Weird I somehow managed to get rated by 62 people and I'm not on any of the above lists either...
It might surprise some of you who have debated, (argued), with me in OT political threads, but I don't give negatives for that sort of thing. In fact I have given one person I disagree with a "+" simply because he crafts a good coherent argument...wrong... but well crafted I noticed that I *got* a few in the red since I started getting more, "emphatic" in those debates though Actually I probably haven't used the ratings as much as I probably should and I certainly owe some of you some +'s. Anyway, since everyone seems to be "baring their soul" here, here's mine as meager as it is:
The only 2 negatives I've given are now banned. I gave myself a "+", because I like me
[This message has been edited by randye (edited 10-07-2008).]
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08:06 PM
bmwguru Member
Posts: 4692 From: Howell, NJ USA Registered: Sep 2006
looking at my list brought back alot of names i havent seen here in a Looooong time i have a LONG list, it goes to show that when i say +'s given for help, i mean it
+'s below, i have been here many years and rated alot over the years, if your under the + catagory, your welcome, if your in the neg, and you have an issue with it PM me and well see about changing it arround, because really i dont remember why alot of them were rated neg. +'s--------------------------------------------------------- 86seyellow SLAMMED87GT naskie18 jstricker jelly2m8 California Kid crazyd Archie litespd stimpy jscott1 fiero_nightmare malacite Boomtastic chester Formula88 Fierokid87 Larry The Fieromaster Jncomutt fieroX White88cpe AkursedX Heretic Loki FieroHarry RossT pred1tor83 Sootah Gridlock watts Mach10 fierogt88 isthiswhereiputausername? JSocha kslish FieroMaster88 Tabs31 My7Fieros IROC FieroMGDriver jubjub2m6 Elvira Steve Normington Butter StuGood Alex4mula DJRice Azarael 87GTZ34 tesmith66 fierobear Mark JetroGT DRH laffer98 Spyder arte444 BV MotorSports Flamberge Oslo CAPT. KIRK 80's BOY 8Ball GKDINC Jim88GT DRA topcat JKFIERO GT Bastard jetman RACE PURPLE REIGN musicman_L7 Paul Prince James Bond 007 Christine buddycraigg breakneck88 Monza76 862M4inCA Firefox Roylmohr ChrisOPKS GT-X fieromadman Gordo JazzMan Razor_Wing derangedsheep vwaltdog tripple8 Prpul90 bobmarshall Xxdefxt0nesxX Dangerkitty Erik Fiero Outlaw jb1 Master Tuner Akimoto 72vinman Cliff Pennock Berlin scrabblegod Jake_Dragon Indy-2M4 cccharlie ig88vsbobafett Mattyman LoW_KeY MsBeth Coinage Fieros_Forever David Bartlett Kris Duck 87 Pegasus wpgfiero doublec4 Convertable Indy rynelson85 Rare87GT Quickster Firefighter1 paulcal Ronnie vortecfiero FIEROZ.COM fierofool wkayl spark1 Kameo Kid gomobile FieroRumor ImmortalFirefly CoolBlue87GT 2Fast_Fiero Arizona85GT KlingonFiero GT40 Kit 3.8 SC hallsman BC-GT GARY TUCKER mrfiero mattm stevenrossi tstroud PBJ Racingman24 mcaanda LZeitgeist MikeH ditch Standard stuartlowery Xantavar DanFiero fierohoho frontal lobe Adrift Electrathon loafer87gt YellowRooster fiero67 LS1swap Russ544 NotAFieroAnyLonger red85gt fierofetish TK Oregon84Indy SLagrec1 87convert fiero86SE28 gladiator hvneye paulmckibben Fastback 86 Zoom88 KissMySSFiero Jeremiah ccfiero350 David DeVoe ka4nkf WingNut - MD F8 twentyeight fastbackboy 88-DOHC Devotshka AndyLPhoto 86fierose ManiMack DotTC GT86 Keesee 80s BOY madcurl Fierochic88 87V6GT dug87 sarabear Jaygee79 crzyone Darth Vader AusFiero GTFiero1 88GTFormula MtVilla Lex Golden86 tn88gt MstangsBware Spiff revin Phil timmer Fiero Finale $Rich$ 3fifty shop_rat45 FastIndyFiero skitime bubbajoexxx Silicoan86 justa6 Kohburn Fieroeddie avengador1 Arns85GT blackrams Darth Fiero goldiron ScottF Whuffo RTNmsds maryjane shawnkfl GT Solo2 CertifiedMechanic Jim Krause Marvin McInnis USFiero theogre crouyer EMX5636 Blacksheep DesignFlaw06 BobadooFunk dezie36 batboy Gary W HellYes eatoninside gusshotrod FieroMonkey Rickady88GT Kitskaboodle Steven Snyder Blacktree yons Fredbearstalksme 86GT3.4DOHC hammer Earl-R FieroLisa FIEROPHREK Raydar Weponhead trailboss FIEROownersDaughter CTFieroGT87 Bruce Joe Torma Fiero_Adam Puck TennT Oreif J Gunsett srat110 wanobi Indiana_resto_guy Brian Lamberts CC Rider Jersey cliffw FieroAngel Stript96 motoracer838 Tammykos carnut122 Unltd1 SquishyBiscuit partsman sostock twofatguys 2birds firstfiero Fiero2M6GT1 FormulaGT 88GTNeverfinished aceman moleman_in_a_FieroGT 2farnorth fieroluv kru proff topher_time t-bird1963 AquaHusky WhiteDevil88 dcfox rims05 buger_57 bmwguru Hudini gasmasher helped with info on replacing clutch pedal 7/22/07 LT188GT PaulJK Fiero1Fan whadeduck BekaintaFunk brandon87gt smartaxel htexans1 darkhorizon ltlfrari Notorio The Poopsmith DtheC FrugalFiero 88red4cyl whereatt AutoTech fierogirls-mom ybnormal74 Gokart Mozart Mr.PBody Fierotaz Xanth IMSA GT anonymity Tom Slick fieroguru Racing_Master chrisgtp sabooo Firefighter
again, if your still on the forum, and your on the list below and would like to get it changed arround PM me and we can talk about it i dont put remarks much so i most likley dont remember why, most likley you were bieng annoying in a thread
e30tech Billybo455 ShockWave fieroinaus----- jacking my getreg thread Tha Driver troyboy tjm4fun Tha Driver jimbolaya pokeyfiero N2weeks ktthecarguy Younggun88 ------ bieng a douchebag about the map pockets salmonfieros GT Quick Sleeper SNMFX ------- WCF sucks and this guy is a ****n douchebag italian90 F-I-E-R-O -------- this douche should be banned RideZiLightning JZeFF 86blackse 84Bill yello86se GSXRBOBBY 2002z28ssconv FierociousGT Fiero Thomas DeV8er I wear pants mysticfire6602 under8ted fierogtowner Taijiguy Fino typhoon zardoz MikeTankosich smoothwhitese goatnipples2002 AaronZ34 zMacK socalguru Tinton 454Fiero 88 forumla MsLoriFiero YELLOWFIERO88 Iron_Mark_2003 DelawareFiero scrotum_pat Exdeath jimd Kento margaritaz APShaughnessy -------------posts 30 threads on Jokes donk316 The Punisher couch2199 destroy stevegibbs 88_Fiero_2M4 Chicken McNizzle -----WCF sucks lowfierogt HoMiE_TeLeFrAgGeD ----cant type worth a **** Captain_Ron Dennis LaGrua Bosuch Patrick's Dad Muddy2 Nachtzehrer6 88fieroformula TaurusThug YeSmYrAiNbOwFiErO FieroTeknician Mr. 8000 L44_87GT Manic Mechanic Oneredfiero fierospeeder KRuzn MAchines HYPTNOTiSE Mastermind 88GT5.0KILLER ED Beard RockChip zoomzoom paintballman_69 FieroSkank matthew Phil86SE TWEETIE BIRD Mr. Pat canadiangtfiero86 Rainman indypbody Rob Ernst fierce_gt IRSCISA Santa Cruzer Soaper opm2000 Elenor84 SanBerdueFiero StansGT 1985FieroGT Black88GT FOCOSEVA G-Nasty SCCA FIERO Howard_Sacks Springtyme JohnnyK Slammed Fiero ------------------
looking at my list brought back alot of names i havent seen here in a Looooong time i have a LONG list, it goes to show that when i say +'s given for help, i mean it
Holy moly thats alot of negs, im just glad im not on it
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10:05 PM
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002 almost seems as if I don't like people....I promise I really do though! I really don't even remember half of the people I gave the neg's to, oh hard feelings right?
+'s -------- sarabear tesmith66 Spektrum-87GT Liquid-Reality Smooooooth GT I'm Back 84Bill RWDPLZ Cliff Pennock AusFiero Raydar DotTC pokeyfiero WingNut - MD fierobear Marrilow mattm Because hes Matt Fastback 86 Boondawg jetman Toddster FastIndyFiero 84fierotrevor GARY TUCKER always has funnies The Punisher fierogirls-mom buddycraig YellowRooster scrotum_pat FieroGT87 cliffw Always so friendly Scott-Wa good advice blackrams FieroRumor Fieros_Forever avengador1 Disillusion Berlin fierofetish ToonTownfiero 86GT3.4DOHC ryan.hess theogre Jake_Dragon HI-TECH CoolBlue87GT rogergarrison HOOTERS! JazzMan $Rich$
-'s ------- naskie18-yuck, ex bf! Nachtzehrer6 80's BOY Ryan_Dipietro sub1ime started thread with spyware Patrick USFiero1 MiZer Cause hes always an a$$ MstangsBware lowfierogt Black88GT FrugalFiero arte444 crzyone
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11:29 PM
IMSA GT Member
Posts: 10583 From: California Registered: Aug 2007
Not sure what I did for that +, but I wont complain. Here's my list of +'s, cause I just know that everyone wants to impress me yeah right
Dodgerunner über helpful Robert 2 über BobadooFunk über RWDPLZ stereo selection advice 3800superfast timgray smart project34 smart buddycraigg always helpful, video tutorials, tech fierohoho coil over thread $Rich$ totally FierociousGT 3d fieros cornersonrails 300ZX headlights SLOWnSTEADY i dont know Steven Snyder advice Gwain advice Arns85GT advice Toddster v6 removal thread Rickady88GT nice dude darkhorizon totally 84Bill Dudeus painting thread Boondawg head is firmly attached between shoulders 88GT5.0KILLER pokeyfiero excellent Raydar bv OKflyboy gun stuff FieroRumor fieroguru recessed rear-ward hood scoop MidEngineManiac sefberg Dennis LaGrua AC relay info Chris Hodson therrmite idea <-------- I dont remember this one, but it sounds cool Cliff Pennock He's the cliffster Spoon legal advice WhiteDevil88 Gokart Mozart why not Taijiguy fair minded fourpoint9 his fiero fierobear JazzMan everything 82-T/A [At Work] Xanth leppy_89 helpful unboundmo RideZiLightning Phranc awesome Pyrthian MordacP 'cause i'm totally rad MstangsBware wiring prob help Francis T help, truelo guy DeLorean00 painting thread
Alot more people deserve +'s from me because of help they gave me when I was getting my Fiero in order so i'll try to dish them out more often.
Only have two negs, both were assigned on account of anal behavior GT Quick Tha Driver
I did have more negs, but If cant remember why I gave someone a neg, I switch them to neutral
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12:26 AM
4-mulaGT Member
Posts: 1210 From: Somewhere beetween raisin' hell... and saving grace. oh... and MN Registered: Jan 2006
4-mulaGT ... lol, Im rating myself ARKaiser ... Free Carfaxes are Awesome Damien ... free carfax AusFiero ... Paint UR fiero rules Emc209i ... help W/ 34dohc pavo_roddy ... 3.4dohc procarnut ... COntributed to info.34Dohc thread Steven Snyder ... 3.4DOHC thread 86GT3.4DOHC ... 34DOHC thread goatnipples2002 84fierotrevor MinnGreenGT ... MN fiero owner Whuffo AJxtcman Toddster Uaana jstricker fierofetish yello86se Fiero STS RUNDLC Pyrthian RWDPLZ uhlanstan ... posts are quite entertaining - lol Red88FF fogglethorpe cliffw ... aceman Back On Holiday fierobear Archie FieroAurora fieroX maryjane wkayl Phranc Stript96 MidEngineManiac FIEROPHREK 2.5 Synthesis ryan.hess - holds his own vs some pretty good debaters User00013170 D B Cooper
Negatives: (For Most: dont ask why, I honestly cant remember) here is every one, Im being honest here (plz dont neg me in response, again I totally cant remember most of these)
Tinton faytmorgan Euterpe ray b connecticutFIERO Brian Lamberts Steve Normington G-Nasty Wolfhound Tha Driver ktthecarguy WhiteDevil88 LowLux tutnkmn aconesa NEPTUNE MDFierolvr Kelvin Vivian 30+mpg Tigger MstangsBware 86blackse
[This message has been edited by 4-mulaGT (edited 10-08-2008).]
Anal behavior. I guess that's what he calls being honest & arguing about the TRUTH. The fuction (to get the +/- list) dosen't work in Opera. If/when I get time I may try it in I.E. Right now I'm working on about 5 differet projects at once, as well as moving cars to clear the overgrown brush.
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05:34 AM
Jarhead 2m4 Member
Posts: 1849 From: Missouri City, TX Registered: Jun 2006
Jarhead 2m4 - one cool dude rogergarrison - great addition to o/t fierogt3800 - DeLorean vid post dillon11 - good seller (notchie grills) FIEROPHREK - I'm in ur car! LT188GT - hilarious joke "good-bye" Pyric - Motherf*cker stole my pancake!!! Gecko - liveleak chat room live SLOWnSTEADY - good seller (3.4 DOHC) hugh - sportsmanship article shared Taijiguy - trunk help FieroFanatic13 - trunk help leppy_89 - trunk help MordacP - trunk help 2farnorth - trunk help Doug85GT - trunk help formulachik - trunk help avengador1 - trunk help twofatguys - G8 ST Photoshop never2old - Free Plates!!! larini74 - Posted Domestic Driver article on the 25th Clint - gave us the hidden gallery BazookaFiero - Made me a BADASS sig
Wow, only 1 person has rated me anything? I'm glad it was positive. If i don't have any rating, how can I go negative?
Oh why not, the only Negative I have out right now is for The Punisher.
I left the remarks up (when I made them) let the chips fall where they may.
The Punisher--regardless of knowledge, is generally rude and a downer in general.
yellowstone-- very helpful, great ideas, just an all around great member Archie-- great ideas, and helpful. Cliff Pennock-- brown nosing bubbajoexxx-- very helpful, even when he doesn't have to be. Awesome ideas Fformula88-- Great info on the site twofatguys-- I like me! madcurl-- bad car, great attitude FieroWannaBe-- Seems to have a good attitude so far. trailboss-- skitime -- I like the attitude, tries to sort out the problem before going off the handle ZeroC-- for the heck of it timwdegner-- free carfax for all! edhering-- helped me a lot with pip avengador1-- Help with truck in ot blackrams-- Help with truck in ot fierogirls-mom-- help with truck in ot SD455-- 401k help Uaana-- 401k help WingNut - MD-- 401k help Old Lar-- 401k help Morkidan-- 401k help tesmith66-- modem help sk8rfiero-- Help finding carfax t-bird1963-- carfax help FieroRumor-- for the heck of it! help moving Gordo JazzMan rims05 Sparky2eh-- for help on the engine module ka4nkf-- for help on the car lurker-- help moving DotTC-- help moving ace35 WBailey1041-- help moving cliffw-- help moving RandomTask-- help moving Raydar-- help moving ryan.hess-- help moving mrjohnishome-- help moving Rainman-- help moving fiero67-- help moving sonic50-- help moving Tinton-- for the heck of it STIFFLER-- help with gp site Synthesis-- posting grand am info pdf F-I-E-R-O-- for the heck of it greengoblin0129 MDFierolvr Korupt Zewerr 84fierotrevor-- Gonna give it a go Chump Patrick NEPTUNE BobadooFunk 99svtgreensnake Psychosis39 fierofetish rogergarrison Jim Baumann $Rich$ Wichita Jake_Dragon-- engine help TaurusThug Spektyr Fredbearstalksme lou_dias TennT jstricker Hank is Here cccharlie Formula88 phreakboy4 loafer87gt Boondawg Scott-Wa FieroGT42 derangedsheep Fieros_Forever kwagner Hornet JamesCurtis Gary W lonely saints fan Saxman Jersey Fastkx Taijiguy fierofool whadeduck liltobe Toddster pokeyfiero proff FieroDiva 8Ball FIEROPHREK Trekker isthiswhereiputausername? Ultimate Mulholland_GT_Racer under8ted-- Interchange manual4.9 PFI FIERO Silentassassin185 mxz71 fierogtowner ConvictedRedneck paulcal opm2000 30+mpg Pyrthian 3800superfast never2old psychic_mechanic Mark James Bond 007 Arns85GT shawnkfl sc3800ttops ly41181 DCsoundNut AP2k Max The Chainsaw Wire tix6174 Cheever3000 Vonov 87V6GT Monkeyman watts synapse DeV8er fogglethorpe TorqueWench Falcon4 mrfiero Finally_Mine_86_GT-- OKflyboy-- RWDPLZ-- tutnkmn-- Gokart Mozart creator Unsafe At Any Speed Gecko pheonix97031 whereatt-- Land pictures 86GT3.4DOHC Fiero1Fan Chicken McNizzle Back On Holiday Hurricane fierosound Leafy Capt Fiero Lilchief GKDINC-- Temp Positive Ryan01228 Derek_85GT DtheC Wolfhound Slater_334 Miss-Tress007 88GT5.0KILLER SuperchargedV6-- Indyellowgt-- Jax184 Deabionni 86_IRM_TURBO GTPat bmwguru pacethis 84fiero123 Riceburner98 TXGOOD eph_kay ditch FierociousGT Red88FF Fierotaz NickD3.4 brandon87gt anonymity Greg Z OutsideGroove buds craigsfiero2007 HI-TECH 86fierofun HTXtremes RideZiLightning darkhorizon Tina ray b 84Bill Fierobsessed SLOWnSTEADY carnut122 Richjk21 PaulJK Erik Xanth American Exotic WhiteDevil88 project34 85fiero_fanat stevenrossi nibotolu maryjane kslish-- help with ubuntu red84sematt unboundmo Tha Driver CoolBlue87GT Hulki U. My-BFF e30tech Doug85GT chrishahn87
Decided to update my rating of people. There are a lot I should have rated long ago and never got around to it, but I never realized there was a limit to the # of users you can rate each day.
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04:11 PM
Fiero STS Member
Posts: 2045 From: Wyoming, MN. usa Registered: Nov 2001
Wow, there ar alot of names on some of those lists. I have about 4 on my list. most from the help I recieved in tech. I don't rate anyone in OT but there are some people wh really make OT interesting.
Originally posted by Back On Holiday: Clint-------------------hot wife!
Dude.. that's gotta change. Lousy be-atch cheated on me 2 years ago with some back-woods hick from her church-bowling league. Who woulda thunk it... She's LONG gone. I've only gotta put up with her on the rare occasions when she decides she wants to see the kids.
Dude.. that's gotta change. Lousy be-atch cheated on me 2 years ago with some back-woods hick from her church-bowling league. Who woulda thunk it... She's LONG gone. I've only gotta put up with her on the rare occasions when she decides she wants to see the kids.
Sorry 'bout that, I know theres another person on here who had problems but I cant remember who.
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09:35 PM
2.5 Member
Posts: 43235 From: Southern MN Registered: May 2007
Hooray for IMSA GT and 4-mulaGT! I see my name! I haven't been one to ever go rating hunting, or pay much attention to it, (hence my lack of a ratings bar) but you two +'d me, cool beans!
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09:42 PM
IMSA GT Member
Posts: 10583 From: California Registered: Aug 2007
Hooray for IMSA GT and 4-mulaGT! I see my name! I haven't been one to ever go rating hunting, or pay much attention to it, (hence my lack of a ratings bar) but you two +'d me, cool beans!
The scary part is that a few days ago, I was at 66 ratings and now I am at 70 but it seems the red is getting bigger on my bar....I don't know why
Ok-------now 71
[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 10-08-2008).]
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09:52 PM
Back On Holiday Member
Posts: 6238 From: Downingtown, PA Registered: Jul 2001
POS: BigRed88 You are so right! NEG: DelawareFiero Classless and crass POS: Voytek Nice pictures NEG: MiZer POS: CaliforniaSpeeder9 POS: Clint To see if I could. POS: partsman Awesome guy, great wife POS: flames4me POS: Cliff Pennock He's great! POS: Back On Holiday Helping Bobadoo POS: whadeduck Assistance with 355 lights.
------------------ -Nickster
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10:53 PM
4-mulaGT Member
Posts: 1210 From: Somewhere beetween raisin' hell... and saving grace. oh... and MN Registered: Jan 2006
Wow, there ar alot of names on some of those lists. I have about 4 on my list. most from the help I recieved in tech. I don't rate anyone in OT but there are some people wh really make OT interesting.
is it just me or did you just get your ratings bar?
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11:41 PM
Oct 9th, 2008
Back On Holiday Member
Posts: 6238 From: Downingtown, PA Registered: Jul 2001
Out of about 130 ratings I've given, exactly 7 haven't been banned, and none have been banned in the last year or so. Out of those 7, 4 don't really post at all anymore. That leaves only three. None of them had anything to do with any political threads, or really even in O/T except one. I looked them over and am not changing any of the 4 negatives because IMHO the people that got them deserved them and I haven't seen anything that has caused me to change my mind.
John Stricker
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12:06 AM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
The problem with threads like this is that it brings-out the competitor in people. Some people might feel slighted if they thought their rating, or lack thereof, was undeserved. It is not that I don't care to show all of my ratings it is just that I don't want the crap that goes with it.
So instead let's play NAME THAT MEMBER! I will post a few of my Comments and see if you can guess who they apply to:
Positives: I love his TV commercials
He's like the guy in the party that just stands there and smiles all the time.
This place would be dull without her
Giving him a + in the hopes that he'll toss me some of his table scraps
He probably gave me a neg. But he's earned teh right to be an ass I guess.
a little too smart for his own good but hell, he's usually right.
I'm laughing just thinking about him
I could get stoned with this guy.
How can ya not like a Texan
liberal freak, but I like him!
Simply the smartest Fiero Guy I know
Jelly Donut finding Drill Seargent 24/7 with EVERYONE!
Dragged my kids into it. Is any thread safe from this clown?
germaine greer times two! Hateful personal comments to ANYONE who challenges her superiority
How many times do I have to ban this MF?
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12:29 AM
htexans1 Member
Posts: 9114 From: Clear Lake City/Houston TX Registered: Sep 2001
Originally posted by Toddster: The problem with threads like this is that it brings-out the competitor in people. Some people might feel slighted if they thought their rating, or lack thereof, was undeserved.
so you want anonymity too?
but on a serious note. that is why i started this thread.
some people say that they want to be confronted by the people that rate them. there are a lot of people in this thread that have over 100 ratings. but there hasn't been 100 users openly post who/how they rated someone.
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02:01 AM
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
I'm picking two people at random (i bet that i've given them both +) . .
Originally posted by bmwguru: I think that you should be able to see who rated you (like in all other forums with rating systems), and people might be a little more tollerant and polite with each other. Negs wouldn't get thrown around over little stuff. (not saying that the negs over the comments before weren't justified). Because one day, you just might get to meet other PFF'ers. Just my opinion. Dave
. .
Originally posted by 84fiero123: I got to agree with you on that Dave. I myself have been given negatives for something’s here and positives for others. Not that I care who gave it to me as much as why. I know I have rubbed some the wrong way with a few of my threads, hey I as everyone have a right to my opinion. If I was given a rating one way or the other for my opinion I think somehow that is wrong. For being arrogant or disrespectful that is different. You should be rated justly, if that’s the right word. I really don’t think it should be secret. <SNIP>
. . ok bmwguru and 84fiero123, you want the rating system to be open. tell us who you have rated.
[This message has been edited by buddycraigg (edited 10-09-2008).]