| quote | John Doe Picquart 1234 9 de Abril - Partido Esteban Echeverria Buenos Aires 1839 Argentina |
9 de Abril is a date, like 5 de Mayo. It could also be the name of the neighborhood. The address shows a location when you input it into Google Maps. Picquart 1234 would be the street address. 9 de Abril - Partido Esteban Echeveria might be a neighborhood named after a date and poltical party name. Buenos Aires is the city name and 1839 could be a zip code.
I used Bing to find the address of the Congressional building in Argentina. Here is the format they used:
Congreso de la Nación Argentina
Av. Rivadavia 1864 - C. P. C1033AAU
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires , Capital Federal Argentina
[This message has been edited by avengador1 (edited 04-26-2012).]