Ok long story short I had to go to the ER tonight because i was throwing up bial and a little bit of blood (not even a drop).. had some work done and they determined I had some small stomach bug. But for the 1st time in 14 years they got the drop on me and stuck my arm with an IV.... Now how long should i leave this thing on for.
small IV gauze wrap is simply to ensure that bleeding doesn't happen after the needle is out. It's not really for prevention of infection. After about 5 minutes after it's out take off the gauze and but a bandaid on.
Had 3 IV's and I'm just now 20
[This message has been edited by rmbrown09 (edited 07-18-2011).]
You let 'em put a slab of gauze on for a little IV prick? That'll be $188.79 just for that itsy bitsy piece of sterile (hopefully) cotton. You coulda just held your finger on it till the blood clotted and been just as well off--and not out near as much $$.
(lemee guess--while on a "rest period' down near the border a couple of weeks ago, you crossed the Rio and went to Boy's Town.)
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12:38 PM
boomme Member
Posts: 197 From: austin texas Registered: Feb 2011
No spell check in thread titles, that's why I write them in the post, and copy/paste.
haha... but that was a good belly chuckle you gave me...
and I'm guessing you threw up bile? not bial - the only Bial I know of was the 1900's gerrman doctor Manfred Bial - and if you were throwing him up...you had more issues than nasty gauze.
[This message has been edited by boomme (edited 07-18-2011).]
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01:56 PM
Firefox Member
Posts: 4307 From: New Berlin, Wisconsin Registered: Feb 2003
Dude....no offense to anyone here but this is a car forum. Wouldn't you think it would be better to ask the nurse that stuck you about this? You may have some kind of issue with your needle stick that no one here would be able to see or know about. Do you bleed like a stuck pig when you get poked? Do you have thin blood? Are you still bleeding? Does it hurt? If you are still holding the " gawz " in place you might want to call someone. Otherwise put a Band-aid on it.
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06:49 PM
blackrams Member
Posts: 32695 From: Covington, TN, USA Registered: Feb 2003
Dude....no offense to anyone here but this is a car forum. Wouldn't you think it would be better to ask the nurse that stuck you about this? You may have some kind of issue with your needle stick that no one here would be able to see or know about. Do you bleed like a stuck pig when you get poked? Do you have thin blood? Are you still bleeding? Does it hurt? If you are still holding the " gawz " in place you might want to call someone. Otherwise put a Band-aid on it.
Oh Man, I've seen a stuck pig bleed, it ain't pretty. Well, unless you're making blood pudding from the leaking pig. The end result is good ole pork chops. Yum.......................
Sorry, back to the topic at hand. Keep the gauze on as long as you like, eventually, it'll stink and you'll realize you could have pulled it off within minutes of it being applied.
Ok long story short I had to go to the ER tonight because i was throwing up bial and a little bit of blood (not even a drop).. had some work done and they determined I had some small stomach bug. But for the 1st time in 14 years they got the drop on me and stuck my arm with an IV.... Now how long should i leave this thing on for.
Sorry you weren't feeling well. I hope you feel better today.
They just put the gauze on after the iv is taken out to keep a little pressure on the small puncture hole, and to soak up whatever little blood leaks. There is no magical amount of time to leave it on. 15 minutes? No need for longer than an hour, unless someone is on blood thinners. 5 minutes would be fine for some people.
If you take it off too soon, it would ooze a little blood and then you just put a band aid on it again. Regarding simple stuff, I don't see any problem with people asking on this car forum. There are a LOT of topics where people have asked questions and got excellent advice. I think his asking us on this forum is a reflection of the confidence he has in this excellent community of helpful people, and he probably felt he would be treated better asking on here than he would asking a nurse.