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Japan's nuke problems--what's happening?--conflicting reports. by maryjane
Started on: 03-12-2011 09:14 AM
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Last post by: 8Ball on 10-25-2013 05:04 PM
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From: Coeur d' alene Idaho USA
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Report this Post10-23-2013 03:01 PM Click Here to See the Profile for drattsSend a Private Message to drattsDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by fieroX:

You know that radioactive material is many, many times heavier than sea water, and will eventually end up at the bottom of a trench many miles below the surface stuck for millennia to decompose. And water is a natural barrier of radiation. Within 10 feet underwater from radioactive material, you are safe. I agree that it could be a problem, but that ocean is huge. And mother nature takes care of herself.

I'm curious what your occupation or investments are since you seem to be completely unconcerned with the environment and confident that we can pollute at will with no repercussions. It's private information of course and you don't have to answer if you don't feel like it. Just curious what it is that motivates you.
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Report this Post10-23-2013 03:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for drattsSend a Private Message to drattsDirect Link to This Post


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I'm concerned too, but I sure hope that you are suffering from paranoia. Not a put down. I just hope that it isn't as serious as you think.
Originally posted by FieroMonkey:

The pacific ocean is the time it is made known to the ignorant masses and they finally demand the criminals responsible for hiding the truth and not working to contain this enough be held accountable, they will be either dead of old age or immune to prosecution in relation to their crimes simply because they were elected to an office...

If the reality and time tables of the radiation and health risk to humans were made public, can you imagine what that would do? Millions of people in exodus fleeing the massive areas of contamination, ruined values of entire regions of real estate, financial markets, businesses. A global market collapse could theoretically be triggered. And that is why this will for years be concealed and flat out lied about. Only when there are more dead sea life and humans than they can hide or misdiagnose, will the truth be too big to hide, but by then it will be too late for many people who will be suffering the radioactive and financial fallout.

Chernobyl was nothing compared to what F***ashima will be doing to this planet for generations to come. But by all means, keep generating power from is soooo cheap and safe....3 digit numbers of reactors on earth and only 1 or 2 of them having accidents can ruin the entire planet? what could 'possibly' go wrong......

Edit; P.S. I would seriously consider NOT eating any seafood plucked out of the Pacific ocean. And the CA beaches are off limits to my kids here. Boats, houses and garbage from The tsunami are still landing here. It would be foolish to believe radiation cant make the trip as well

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Report this Post10-23-2013 05:13 PM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
That's scary.

The word that is.


That's all it takes. Just mention the word.

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Report this Post10-24-2013 06:34 PM Click Here to See the Profile for fieroXSend a Private Message to fieroXDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by dratts:

I'm curious what your occupation or investments are since you seem to be completely unconcerned with the environment and confident that we can pollute at will with no repercussions. It's private information of course and you don't have to answer if you don't feel like it. Just curious what it is that motivates you.

My occupation, I own a business refinishing Firearms, manufacturing ammunition and building custom rifles. I specialize in custom AK's and I have my own brand of AR-15's. I sell ammo online at and on Gunbroker.

I am invested in Silver, Gold, Bitcoin and a few select biotech and energy stocks. I am also heavily invested in ammunition. Viva La Revolucion!
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Report this Post10-24-2013 06:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for drattsSend a Private Message to drattsDirect Link to This Post
Energy stocks! Which ones? Again, you don't have to answer, but that is the only one that I think might have a connection with your viewpoints. I'm sure that it could go either way, you might have picked your stocks because of your viewpoint or you might have come to a viewpoint because of your stocks. If I'm being too nosy, feel free to tell me that I am. I'm coming from the renewable energy field so it's say to see what motivates me.

[This message has been edited by dratts (edited 10-24-2013).]

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Report this Post10-25-2013 10:27 AM Click Here to See the Profile for fieroXSend a Private Message to fieroXDirect Link to This Post
Ive been in and out of SGY alot over the past few years. Now I hold PGH because it pays a 9% dividend, and I got in cheap. Itll be a $10 stock again someday.
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Report this Post10-25-2013 05:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 8BallSend a Private Message to 8BallDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by dratts:

I'm concerned too, but I sure hope that you are suffering from paranoia. Not a put down. I just hope that it isn't as serious as you think.

He is not suffering from Paranoia. I can assure you. I work in Nuclear and it is every bit as bad as he has said. Actually, it is worse.
The Pacific Ocean is basically dead. Do NOT eat anything out of the Pacific ocean. The Radiation levels on our west coast are already spiking and the majority of the plume is still a year away.

Believe me or don't I do not care. But it really is VERY VERY irreversibly bad. There needs to be more attention brought to the public view about this.. But Mass MEdia has all but black listed any story about it.
Meanwhile our world governments are quaking in their boots.

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