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California to vote to eliminate death penalty. What is justice? by 2.5
Started on: 07-06-2012 04:00 PM
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Last post by: 2.5 on 07-12-2012 11:17 AM
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Report this Post07-09-2012 05:16 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 2.5Send a Private Message to 2.5Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boondawg:

He means evolved & rational.

I guess I see it the other way, weak, giving in to the impulse and taking revenge.
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Report this Post07-09-2012 05:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoondawgSend a Private Message to BoondawgDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 2.5:

I don't know that its about embarassment, but about teaching them to survive and be a success, for example.

The dumbest of the dumb survive, and success is subjective, or is that objective?
Was Ghandi sucessfull?
Who decides?

Is it the parents idea of what is sucessful for their children?

Could a kid tell their parents, "I don't want to be sh!t when I grow up, I just want to leach off the system. Just play the system legally & goof off my whole life. So I only need to get D's in these classes."

Why don't the parent let him do it?
For his own good?
Who's to say what his future "own good" is?
Or is it for the parents own good?

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Report this Post07-09-2012 05:29 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoondawgSend a Private Message to BoondawgDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by 2.5:

I guess I see it the other way, weak, giving in to the impulse and taking revenge.

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Report this Post07-09-2012 07:26 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Red88FFSend a Private Message to Red88FFDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boondawg:

He means evolved & rational.

No, but that is exactly what the weak tell themselves they are to excuse a lack of action on their or theirs behalf. Let's them hold on to their false sense of esteem. Not fooling anybody but themselves. The thing of it is, it is OK for some to be weak, it maintains the balance. But it is what it is.
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Report this Post07-09-2012 08:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoondawgSend a Private Message to BoondawgDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Red88FF:
No, but that is exactly what the weak tell themselves they are to excuse a lack of action on their or theirs behalf. Let's them hold on to their false sense of esteem. Not fooling anybody but themselves.

Do you really believe that anyone will take that seriously, knowing you are comming from here:

Originally posted by Red88FF:

Sorry, revenge is awesome, it gives closure, satisfaction, a payment of debt, and just feels great. Unless some idiot takes his revenge on an innocent, there just is no downside. Nothing "failed" I am not blind, I see all the reasons weak people do not subscribe. Just don’t see how they can feel good about themselves.

That is evolved thinking?

I don't believe in revenge, but I'll bet I am as strong as you.
And not packing around with me all that above garbage in your quote may even make me stronger then you.
But we will never know, will we?
And you wanna' know why?
Because it's bullsh!t.
No man but that man can know what you pretend to know about them.

And it has nothing to do with strength.

[This message has been edited by Boondawg (edited 07-09-2012).]

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Report this Post07-09-2012 08:23 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Red88FFSend a Private Message to Red88FFDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boondawg:

That is evolved thinking?

I don't believe in revenge, but I'll bet I am as strong as you.
And not packing around all the above garbage in your quote may even make me stronger then you.
But we will never know, will we?
And you wanna' know why?
Because it's bullsh!t.
No man but that man can know what you pretend to know about them.

Wow, sorry I struck a nerve but you are assuming an awful lot. What are you referring to as strong?, muscle mass, in shape, or are we talking about will. Your reply seams angry.

I think I have been pretty consistent, not making any contradictions. No BS. I think people have all kinds of opinions on like saying they don't believe in revenge yet never having been put in a situation that it might be warranted, or have and did not act, that can’t feel good. I believe you said yourself that you don’t believe in the death penalty but if it had something to do with your wife you would want to tear them apart, was that not you?.
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Report this Post07-09-2012 08:47 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoondawgSend a Private Message to BoondawgDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Red88FF:

Wow, sorry I struck a nerve but you are assuming an awful lot. What are you referring to as strong?, muscle mass, in shape, or are we talking about will. Your reply seams angry.

I think I have been pretty consistent, not making any contradictions. No BS. I think people have all kinds of opinions on like saying they don't believe in revenge yet never having been put in a situation that it might be warranted, or have and did not act, that can’t feel good. I believe you said yourself that you don’t believe in the death penalty but if it had something to do with your wife you would want to tear them apart, was that not you?.

You call those that don't believe in revenge "weak" and say not acting on feelings of revenge in favor of "evolved thinking" is just an excuse "the weak" use.
That they cannot feel good about themselves and have a false sense of esteem and are not fooling anyone but themselves.

I am one of those that don't believe in revenge.
So you are calling me "weak" and are saying that I am just using "evolved thinking" as an excuse.
That's bullsh!t.
And I told you so.

Did I miss something?

Not angry, just setting your "theory" straight.

Originally posted by Red88FF:
I believe you said yourself that you don’t believe in the death penalty but if it had something to do with your wife you would want to tear them apart, was that not you?.

P.S. I would want to tear them apart. But I would hope the evolved part of me wouldn't allow it. That is not weakness, that is the strenth of restraint.
Evolved thinking.

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Report this Post07-10-2012 03:42 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Red88FFSend a Private Message to Red88FFDirect Link to This Post
It’s all prospective, now isn’t it.
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Report this Post07-10-2012 04:29 AM Click Here to See the Profile for NoMoreRicersSend a Private Message to NoMoreRicersDirect Link to This Post
Death penalty for dissing Muhammed. That is JUSTICE!
Kuwait’s parliament approved a law that calls for the death penalty for insulting the Prophet Muhammad, his wives and relatives, in a sign of the growing sway of Islamists who triumphed in elections this year.

About 40 members of parliament voted in favour of the amendment to the penal code, while six rejected it, according to state-run news agency KUNA. The proposal will now be referred to the country’s emir for approval.

The vote is a clear win for the Islamist-majority who rode to victory in elections in February, sidelining women and liberal members of parliament. Commentators had hoped that the freshly-elected parliament would push ahead with economic reforms instead of focusing on social issues.

Analysts say that the success of Islamists was due to their ardent opposition to the former government and its prime minister, Sheikh Nasser Al-Sabah. That government fell apart amid wide-reaching corruption allegations from the opposition.

Since the Islamists gained power, there have been a number of headline-grabbing statements by members of parliament, from tying the legal system to sharia law, to the questioning of churches in the oil-rich state.

Analysts have said such statements represent fringe elements of the Islamist MPs, rather than the majority.

The blasphemy vote comes after Kuwaiti authorities arrested Hamad Al Naqi, a Kuwaiti Shi’a, in March, after he allegedly insulted the Prophet and his wife in Twitter posts. He has denied the charge and says that his account was hacked.

Amnesty International has said parliamentary approval of the law would be “a massive step backwards” for Kuwait. The first vote happened last month and the second round now means only the consent of Kuwait’s emir is required for it to become law.

The amendments stipulate that the death penalty applies in two cases: if the offender insists on the crime and refuses to repent, or if the offender describes themselves as a new prophet or messenger from God, according to KUNA. For non-Muslims, the jail sentence would be applied for no more than 10 years.

If the offender declares repentance, they will receive jail terms of no more than five years or pay a fine that does not exceed 10,000 dinars ($36,000).
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Report this Post07-10-2012 06:12 AM Click Here to See the Profile for rinselbergClick Here to visit rinselberg's HomePageSend a Private Message to rinselbergDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by NoMoreRicers:
Death penalty for dissing Muhammed. That is JUSTICE!

At least one Islamic scholar has stood up bravely against blasphemy laws, saying that they have no basis in Islam.

This is why I don't like to see posts on PFF that say or imply that all Muslims are terrorists, or that all Muslims are silent in the face of evil, or that all Muslims are whatever..

I wonder how the U.S. citizens who are Muslims feel about blasphemy laws?

I would hazard a guess that some think that it's a good idea to have blasphemy laws, but that others do not.
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Report this Post07-10-2012 06:30 AM Click Here to See the Profile for rinselbergClick Here to visit rinselberg's HomePageSend a Private Message to rinselbergDirect Link to This Post


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A U.S. Muslim reacts to Kuwait's new blasphemy law:

He concludes with:

No, I don’t like it when someone mocks God, or belief in Him, or when someone attacks the Prophet or his family. But, I will never call for their murder. God can take care of Himself.

Now I don't see where he explicitly comes out against jail time for someone who insults Islam, but at least he is explicitly against the death penalty for it.

Is he also against jail time for someone who insults Islam?

Maybe he is, but just didn't include that in his column.

Maybe you'd have to ask him to find out for sure.

But why would you even ask him, if you already know what all Muslims are like..?

It's posts like this that I disagree with:

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 07-10-2012).]

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Report this Post07-10-2012 06:56 AM Click Here to See the Profile for rinselbergClick Here to visit rinselberg's HomePageSend a Private Message to rinselbergDirect Link to This Post


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So the last three posts on this thread got into the "Muslim thing".

If you want to continue on that topic, maybe it would be better to go here:

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Report this Post07-10-2012 09:55 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 2.5Send a Private Message to 2.5Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boondawg:

The dumbest of the dumb survive, and success is subjective, or is that objective?
Was Ghandi sucessfull?
Who decides?

Is it the parents idea of what is sucessful for their children?

Could a kid tell their parents, "I don't want to be sh!t when I grow up, I just want to leach off the system. Just play the system legally & goof off my whole life. So I only need to get D's in these classes."

Why don't the parent let him do it?
For his own good?
Who's to say what his future "own good" is?
Or is it for the parents own good?

I think we're back on the deserted island to show my perspective. If there were no society, the kid would slack off and starve.

I'd say provide the child with the tools to succeed. But yeah if my kid told me "I don't want to be sh!t when I grow up, I just want to leach off the system. Just play the system legally & goof off my whole life. So I only need to get D's in these classes."
I would explain why that is wrong. If it continued here would be plenty of non physical non violent punishment. But I believe in right and wrong, stealing, etc. Yes for his own good. What kid wouldn't want to slack off and have everything done for them? Selfishness doesn't need to be taught. Resposibility is taught I think, by teaching and by example ...and by consequences. If they don't experience those consequences as a kid they may experience them alot more hardcore later in life.
I see the system or structure of human civilization as not inherently bad, not inherently bad to teach them. Sure some things are, some ideas and thories are, some abuse of ideas. I'd teach my kid the best way I know how.
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Report this Post07-10-2012 10:19 AM Click Here to See the Profile for BoondawgSend a Private Message to BoondawgDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Red88FF:

It’s all prospective, now isn’t it.

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Report this Post07-10-2012 02:16 PM Click Here to See the Profile for WhiteDevil88Send a Private Message to WhiteDevil88Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
Here's a car that I have a picture of...


This is in front of Government housing in down-town Fort Lauderdale. They have a bunch of these... all paid for by taxes. The people living here don't pay anyting.

There are some mad-wheels on that car.

Here's a nicer picture of the area (no cars in the picture)


You'll notice the $20,000 King Palms, and the pavered walk-ways. Also take note that more than half of these homes have DirecTV on them too...

Thanks for the interest, but that isn't a Cadillac, and that isn't a welfare office. There is no proof that the person lives there, there aren't any other cars parked on the street in that photo, and that leads me to believe that it is a non resident. Furthermore, the truck has a magnetic sign on it that leads me to believe that this is a professional, perhaps a realtor, housecleaner, or carpenter. Surely you don't have a problem with hardworking folks using the fruits of their labor to buy wheels for their work car?
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Report this Post07-10-2012 04:57 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 82-T/A [At Work]Send a Private Message to 82-T/A [At Work]Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by WhiteDevil88:

Thanks for the interest, but that isn't a Cadillac, and that isn't a welfare office. There is no proof that the person lives there, there aren't any other cars parked on the street in that photo, and that leads me to believe that it is a non resident. Furthermore, the truck has a magnetic sign on it that leads me to believe that this is a professional, perhaps a realtor, housecleaner, or carpenter. Surely you don't have a problem with hardworking folks using the fruits of their labor to buy wheels for their work car?

If you're on welfare, I have a problem with people buying anything that's unnecessary when they should be saving their money so that they can get off of welfare.

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Report this Post07-10-2012 07:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for WhiteDevil88Send a Private Message to WhiteDevil88Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
If you're on welfare, I have a problem with people buying anything that's unnecessary when they should be saving their money so that they can get off of welfare.


So tap water and Soylant Green, huh?

Still have not proved the car was owned by a welfare recipient.
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Report this Post07-11-2012 10:18 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 2.5Send a Private Message to 2.5Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

If you're on welfare, I have a problem with people buying anything that's unnecessary when they should be saving their money so that they can get off of welfare.


I agree with that. I'm not sure if whitedevil does or not? The description of the picture seems to be the focus.

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Report this Post07-11-2012 11:01 AM Click Here to See the Profile for E.FurgalSend a Private Message to E.FurgalDirect Link to This Post
no way in hell it cost 55k to house one inmate.. sorry not buy'n that load of b/s..
maybe 25k
they could save be stop making jails a country club.. no internet, no cable,, local channels only.. they want internet or cable show they hope on a stationary bike thats generating power.. for 4 hours a day..
my next door neb works as a police officer at a jail.. he says it's like a country club, only difference is they can't leave..
if it truely is costing cali. 55k a year, shame on them..
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Report this Post07-11-2012 11:19 AM Click Here to See the Profile for E.FurgalSend a Private Message to E.FurgalDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by JumpStart:

Heres my view even if people dont like it.

The death penalty. Why is there even a death roll? People waiting for YEARS to be put to death even when there is absolutly no doubt of what they did. We pay out millions of dollars so that these people can have food, a place to sleep, basketball court, pool, cable TV, ect... when alot of us are scrapping by to make it. These criminals could be caught in the act with DNA proof and admit it but still wait for years to be executed. Why???

If you are going to have the death penalty and its a 110% fact of what they did, Get It Over With Now! Not in 30 Years!

For the people that have Life sentences, Put them on an island somewhere and drop off seeds and supplies so they can make a life for themselves if they wish or they can starve. If they dont like the situation, tuff luck. Should have thought about that sooner.

Why do they put child molestors in a special place so they don't get molested ????? Im not happy with this rule and neither is Big Buba.

Welfare....It sux. I believe it should be for people that are struggling and help them get back on their feet. Not for some woman with 9 kids from 8 different guys. " Spread your legs and drop your eggs" is not a slogan for a government job. I do believe in Child Support from guys that decide " Oh, this baby thing isn't working for me" and skip out. Scum. But I also don't believe in a woman making an income out of it.
You ask some of these people if they would like a new Corvette and they would say ....
Why don't you buy one then?
I can't afford one.
You can't afford all those kids either but that didn't stop you.
The earth is WAY over populated now. If you can't support them, don't keep cranking them out!
I have been at a food stamp office with my sister in law and seen people with brand new Cadillacs with wheels that cost more than the RV trailer I was living in at that time. WHY??? And I had a job!

You can not move to Costa Rica and get a job. Why? Because their jobs are for their people, not everyone that crosses into their country but you can start a bussiness there which gives them more work. I like that idea. America doesn't. Here in America, you can come into the country and the Government will set you up with a house,car and money to start a bussiness but someone from here without a job but wanting to work and make their own way is out of luck and on the street.

How much money would be saved by doing away with all this crap? Alot I'm sure.

I think they had some good laws to start with but over the years, the whole system has become a runaway freight train and no way to stop it.


sad part is we can change it.. some states have..
I have no problem helping someone down on their luck.. but not for life..
here to get welfare aid for you and your child you have to know the SS# of daddy, so the state can get some of the money back..
the food stamp card,, some places call ot snap, some ebt.. should be like wic.. you're limited on what they will payfor. your 40 and smokes are not food, and lobster isn't on the menu either..
our wonderfull governor, (buddy with obama no less) just veto's the law that stop the ebt card(food stamps) from being used for boose,smokes,lotto , fast food,etc.. he VETO'D IT.. wanna guess what party he's from..
I also believe that if you're on welfare for one child, and you have another, tuff luck.. birth control is free when on these programs.. sorry no more money for child 2,3,4,5,10
you can't feed them don't breed um.. with the amount of people on welfare and unemployment no town should have a street sweeper.. buy some brooms and tell them this week you're going to sweep this road.. or no check..
in the depression, to get government help, dad walked to the office and was told where to go, to work for that unemployment check.. you didn't sit on your @$$ and collect..
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Report this Post07-11-2012 12:43 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 2.5Send a Private Message to 2.5Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by E.Furgal:

our wonderfull governor, ... just veto's the law that stop the ebt card(food stamps) from being used for boose,smokes,lotto , fast food,etc.. he VETO'D IT.. ..

I don't know how anyone can justify that.
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Report this Post07-11-2012 01:41 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Red88FFSend a Private Message to Red88FFDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boondawg:


Yes it is, not sure if you are being sarcastic but if not I can explain it. Yu don't like my view on this, I think yours is a cop out, with a dig at the "less evolved" for not buying it..
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Report this Post07-11-2012 01:45 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 2.5Send a Private Message to 2.5Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by Red88FF:

Yes it is, not sure if you are being sarcastic but if not I can explain it. Yu don't like my view on this, I think yours is a cop out, with a dig at the "less evolved" for not buying it..

I'm not sure if less/ more evolved is better or worse than weak. But he did help clarify to me which side you were on.
Can you explain whayt you don't buy about resisting revenge? Why it is not good? Is your opinion based only on that it feels good to take revenge?

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Report this Post07-11-2012 02:21 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Red88FFSend a Private Message to Red88FFDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 2.5:

I'm not sure if less/ more evolved is better or worse than weak. But he did help clarify to me which side you were on.
Can you explain whayt you don't buy about resisting revenge? Why it is not good? Is your opinion based only on that it feels good to take revenge?

Sheesh, I don't buy that taking your due revenge is "less evolved" which obviously was a shot at me because of how he felt when finding somebody views a lack of action as weak. I think he took it personaly. Kind of like trying to take revenge wasn’t it.
Sorry but we have little to no control over how others actually perceive us. Funny how upset people get when they find that few agree with their self image.

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Report this Post07-11-2012 02:38 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 2.5Send a Private Message to 2.5Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by Red88FF:

Sheesh, I don't buy that taking your due revenge is "less evolved"

Less evolved, wiser choice, whatever one wants to call it.
I was wondering is your opinion based only on that it feels good to take revenge? Such as that is proper justice to you? But then would a court need to convict them first? Due process and all?
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Report this Post07-11-2012 03:21 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Red88FFSend a Private Message to Red88FFDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 2.5:

Less evolved, wiser choice, whatever one wants to call it.
I was wondering is your opinion based only on that it feels good to take revenge? Such as that is proper justice to you? But then would a court need to convict them first? Due process and all?

Heh, there you go, “wiser choice” says who?

Who said anything about going to court? does every time you are wronged on what ever level it happens need government intervention? if you yourself bare witness to to the act or you are the one harmed and knew damned well who did it to you, do you need sanctioning from some “power” in order to act? Why do you think it is OK to let some one “get away” with something without paying the price. We are not necessarily talking murder, maybe just day to day things a holes may do.

Sounds to me by your posts here that you are more than willing to subjugate your power and are happy with turning a cheek and relinquishing personal responsibility. OK by me, just don’t try and define how I am supposed to view you to me.
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Report this Post07-12-2012 11:17 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 2.5Send a Private Message to 2.5Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by Red88FF:

Heh, there you go, “wiser choice” says who?

Who said anything about going to court? does every time you are wronged on what ever level it happens need government intervention? if you yourself bare witness to to the act or you are the one harmed and knew damned well who did it to you, do you need sanctioning from some “power” in order to act? Why do you think it is OK to let some one “get away” with something without paying the price. We are not necessarily talking murder, maybe just day to day things a holes may do.

Sounds to me by your posts here that you are more than willing to subjugate your power and are happy with turning a cheek and relinquishing personal responsibility. OK by me, just don’t try and define how I am supposed to view you to me.

Sorry, you brought up how people view others. You say it is ones personal responsibility to take revenge?
So what about if we were talking murder?
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