 years old and he was a puppy, but he was BIG to me. He was named that because I just kept saying BIG PUPPY over and over when they brought him home. I think he was part Newfoundland, but he was orange and white. I used to ride him around like a horse, that was the sweetest dog, he'd have protected me from anything.
My brother had a pug/pomeranian mix he named Itchy, no he didn't have fleas, but he did itch like it sometimes. We also had a lab named Pooch.
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01:45 PM
2.5 Member
Posts: 43235 From: Southern MN Registered: May 2007
He actually did protect me one time I remember, (heres a glimpse into my childhood).
I was standing stuck in a foot of stiff manure in the cow pasture at my folks dairy farm. I was trying to get out without falling down or getting the boot pulled off my foot cause it was stuck. This must have been about this time of year, maybe October. I was about 5 years old. There was an angry new mother Holstien cow near me trying to be protective of its calf. I think it would have knocked me down and hurt me if BIG hadn't come between us like a hero.