LS1 - The headers a a HUGE PITA, on the drivers side it needs to be necked down to a 1.75" dia collecter. Its like trying to paralell park a dump truck, its possible but unless you have an AWESOME fabricator this might be unrealistic.
EDIT: From the thread posted above, Lingenfelter had rare GM prototype V8 catera parts for a conversion, (GM was gonna make a V8 Catera) LPE deemed it unprofitable to re-produce so they have sold the parts, I doubt whoever they sold them too will have the resources/drive to re-make reprodution parts.
The Monaro/GTO and G8 which have the same chassis have a totally different front section of the car to fit the V8
However the 3800 supercharged came factory on the commodore sedans in australia, which is where the catera originated from, the catera has the same identical frame as the commodore so it should be a fairly straightforward swap using aussie parts.
I would pretty much kill for a 3800sc catera, after driving around my buick with the same engine I long for that awesome tourque in a RWD chassis.
EDIT: Oh, the northstar? hahahahahahahahahahahahaha (ok really I would pay to see that)
[This message has been edited by 4-mulaGT (edited 12-14-2008).]