| quote | Originally posted by Patrick:
Doni, could I blame it on a "ribald sense of humor" if I was to suggest to you to "lighten up"?  |
| quote | Originally posted by Doni Hagan:
Cute. |
I guess I'm just not smart enough to catch on to all that high brow colored folk humor.. it took me 5 or 6 times re-reading it to figure out that he was trying to make a black joke.
Let's see if we can get back on topic and mix the new race criteria up all in one fell shot..
So a guy walks into an airport bathroom to take a leak in the empty urinal next to a Jamaican fellow. Curious to see if "it" was true, he glanced down and notices that this guy had the word "MONEY" tattooed on his wiener. With a slight grimace at the though of a tattoo needle on his junk.. he has to ask..
"Excuse me.. I couldn't help but notice that you have 'MONEY' tattooed on your penis.. did it hurt very much?"
"Ya mon.. da pain be lots.. but da tattoo don say 'MONEY' mon... lemme show ya"
and with a little tug and pull... "WELCOME TO JAMAICA MON, HAVE A NICE DAY"