Winter came in fast, cold and white in Calgary a couple of weeks ago. Lots of snow and below -20C temperatures for over a week. Temps were well below our "normals" for this time of year, but have managed levelled off to where they should be (following a very cool "summer that never was") Yup - "it's just the weather" as we're freezing our butts shovelling snow...
But looking around the world and back a couple of years - is it "just the weather" or a trend toward colder, more extreme winters?? Looks like a serious "colder winters" trend to me.
Writers are running out of adjectives - "weather bomb", historic, record setting, record breaking, ...of the decade, ... of the century, epic, monster storm, extreme, snowmageddon etc.
These aren't "snowed in town last night" stories, but unusual snowfalls and storms that have crippled states, countries, even continents (I tried to avoid posting links to stories on the "same storm") Tons more storm stories available.
... and the 2010/2011 winter season in the northern hemisphere is only starting!!
Last year we had a ton of snow here, but not necessaily super cold temperatures. The year before, I plowed ONCE, and that snow was gone by the next week. Pretty frigid, but no precip. I figured since we had such a dry year here, it would be another less-snow winter, but so ar we've gotten a few inches and they are sticking around.
Not sure if there really is a weather trend here.. appears totally random from year to year. Summers have been getting hotter and drier, but winters are still hard to predict.
The world went through a warming trend in the late 90's. This spawned the "Global Warming" scare. The world went through a cooling period in the early 70's which spawned the "ice age" scare.
Right now the weather is oscillating between extremes. Tonight, here in Southern Ontario they are forcasting a real dump. Probably 45 cms or a foot and a half of snow. This is all pretty normal in this part of the world, but, there are places in Europe where the winter is really digging in. We should expect a really rough winter for most of the world followed by a long hot summer.
Last 2 years, have been much colder here than normal--normal being during my other years here. Not record cold temps, or even really cold all winter, just more extended periods of sub freezing temps than has been the case in my time here. For here, 7 straight nights of below freezing is unusual--last January or February.
Sorry--it just ain't supposed to snow 6 inches in my neck of the woods. Or in Corpus Christi or El Paso.
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05:07 PM
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
That big dump of snow we got in November (snowed on and off for a week) prompted me to finally buy a snowblower. Clearing the walks on a corner lot (feels like a 1/2 mile long) really had me huffin' & puffin' (I'm 55 now) and I was dreading the rest of the winter right away. Don't want to be dead in a snowdrift.
Got a 4-year-old Sears 9.5hp/27" dual stage for $1000 LESS than when it was new. Did an oil change, lube, new belts and I'm set for the "big snow" now
I'll even be clearing my parking area with this thing. Of course, Murphy's Law being what it is, we'll likely have little snow the rest of the winter now.
[This message has been edited by fierosound (edited 12-06-2010).]
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12:20 PM
Gokart Mozart Member
Posts: 12143 From: Metro Detroit Registered: Mar 2003
"The snow fell on the League's county-level Horqin Right Front Banner at the China-Mongolia border 40 days earlier than is usual, and was the heaviest in 30 years. Snow has accumulated up to 30 cm deep in most parts of the region , and 50 cm in some areas..."
That's 12-20 inches of snow all at once! A big problem in open fields for livestock, and horrendous in towns/cities for everyone else.
[This message has been edited by fierosound (edited 12-06-2010).]
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01:53 PM
RACE Member
Posts: 4842 From: Des Moines IA Registered: Dec 2002
Last year by this time we probably had at least 20 inches piled up in central Iowa. So far this year the plows have not moved. We don't have any right now. Yea!
I would not care if it didn't snow all winter. [sarcasm] I think some foreign or domestic government agency somewhere is manipulating the weather.[/sarcasm] Whomever you are, thank you!
Why do you continue to assert that looking at a specific event of cold weather somehow disproves Climate Change?
Also why do you name me in such threads? Do you just need to have something/someone to argue with or do you actually think about stuff before you post? I can continue to show you what the majority of the science community is saying about such events or you can continue to listen to the bloggers and opinion pieces about it.
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03:16 AM
Patrick Member
Posts: 38246 From: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Apr 99
Don't mind Fierobear, he's just got this thing for Canadians.
In regards to the climate, I've heard the awful weather forecast for this winter is due to La Niña. It can be read about Here.
La Niña causes mostly the opposite effects of El Niño. La Niña causes above average precipitation across the North Midwest, the Northern Rockies, Northern California, and in the Pacific Northwest's southern and eastern regions. Meanwhile there is below average precipitation in the southwestern and southeastern states.
La Niñas occurred in 1904, 1908, 1910, 1916, 1924, 1928, 1938, 1950, 1955, 1964, 1970, 1973, 1975, 1988, 1995.
In Canada, La Niña will generally cause a cooler, snowier winter, such as the near record-breaking amounts of snow recorded in the La Niña winter of 2007/2008 in Eastern Canada.
Here on the west coast of BC we had a snowfall in November which stuck around for about a week and spoiled the banana crop. Now we're back to our usual wet weather. I strongly suspect we'll be getting some ugly (colder) weather before this winter is over.
I didn't, and lets not hijack this thread into a GW argument (there's other threads for that), but where in Canada are you? Just wondering so we know what weather you've been experiencing. You stuck in the Ontario snowbelt?
[This message has been edited by fierosound (edited 12-09-2010).]
Isn't that what the GW crowd is doing as well? Cherry picking a specific time, while ignoring most of the rest of the millennias?
Not sure who you are referring to but most of the science based evidence I've seen takes millenias of information into account as much as they can due to recorded data or ice cores. Cherry picking the data seems to be something that deniers are famous for or for instance people that use the fact that it's cold outside to try and prove a point that Climate Change isn't happening.
I didn't, and lets not hijack this thread into a GW argument (there's other threads for that), but where in Canada are you? Just wondering so we know what weather you've been experiencing. You stuck in the Ontario snowbelt?
I know you didn't, I never quoted you.
Not sure what bearing todays weather has on the subjuect but if you really want to know so far we've had a very mild fall, no snow.
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11:14 AM
fierosound Member
Posts: 15206 From: Calgary, Canada Registered: Nov 1999
The subject of this thread is not GW - "It's the weather". Is your location "top secret"?
I'm aware of the topic, I never commented on GW until my name was mentioned and it was brought up by others. In regards to where I live look at my name and avatar and take a wild guess. j/k
[This message has been edited by newf (edited 12-09-2010).]
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11:26 AM
fierosound Member
Posts: 15206 From: Calgary, Canada Registered: Nov 1999
"... torrential rain and heavy mountain snow brought to an abrupt end a serious drought in Lebanon, Syria, northern Israel, Cyprus and southern Turkey. Within two to three days, rainfall reached 4 to 8 inches in Lebanon, for instance. Heavy snow capped the mountains of Lebanon, with its ski resorts, along with heights of neighboring Syria. Even Damascus got substantial snowfall."
[This message has been edited by fierosound (edited 12-16-2010).]
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01:25 PM
Dec 20th, 2010
fierosound Member
Posts: 15206 From: Calgary, Canada Registered: Nov 1999
Originally posted by Patrick: Don't mind Fierobear, he's just got this thing for Canadians..
No. I like Canadians just fine. I don't particularly like *you* because I don't like your attitude, and I'm guessing you don't like me, either. So be it. It's got nothing to do with nationality.
As for newf, he seems to be a contrarian like pyrthian. Has nothing to do with nationality, either.
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02:14 PM
System Bot
Pyrthian Member
Posts: 29569 From: Detroit, MI Registered: Jul 2002
Originally posted by fierobear: No. I like Canadians just fine. I don't particularly like *you* because I don't like your attitude, and I'm guessing you don't like me, either. So be it. It's got nothing to do with nationality.
As for newf, he seems to be a contrarian like pyrthian. Has nothing to do with nationality, either.
so now I'm dragged into this? got nothing legitimate, so off to personal attacks, eh?
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02:19 PM
fierobear Member
Posts: 27089 From: Safe in the Carolinas Registered: Aug 2000
Originally posted by newf: Why do you continue to assert that looking at a specific event of cold weather somehow disproves Climate Change?
Because the warmists like to use WARM weather events to try to prove warming. They also try to say that COLD events prove "climate change."
Also why do you name me in such threads? Do you just need to have something/someone to argue with or do you actually think about stuff before you post? I can continue to show you what the majority of the science community is saying about such events or you can continue to listen to the bloggers and opinion pieces about it.
Because you're the poster boy for bad arguments. Because you keep repeating the same flawed argument about "the majority of scientists", which is meaningless. It doesn't matter how many scientists say something, but that's a point you simply refuse to get.
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02:20 PM
fierobear Member
Posts: 27089 From: Safe in the Carolinas Registered: Aug 2000
As for newf, he seems to be a contrarian like pyrthian. Has nothing to do with nationality, either.
Contrarian? Not really, I believe my positions I don't argue something just for the sake of arguement normally. Just because I challenge others positions doesn't mean I don't have one myself.
For instance I think it's short sighted to see a specific weather event as a sign of a global trend. Others seem to think otherwise.
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02:22 PM
Pyrthian Member
Posts: 29569 From: Detroit, MI Registered: Jul 2002
so now I'm dragged into this? got nothing legitimate, so off to personal attacks, eh?
It's what he does. He's kind of the "Poster Boy" for it...well that and changing arguements like the wind.
I think he likes to argue...kind of a contrarian who can't accept people have different thoughts and beliefs than his own and feels the need to call people out if he doesn't have a current person to argue with. Kind of sad really when some have to call out people and try to bait them just to spew the same rhetoric day after day, they should really just get a blog.
[This message has been edited by newf (edited 12-20-2010).]
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02:28 PM
fierobear Member
Posts: 27089 From: Safe in the Carolinas Registered: Aug 2000
So do I. But that doesn't stop warmists from trying to make that argument.
Funny, almost every time I see a comment about it on here it's usually the deniers that are making them or saying something about the warmists. Rarely have I ever seen anyone claiming a specific wheather event(s) to warming here. Maybe the media does but other than that not so much.