No, it wasn't an apology. It was pointing out that you wrongly stated that I called you ignorant.
If you were a Soldier that came in to my Equal Opportunity Office and stated that story exactly how you wrote it in your post, I would have kindly told you to get out of my office, think about what and how you said what you said and then decide if you wanted to talk about your dealership issue with me.
You would have either:
Come into my office ranting again and I would have told to to get your ignorant butt out of my office.
You would have calmly come back to my office asking if a dealer could do that and we could have discussed it.
and your done
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05:30 PM
aceman Member
Posts: 4899 From: Brooklyn Center, MN Registered: Feb 2003
IEatRice, I understand some people have issues with spelling. That's what spell checks are for. That is also what the edit button is for. If you notice, many of my posts are edited. Why? Because I saw a misspelling or poor grammar.
I think my statement about grammar and uneducated is a true thought process by many. Sorry, that's the perception by many.
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05:31 PM
CenTexIndy Member
Posts: 3061 From: Waco, Texas, USA Registered: Mar 2006
I think my statement about grammar and uneducated is a true thought process by many. Sorry, that's the perception by many.
This is true and is often stressed by many teachers in our educational system. You only have one chance to make a first impression. And sometimes that can be by something that was typed or written and grammar and spelling is as important to many people when reading something that someone has written as the ability to speak clearly and correctly is important when speaking to someone.
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05:37 PM
OKflyboy Member
Posts: 6607 From: Not too far from Mexico Registered: Nov 2004
Originally posted by aceman: If you notice, many of my posts are edited. Why? Because I saw a misspelling or poor grammar.
Yeah, same here. I am the King of the re-draft. Not just spelling errors, either. I'm not above editing a post I made hours or even days ago if I feel I can get my message across better by re-wording a phrase or two.
(lol, I even did it just now!)
[This message has been edited by OKflyboy (edited 09-29-2008).]
e30tech, you have to just ignore some of the folks (like ace) here. They just jump in to stir up trouble. I guess they have nothing better to do. Personally I thought you were just being funny with your comment about hondas (gave *me* a chuckle) & I'm surprised FieroAurora gave you a negative over it (she usually plays nice, from what I've seen). The fact that the guy refused to sell you the car for 13 grand & turned around & sold it to another guy for ten grand BECAUSE HE WAS HISPANIC is totally OUTRAGOUS!!! I would tell the local news: maybe they can set up a similiar senerio & catch him on camera. Personally I'm not prejudice; but my experiences with hispanics have changed that. Even some I have worked with/ate lunch with (& thought they were my friend) have screwed me over. I want nothing to do with them. The 3000 GT is a nice ride - would love to add one of those to my collection! (it's on the "list".)
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06:09 PM
htexans1 Member
Posts: 9114 From: Clear Lake City/Houston TX Registered: Sep 2001
e30tech, just let it roll off for now, I don't understand what crawled up some peoples a** in this thread, I gave you a pos just because I see no reason for you to get speedbanned for a few comments.
Everyone needs to re-think the direction they took this thread, really. Someone was blowing off some steam, and got hammered for one friggin comment!
I read worse in the political threads, why not just P.M. him first, and ask him to change the comment?
As far as spelling and grammar goes, you guys put way too much weight into this stuff. If I was treated like this when I first started I would not be here now, and I think I was even harder to understand.
As far as spelling and grammar goes, you guys put way too much weight into this stuff.
If someone told you(Speaking) this story exactly how it was written, how much credibility would you give this person?
I posted my points from experience. Do you know how many people barge in my office with an EO "complaint" speaking like this post was written? I don't have the time of day for crap like that. Come in with and give me something to work with; something to believe in.
Go write a complaint letter to the BBB. Write it like the original post. Do you think the Better Business Bureau is going to take action on that letter? NOPE!
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06:40 PM
Nazareth Member
Posts: 730 From: morristown, TN Registered: Aug 2003
I read through most of this mess... But back on topic.... A business has the RIGHT to do just what was done... He did nothing TO you he simply decided not to do something FOR you... like give you a deal... stop whining and don't buy his crappy cars... yes its that simple.....
e30tech, you have to just ignore some of the folks (like ace) here. They just jump in to stir up trouble. I guess they have nothing better to do. Personally I thought you were just being funny with your comment about hondas (gave *me* a chuckle) & I'm surprised FieroAurora gave you a negative over it (she usually plays nice, from what I've seen). The fact that the guy refused to sell you the car for 13 grand & turned around & sold it to another guy for ten grand BECAUSE HE WAS HISPANIC is totally OUTRAGOUS!!! I would tell the local news: maybe they can set up a similiar senerio & catch him on camera. Personally I'm not prejudice; but my experiences with hispanics have changed that. Even some I have worked with/ate lunch with (& thought they were my friend) have screwed me over. I want nothing to do with them. The 3000 GT is a nice ride - would love to add one of those to my collection! (it's on the "list".)
Im not worried im just going to let this thread die after this. and yea i love my 3000GT If you lived close id let you drive it you dont know what your missing.
It was on my list till i bought it lol
the rest on the list that will be mine supra TT targa top 300ZX TT t-tops R33 Skyline id rather have a R34 but you cant import those into the USA RX-7 TT
thats all i can think of off the top of my head i have the list written down somewhere. The bad thing about the list is that i just keep adding and dont take much off of it lol
e30tech, just let it roll off for now, I don't understand what crawled up some peoples a** in this thread, I gave you a pos just because I see no reason for you to get speedbanned for a few comments.
Everyone needs to re-think the direction they took this thread, really. Someone was blowing off some steam, and got hammered for one friggin comment!
I read worse in the political threads, why not just P.M. him first, and ask him to change the comment?
As far as spelling and grammar goes, you guys put way too much weight into this stuff. If I was treated like this when I first started I would not be here now, and I think I was even harder to understand.
If someone told you(Speaking) this story exactly how it was written, how much credibility would you give this person?
I posted my points from experience. Do you know how many people barge in my office with an EO "complaint" speaking like this post was written? I don't have the time of day for crap like that. Come in with and give me something to work with; something to believe in.
Go write a complaint letter to the BBB. Write it like the original post. Do you think the Better Business Bureau is going to take action on that letter? NOPE!
i just dont know whats wrong with you. do you dislike everyone that doesnt share the same point of view.
My point was the owner is a jerk thats all.
I dont do business with him. never have, never will. because yes he does sell junk.
thats it you read way way into the message trying to nit pick me.
and when you do that it just made you look like a jerk. have fun with that
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07:36 PM
kyunderdawg Member
Posts: 4373 From: Bowling Green, KY. USA Registered: Aug 2008
What's the difference in the R33 than the R34? I have said that I don't like imports myself, I know you said Honda's not all import but they do have some great styling. I do like the Shylines and the mid 90's RX7's, I love the shape of them both. Also the Acura Integra 2 door and 4 door with some body mods.
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07:39 PM
blackrams Member
Posts: 32709 From: Covington, TN, USA Registered: Feb 2003
Yeah, same here. I am the King of the re-draft. Not just spelling errors, either. I'm not above editing a post I made hours or even days ago if I feel I can get my message across better by re-wording a phrase or two.
(lol, I even did it just now!)
Whoa there big Fellow, don't be claiming my crown.
[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 09-29-2008).]
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07:41 PM
aceman Member
Posts: 4899 From: Brooklyn Center, MN Registered: Feb 2003
i just dont know whats wrong with you. do you dislike everyone that doesnt share the same point of view.
My point was the owner is a jerk thats all.
I dont do business with him. never have, never will. because yes he does sell junk.
thats it you read way way into the message trying to nit pick me.
and when you do that it just made you look like a jerk. have fun with that
No, your first post was your first impression. You came off as ignorant. If your wrote that to the BBB they would say you seem ignorant and discard your letter.
Had you written the post better without the ignorant slurs and assumptions and without numerous spelling and grammar errors, this thread would not be 3 pages long.
Once again... I never called you ignorant. I said you seemed ignorant. You are now proving, though, that you apparently are ignorant.
[This message has been edited by aceman (edited 09-29-2008).]
What's the difference in the R33 than the R34? I have said that I don't like imports myself, I know you said Honda's not all import but they do have some great styling. I do like the Shylines and the mid 90's RX7's, I love the shape of them both. Also the Acura Integra 2 door and 4 door with some body mods.
see i just cant get into honda's or acura's they just dont do it for me. i have seen some nice looking ones. but still i have a profound hate against civics and integras. because they got imbellished threw the FF movies. and every single kid that owned one thought they were cool. or they went and bought one because they thought they were hot stuff.
I will own a Honda S2000 i do like those as well as the NSX honda or acura modle.
their are several different skylines on the market besides the newest one they built. i only look at the single turbo modle or the TT modle
the most popular are...... and i will include a link with pics
R32 built from 1989-1994 the GST-T is a RWD single turbo with a RB20DET engine the GTR is a TT AWD with a RB20DETT engine
No, your first post was your first impression. You came off as ignorant. If your wrote that to the BBB they would say you seem ignorant and discard your letter.
Had you written the post better without the ignorant slurs and assumptions and without numerous spelling and grammar errors, this thread would not be 3 pages long.
Once again... I never called you ignorant. I said you seemed ignorant. You are now proving, though, that you apparently are ignorant.
once again your done i have nothing to say to you. ignorant jerk get a life and let it go
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07:59 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
I know he can have any reason in the world to refuse me service. thats not the point. the point was when i asked what was up with screwing me over when he knew i had cash, his comment back about me being white.
Which is why i called him racist
I never made a big deal or lost my cool when talking to him. im just not that way. and its his loss and my gain. he didnt sell a car that day and i gained a nice 3000GT.
Oh, i didn't mean to say he wasn't a racist, as clearly he is..i was only trying to say that its his right. Wasn't trying to slam you or him.
And its your right to give him the finger and buy from his competition across the street and wave as you give the other guy your money. You even have a right to stand on the public sidewalk in front of his store with a sign that says 'this is a racist business'...
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08:14 PM
aceman Member
Posts: 4899 From: Brooklyn Center, MN Registered: Feb 2003
Now, since I'm already an ignorant jerk to you, can you explain this:
Originally posted by e30tech:
How much do you hate buying a car from someone that isnt the same race as you.
Now IM NOT RACIST, my best friend is hispanic, i also speak spanish fairly well.
I went into a local car dealer where i live, because he does get some nice cars. Well the owner and all his employees are hispanic.... nothing wrong with that.
Originally posted by e30tech:
Close in a f'n ignorant mix im half white half hispanic
Why wouldn't you put that you are Hispanic in your first post? Credibility is lacking here.
Want to know the best way to tell a prejudice person?...."I'm not a Racist/Bigot. My best friend is..... insert minority"
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08:17 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41079 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
Now, since I'm already an ignorant jerk to you, can you explain this:
Why wouldn't you put that you are Hispanic in your first post? Credibility is lacking here.
Want to know the best way to tell a prejudice person?...."I'm not a Racist/Bigot. My best friend is..... insert minority"
No really its ok man. you dont have to try to make me look any worse. see what your doing is just trying to justify your posts. make you seem like not such a bad guy. If it really makes you feel better just try to make me sound that much more worse.
no really its cool
I dont mind letting people like you think your right. because you are, im sooooo prejudice, and SEEM ignorant.
I dont need credibility. i have nothing to prove to you. anything i say to you will be prejudice and ignorant. i cant change your mind nor do i want to. you just keep twittling your thumbs in front of your screen and wait for me to say something eles that you can attack so you can feel better about your self.
I know low self esteem sucks man but putting down other people just so you can feel better about your self. thats just sick man.
you need to go clubbin or something. get out more, have some fun. take some square dancing lessons.
[This message has been edited by e30tech (edited 09-29-2008).]
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08:26 PM
Doug85GT Member
Posts: 9799 From: Sacramento CA USA Registered: May 2003
sorry but I don't believe a word you say... you should think before you speak... or type in this case
*thats my B!tch please face enjoy*
Yes, he made some dumb comments. Yes he deserves to be rebuked over it.
What I find offensive is how you play your sex card over and over. You are an attrative girl, I get that. You have single handedly pussy whipped this whole forum. You have half the forum kissing your ass because you post half naked pictures of you. Go ahead and do that if it is something you enjoy.
But don't go around using your sex as a weapon. This thread has nothing to do with your breasts so why are you posting a picture looking down them? Are you trying to make him submit to you because you are an attractive woman? What does that say about you? Girls starving for attention pull that stunt. Women don't.
If you want to make a point, then make your point. Not every male on this forum is under your spell.
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08:43 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
1) It's bullsh!t to be throwing the negs around like this, especially on a new member. He didn't say anyone was a retard, he think's Honda's are retarded.
2) I think PT Cruisers are retarded. Doesn't mean the people driving them are retarded.
3) The dealership was racist. YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOP THERE.
4) There are other dealerships
5) FieroAurora - Looks don't make the world go around.
6) E30, you get a + from me to offset one negative as well.
This guy came on here to give his opinion, and alot of you bashed him. Which is fine, but quit throwing the neg candy around, Jesus H. Christ. The way he's being treated, no wonder people go to RFT and post hate threads. Sh1t, I hate RFT, and it sounds like I am defending them.
And that is a no bullsh1t response.
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08:55 PM
ditch Member
Posts: 3780 From: Brookston, IN Registered: Mar 2003
Originally posted by Doug85GT: Yes, he made some dumb comments. Yes he deserves to be rebuked over it.
What I find offensive is how you play your sex card over and over. You are an attrative girl, I get that. You have single handedly pussy whipped this whole forum. You have half the forum kissing your ass because you post half naked pictures of you. Go ahead and do that if it is something you enjoy.
But don't go around using your sex as a weapon. This thread has nothing to do with your breasts so why are you posting a picture looking down them? Are you trying to make him submit to you because you are an attractive woman? What does that say about you? Girls starving for attention pull that stunt. Women don't.
If you want to make a point, then make your point. Not every male on this forum is under your spell.
LOL. You do make a good point. This is just the reality of the forum. The members rally around nearly every woman and let them do or say about anything. That's why you see the occasional 'attention whore' like in this thread, because people here eat it up. It's simple, if you are a woman you can pretty much get away with murder here, if you have a penis then you can be banned for simply taking a crap with your pants down.
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09:00 PM
Hulki U. My-BFF Member
Posts: 5949 From: Back home in East Berlin, PA Registered: Apr 2008
1) It's bullsh!t to be throwing the negs around like this, especially on a new member. He didn't say anyone was a retard, he think's Honda's are retarded.
2) I think PT Cruisers are retarded. Doesn't mean the people driving them are retarded.
3) The dealership was racist. YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOP THERE.
4) There are other dealerships
5) FieroAurora - Looks don't make the world go around.
6) E30, you get a + from me to offset one negative as well.
This guy came on here to give his opinion, and alot of you bashed him. Which is fine, but quit throwing the neg candy around, Jesus H. Christ. The way he's being treated, no wonder people go to RFT and post hate threads. Sh1t, I hate RFT, and it sounds like I am defending them.
And that is a no bullsh1t response.
Thanks andy!!
the only reason i went down their is because he is the only dealer that gets imports that i want. other than that he can pound sand lol
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09:02 PM
ditch Member
Posts: 3780 From: Brookston, IN Registered: Mar 2003