you know if i said i had a 12 inch penis, would you want me to post a picture to prove it? i did not think so.
It ain't yours spit it out!!
So are you also mera7? I'm confused on this. It seems you are extremely defensive of him for someone you don't really know.
As far as the "too busy working". Archie finds time to post constant pictures, and updates, including pictures to the customers. The Fiero Factory updates what they are doing, and maintain a nice web presence on Facebook. Rodney Dickman even has threads (with pictures) covering how some parts are made, or even bouncing ideas off of the community. None of these legitimate business have lost anything to RFT (as much as I don't like RFT, I highly doubt they are a group of thieves)
Most businesses, and business people on PFF are proud of what they do, and talk about it, the majority will post pictures. If they can't post pictures they send them to other members to post. Networking is a huge money maker for any business, and most thrive by doing these things.
I don't think any claim made by mera7 effects me in any way, but, it does effect our opinion of mera7, and it's really a simple thing for him to fix.
ok now this is a perfect example.....Brad asked for "Brunette" he gets "burnettes" ohhhh not those little Burnettes. the other ones, bigger ones... it will never end...thanks for helping make a point brad. i will see about some thicker ones for ya
I didn't say, after you posted those, that you needed to post other thicker ones, I simply said they were not to my liking. I did not ask for more, and only asked for brunettes originally.
I made no such point.
[This message has been edited by twofatguys (edited 02-10-2011).]
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01:10 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41055 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
So are you also mera7? I'm confused on this. It seems you are extremely defensive of him for someone you don't really know.
Most businesses, and business people on PFF are proud of what they do, and talk about it, the majority will post pictures. If they can't post pictures they send them to other members to post. Networking is a huge money maker for any business, and most thrive by doing these things.
ok first. no i am not Mera7, my Mera is older than his. said it right here "Most!" Mike is in the other catagory "Not like, Most". fair enough. and to me this should have been enough.
Mike share a bond with our Mera. kind of like those crazy kids on the other parts of the PFF and their Indy Fieros or IMSA's. you know the general chat, or Tech sections. so i feel that Mike and i are Friends, and i also dislike "Hate Campains" over non Fiero stuff. i personaly do not know what really set Rodney off. i just wish you could respect the request of Privicy one of the "Non Most" has asked for.
i have been threatened with Rodneys control over the Mera info and registery he has.....not for me but for the other 8-9 Meras owners here, because of a witch hunt over what??? any of you really know what he is trying to prove. except that Mike is really expensive?? Parts and labor? hehehehe.
dam i just do not get it....WHY?? WHAT IS THE END RESULT!!??
I didn't say, after you posted those, that you needed to post other thicker ones, I simply said they were not to my liking. I did not ask for more, and only asked for brunettes originally.
I made no such point.
yeah i know....i used your statement as an example. thus no " "
you get the idea tho....i should have not started with"Brad asked....." your name, sorry. and the new pics were a way of saying thank you for the point i did make.
thanks again.
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 02-10-2011).]
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01:38 PM
Boondawg Member
Posts: 38235 From: Displaced Alaskan Registered: Jun 2003
Humanbeings, to their benifit or demise, abhor an unsolved mystery. They must solve it. Even past the point were it actually even matters anymore, if it ever did at all.
Nothing against either side. But I would ask, "Rodney, why did you really care in the first place, and do you even really care about it any more at all?" Is the goal now just to "out" a lier?
What do you see as the ideal end to this situation? Does one of you have to "win"? What would that win look like? He shows every picture and address you want and then you admit you were wrong? Or he admits he made it all up and proves you right?
But what then? What's the gain?
Wouldn't your point best be served to just write to that person that you just cannot believe the stuff you have been shown and told, and it all just seems a bit too fishy. If it is indeed all made up as is suspected, you suggest this person might want to seek some help, as this chosen path is not healthy and will tend to lead people to believe that a person who makes up stories about themselves may not be a trust worthy person in other areas, too. Wish them luck, and if they ever want to talk, feel free to contact you.
That opens the door to allow that person to come clean, agree to dissagree, or simply just end the arguement. Either way, you make your point, bow out gracefully, and remain steadfast, with dignity intact.
Just an idea, with no harm intended.
[This message has been edited by Boondawg (edited 02-10-2011).]
Humanbeings, to their benifit or demise, abhor an unsolved mystery. They must solve it. Even past the point were it actually even matters anymore, if it ever did at all.
Nothing against either side. But I would ask, "Rodney, why did you really care in the first place, and do you even really care about it any more at all?" Is the goal now just to "out" a lier?
What do you see as the ideal end to this situation? Does one of you have to "win"? What would that win look like? He shows every picture and address you want and then you admit you were wrong? Or he admits he made it all up and proves you right?
But what then? What's the gain?
Wouldn't your point best be served to just write to that person that you just cannot believe the stuff you have been shown and told, and it all just seems a bit too fishy. If it is indeed all made up as is suspected, you suggest this person might want to seek some help, as this chosen path is not healthy and will tend to lead people to believe that a person who makes up stories about themselves may not be a trust worthy person in other areas, too. Wish them luck, and if they ever want to talk, feel free to contact you.
That opens the door to allow that person to come clean, agree to dissagree, or simply just end the arguement. Either way, you make your point, bow out gracefully, and remain steadfast, with dignity intact.
Just an idea, with no harm intended.
i like the cut of your jib, sir. may you Fiero blast glod coins from its exhaust for eterinity!! what he said
please. i have tons of Questions for you Rodney about My Mera and it would be great to work with you for the future of the Mera, back to general.
i humbley bow out of further communications....i am going back home. in General topic.
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 02-10-2011).]
its great to see that some of you think he must also have the time work on the cars tooo
you know??? after spending all day posting his COSTUMERS cars, for you guys to pick apart.
some people just are not that way. meek is a word i would use. shy is another. after talking to Mike only once (on the Phone) i would use the word shy and with this current "thug" mentallity who can, blame.
thats why i am the self appointed Mera7 Proxy.....i have nothing to loose! you guys got him backed into a corner....fight or flight has taken over.....and i am now the fight commentater
leave Mike alone.....your new contact is me. Mike has better things to do than argue with you.
as far as Pictrures go go check out the "Mera in Paradise" thread...... talk about pride and the cherishing of something. there is hardly any pics of the guys cars that are "Regulars" over there. so if i cant get the Mera guys to show off their cars ( heck, even Rodney only has a few of his "old pics" over there) then, why the heck should Mike Post pics of the cars he may have worked on throught the years?? his costumers cars. i dont think the F-Car guys would apreaciate that one bit. "sooo lets see piss off "My" (Mera7) bread and butter or try to make the apes happy!?"
i perfer the bread/butter lightly toasted, thank you...
BS stinks all the way across. He could post everything he claims in less time than he's spent on this thread. Company name and address. Pretty damn simple. And you are looking really stupid defending him.
Originally posted by weaselbeak: BS stinks all the way across. He could post everything he claims in less time than he's spent on this thread. Company name and address. Pretty damn simple. And you are looking really stupid defending him.
and if he does cough the address, what do we get!!!! lay it on the line and i will get back to ya!!! how about a grand tour of his facillitys. you all pay up front if he is lying you get a refund of 3x the face value??
i believe in people first actions is last, most do not ever earn that... D
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 02-10-2011).]
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01:54 PM
Raydar Member
Posts: 41055 From: Carrollton GA. Out in the... country. Registered: Oct 1999
The end result is that I'll keep buying stuff from Rodney (as I suspect most others will. too.) Others would be wise to exercise due diligence before sending money (at least large amounts of it) to folks who feel the need to be secretive (I think the word "exclusive" was used.) As far as "exclusivity" goes, I hate snobs. My money is the same color as anybody's. I'll be more than happy to take it elsewhere. Over the years, I have come to recognize that when someone acts like they've got something to hide, they usually do. Sometimes it's just bullshit, bluster, and a vivid imagination. Sometimes it's criminal activity. (In this case I truly believe it's the former.) Or, hell... maybe he's in the Witness Protection program. If that's the case, it's a stroke of pure genius to be posting on an internet forum.
do you need the definition of "Personal space and Privicy"....ask V8 Archie how he really feels about "Pushpins" over his shop on Google earth. i have been on the recieving end of that, and in the end i agree. he dont want unwanted attention. and niether does Mike. the thing is Archie does Fieros so he has a vested interest involved. Mike on the other hand does Meras and Mera stuff and anything else he wants to. i do not see him being a Fiero parts/swap guy. he does Big trucks thus the pics already shown. you seem to think that Mikes business is what brought him.....if i buy a cryro whatever is that the someone in the Mall parting out their Fiero? in the end to me Mike, sinner or saint aint no skin off my should feel the same lest ye feel the brimstone on your buttocks......
my jugment errs on the side of man.....when Mike decides to not send me my pipes.....then Hell will come to FrogTown! or whatever OK is know for.....ohhh them big ass catfish....
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02:05 PM
System Bot
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
you know if i said i had a 12 inch penis, would you want me to post a picture to prove it? i did not think so. why? because i am sure (and hope) you would not care. to me this "Inqusition"/"witch hunt" is much the same thing....i mean to me. i hope not be alone in this line of thought tooo
so nice sunny and bright.......
your turn d
Pictures of 12" penis are actually quite commonly found, according to my Google picture search. I would need it to be posed with 2 forms of identification, including long form birth certificates. Oh, and a penny.
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02:05 PM
Boondawg Member
Posts: 38235 From: Displaced Alaskan Registered: Jun 2003
Humanbeings, to their benifit or demise, abhor an unsolved mystery. They must solve it. Even past the point were it actually even matters anymore, if it ever did at all.
Nothing against either side. But I would ask, "Rodney, why did you really care in the first place, and do you even really care about it any more at all?" Is the goal now just to "out" a lier?
What do you see as the ideal end to this situation? Does one of you have to "win"? What would that win look like? He shows every picture and address you want and then you admit you were wrong? Or he admits he made it all up and proves you right?
But what then? What's the gain?
Wouldn't your point best be served to just write to that person that you just cannot believe the stuff you have been shown and told, and it all just seems a bit too fishy. If it is indeed all made up as is suspected, you suggest this person might want to seek some help, as this chosen path is not healthy and will tend to lead people to believe that a person who makes up stories about themselves may not be a trust worthy person in other areas, too. Wish them luck, and if they ever want to talk, feel free to contact you.
That opens the door to allow that person to come clean, agree to dissagree, or simply just end the arguement. Either way, you make your point, bow out gracefully, and remain steadfast, with dignity intact.
Just an idea, with no harm intended.
Very well said.
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03:44 PM
Mickey_Moose Member
Posts: 7557 From: Edmonton, AB, Canada Registered: May 2001
i dont think the F-Car guys would apreaciate that one bit. "sooo lets see piss off "My" (Mera7) bread and butter or try to make the apes happy!?"
Why would they not want pictures posted? I know a shop that posts all kinds of pictures of the work and services he provides of ALL the exotics he has. This is all on his website and he has posted videos and what not. Isn't the point of owning an exotic to show the world?? If not, buddy you are buying the wrong car - I don't want attention, so what do I do is buy a Ferrari...
BTW - the shop I am talking about is ZR Auto - do a search for and all kinds of info comes up - this is how you promote a business, not hiding away in a closet someplace.
IMHO, anyone running any type of business that is unwilling to provide a person any pictures of the work they have done/do sounds more like a scam. People I have done business with never have any problems sending me any pictures/info/show me around the shop when I ask. THEY ARE PROUD OF THE WORK/SERVICES THEY PROVIDE. Hiding makes one question if they are what they say.
Just a simple observation…
Originally posted by Boondawg:
Humanbeings, to their benifit or demise, abhor an unsolved mystery. They must solve it. Even past the point were it actually even matters anymore, if it ever did at all.
Nothing against either side. But I would ask, "Rodney, why did you really care in the first place, and do you even really care about it any more at all?" Is the goal now just to "out" a lier?
What do you see as the ideal end to this situation? Does one of you have to "win"? What would that win look like? He shows every picture and address you want and then you admit you were wrong? Or he admits he made it all up and proves you right?
But what then? What's the gain?
Wouldn't your point best be served to just write to that person that you just cannot believe the stuff you have been shown and told, and it all just seems a bit too fishy. If it is indeed all made up as is suspected, you suggest this person might want to seek some help, as this chosen path is not healthy and will tend to lead people to believe that a person who makes up stories about themselves may not be a trust worthy person in other areas, too. Wish them luck, and if they ever want to talk, feel free to contact you.
That opens the door to allow that person to come clean, agree to dissagree, or simply just end the arguement. Either way, you make your point, bow out gracefully, and remain steadfast, with dignity intact.
Just an idea, with no harm intended.
The problem with this is, say I am a newbie and a complete knob - I come to the forum for help, I see posts of all this stuff that this guy apparently knows, so I take any advice that he gives me as being 100% correct, blah, blah, blah - only to find out that he was completely wrong and it costed me some good money (or I buy something from him and what I get is complete garbage).
I have been there before taking someone's word on something only to get burned - we all have - and I continue to see stuff like this.
...anyways, just MHO.
[This message has been edited by Mickey_Moose (edited 02-10-2011).]
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04:24 PM
Marvin McInnis Member
Posts: 11599 From: ~ Kansas City, USA Registered: Apr 2002
I have no direct interest in this matter either, but I do agree that something isn't right about it.
Piedmont, OK is still a really small town (population ~6,000). It used to be a farming community, but now it's mainly a suburban bedroom community just northwest of Oklahoma City. A Google search turned up three machine shops in Piedmont, one of which is named "Performance Parts Machine." Google maps shows that "Performance Parts Machine" is located in a predominantly-residential neighborhood, and it looks the parcel at the specific address is occupied by a large house with a couple of large metal outbulidings in the back. The outbuildings could be barns, or they could house a machine shop.
A quick Business Entities Search on the Oklahoma Secretary of State web site did not disclose any corporate name or fictitious name registration (required by Oklahoma law) under "Performance Parts Machine."
[This message has been edited by Marvin McInnis (edited 02-10-2011).]
. the thing is Archie does Fieros so he has a vested interest involved. Mike on the other hand does Meras and Mera stuff and anything else he wants to.
Right, and Meras are not Fiero's how? This is confusing the heck out of me man. You keep saying that he doesn't handle Fiero's, but he does do Meras, which are Fiero's. Your also kinda insinuating that Fiero's don't matter because they are not Meras.
Am I reading that wrong?
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04:40 PM
Boondawg Member
Posts: 38235 From: Displaced Alaskan Registered: Jun 2003
i am a private person by nature. i dont need to flash pictures or videos of my cars, trucks, customers cars or my penis to prove who i am or what i can do. dickman asked for pics of my trucks, shop, sema show, parts... whatever. those were provided and its still not enough. if i were to give my address or longitude and latitude coordinants or my social security number or birth cirtificate with me standing next to my monster truck signing my name in blood i assume it still would not be enough for those who are geared that way in their minds.
i have a priveledged life and dont feel the need to have to prove it to anyone. its none of anyones business. my statements and comments in various threads are just that. take them at face value for what its worth to you at the time. this lynch mob mentality is cruel and abusive of the pff site. people by nature are a curious mammal, understood. but if you and i dont have a business deal/relationship meaning you are buying something from me or i am buying something from you then all else is a moot point.
meras are not my business, they are my hobby. monster trucks, ferraris and porsches are my business. i dont need to advertise publicly, my advertisements are word of mouth satisfied customers and i have a 8 month waiting list to just get a car into my shop, yes we are that busy.
dan/merax is in no way affiliated with me or my businesses but he is an outstanding person and friend. he was only taking up for me. please leave dan alone and dont give him any harm for this between rodney and i...please.
as for the subject and nature of dickman and i's quarrel... its just that, between him and i. please honor that. thank you for your time, mike in oklahoma
[This message has been edited by mera7 (edited 02-10-2011).]
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05:02 PM
The Aura Member
Posts: 2290 From: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Registered: Nov 2001
Your name is not listed on the ownership of any shops in Piedmont.
Also, none of the shops match up with the pictures posted of your trucks.
And then, all of the shops in Piedmont have gravel driveways, I know of no one that will drive a 150k+ car down a gravel driveway (that doesn't mean they are not out there).
I'm right down the road, how do I drive over and visit sometime?
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05:10 PM
mera7 Member
Posts: 1355 From: piedmont oklahoma usa Registered: Sep 2009
he is supposedly the "mera registry" but he does not share mera information with the mera community. heck when i joined his registry i was supposed to get newsletters or something like that and i never have almost 2yrs later? how trust worthy or honorable is that? oh well. point is he doesnt help the mera community and if he does its mis information of mera 7005 or 7004 in sweden. but im sure he isnt going to share his blunder of that with all of you here. or that he states all 87 meras are gt's and all 88's are formula's and that there were 247 made. we have documents from corporate concepts that prove 87's were se's and gt's, and 88's were gt's and formulas and there were only 238 made. so what good is his mera info if its incorrect? its not any good at all. go dick man.
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05:46 PM
mera7 Member
Posts: 1355 From: piedmont oklahoma usa Registered: Sep 2009
Parts For Sale - Fiero.Net MERA, COMPLETE OR PROJECT... please email me or call me. or mike 405-517-7934. thank you for your time. mike in oklahoma. Price: $?$$$ ... - Cached - Similar
Mike Phillips
I googled everything I could think of.
Mike Phillips Ferrari, Porsche, Porsche race car, machine shop, monster truck etc. Virtually nothing to be found anywhere. For one that seems to be so involved in so many things it seems odd his name shows nothing on the internet. I would think there would be tons of stuff on the internet considering what this guy says he does and owns.
I found one obsolete post on a truck forum looking for some good used truck parts.
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06:08 PM
System Bot
Cheever3000 Member
Posts: 12400 From: The Man from Tallahassee Registered: Aug 2001
Right, and Meras are not Fiero's how? This is confusing the heck out of me man. You keep saying that he doesn't handle Fiero's, but he does do Meras, which are Fiero's. Your also kinda insinuating that Fiero's don't matter because they are not Meras.
Am I reading that wrong?
see the Mera is mostly body panels....the mechanicals are Fiero, yes. other things like engine and radiator grills, louvered sail panels are Mera only. Mike does not sell Fiero parts. he has molds for our Mera panels.... and seems to be handy with a V8 engine swap.
see i have hounded him longer than, Rodney or anybody else about posting Pics....but i conceeded that "he is not that way". and i got vested interest both for Mera Parts and for the info hiding in his car. now, sure i took offence, but i was not going to hound the guy. even tho i did....sorry cant stop. i love photos. but at the end of every was no hair of these buttocks....sooooo yeah. whatever.
so really there is not even a conflict of interest here because Rodney to my knowledge has no Mera Parts per sae....he has 308 replica parts. to us restored/OEM Mera owners these are seperate. part of the reason Mikes Mera parts were so pricey. He was forced by me to kill the profit margin and to keep some shady characters from splashing Meras for profit, flooding the market and trashing our future Market value.
so with that i say farewell my friend Mera7. see you at FieroRama 2011!!
see the Mera is mostly body panels....the mechanicals are Fiero, yes. other things like engine and radiator grills, louvered sail panels are Mera only. Mike does not sell Fiero parts. he has molds for our Mera panels.... and seems to be handy with a V8 engine swap.
see i have hounded him longer than, Rodney or anybody else about posting Pics....but i conceeded that "he is not that way". and i got vested interest both for Mera Parts and for the info hiding in his car. now, sure i took offence, but i was not going to hound the guy. even tho i did....sorry cant stop. i love photos. but at the end of every was no hair of these buttocks....sooooo yeah. whatever.
so really there is not even a conflict of interest here because Rodney to my knowledge has no Mera Parts per sae....he has 308 replica parts. to us restored/OEM Mera owners these are seperate. part of the reason Mikes Mera parts were so pricey. He was forced by me to kill the profit margin and to keep some shady characters from splashing Meras for profit, flooding the market and trashing our future Market value.
so with that i say farewell my friend Mera7. see you at FieroRama 2011!!
goodnight Dan
So, at least some of this whole thing was about $$?
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08:03 PM
Rodney Member
Posts: 4715 From: Caledonia, WI USA Registered: Feb 2000
see i have hounded him longer than, Rodney or anybody else about posting Pics....but i conceeded that "he is not that way".
goodnight Dan
He is not that way because he did not have the things he said he had and he did not do the things he said he did. Are you blind? He did post a few pictures of the things he did have. Not much it seems.
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08:57 PM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
Banned! Looks like not to many were buying into his B.S. I wonder how Rodney found any info on him anyway, there are over 260 listings for Mike Phillips in Oklahoma alone.
[This message has been edited by avengador1 (edited 02-10-2011).]
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09:17 PM
Marvin McInnis Member
Posts: 11599 From: ~ Kansas City, USA Registered: Apr 2002
Wow, banned. That many people were upset about this?
I won't even mention the rating (that looks like a negative) I picked up!
Looks like I picked one up as well, even though I did my best to not be a jerk in this thread. I still have only gave out two negatives in my time here.
I didn't expect a ban from this, I figured it would drag out and either end up a post with pictures of hot chicks, or go to the trash can.