I wish that global warming thing sped up a bit because the last few winters here in Holland have been the coldest in a long, long time. Today was only 23F but with the hard wind, it felt like 5F.
The cold also made painfully obvious that our new house is impossible to warm. As you may (or may not) know, we moved this summer to a bigger house. This morning when we woke up, temp inside was about 59F. We set the heater to max and now 12 hours later, 7pm, temperature hasn't gotten above 64F. It's frickin' cold here.
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12:57 PM
System Bot
RotrexFiero Member
Posts: 3692 From: Pittsburgh, PA Registered: Jul 2002
Last night it was like 50F, and raining something fierce. Then the rain turned to snow over night, a nice covering in the morning, and now it is slowly growing colder with more snow. We recieved a record high of rain yesterday which the the weather man said if it was snow there would have been about five feet! Dodged a bullet!
We got our first snow of the year here.. quite unexpectedly. I guess Fiero season is over. I never drive with salt on the roads after my last one rotted out.
Hey Cliff, how cool is it that you post temperatures in Farenheit for we Americans? I'm not afraid to say Celsius always confuses me, I wish I had learned it better in school.
Did your new bigger house come with a garage to work on your car, or are you still out in the street doing brake jobs?
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01:04 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
The other day it was around 40 but felt like 25. Which I can tolerate, except for that I had to stand in it for about 8hours with the wind blowing.
Today is 60, however it's raining and we have this.
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01:13 PM
jaskispyder Member
Posts: 21510 From: Northern MI Registered: Jun 2002
Hmmm, what is the average winter temp? Your furnace may be undersized, or your insulation is inadequate. Can you close of heating registers in rooms you are not using? How many sq ft is the house and what BTU is the furnace? Do you know the number of inches of insulation you have in the attic? How about your windows? Single pane or double pane? How are the seals? I have single pane with storm windows and I used 3M clear window insulation and we get temps down to -20F in the winter. I also have about 2-3ft of cellulose insulation in the attic (which brings me up to the recommended level of something like R-49).
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01:15 PM
MidEngineManiac Member
Posts: 29566 From: Some unacceptable view Registered: Feb 2007
We are having our 1st flurries of the year today, and the temp is around freezing. Not REALLY that bad, but it IS telling me I need to get the winter tires mounted this week since they dont do much good sitting on the patio.
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01:15 PM
Larryh86GT Member
Posts: 1757 From: Near sunny Buffalo NY Registered: Jan 2008
I wish that global warming thing sped up a bit because the last few winters here in Holland have been the coldest in a long, long time. Today was only 23F but with the hard wind, it felt like 5F.
The cold also made painfully obvious that our new house is impossible to warm. As you may (or may not) know, we moved this summer to a bigger house. This morning when we woke up, temp inside was about 59F. We set the heater to max and now 12 hours later, 7pm, temperature hasn't gotten above 64F. It's frickin' cold here.
What most people dont realize about global warming is, if it did happen, it would cause a cooling trend throughout the planet, i know it sounds like it backwards, but its true, that warming the overall temp of the planet would cause a severe cooling of where people live..
But back on topic.. Yeah check your insulation.. Make sure its not really old, might not be holding the heat in very well anymore, also check the weather stripping on all doors and windows, make sure they are sealed well. You can get special door sweeps that you can slide under your door as well, to help block that little gap between the bottom of the door, and your floor, to help seal in air as well.. And if you can afford the cash, you can get insulated windows as well, that helps keep the heat from seeping through the glass.. Maby look into your heater vents too, make sure none are clogged, and make sure your heater is working properly..
Lotts of things you can do to try to keep the heat in..
Stay warm!
And everybody remember to cover their outside spigots, dont want anyone to have broken pipes and flooding!
[This message has been edited by Jonesy (edited 12-01-2010).]
I think if it hit 50 around here during the daytime, they would shut down the schools! Lol.
We are pretty cold here. Down to 43 at night and 60 in the day. Been fridgid all week. I even wore a jacket for a few minutes yesterday but I got too hot and took it off.
We are pretty cold here. Down to 43 at night and 60 in the day. Been fridgid all week. I even wore a jacket for a few minutes yesterday but I got too hot and took it off.
I'm in shorts unless there is snow on the ground.
My Black roommate said to me once "I just don't get White people... you wear shorts out no matter how cold it gets!" It's true hahaha.
Anyways, Cliff, English isn't your native language is it? You even use slang... it weirds me out
My suggestion would be to get a wood burning cast iron stove and a couple cords of wood. They are a little work to keep going but at least you will be warm and cozy.
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04:28 PM
System Bot
84fiero123 Member
Posts: 29950 From: farmington, maine usa Registered: Oct 2004
Have your furnace serviced then check the windows and doors for leeks. I use a cigarette the smoke will fly away from the place there is a gap.
As someone else said check the insulation, not sure what it is like where you live but winter has just started here and we were at 45 F for a high today. Unseasonably warm for this time of year.
Replacement windows is a great idea if they are the problem and very cost affective. They could pay for themselves in a few years if they are.
Depending on what type of heating system you use you could also supplement with a wood stove. That could save you a lot of money and there is nothing like coming into a house with a hot wood stove going. When it is real cold you can sit right on it and warm those buns right up. Just don’t sit there to long, you could get a hot foot in a very bad place.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't. Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.
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04:29 PM
fierobear Member
Posts: 27089 From: Safe in the Carolinas Registered: Aug 2000
Originally posted by Jonesy: What most people dont realize about global warming is, if it did happen, it would cause a cooling trend throughout the planet, i know it sounds like it backwards, but its true, that warming the overall temp of the planet would cause a severe cooling of where people live..
BULLSHIT. You can't add heat to a fricken greenhouse and end up with cooling too.
One of the basic theories to global warming is that it will warm the poles first. There is no way you're going to warm the poles AND have more cold weather unless the thermohaline circulation shuts down, but that is unlikely.
BULLSHIT. You can't add heat to a fricken greenhouse and end up with cooling too.
One of the basic theories to global warming is that it will warm the poles first. There is no way you're going to warm the poles AND have more cold weather unless the thermohaline circulation shuts down, but that is unlikely.
Read what the scientists have been saying, you might learn something.
To conclude that global warming has ended based on recent cold snaps is another example of the misleading practice of focusing on small pieces of the puzzle while ignoring the broader picture. Interestingly, Roger Pielke Sr takes the opposite approach when assessing global temperature in December 2009 as measured by satellites. Despite the regional cold weather, global temperature has not shown a dramatic drop in December, leading Pielke to conclude (with original emphasis included):
"This data shows why the focus needs to be on the regional scale and that a global average is not of much use in describing weather that all of us experience." After taking a broader look at global temperature, Pielke is forced to conclude that it's preferable to focus on small pieces of the puzzle than the bigger picture. Better that is, if the global picture isn't giving you the result you're looking for.
[This message has been edited by newf (edited 12-01-2010).]
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06:23 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41072 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
It was 68F here, yesterday. We had a storm front go through, yesterday afternoon. (The same one that is hitting NY and Jersey this evening.) There was some seriously ugly weather associated with that storm front. We had an F2 tornado on the other side of town. Damaged ~55 homes. Flattened at least one. So far, only one fatality. Wind blew a tree over onto someone's car. You guys up north, keep your eyes open and be safe. Duck if you need to.
After 68F, yesterday, it's supposed to drop to ~28F tonight. Fortunately, our house is very well insulated. It can be 10F outside (like it was last winter) and toasty inside. Gas logs help, too.
[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 12-01-2010).]
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06:46 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41072 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
You mean the scientists that say "global warming" is a farce, at best - and a scam, at worst? Works for me.
Sure by all means, it's nothing new for people to find only what "works for you" to agree with. Ignore all the major scientific bodies of the world as much as you like.
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06:56 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41072 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
Anyone can take statistics and make little graphs and pictures that look like they support their beliefs. Did anyone else notice that the graph showing climate change from the last 40 years (with the volcano in the middle of it) didn't have any Y values?
The minimum requirement for a graph is a definition of the X and Y values. Then with more than one point of data you can assume that there might be a trend. What they showed was a graphic. It was meaningless. There was no "scale" to be able to interpret the graphic. Show us the hard data, back it up with reliable sources or else I still say it's hogwash.
Follow the money. And while you're there read the leaked memo's instructing the scientists how to read their data in order to support their desired conclusion.
Cold here too. I only rolled the Fiero windows down half way down today.
50's - Brrrrrrr.
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07:44 PM
Khw Member
Posts: 11139 From: South Weber, UT. U.S.A. Registered: Jun 2008
Check your filter to see if it's clogged up. Our heater has sensors in it and if there isn't enough airflow through the heater it won't fire up the burners but for a few seconds. It maybe that yours is doing the same thing. Just a thought.
Anyone can take statistics and make little graphs and pictures that look like they support their beliefs. Did anyone else notice that the graph showing climate change from the last 40 years (with the volcano in the middle of it) didn't have any Y values?
The minimum requirement for a graph is a definition of the X and Y values. Then with more than one point of data you can assume that there might be a trend. What they showed was a graphic. It was meaningless. There was no "scale" to be able to interpret the graphic. Show us the hard data, back it up with reliable sources or else I still say it's hogwash.
Follow the money. And while you're there read the leaked memo's instructing the scientists how to read their data in order to support their desired conclusion.
Yup, I hear about those rich researchers all the time. Have to laugh when I hear the arguement of follow the money, if one really did who do you think has the money and power? Scientific community or companies that produce and use fossil fuels.
I wish that global warming thing sped up a bit because the last few winters here in Holland have been the coldest in a long, long time. Today was only 23F but with the hard wind, it felt like 5F.
The cold also made painfully obvious that our new house is impossible to warm. As you may (or may not) know, we moved this summer to a bigger house. This morning when we woke up, temp inside was about 59F. We set the heater to max and now 12 hours later, 7pm, temperature hasn't gotten above 64F. It's frickin' cold here.
Hey Cliff,
I live in El Paso, Texas and this morning it was 21 degrees. On top of that, I am trying to figure out why the heater in my Fiero is not working....
I fell your pain, Cliff. This is the first winter in my own house. I started with the thermostat at 70, but my gas bill made me rethink that plan. I now keep the whole house at 58 and got a space heater, since I'm only one person and rarely move about. I finally understand my parents when I was growing up: "If you're so cold, put on a sweater!"
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08:31 PM
fierobear Member
Posts: 27089 From: Safe in the Carolinas Registered: Aug 2000
I fell your pain, Cliff. This is the first winter in my own house. I started with the thermostat at 70, but my gas bill made me rethink that plan. I now keep the whole house at 58 and got a space heater, since I'm only one person and rarely move about. I finally understand my parents when I was growing up: "If you're so cold, put on a sweater!"
Oddly enough to heat our townhome in the winter only get's us about a $50.00 bill from the gas company each month. We've been under 40 degrees all last month and down in the teens to twenties for the last 2 weeks.
[This message has been edited by Khw (edited 12-01-2010).]