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  Range Report Taurus PT140 Pro and Beretta CX4 Storm

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Range Report Taurus PT140 Pro and Beretta CX4 Storm by OKflyboy
Started on: 03-12-2009 07:39 PM
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Last post by: OKflyboy on 03-12-2009 07:39 PM
Posts: 6607
From: Not too far from Mexico
Registered: Nov 2004

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Report this Post03-12-2009 07:39 PM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyDirect Link to This Post
Okay, I'm cross posting this on several different forums, so if I delve into something that's not specific to this forum, my apologies.

Took my new Taurus PT140 to the range for the first time today and decided to give the Storm a run through since I finished all my tacti-cool accessories, most notably the Morse Lekker Shroud and Pro-Mag 20-rounders. Unfortunately I only had about 2 1/2 boxes of ammo to play with, so I was done much faster then I would have liked...

PT140 Pro:

First impressions - I suck.

Really, I have heard about these guns shooting low and to the left mainly because of the Heine straight-8 sights that differ from the traditional 3-dot sight picture. Oddly, my first time was no different. I say oddly mainly because I am left handed and my first magazine still shot low and to the left. You'd think it would have been low and to the right. Well, anyway, after adjusting my aim to compensate - I still suck (although I'm now low and to the right). I was all over the place. At 15 yards I was aiming for center-mass on a tradition silhouette target and probably had 12-inch groupings. Now, to be fair to myself, this is my first DA/SA gun, and the thing has a LOOOOONG trigger pull. So long that the first couple of shots had me thinking something was wrong with the gun...

My crappy aim aside I had zero problems. No jams, no FTFs. Being .40 S&W it is a bit of a wrist buster but all in all I really like this little gun.

Here's my best (!) target after a couple of magazines (notice there's not much consistency):

Beretta CX4 Storm:

First impressions: I don't suck anymore.

Seriously, I sighted in the red-dot in my bedroom by just trying to co-witness the factory sights as closely as possible (I sighted in the factory sights on my first range trip). I expected to have to sight it in again when I got to the range but much to my surprise it was dead on! The barrel shroud looks great, stayed cool even with a smoking barrel and thanks to the loc-tite the setscrew is still nice and tight.

I hadn't given the Pro-mags a proper cleaning, just a quick wipedown and that was a BIG mistake. Multiple FTFs with the Pro-mags, enough to make me throw them in my range bag and go back to the factory 10 rounders. My Army buddy have me some issue M9 mags and I figured I try out the 92 mags in a 96 theory myself. I found that they didn't work out as well as I had hoped - several FTFs with them as well although I will admit to not cleaning them beforehand either (I've since stripped and cleaned/oiled all my mags, so we'll have to try 'em again later). Now, at this point I started to suspect a firearm problem as I had FTFs with 4 different magazines but after switching back to the factory mags I had not 1 FTF. My flea-bay sourced flashlight mount for my G2 sucks, it fell off repeatedly after only a couple of shots. damn... May be looking again at the T-Grip or Command Arms Grip/light mount.

At 25 yards (the limit of the pistol range I was at) carefully aimed shots had 2-inch groupings and rapid fire was out to about 6 inches. Of course, I still really LOVE this carbine.

Here's my best target after a couple of mags:

"The flag should be displayed with the union down, as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property."

Read my Earthship thread in Totally O/T
si vis pacem, para bellum

"The said constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." - Samuel Adams

What part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" is so hard to understand?!

[This message has been edited by OKflyboy (edited 03-12-2009).]

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