Looks like the muslims have a new plan to commit acts of large scale terrorism in the US and abroad. Forest Fires.
A magazine published by members of al Qaeda has called for Western Muslims to wage war within the United States, urging them to engage in lone wolf attacks, including setting forest fires. According to ABC News, a recent issue of Inspire magazine has surfaced on jihadi forums with one article titled ”It Is of Your Freedom to Ignite a Firebomb”, which gives detailed instructions on how to build an “ember bomb” in a forest in the United States, and suggested Montana as a choice location due to the rapid population growth in forested areas.
Can you imagine the scale of destruction if even a small number of muslim faithful followed this call to attack?
Originally posted by loafer87gt: Looks like the muslimsAl Qaida have a new plan to commit acts of large scale terrorism in the US and abroad. Forest Fires.
So, we will see what actually results from this.
Not much.
That's my prediction.
I think that if the average Muslim who lives or travels in the U.S. or Canada (or any significant percentage of them) were susceptible to this kind of incitement from Al Qaida, then most of us would already be burnt out of our homes.
Thanks for correcting that quote, Rinselberg . I am sick and tired of 'Muslim =Al Qaeda' and vice versa. Can't you spell 'Al Qaeda' Loafer???
A magazine published by members of al Qaeda has called for Western Muslims to wage war within the United States, urging them to engage in lone wolf attacks, including setting forest fires.
You can't blame Loafer, that's what the article said.
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09:41 PM
rinselberg Member
Posts: 16118 From: Sunnyvale, CA (USA) Registered: Mar 2010
Originally posted by NoMoreRicers: You can't blame Loafer, that's what the article said.
I corrected what Loafer' said. The article didn't say that "the muslims" have a new plan to start forest fires. Loafer' said that. The article said that "Al Qaida" has a new plan..
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 06-30-2012).]
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09:45 PM
lurker Member
Posts: 12355 From: salisbury nc usa Registered: Feb 2002
a subtlety missed mostly by those who want to miss it.
He SHOULD have said... "Radical Islamists..." not just Al Qaeda.
That's like if someone says the US Air Force wants to blow up a target, and then you ***** and complain about how it's unpolitically correct when someone words it as "the US Government" rather than just the Air Force.
There are at least a hundred redical arms of Islam, each with a mere piece of the larger picture, and that is the spread of Islam.
What they don't realize, however, is that their actions are leading to a mass exodus from the Islamic religion.
Here's a fun little video for everyone's enjoyment (even has dramatic music):
However 'unfair,' let's not forget that stereotypes are a valid form of inductive reasoning. To state the obvious, each of us is an individual, not a group. When the stereotype is proven fallacious for an individual, move on.
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10:56 PM
rinselberg Member
Posts: 16118 From: Sunnyvale, CA (USA) Registered: Mar 2010
I corrected what Loafer' said. The article didn't say that "the muslims" have a new plan to start forest fires. Loafer' said that. The article said that "Al Qaida" has a new plan..
Originally posted by User00013170: Its all about percentages, not 'many' or 'few', as those are abstract terms.
It seems that the OP (and a second poster, from Texas, who just came in, a few posts back) want to equate "Muslim" with "Al Qaeda"--as if there were no important distinction there to be made.
I don't buy it.
How about these percentages?
Poll: Muslims no fans of Al Qaeda
By MJ LEE | 4/30/12 5:57 PM EDT
On the eve of the one-year anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death, a new poll shows Al Qaeda has little support among Muslims in five countries — including Pakistan, where bin Laden was captured and killed by U.S. Navy SEALs.
A whopping 98 percent of Muslims in Lebanon have an unfavorable view of the terrorist group, while in Egypt, Jordan and Turkey more than 7 in 10 Muslims feel likewise, according to the Pew Research Center. In Pakistan, a slight majority of the Muslim community, 55 percent, have an unfavorable view, versus 13 percent favorable.
Meanwhile, confidence in the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks weakened among Muslims around the globe in the years leading up to his death. The most notable decline was in Jordan, where, in 2005, 61 percent of Muslims said they were confident bin Laden would do the right thing; one year later, that figure had dropped to 24 percent. In Pakistan, 52 percent of Muslims said in 2005 they had confidence in him, but by 2011 only 21 percent said so.
In a late-night statement to the nation last year, Obama called the death of bin Laden “the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat Al Qaeda,” but also cautioned that “Al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us.” He’s been criticized recently for making a campaign ad about bin Laden’s death.
The Pew Research Center poll, with margins of error ranging from 4.2 to 5.2 percentage points, was conducted March 19-April 13 among 1,000 Muslims in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon, 1,206 Muslims in Pakistan and 1,001 Muslims in Turkey.
If you want to look at the numbers let’s use yours. 98% leaves 2% out of how many MILLIONS? that is a shiit load and that is the ones that will come out and admit it.
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02:09 AM
htexans1 Member
Posts: 9114 From: Clear Lake City/Houston TX Registered: Sep 2001
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: He SHOULD have said... "Radical Islamists..." not just Al Qaeda.
That's like if someone says the US Air Force wants to blow up a target, and then you ***** and complain about how it's unpolitically correct when someone words it as "the US Government" rather than just the Air Force.
but it is the "US Government, not the USAF.
The Army, the AF and the Navy has to have permission to "blow up" targets. Where does that come from?
"The US Government."
"We don't make policy, elected officials, civilians do that. We are the instruments of that policy." --Top Gun
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02:14 AM
rinselberg Member
Posts: 16118 From: Sunnyvale, CA (USA) Registered: Mar 2010
Originally posted by Red88FF: If you want to look at the numbers let’s use yours. 98% leaves 2% out of how many MILLIONS? that is a shiit load and that is the ones that will come out and admit it.
I wouldn't dispute what you just said.
I still don't think it justifies using "Muslim" and "Al Qaida" as if they were one and the same, or using "Muslim" as a general pejorative.
Let's not lose sight of the fact that those poll numbers that I cited were for Muslims in certain other countries where Muslims are a majority--not for U.S. or Canadian Muslims.
I still don't think it justifies using "Muslim" and "Al Qaida" as if they were one and the same, or using "Muslim" as a general pejorative.
Let's not lose sight of the fact that those poll numbers that I cited were for Muslims in certain other countries where Muslims are a majority--not for U.S. or Canadian Muslims.
Sure, but how many in the US and how many might support the fire tactic? it is kind of scary. What would it take? even 100 people which would be only a miniscule percentage could do immense damage. Or even just 20 people!
No, I do not support a correlation of Muslim equals terrorist by any means, but I bet there is a significantly higher percentage of them than any other religion and or of middle eastern heritage.
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02:34 AM
lurker Member
Posts: 12355 From: salisbury nc usa Registered: Feb 2002
Originally posted by Boondawg: Oh, i'm sure you can figure it out.
i thought it was for my "daily evangelism point" remark in another thread, but i've been posting a lot in the last day or so, so really it could be anything. it might even be a +. did i p*ss someone off? make someone laugh? who can tell? not much feedback value anymore. oh, well, another mystery of the universe.
[This message has been edited by lurker (edited 07-01-2012).]
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07:43 AM
carnut122 Member
Posts: 9122 From: Waleska, GA, USA Registered: Jan 2004
No, I do not support a correlation of Muslim equals terrorist by any means, but I bet there is a significantly higher percentage of them than any other religion and or of middle eastern heritage.
Agreed, 100%...but now add in the "sympathizers"---Those in the group who would do nothing to prevent it happening if they knew it was to occur, and then add in those who would NOT actually commit the act themselves, but be perfectly happy to sit back and watch it happen...and your percentages just jumped significantly. Probably close to 50%
Not just Muslims, the same holds true with ANY group that has a radical element.
I think that if the average Muslim who lives or travels in the U.S. or Canada (or any significant percentage of them) were susceptible to this kind of incitement from Al Qaida, then most of us would already be burnt out of our homes.
But we're not.
It's not the "average Muslim" you have to watch out for. (Although, if those quote above are correct, maybe we do.)
[This message has been edited by Formula88 (edited 07-01-2012).]
Even as we speak, radical Islamists in Timbuktu are destroying the centuries-old shrines that are revered by other Muslims.
So who exactly are "the Muslims"..?
This (Timbuktu) just underscores how erroneous it is to speak of "the Muslims" as if they are all or mostly all the same.
It's interesting that you mention that, which shrines were you referring to? Are you referring to just the temples / shrines of other Islamic sects, or are you talking about the Egyptian artifacts and pyramids that they are actively trying to destroy, or are you talking about the Buddhist temples that they have been destroying?
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10:11 AM
82-T/A [At Work] Member
Posts: 24777 From: Florida USA Registered: Aug 2002
It seems that the OP (and a second poster, from Texas, who just came in, a few posts back) want to equate "Muslim" with "Al Qaeda"--as if there were no important distinction there to be made.
I don't buy it.
How about these percentages?
Poll: Muslims no fans of Al Qaeda
By MJ LEE | 4/30/12 5:57 PM EDT
On the eve of the one-year anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death, a new poll shows Al Qaeda has little support among Muslims in five countries — including Pakistan, where bin Laden was captured and killed by U.S. Navy SEALs.
A whopping 98 percent of Muslims in Lebanon have an unfavorable view of the terrorist group, while in Egypt, Jordan and Turkey more than 7 in 10 Muslims feel likewise, according to the Pew Research Center. In Pakistan, a slight majority of the Muslim community, 55 percent, have an unfavorable view, versus 13 percent favorable.
Meanwhile, confidence in the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks weakened among Muslims around the globe in the years leading up to his death. The most notable decline was in Jordan, where, in 2005, 61 percent of Muslims said they were confident bin Laden would do the right thing; one year later, that figure had dropped to 24 percent. In Pakistan, 52 percent of Muslims said in 2005 they had confidence in him, but by 2011 only 21 percent said so.
In a late-night statement to the nation last year, Obama called the death of bin Laden “the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat Al Qaeda,” but also cautioned that “Al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us.” He’s been criticized recently for making a campaign ad about bin Laden’s death.
The Pew Research Center poll, with margins of error ranging from 4.2 to 5.2 percentage points, was conducted March 19-April 13 among 1,000 Muslims in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon, 1,206 Muslims in Pakistan and 1,001 Muslims in Turkey.
I wish that I had similar recent poll numbers for Muslims in the U.S.--as far as their expressed support for al-Qaida.
Maybe I will find such numbers later--gotta eat something.
For the record...
Most people of Islam support the eventual conversion of the world to Islam... just as many fundamentalist Christians do on the conversion to Christianity. For Muslims, there is much more fear of a Christian world to them, than there would be of a Muslim world simply because they would rather it be Muslim anyway.
Although there is a lot of anti-radical support, they are often reluctant to do anything about it. The poor have always been the pawns of every society... whether it's Democrats taking advantage of them in America by offering them free-bies so they vote for them, or Islamic fundamentalists enlisting poor Muslims who don't know any better.
It goes both ways, of course... but it's pretty clear that, Islam is the only religion on this planet right now that is responsible for millions upon millions of deaths. They are causing genocide in Africa, and Asia... again, taking advantage of the poor.
While many in the Arab countries see this as negative, many of them are actually converting to Christianity. Islam makes up less than a quarter of the world's population, but it has been in an eventual decline because of this. That is probably why the polls read the way they do. However... need I remind you that Egypt just elected a president who is a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood (a terrorist organization).
Although there is a lot of anti-radical support, they are often reluctant to do anything about it..
Which in my book makes them complacent and just as bad. If they don't stand up and disagree, and/or leave the 'church' they are no better than the radicals.
Sure, but how many in the US and how many might support the fire tactic? it is kind of scary. What would it take? even 100 people which would be only a miniscule percentage could do immense damage. Or even just 20 people!
Only takes one careless person to burn down a forest by accident. Or just take credit for what they didn't cause.
The day the Christian world sets aside for expressions of universal love, compassion and understanding.
How is it this didn't get tagged as Politics or Religion anyway?
You can say what you like, but that doesn't change the fact that a huge majority of the world's current death and destruction is a direct result of Islamic fundamentalism.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: You can say what you like, but that doesn't change the fact that a huge majority of the world's current death and destruction is a direct result of Islamic fundamentalism.
While I am no supporter of extremism of any stripe, I still have to question the logic behind that rather broad proclamation.....IslamIST fundamentalism kills more people than Western militarization does? Than hunger does? Than natural causes does?