since ive been seeing alot of gun threads on here lately i figure id ask about one myself.
i am whether its frowned upon or not a HUGE robocop fan and in the movie he used a modified m93r, i have searched far and wide to find this weapon an even tho it is an automatic i can get a license for it in the land of packers and cows. but i just cant find it so il going to do an alternative m92. but my question is how hard would it be to go form this.
to this?
obviously ill need a little longer barrel but what about getting those parts cnc'd? or does anyone know of a kit that will do it?
[This message has been edited by Niterrorz (edited 11-06-2011).]
i have to say for this i would be willing to dig deep maybe trade a fiero for one (of course not stock) i forgot who it was in general chat that did the 3d printing but maybe he could fab up a mock extension for me so i can take it to someone with a cnc machine to cut out the extended barrel housing.
(Leaving this sentence in, just for reference Just get a Glock 18 for full-auto-pistol joy (if indeed you could 'get a license for it'). If you are one of the 'more equal citizens'***, then this is a much less expensive proposition than having all the custom machining done on a very limited Beretta.
(EDIT- Just read up on the M93R.. I had no idea Beretta made that! Very cool! Might even be some pre-'86 available for the right price!!)
***'more equal citizens' would typically include law enforcement, some FFL's, and those politically connected enough to escape the watchful gaze of the BATFE.
(Short of the above exceptions, I'm aware of no locality in the USA that allows 'less equal citizens' to purchase post-'86 NFA items without running afoul of the Hughes amendment to the FOPA, despite the Hughes amendment being voted DOWN and somehow getting included in the final bill anyway)
[This message has been edited by dsnover (edited 11-07-2011).]
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09:18 AM
dsnover Member
Posts: 1668 From: Cherryville, PA USA Registered: Apr 2006
More on the M93R: It seems that there are NO transferable M93R's in existence in the USA. Was not available pre-1968, which was when the last 'legal' import of a full-auto or select fire weapon could be done for a private citizen. Bummer. Cool looking gun though...
[This message has been edited by dsnover (edited 11-07-2011).]
ive found mp's for sale at full auto for 2500$ before. and i checked with the state of wisconsin a while back and it takes reg. with the ATF and $500 for a class 3 license and then everytime you move you have to tell the ATF as well. i believe supressors are also covered in this. ill have to find that info again
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03:14 PM
dsnover Member
Posts: 1668 From: Cherryville, PA USA Registered: Apr 2006
ive found mp's for sale at full auto for 2500$ before. and i checked with the state of wisconsin a while back and it takes reg. with the ATF and $500 for a class 3 license and then everytime you move you have to tell the ATF as well. i believe supressors are also covered in this. ill have to find that info again
Not trying to doubt you, but if it were only a matter of $500 a year for a class 3 SOT, there would be people all over the place doing that, as it would be considerably cheaper to do that than what the going rate is for pre-'86 registered receivers, DIAS, and MG's. But I think you might want to research that a bit more, as the BATFE is pretty adamant that the class 3 SOT is for a legitimate business, and even then, in order to get the newer post-86 stuff you have to have legitimate 'demo' letters in order to get what you need to do the 'demo'. Screw it up, and they pull your license (best case), or prosecute you for tax evasion, conspiracy to commit fraud, fraud, etc.
Certainly not impossible, but it will cost far more than the $500 annual class 3 SOT license. Here's a posting from another forum that kinda goes over things:
You can become a home based SOT. You will first need to obtain a business licence for your home premisis (zoning laws will come in to play), you will then need to apply for your 01 FFL. This is a long and wierd application. You'll have a couple ATF "Compliance Inspections" from the ATF. They will want to know you do intend to do business. Once the FFL is granted you need to be aware that your ENTIRE premisis will be up for inspection at their discression for "compliance inpsections"... Although the rules state that only the space designated for business is inspectable, they will inspect your entire house (I have a friend that was home based until he got inspected.. then he moved his operation to a work-shed he keeps in his yard. It has a seperate address and all that so now the ATF can't come into him home)... Once you get the FFL granted, you then apply for a Class 3 SOT (its a simple 1 page form) and attach a $500.00 check to that. That will come back approved in about 2/3 months (if you can have an FFL you will be granted the SOT). Every year the SOT will cost you $500.00.
When you get the SOT you can purchase pre-86 dealer sample & transferable machinguns, Short shotguns & rifles, and AOWs. For post-86 dealer sample guns you HAVE to have a LEO Demonstration letter signed. Once you have that you can aquire that particular model gun and keep it as long as you maintain your SOT status. When you give up your SOT status you either have to sell beforehand, torch to ATF Specs, or turn/transfer to police departments all your Post-sample guns. The rest transfers tax-free into your personal inventory (thats what the 500.00 tax is there for.. its pre-pays the transfer tax.. this is why people that use the SOT for personal reasons and not for business get busted for tax evaison and fraud)... ALL YOUR HOME BASED FFL's /SOT's do it for the fun of it. For the personal gain & to aquire NFA WITHOUT having to They just use the SOT's to make a little extra money on the side.. and the ATF is ok with this.. it does not have to be full time..)
Federal Paperwork requirements (State Rules Vary):
1. Every time an item moves (in or out of inventory, reguradles of reason) you will have to input that into your "Bound Book" also known as "Disposition Record".
2. Every time you make a sale you are REQUIRED to maintain the 4473 indefinetly. These forms DO NOT EXPIRE.
3. For EVERY sale except NFA you will have to make a telephone call to your State's NIC Check center. BEFORE the customer can take posession of the item.
4. There are no minimun sales requirement set. Thats up to the individual SAIC stationed in your local ATF Branch. You want to try VERY HARD to get as many sales as you can. You HAVE to make a decernable effort to attract and aquire business! You annual compliance checks they are looking for this...
5. You have to keep meticulous records in your Bound Book! They will nit-pick the $hit out of this! They will also inspect your filing system of your 4473's and other state required paperwork.
6. For your first couple years you can expect a few inspections a year. By not just the Feds, but the local authorities as well. And dont expect them to call ahead of time. If you're at your full time job, be prepaired to leave early to come home to let them in... (they CANNOT break into your home for this, you MUST be present).
7. Also be prepaied for them to be rude. They are doing this on purpose. They want to see how well you handle yourself with their afrontofness. Do NOT be rude back to them. Be sturn, but professional AT ALL TIMES. If they insult you ask them to leave. Its rather simple actually.. but a LOT to get right.
8. They do not expect a new FFL to have everything right the first time around. They will give you a lot of grief over your mistakes, but they generally will not make you talk to the magistrate unless its the same mistakes over a couple inspections. If you are attempting to do it right they will answer all questions you have. The interviews they give prior to the ATF inspections is the best time to pick their brains on proper paperwork handeling questions. Get on Brownell's and purchase their copy of the ATF Dealers Disposition Record/Bound Book.. Ask other FFL's in your area how they do theirs... most FFL's that you're friendly with will help you out... They also expect that you know a good deal on how to do this BEFORE you apply for your FFL.
I recently looked over the paperwork for some of my local police department purchases. A NEW select-fire Colt AR platform 'assault rifle' is about 800 bucks. If a non-law enforcement citizen wants something similar, it would be 10,000 and up, since it must come from a pool of pre 1986 registered weapons. Isn't that a kick in the 'nads?
ya then i musta read it wrong but that is wack 10 grand for a regular ol joe to own a full auto...pfff thats bs if you ask me. but thats why i wanna do this mod to a m92fs or actually an M9 even tho they are pretty much identical. the M9 is just more affordable.
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04:09 PM
dsnover Member
Posts: 1668 From: Cherryville, PA USA Registered: Apr 2006
ya then i musta read it wrong but that is wack 10 grand for a regular ol joe to own a full auto...pfff thats bs if you ask me. but thats why i wanna do this mod to a m92fs or actually an M9 even tho they are pretty much identical. the M9 is just more affordable.
Not to rain on your parade, but modifying any existing firearm to function full auto is illegal, regardless of parts availability, and can land you in a federal penn quite quickly. I really don't want to see anyone land themselves in prison.
The BATFE even considers possession of a 'drop in auto sear' (the one part that can make just about any AR platform rifle fire full-auto) WITHOUT THE REST OF THE RIFLE the same as actually having a full-auto rifle unregistered. They are really, really, REALLY not nice about this stuff.
I'm really not a fan of the laws as they are currently written. But, that's the way they are for now, and until something changes, are what we are held to....
LOL no ya i knew that i just wanted it to look like that :-P altho having a ful auto would be nice!!!! ya im really just lookin for a replica thats semi auto thats why i was thinking about using the M9
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04:29 PM
System Bot
kyunderdawg Member
Posts: 4373 From: Bowling Green, KY. USA Registered: Aug 2008
Not to rain on your parade, but modifying any existing firearm to function full auto is illegal, regardless of parts availability, and can land you in a federal penn quite quickly. I really don't want to see anyone land themselves in prison.
The BATFE even considers possession of a 'drop in auto sear' (the one part that can make just about any AR platform rifle fire full-auto) WITHOUT THE REST OF THE RIFLE the same as actually having a full-auto rifle unregistered. They are really, really, REALLY not nice about this stuff.
I'm really not a fan of the laws as they are currently written. But, that's the way they are for now, and until something changes, are what we are held to....
Bla, bla, bla! There is always going to be a lot of people talking from their behind on this subject because either they did not do research of their research is based on the rules of their state. dsnover, the rules you have talked about, would also allow a California resident to own full auto but, in most states, you pay the tax stamp before or after the purchase and if neither the Sheriff or the FBI do not ***** , it is yours. If it is legal in your state, work with a NFA dealer, find what you want on line and have him get it for you.
How much do I know about full auto? The 4 charges covered that. I got half a pass because I said that I wanted to comply with federal law but doing so would be in violation CA of the illegal ban of the 2nd amendment right to own the arms of my choice. I took a plea, it was completely random that I did not serve 40 years.
I'm not quite sure where you are coming from on this post. I can't speak to any laws in Kalifornia. I was speaking of Federal laws...state laws are too numerous to deal with unless you are living in that state. Some states allow NFA items, some do not. I'm fortunate to live in a state that allows them.
The tax stamp issue isn't the big deal, really. That's 200 bucks, applies to any NFA item, basically some paperwork and a bunch of B.S. wait time from the BATFE. Here in Pennsylvania, we are legal to own NFA items. You either need to have your local Chief of Police be willing to sign the applications, or, form a 'Trust' to bypass that. Silencers, SBR's, AOW's, no big deal. Full Auto, really, not a big deal either, except for the expense, since again, the item MUST be made prior to the passing of the Hughes amendment of FOPA.
I believe the NFA is unconstitutional, as well as any other restriction on our rights to keep and bear arms. Yes, I have no problems with people having pretty much whatever they can afford. If you have the means for a fully outfitted Harrier, cool. Our nation was fought for and won with the arms that the general population had at hand. That included privately owned cannons (the artillery of the day), explosives, etc.
Some say the founding fathers couldn't have imagined the destructive potential of today's modern arms. I posit that they wouldn't care. They wanted the 2nd Amendment in place to allow We the People to be the ultimate authority when their own government becomes tyrannical. To limit arms would mean that would be impossible.
I hope that your charges did not render you a prohibited person....
Originally posted by FriendGregory:
Bla, bla, bla! There is always going to be a lot of people talking from their behind on this subject because either they did not do research of their research is based on the rules of their state. dsnover, the rules you have talked about, would also allow a California resident to own full auto but, in most states, you pay the tax stamp before or after the purchase and if neither the Sheriff or the FBI do not ***** , it is yours. If it is legal in your state, work with a NFA dealer, find what you want on line and have him get it for you.
How much do I know about full auto? The 4 charges covered that. I got half a pass because I said that I wanted to comply with federal law but doing so would be in violation CA of the illegal ban of the 2nd amendment right to own the arms of my choice. I took a plea, it was completely random that I did not serve 40 years.
Liked your last post better, if you life in one of the better state that allow legal ownership, I would want one also.
Am I a prohibited person? No, reduced to a single misdemeanor, they kept my ammo and prohibited firearms. Lost 4 to 6 thousand in ammo and about the same in guns. The lawyer got plenty, paid a fine, did some community service. I am not the sort that looks to hurt anybody and my history proves that(no matter that I would do what needs doing if the time came, as in what would a hero do).
I kind of like the slow speed of a full auto UZI. When you get enough practice in, you can sweep targets and not waste bullets. MAC11 380, silly fast and fun. MAC10 9mm, fast and feels like something worth bring to a fight. UZI pistol, too fast but might be what you need to write your name on a wall. Interdynamic KG-9 looks mean, you might not need to fire it but you will be glad you brought it because it works so good. HK G3, a 308 Nato makes the bones shake as 2,820 fps cracks the speed of sound over and over and makes a great trench in wet ground. Those sears for AR15 family of guns work(there are several types, with serial numbers and registrable). A M4(short m16) will cover the ground in brass if you have a few drums in a matter of a minute. The MP5K just feels right, a laser sight is what you need because this giant 9mm is uncomfortable to use the sights in full auto, unlike how I feel about the MACs and UZIs.
I do not really fool around with the guns any more but, I have what I need and that is good enough. Now I concentrate on gardening and working on a car.
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11:34 PM
Nov 9th, 2011
dsnover Member
Posts: 1668 From: Cherryville, PA USA Registered: Apr 2006
I can't believe the state was allowed to confiscate your private property (beyond any NFA items deemed 'illegal' in your state). They should have returned any 'legal' arms, and all ammo. It's BS to the nth degree.
I guess we have the government we elected, though.....
Originally posted by FriendGregory:
Liked your last post better, if you life in one of the better state that allow legal ownership, I would want one also.
Am I a prohibited person? No, reduced to a single misdemeanor, they kept my ammo and prohibited firearms. Lost 4 to 6 thousand in ammo and about the same in guns. The lawyer got plenty, paid a fine, did some community service. I am not the sort that looks to hurt anybody and my history proves that(no matter that I would do what needs doing if the time came, as in what would a hero do).
I kind of like the slow speed of a full auto UZI. When you get enough practice in, you can sweep targets and not waste bullets. MAC11 380, silly fast and fun. MAC10 9mm, fast and feels like something worth bring to a fight. UZI pistol, too fast but might be what you need to write your name on a wall. Interdynamic KG-9 looks mean, you might not need to fire it but you will be glad you brought it because it works so good. HK G3, a 308 Nato makes the bones shake as 2,820 fps cracks the speed of sound over and over and makes a great trench in wet ground. Those sears for AR15 family of guns work(there are several types, with serial numbers and registrable). A M4(short m16) will cover the ground in brass if you have a few drums in a matter of a minute. The MP5K just feels right, a laser sight is what you need because this giant 9mm is uncomfortable to use the sights in full auto, unlike how I feel about the MACs and UZIs.
I do not really fool around with the guns any more but, I have what I need and that is good enough. Now I concentrate on gardening and working on a car.