Extrapolating global temperatures by measuring termperatures in metropolitan areas is a joke - because of the heat island effect. The larger the city, the greater the effect. This says nothing about the 99.5% of the area that is not in the metropolitan areas.
When I lived on the acreage, you could see the temperature (in winter) increase by up to 7*C on the car's external temp sensor between the boonies and downtown Edmonton. Usually it was only 4 or 5*C, but even that's a massive difference. Now that I live on on the edge of the heat island, the difference is only ~2*C between home and the office.
Edit **page 3** And it's not just the vehicle warming up that caused this, temperatures also consistently dropped by the same amount when leaving the heat island.
[This message has been edited by TiredGXP (edited 01-22-2011).]
The more some of you talk the deeper you seem to burying your heads in the ground.
Let's see first there's the forcasts of storms and cold weather. Wow snowstorms and cold in winter!! Clearly there is no Climate Change happening because it's cold where I live today. Keep ingnoring the the facts.
Then there's some kind of weird arguement that THE HOTTEST YEAR ON RECORD is further indication that the sunspots might create a mini ice age. Hmmmmm....we are at a solar minimum but have the hottest year in recorded history and that seems to show a trend of heading into an ice age. haha funny stuff.
Someone pipes up and says they must not have factored Sherwood Park Alberta into the Global temperatures for the year because that would have changed the results for the entire planet. Hilarious!!!
And then of course we get the tired blanket statement of "you can't trust any of the scientific measurements". If that's the case who can you trust in regards of measuring such things, old man fart with his rain barrell and freshly licked finger out the window? Brilliant!
Finally the attempt to use the heat island effect which was looked at and subsequently shown over and over to be insignificant in terms of Global readings. You could check the science but of course it's all tainted. Pathetic.
Either of you have any proof or is it just your bunions acting up.
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04:24 PM
Uaana Member
Posts: 6570 From: Robbinsdale MN US Registered: Dec 1999
Finally the attempt to use the heat island effect which was looked at and subsequently shown over and over to be insignificant in terms of Global readings. You could check the science but of course it's all tainted. Pathetic.
Hard to have a discussion about religion but.. here goes. What's the correct temp for the planet? Technically speaking it's been warm enough to grow grapes in greenland, is your end goal a volcanic ice age circa 1918? Really want you to put up city island temp vs a volcano..
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04:51 PM
Uaana Member
Posts: 6570 From: Robbinsdale MN US Registered: Dec 1999
The more some of you talk the deeper you seem to burying your heads in the ground.
Let's see first there's the forcasts of storms and cold weather. Wow snowstorms and cold in winter!! Clearly there is no Climate Change happening because it's cold where I live today. Keep ingnoring the the facts.
Then there's some kind of weird arguement that THE HOTTEST YEAR ON RECORD is further indication that the sunspots might create a mini ice age. Hmmmmm....we are at a solar minimum but have the hottest year in recorded history and that seems to show a trend of heading into an ice age. haha funny stuff.
Someone pipes up and says they must not have factored Sherwood Park Alberta into the Global temperatures for the year because that would have changed the results for the entire planet. Hilarious!!!
And then of course we get the tired blanket statement of "you can't trust any of the scientific measurements". If that's the case who can you trust in regards of measuring such things, old man fart with his rain barrell and freshly licked finger out the window? Brilliant!
Finally the attempt to use the heat island effect which was looked at and subsequently shown over and over to be insignificant in terms of Global readings. You could check the science but of course it's all tainted. Pathetic.
Either of you have any proof or is it just your bunions acting up.
Fine, go put up solar panels n stuff on your roof. The rest of us in the metro Heat Islands are going to ignore your global cooling rant.. sorry.. global warming... sorry.. what was is this decade?
Hard to have a discussion about religion but.. here goes. What's the correct temp for the planet? Technically speaking it's been warm enough to grow grapes in greenland, is your end goal a volcanic ice age circa 1918? Really want you to put up city island temp vs a volcano..
Sorry, I really can't make any sense of this. Seems like an aimless ramble, feel free to elaborate.
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06:38 PM
TiredGXP Member
Posts: 712 From: A cold, miserable place Registered: Jan 2008
Well, according to Environment Canada, the average temperature for Edmonton from 1900 through 1961 was a whopping 2.1 degrees. Strangely enough, annual data from Environment Canada also indicates that the average temperature in Edmonton between 1961 and 2009 was also 2.1 degrees.
Global warming and/or global cooling not found here.
Well, according to Environment Canada, the average temperature for Edmonton from 1900 through 1961 was a whopping 2.1 degrees. Strangely enough, annual data from Environment Canada also indicates that the average temperature in Edmonton between 1961 and 2009 was also 2.1 degrees.
Global warming and/or global cooling not found here.
Case closed. The climate of Edmonton doesn't change .
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06:52 PM
TiredGXP Member
Posts: 712 From: A cold, miserable place Registered: Jan 2008
We're back into lows down to -16c and snow for the next 4 days, one day of break, and then more.
However we are doing really well compared to the guys in the East Coast.
But just watch, as soon as spring breaks will be back to "the sky is falling, the sky is falling"
It's all part of the cycle whether we like it or not.
Thank goodness it's been one of the best winters I can remember for snowfall amounts. Only had to shovel twice so far. Amazing what an effect a change in the jet stream and air currents have.
Yeah, the Chicken Little's are almost as pathetic as all those screaming when we get a cold snap in winter hey??
[This message has been edited by newf (edited 01-30-2011).]
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10:38 AM
Feb 6th, 2011
fierosound Member
Posts: 15206 From: Calgary, Canada Registered: Nov 1999