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i won’t photograph ugly people | indiana county, pa photographer by Gokart Mozart
Started on: 08-23-2011 08:45 AM
Replies: 10
Last post by: Gokart Mozart on 08-23-2011 10:25 PM
Gokart Mozart
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Report this Post08-23-2011 08:45 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Gokart MozartClick Here to visit Gokart Mozart's HomePageSend a Private Message to Gokart MozartDirect Link to This Post

I wrote a blog a month or two ago that talked about all the things I learned about being a “self employeed” business owner. I was only roughly a few weeks into it when I posted the blog but I wrote about the Random Realities of Being Self Employed. It was more tongue in cheek really, I mean I talked about such things like how your boss is awesome (which is true..haha), about how you can sleep in, how you talk to yourself and answer your self because you have no co-workers to chat with. For those of you who don’t know, I recently quit my full time day job to pursue my dream of being a full time photographer. As exciting as it sounds that I’m following my dream and ultimately getting paid to do what I love, it also comes with a lot of accountability and responsibilities.I mean, I *AM* my own boss and if my business fails it’s *MY* fault, I can’t share the blame with a co-worker or a supervisor….it’s my fault.

With that said, I recently made a decision that I know could ultimately create backlash for what I’ve decided….and honestly, I don’t care! The really cool thing-(even among all the scary things of owning a business) is that you can make decisions without having to go through the hierarchy
of people. On a whim yesterday after seeing something that was so appalling, I decided I was going to email some of my clients to tell them “I’m sorry but I won’t take your photos”.

Let me explain. Last night I posted on facebook the following: “If I’m wrong, please speak up. I came across a page on facebook that was created (by someone under a ficticious name) thats purpose is to bully, ridicule and say mean and hurtful things about their class mates. While visiting the page, I found several teenage girls that have scheduled sessions with me for their senior pictures. I am emailing them tomorrow to cancel their shoots. I do not want them to represent my business and I am beside myself at how MEAN and CRUEL they were on that page.” As I was drafting the email that I was going to send out to the clients my phone was blowing up with comments.

Now I realize it’s going to be hard to know that every person that ever contacts me isn’t a bully, I understand that…but in this specific instance it was right in front of my face. I saw it with my own wasn’t hear say, it was right there..with their smiling face right beside such an ugly statement. I couldn’t forget about it, I mean how I could spend 2 hours with someone during our session trying to take beautiful photos of them knowing they could do such UGLY things. Realistically, I know by canceling their shoots it’s not going to make them “nicer people” but I refuse to let people like that represent my business.

This morning I sent out 4 emails to those clients while CC’ing in their parents explaining WHY I was canceling their shoots. I also included screen shots of the comments they made. They couldn’t deny it, I had the picture of what they said. I informed them that I’d be sending their deposits back and that they’d have to find another photographer. So far, I have received two emails back from their parents that claimed (I’m paraphrasing) they were shocked that this had happened. They apologized that their child acted in such a way and that they would deal with the matter. So far I haven’t received any backlash but I’m ready for it. I’m a small business owner and I have the luxury of making that decision. If you are ugly on the inside, I’m sorry but I won’t take your photos to make you look pretty on the outside!

I’m not going to give a big speech that says how wrong or uncool it is…because let’s face it, you are seniors you should know better. I’m not trying to save the world of bullies or trying to start a movement. I simply don’t want to photograph ugly people!

To all of you who commented or “liked” the status… It’s heart warming to know that you support my decision.
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Report this Post08-23-2011 09:41 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofan25Send a Private Message to fierofan25Direct Link to This Post
I agree,bullies are ugly on so many levels. Yes you were right for emailing their parents and canceling. Those girls need to learn that there is consequences for their actions.
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Report this Post08-23-2011 09:49 AM Click Here to See the Profile for PyrthianSend a Private Message to PyrthianDirect Link to This Post
it would be a wholly different world if "ugly" people could not get services from anyone.....

yes - Facebook as exposed many many people to others that they would normally never see.
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Report this Post08-23-2011 02:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ls3machSend a Private Message to ls3machDirect Link to This Post
When I was reading this initially I thought you meant physically ugly. I was like and thinking damn he just signed his bankruptcy slip. I don't think I would not do photos for the people. Their personal lives aren't my business. If you have enough business to turn people down I guess that is your prerogative. Cool that you are able to do what you love though.

What you just decide that I'm drunk? You can't decide that I'm drunk. I make that decision! That decision is mine and God's!

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Report this Post08-23-2011 04:39 PM Click Here to See the Profile for User00013170Send a Private Message to User00013170Direct Link to This Post
As long as you are ok with your decision, it doesn't matter what others think. its your business, your decision.
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Report this Post08-23-2011 05:13 PM Click Here to See the Profile for twofatguysSend a Private Message to twofatguysDirect Link to This Post

If you are able to stand for what you morally believe than that's awesome.

Me, even as big of a "jerk" as I am, and as much as I push my morals ahead of me, I have set them aside from time to time because I couldn't afford them at the time.

A few examples of dropping my morals to make a living:

  • Selling things over the phone, I was instructed to "do anything" to make the sale. I did a few times, and made money, I also left for that reason.
  • I once lied on an application to make myself appear to have more experience in an area I didn't. Got the job, and was able to do it fine, never felt good about it.
  • Drove this truck over the road for a few years with no CDL. (I have mixed emotions on this one, I was safe, and followed all other laws to the letter, I was also capable of driving the truck. However I did break the law to make money, and that in itself is wrong.)

I'm sure there are other things, but that's the items that come to mind off hand.


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Report this Post08-23-2011 05:36 PM Click Here to See the Profile for User00013170Send a Private Message to User00013170Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by twofatguys:

Me, even as big of a "jerk" as I am, and as much as I push my morals ahead of me, I have set them aside from time to time because I couldn't afford them at the time.

As has most of us around here. When it comes down to eating or sticking to my morals, i will always choose eating.
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Report this Post08-23-2011 08:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 8BallSend a Private Message to 8BallDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by fierofan25:

Yes you were right for emailing their parents and canceling. Those girls need to learn that there is consequences for their actions.

I am PRETTY sure Gokart was not talking about HIMself
The article is by a GIRL named Jen
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Report this Post08-23-2011 09:59 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ThatFieroKidSend a Private Message to ThatFieroKidDirect Link to This Post
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Report this Post08-23-2011 10:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for CooterSend a Private Message to CooterDirect Link to This Post
I was bullied as a kid and it has effected me as an adult. I guess that is why I have a very low tolerance for bullies. Nearly every day I have kids come to me and tell about being bullied or treated badly by other kids. Somewhere along the way, the punks have learned that it is okay to treat others like trash and it is perfectly fine because they can do whatever they want. They need to see that being a jackass has consequences. Good for the photographer for taking a stand!

[This message has been edited by Cooter (edited 08-23-2011).]

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Gokart Mozart
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Report this Post08-23-2011 10:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Gokart MozartClick Here to visit Gokart Mozart's HomePageSend a Private Message to Gokart MozartDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 8Ball:

I am PRETTY sure Gokart was not talking about HIMself
The article is by a GIRL named Jen

and I'm from Detroit, not PA...
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