So I am doing a few repairs and upgrades and ran over to Best Buy to look at Micro-Hoods. As I walk to the isle I pass a Best Buy Employee desparately trying to escape some yahoo Obama supporter wearing his Obama Baseball cap. The clown was asking in a loud voice how much the clerk makes every hour and was touting the fact that he is retired now after making $45/hour and living on a fat pension. He was claiming Unions were great for the country. All this, by the way, on the same day that Stockton, California declared Bankruptcy making it the 3rd city in California to go belly up during the Obama Administration and the Largest City in American history (300,000 people) to declare bankruptcy.
So this poor clerk is desparate to help me and said 3 or 4 times to the clown, "I really have to get back to work. {turned to me} My I help you sir?" The yahoo kept asking how much he made. This tubby yutz couldn't take shut the **** up for an answer so I turned to him and in a very LOUD and POINTED TODDSTER SPECIAL VOICE told him to shut his commie bullshit pie hole and get the **** out of the store. Well, you can guess what happened next. He started on his Obama talking points and other clerks started to conglomerate around. There were 4 of them standing by. So the yutz again mentions his pension and I laid into him. I asked him were the money for his pension came from and proceeded to destroy him with the facts. Within minutes the Best Buy employees were all fist pumping the air and el retardo was stammering. I ended the education of another dumbshit by saying "Now if you'll excuse me, I have fat obnoxious retirees to feed with my taxes so this gentleman and I will now proceed to discuss the benefits of this Microhood". At that point three employees jumped in between us and "escorted" the asshat out the door.
btw, I went with the Whirlpool and got 50% off from the manager! Total cost with tax, $142 for a new micro hood
Yes, it is a good day!
You sir, made my day. Thank you. Seriously, you really made my day!! A HUGE + for you!!!!!!
------------------ Tim '87 GT Auto Med Red Metallic 78K miles Bay City, MI
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01:45 PM
htexans1 Member
Posts: 9114 From: Clear Lake City/Houston TX Registered: Sep 2001
He'd proabably call it a fake, or accuse me of shopping at the only "Conservative Best Buy" in Calfornia, or claim lightning in a bottle. Anything but accept reality!
You could have had a youtube video of the incident and it would still be called a "Photoshopped fake"
It was still a good story anyway. I enjoyed it.
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02:16 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
I can only imagine the amount of people Roger has converted to conservative by mocking them. I always listen best to instructions if I'm called an idiot first, really warms me up to whatever they're suggesting.
Apparently you cant convert liberals (thats who I meant to mock btw). They will believe in the fuhrer no matter what. They might even get him back in because their brain cant figure anything out on their own. My best hope is to catch the ones on the fence and tip them toward a better result than the current bunglers in office now. Even college kids who listen to Obama tell them hes helping lower their tuition still believe the lies hes spouting....even after interest on tuitions go up by double in July. Are they that stupid...apparently yes.
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04:26 PM
no2pencil Member
Posts: 1523 From: Fort Lauderdale, FL Registered: Oct 2009
Even college kids who listen to Obama tell them hes helping lower their tuition still believe the lies hes spouting....even after interest on tuitions go up by double in July. Are they that stupid...apparently yes.
You're so in touch my generation. How do you do it?
Apparently you cant convert liberals (thats who I meant to mock btw). They will believe in the fuhrer no matter what. They might even get him back in because their brain cant figure anything out on their own. My best hope is to catch the ones on the fence and tip them toward a better result than the current bunglers in office now. Even college kids who listen to Obama tell them hes helping lower their tuition still believe the lies hes spouting....even after interest on tuitions go up by double in July. Are they that stupid...apparently yes.
People on the fence will be more turned off by obnoxious actions than by anything else. Reasonable discussion is the only way to actually, effectively win a debate.
I was strictly Republican until about a year ago. The calm and collected Liberals on PFF got me to keep an ear open. After engaging in a lot of conversations, I realized that I hadn't formed a lot of my own opinions, but was really just repeating talking points. Now, I'm much more educated, and consider myself a Libertarian rather than a Republican. Ray B didn't alter any of my convictions, people like newf did (who may or may not be a Liberal, but he isn't a full-blooded Conservative).
And if I were a Democrat, and I was on this forum, people like you and Todd, who wouldn't jump off the Republican train if it would save your life, wouldn't be the ones making me listen.
That isn't to say that having those opinions is all bad. It's not; that's your opinion; that's great. It turns into a negative with the smear tactics and circle jerk sessions over "pwning" some liberal in Best Buy.
So I am doing a few repairs and upgrades and ran over to Best Buy to look at Micro-Hoods. As I walk to the isle I pass a Best Buy Employee desparately trying to escape some yahoo Obama supporter wearing his Obama Baseball cap. The clown was asking in a loud voice how much the clerk makes every hour and was touting the fact that he is retired now after making $45/hour and living on a fat pension. He was claiming Unions were great for the country. All this, by the way, on the same day that Stockton, California declared Bankruptcy making it the 3rd city in California to go belly up during the Obama Administration and the Largest City in American history (300,000 people) to declare bankruptcy.
So this poor clerk is desparate to help me and said 3 or 4 times to the clown, "I really have to get back to work. {turned to me} My I help you sir?" The yahoo kept asking how much he made. This tubby yutz couldn't take shut the **** up for an answer so I turned to him and in a very LOUD and POINTED TODDSTER SPECIAL VOICE told him to shut his commie bullshit pie hole and get the **** out of the store. Well, you can guess what happened next. He started on his Obama talking points and other clerks started to conglomerate around. There were 4 of them standing by. So the yutz again mentions his pension and I laid into him. I asked him were the money for his pension came from and proceeded to destroy him with the facts. Within minutes the Best Buy employees were all fist pumping the air and el retardo was stammering. I ended the education of another dumbshit by saying "Now if you'll excuse me, I have fat obnoxious retirees to feed with my taxes so this gentleman and I will now proceed to discuss the benefits of this Microhood". At that point three employees jumped in between us and "escorted" the asshat out the door.
btw, I went with the Whirlpool and got 50% off from the manager! Total cost with tax, $142 for a new micro hood
Yes, it is a good day!
You didn't happen to step off in a hole out in the parking lot while trying to carry it to the car and screw up your ankle then sue the store to end up getting you a sweet PT Cruiser did you? Stranger things have happened!
Excellent post before VVthisVV one. I'd even go so far to say that some of the rude republicans on this forum have caused me to think even more about my political affiliations.
Originally posted by theBDub:
He offers them a ride in his limo. Duh.
Well then his sampling of college kids is skewed, because he is only picking up those looking for a free ride...
Excellent post before that other one. I'd even go so far to say that some of the rude republicans on this forum have caused me to think even more about my political affiliations.
I don't think they've made me think about changing my own opinions, but they've made me ashamed to affiliate myself with them, if that's what you mean.
You know, if I had a son that wanted to buy a Whirlpool Microhood, he'd look like Toddster.
Now that's funny!
Originally posted by theBDub:
I don't think they've made me think about changing my own opinions, but they've made me ashamed to affiliate myself with them, if that's what you mean.
I think you have confused Republicans, who are weak-willed, spineless compromisers, with conservatives, who consistently take a stand for individual liberty, economic truth, less government, and the 2nd Amendment.
Originally posted by theBDub:
. . . people like newf did (who may or may not be a Liberal, but he isn't a full-blooded Conservative).
[This message has been edited by heybjorn (edited 06-28-2012).]
I'm just going by what he claims. I'd call him a Liberal, but I don't think he does, and labels aren't nice
Originally posted by heybjorn:
I think you have confused Republicans, who are weak-willed, spineless compromisers, with conservatives, who consistently take a stand for individual liberty, economic truth, less government, and the 2nd Amendment.
No don't worry, I didn't I still very heavily consider myself a Conservative.
Originally posted by 1988holleyformula:
I'd even go so far to say that some of the rude republicans on this forum have caused me to think even more about my political affiliations.
Don't worry, we're still batting for the same team Mike
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05:44 PM
82-T/A [At Work] Member
Posts: 24780 From: Florida USA Registered: Aug 2002
People on the fence will be more turned off by obnoxious actions than by anything else. Reasonable discussion is the only way to actually, effectively win a debate.
I was strictly Republican until about a year ago. The calm and collected Liberals on PFF got me to keep an ear open. After engaging in a lot of conversations, I realized that I hadn't formed a lot of my own opinions, but was really just repeating talking points. Now, I'm much more educated, and consider myself a Libertarian rather than a Republican. Ray B didn't alter any of my convictions, people like newf did (who may or may not be a Liberal, but he isn't a full-blooded Conservative).
And if I were a Democrat, and I was on this forum, people like you and Todd, who wouldn't jump off the Republican train if it would save your life, wouldn't be the ones making me listen.
That isn't to say that having those opinions is all bad. It's not; that's your opinion; that's great. It turns into a negative with the smear tactics and circle jerk sessions over "pwning" some liberal in Best Buy.
There are very few people that actually KNOW how to have a constructive discussion. Even people who are calm, might still be block-heads when it comes to actually having a discussion. IE: you propose a question about something that's bad, and they totally ignore the question by making a defensive statement about something else completely different that they don't like. In an argument, this is called deflection. There's a whole host of other things too, like... a common tactic by Democrats (for example) is to look for an "out" in the discussion. Because many times people do not actually KNOW why they support a particular stance, they cannot defend the stance when posed with difficult questions, so they look for the first opportunity to break out of the discussion. Someone making a slight insult will often immediately result in the opposite person of the discussion using that as a means to escape the conversation on the presidence that they're taking the higher ground. I don't name call in my discussions, but of course I do get VERY aggressive; however, I have seen that time and time again on here.
Anyway, a discussion is VERY simple, and I guarantee to you that I will win almost any logical political discussion so long as the other member(s) of the discussion can actually stay on track and not deflect the questions with statements about other things they hate.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: There are very few people that actually KNOW how to have a constructive discussion. Even people who are calm, might still be block-heads when it comes to actually having a discussion. IE: you propose a question about something that's bad, and they totally ignore the question by making a defensive statement about something else completely different that they don't like. In an argument, this is called deflection. There's a whole host of other things too, like... a common tactic by Democrats (for example) is to look for an "out" in the discussion. Because many times people do not actually KNOW why they support a particular stance, they cannot defend the stance when posed with difficult questions, so they look for the first opportunity to break out of the discussion. Someone making a slight insult will often immediately result in the opposite person of the discussion using that as a means to escape the conversation on the presidence that they're taking the higher ground. I don't name call in my discussions, but of course I do get VERY aggressive; however, I have seen that time and time again on here.
Anyway, a discussion is VERY simple, and I guarantee to you that I will win almost any logical political discussion so long as the other member(s) of the discussion can actually stay on track and not deflect the questions with statements about other things they hate.
I agree with you. You can go off on your own for a bit and lose focus sometimes, but you always circle back to finish your point, and it's usually done very clearly and respectfully.
I did not mean to insinuate every Republican on here is an angry old man, or that every Democrat on here is an angel. Surely, we can all agree that is NOT the case.
I gather that you believe that deflections are mostly done on purpose, and I disagree. I think sometimes people are just having discussions, not really thinking of it as a debate, and just don't hit every point. They just say what is on their mind.
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06:52 PM
82-T/A [At Work] Member
Posts: 24780 From: Florida USA Registered: Aug 2002
I agree with you. You can go off on your own for a bit and lose focus sometimes, but you always circle back to finish your point, and it's usually done very clearly and respectfully.
I did not mean to insinuate every Republican on here is an angry old man, or that every Democrat on here is an angel. Surely, we can all agree that is NOT the case.
I gather that you believe that deflections are mostly done on purpose, and I disagree. I think sometimes people are just having discussions, not really thinking of it as a debate, and just don't hit every point. They just say what is on their mind.
I've read a number of books on arguing, as well as logical thinking. This doesn't make me an expert of course, but it does give you a better understanding of why people do what they do.
A debate is won by the person who usually understands the facts better than anyone else. However, not all discussions are always on facts, and many of them are on hypothetical situations. Incidently, almost nothing that we do now is "new"... as almost everything has been tried, somewhere, somehow... at least with respect to laws and social / political experiments.
Deflection is not so much a tact, as it is a response to losing an "argument." When people deflect in an argument, it's usually an attempt for the person to reclaim any "ground lost" in the discussion, or perhaps to redirect it from the losing direction.
A simple example of course is when in a discussion with someone who is a Democrat and perhaps doesn't really have a good understanding of what they are attempting to defend, the argument will quickly revert back into a discussion about Bush, and how he kills babies in Iraq or how he hates gays... when the discussion was probably about something along the lines of tax breaks.
I've read a number of books on arguing, as well as logical thinking. This doesn't make me an expert of course, but it does give you a better understanding of why people do what they do.
A debate is won by the person who usually understands the facts better than anyone else. However, not all discussions are always on facts, and many of them are on hypothetical situations. Incidently, almost nothing that we do now is "new"... as almost everything has been tried, somewhere, somehow... at least with respect to laws and social / political experiments.
Deflection is not so much a tact, as it is a response to losing an "argument." When people deflect in an argument, it's usually an attempt for the person to reclaim any "ground lost" in the discussion, or perhaps to redirect it from the losing direction.
A simple example of course is when in a discussion with someone who is a Democrat and perhaps doesn't really have a good understanding of what they are attempting to defend, the argument will quickly revert back into a discussion about Bush, and how he kills babies in Iraq or how he hates gays... when the discussion was probably about something along the lines of tax breaks.
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07:32 PM
cliffw Member
Posts: 37445 From: Bandera, Texas, USA Registered: Jun 2003
You didn't happen to step off in a hole out in the parking lot while trying to carry it to the car and screw up your ankle then sue the store to end up getting you a sweet PT Cruiser did you? Stranger things have happened!
Holy s***!
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02:16 AM
System Bot
htexans1 Member
Posts: 9114 From: Clear Lake City/Houston TX Registered: Sep 2001
Excellent post before VVthisVV one. I'd even go so far to say that some of the rude republicans on this forum have caused me to think even more about my political affiliations.
Well then his sampling of college kids is skewed, because he is only picking up those looking for a free ride...
Yeah. Pretty much like the democrats. lol (JOKE INTENTIONS ONLY)
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10:01 AM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
You didn't happen to step off in a hole out in the parking lot while trying to carry it to the car and screw up your ankle then sue the store to end up getting you a sweet PT Cruiser did you? Stranger things have happened!
The thought had occured to me but then I remembered that I have a conscience
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12:56 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
The thought had occured to me but then I remembered that I have a conscience
Well, you need to work on that. Smoke you some wacky weed and all traces of any kind of conscience should be gone. Then you can do what you need to do to get the goods you want for free and then even come on here and badmouth people and call them names and it will all be goooood maaaan! Just remember to keep telllng everyone it is somebody elses fault and not your own. Try it, it seems to work.
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07:12 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
Well, you need to work on that. Smoke you some wacky weed and all traces of any kind of conscience should be gone. Then you can do what you need to do to get the goods you want for free and then even come on here and badmouth people and call them names and it will all be goooood maaaan! Just remember to keep telllng everyone it is somebody elses fault and not your own. Try it, it seems to work.
That sounds like a great plan. Just a few points. First, shredding ones ankle is painful. I can not overstate this. It really really really ****ing hurts. And not just for a few days. Do it right and you can have a lifetime of pain from it. And it isn't just wacky weed, there is also the thousands of dollars worth of prescription medication for pain... Anti inflammatory gel, lidocaine patches, opiates, cymbalta and lyrica. If you miss a pill, expect to be in pain and unable to sleep. If you accidentally take too much, you may die. Secondly, it doesn't pay well. Don't expect the settlement to cover your medical bills, and certainly don't expect to get rich. It certainly would benefit you more to suffer through working a fast food job and bank the checks then it does to endure being bedridden, reconstructive surgery, and weeks of physical therapy. Third, the world is full of shallow minded haters with small pitiful lives who seek people out to criticize so they can feel better about themselves. They don't care how old or trivial the reason, mostly because they have nothing new or important in their lives. Now, you may think an eight year old compact car is a suitable exchange for not being able to walk without a limp. However, my experiences do not reflect that.
Grade A trolling, by the way.
[This message has been edited by WhiteDevil88 (edited 06-29-2012).]
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10:03 PM
Jun 30th, 2012
Lambo nut Member
Posts: 4442 From: Centralia,Missouri. USA Registered: Sep 2003
That sounds like a great plan. Just a few points. First, shredding ones ankle is painful. I can not overstate this. It really really really ****ing hurts. And not just for a few days. Do it right and you can have a lifetime of pain from it. And it isn't just wacky weed, there is also the thousands of dollars worth of prescription medication for pain... Anti inflammatory gel, lidocaine patches, opiates, cymbalta and lyrica. If you miss a pill, expect to be in pain and unable to sleep. If you accidentally take too much, you may die. Secondly, it doesn't pay well. Don't expect the settlement to cover your medical bills, and certainly don't expect to get rich. It certainly would benefit you more to suffer through working a fast food job and bank the checks then it does to endure being bedridden, reconstructive surgery, and weeks of physical therapy. Third, the world is full of shallow minded haters with small pitiful lives who seek people out to criticize so they can feel better about themselves. They don't care how old or trivial the reason, mostly because they have nothing new or important in their lives. Now, you may think an eight year old compact car is a suitable exchange for not being able to walk without a limp. However, my experiences do not reflect that.
Grade A trolling, by the way.
Wow, this guy seems to think I was talking about him. Who is he and what is his story? Sorry Toddster that he is wasting space in your thread and not offering any help.
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12:46 AM
fierobear Member
Posts: 27089 From: Safe in the Carolinas Registered: Aug 2000
Originally posted by WhiteDevil88: Third, the world is full of shallow minded haters with small pitiful lives who seek people out to criticize so they can feel better about themselves. They don't care how old or trivial the reason, mostly because they have nothing new or important in their lives.
Irony, meet thy definition.
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01:02 AM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
Wow, this guy seems to think I was talking about him. Who is he and what is his story? Sorry Toddster that he is wasting space in your thread and not offering any help.
Stimpy wasted space the day he was born. Nothing new.
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12:03 PM
WhiteDevil88 Member
Posts: 8518 From: Coastal California Registered: Mar 2007
People on the fence will be more turned off by obnoxious actions than by anything else. Reasonable discussion is the only way to actually, effectively win a debate.
I was strictly Republican until about a year ago. The calm and collected Liberals on PFF got me to keep an ear open. After engaging in a lot of conversations, I realized that I hadn't formed a lot of my own opinions, but was really just repeating talking points. Now, I'm much more educated, and consider myself a Libertarian rather than a Republican. Ray B didn't alter any of my convictions, people like newf did (who may or may not be a Liberal, but he isn't a full-blooded Conservative).
And if I were a Democrat, and I was on this forum, people like you and Todd, who wouldn't jump off the Republican train if it would save your life, wouldn't be the ones making me listen.
That isn't to say that having those opinions is all bad. It's not; that's your opinion; that's great. It turns into a negative with the smear tactics and circle jerk sessions over "pwning" some liberal in Best Buy.
Therein lies the main problem. Liberal will not listen to anyone other than the messiah, no matter what any facts can be shown to them. Im not republican, but I am conservative. I would vote for a democrat if he had real ideas I believed in. I can be swayed with facts. Those do not include made up facts to make themselves look good. Like I said, I def would have voted for John Kennedy (and Robert) over Nixon. I believed they didnt put up with BS from other hostile countries. Bush let too many Arab countries and a few others walk all over him. He let them intimidate him. Kennedy didnt. Like the Cuban missle thing, he told them to remove them or he would ... and they did. Sadam and Khomeini pretty much told Bush to FO.
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06:31 PM
yellowstone Member
Posts: 9299 From: Düsseldorf/Germany Registered: Jun 2003
also seams to me that todd left to much out.. was this union worker , a police officer or fireman? funny the ones that ***** about pensions that employees got.. are the same ones making 100k a year or more.. while these retired ,union workers didn't make HALF THAT.. I don't know about all unions.. but mine, I pay into MY pension.. I DO.. and yes I'm a union worker that didn't vote obama in, and won't vote for him this time either.. we are not all sheep.. like you'd be lead to believe