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Influence of Islamic Thought on Some Founding Fathers of America by rinselberg
Started on: 07-29-2012 07:28 PM
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Last post by: rinselberg on 08-01-2012 12:45 AM
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Report this Post07-30-2012 04:51 PM Click Here to See the Profile for User00013170Send a Private Message to User00013170Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by Pyrthian:

they say they are. and that is that.

I do hope that was sarcasm.
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Report this Post07-30-2012 05:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for maryjaneSend a Private Message to maryjaneDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by rinselberg:
Influence of Islamic Thought on Some Founding Fathers of America

Refresh my memory. Was that purported "influence" before or after the planes hit the world trade center towers?
(merely asking just to put things in a realistic perspective of course)
But I really would like an answer.
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Report this Post07-30-2012 10:09 PM Click Here to See the Profile for User00013170Send a Private Message to User00013170Direct Link to This Post
Originally posted by maryjane:

Refresh my memory. Was that purported "influence" before or after the planes hit the world trade center towers?
(merely asking just to put things in a realistic perspective of course)
But I really would like an answer.

Heh. I like that.
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Report this Post07-31-2012 04:23 AM Click Here to See the Profile for rinselbergClick Here to visit rinselberg's HomePageSend a Private Message to rinselbergDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by maryjane:
Refresh my memory. Was that purported "influence" before or after the planes hit the world trade center towers?
(merely asking just to put things in a realistic perspective of course)
But I really would like an answer.

I really wasn't expecting to spark a debate about something as esoteric as the founding fathers, and how some of them may have been influenced by Islamic thought.

I started this thread to keep the "flames" going about Islam and Muslims, because (for whatever reason) it draws my interest more than just about anything else that comes up on this forum.

Since you bring up 9-11 in this context, here's a sizable list of influential Muslims and the statements that they issued against terrorism in general and specifically, the attacks of 9-11:

The Amman Message is a statement which was issued in 2004 by King Abdullah of Jordan, calling for tolerance and unity in the Muslim world.

Subsequently, a ruling was issued by 200 Islamic scholars from over 50 countries, focusing on issues of: defining who a Muslim is; excommunication from Islam, and; principles related to delivering religious edicts (fatwas).

And as all True Islam forbids wanton aggression and terrorism, enjoins freedom of religion, peace, justice and good-will to non-Muslims, it is also a message of good news, friendship and hope to the whole world. I pray that this unique consensus as documented and affirmed in this book will bring us closer to a world where we can be loyal to our religion, live in peace and prosper with all our fellow human beings, and fulfill the purpose for which we all were placed on earth.

Here are the first two paragraphs of the Amman Message:

This is a declaration to our brethren in the lands of Islam and throughout the world that Amman, the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, is proud to issue during the blessed month of Ramadan in which the Qur'an descended as guidance to humankind and as clarifications for guidance and discernment. (2:185)

In this declaration we speak frankly to the [Islamic] nation, at this difficult juncture in its history, regarding the perils that beset it. We are aware of the challenges confronting the nation, threatening its identity, assailing its tenets (kalima), and working to distort its religion and harm what is sacred to it. Today the magnanimous message of Islam faces a vicious attack from those who through distortion and fabrication try to portray Islam as an enemy to them. It is also under attack from some who claim affiliation with Islam and commit irresponsible acts in its name.

Remark the last sentence, which I underlined: That's a clear denunciation of Osama bin Laden and other violent Islamic extremists.

The Amman Message is the most significant addition to Sharia (Islamic law) since the attacks of 9-11 (that I know of).

Some of the PFF members, who are confused about the difference between Islam as an ideal, vs. the many imperfect ways it is practiced around the world, will doubtless continue in their mistaken ways of defaming Islam as an ideal, and defaming all Muslims when their quarrel is only with certain groups of Muslims.

These PFF members like to cherry pick the Koran and the Hadith for the "malignant" verses that they want to display, in the mistaken belief that Sharia is nothing more than what is written in the ancient texts: They ignore the role that Muslim scholars and clerics are expected to carry out in informing the umma (Muslim faithful) about how to interpret the Koran and Hadith in the light of the modern world.

(The Koran is a long book: For every antiquated verse, there is another counteracting verse that better suits the modern world.)

They have gone so far as to post their specious fantasies about the "eradication" of Islam--a particular insult (in my view) to the roughly 3700 Muslim men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces and the larger number of Muslims who uphold their loyalty to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights as part and parcel of Islamic law.

They seize on every new remark from Islam's lunatic fringe, from Al-Qaida's Internet posting to ignite wildfires in the U.S., to the radicals who call for the destruction of the Pyramids, to the Azz-Bomber cleric, falsely magnifying the significance of each new episode, as if there were not any significant number of influential Muslims who strive for the very opposite of this violent extremism.

The worst of this handful are making themselves appear intellectually lazy--as if they don't want to exert the relatively small effort that would be required to discover anything of substance that might conflict with their sadly prejudiced views.

Of course, this (PFF) is just a fairly obscure node in cyberspace, not some significant international forum, so the net result of all this mischief is zero (except to insult the one PFF member who is known to be a Muslim).

Once again, I respond only because it is my pleasure.


[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 07-31-2012).]

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Report this Post07-31-2012 04:48 AM Click Here to See the Profile for E.FurgalSend a Private Message to E.FurgalDirect Link to This Post
actions speak louder than words.. untill the muslims stop other muslims from killing "infedels" in the name of their god.. the worlds views are they are killers..
by standing by, and not stopping (the extremest) amounts to a cop telling a thug please don't steal..
if and when these "leaders " and the majority of the followers rebell against the extremest.. then maybe the world will believe ,muslims are peacefull people..
but when the 11pm news is on and the quikie mart help is jumping for joy because 5 troops where killed today by a crazy bomber that was a child and a girl..
the thought of them being peacefull and nice.. goes out the window.. and I want to throw them through that plate glass window.. but that be a hate crime..

muslims want anyone to believe they are as peacefull as anyone else.. they and their "leaders" need to put an end to the extremest..
funny thing tho.. they won't.. the denouncing the beheadings,attacks, it's all a show..
if they where as their leaders try to say.. the reg muslims would NOT be jumping for joy when anyone is killed.. and not a female child of their own.. no matter the others they take out..
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Report this Post07-31-2012 05:32 AM Click Here to See the Profile for E.FurgalSend a Private Message to E.FurgalDirect Link to This Post


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Report this Post07-31-2012 07:57 AM Click Here to See the Profile for rinselbergClick Here to visit rinselberg's HomePageSend a Private Message to rinselbergDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by E.Furgal:

Muslims ruled parts of Italy, France, Portugal and Spain for more than 750 years, during which they created a cosmopolitan and prosperous society in which learning flourished. During this period, Muslims played a vital role in transmitting ancient Greek works, such as that of Aristotle, to medieval Europe. Scholars have widely argued that it was a credit to this Muslim inspiration that Europe emerged out of the Dark Ages, going on to have a Renaissance that created strong political and economic structures that still make Europe part of the so-called First World today. Europe's prosperity is therefore, at least in part, thanks to the significant contribution of Muslims throughout history.

Muslims in Europe's history have not just been carriers of knowledge, vital as that may have been. Throughout the centuries, they have also produced enormous scholarship in numerous fields such as medicine, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry and philosophy. So crucial was Muslims' contribution to these disciplines that many English words relating to these fields have their origins in the Arabic language. Consider, for example, fundamental terms like chemistry, which came from al-kimiyah, and algebra, which came from al-jebr.

A long list of Muslim polymaths who made ground-breaking interventions and inventions could be drawn up, such as Ibn Sina in the field of medicine, Ibn al-Haytham in the field of optics, Al-Zahrawi in the field of surgery, Ibn Rush in the field of philosophy and theology, Al-Biruni in the field of astronomy, Al-Jazari in the field of engineering and Abbas Ibn Firnas in the field of aviation. It is worth spending some time reflecting on these characters, and the many others who were similar to them, all of whom contributed far more to humanity than what the vast majority of us ever will.

For the complete report:

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Report this Post07-31-2012 08:28 AM Click Here to See the Profile for E.FurgalSend a Private Message to E.FurgalDirect Link to This Post
no one said they never did any good..
but that was history..
today is today...
just like the AMERICA of 1890 isn't the USA of today. nor are the people..
today.. we have a group that kills at will in the name of alla(sp?)
and every one of their leaders say we denounce this.. but do zero to end it..
no one cares what they've done the last 500 years... we are in the HERE and NOW..
yesterday thats history that already gone..
thinks within there own need to change.. they and only they (muslims) can stop the extremist.. as long as they sit on the sidelines.. the extremist will never understand they are doing anything wrong.. and those the extremist want to get to recriut will never see it as wrong... let me ask.. if the muslim leaders and the muslims in general , said and acted ,and go to war with the extremist.. you think they'd have such an easy time recriuting young people to their CAUSE?..
the easier recriut.. because there isn't any real uproar over the extremist actions... bitching about it means ZERO.. firing back is the only why to show the young that they'd recriut ,that the extremist ways are WRONG..
the catholic church does lots of good. al people rememer is the priest that where child molesters.. only whay that outlook with change is not the history of the good they as a whole have done.. but what they do from then on..
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Report this Post07-31-2012 05:41 PM Click Here to See the Profile for SourmugSend a Private Message to SourmugDirect Link to This Post
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Report this Post07-31-2012 07:38 PM Click Here to See the Profile for E.FurgalSend a Private Message to E.FurgalDirect Link to This Post
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Report this Post08-01-2012 12:45 AM Click Here to See the Profile for rinselbergClick Here to visit rinselberg's HomePageSend a Private Message to rinselbergDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by maryjane:
Refresh my memory. Was that purported "influence" before or after the planes hit the world trade center towers?
(merely asking just to put things in a realistic perspective of course)
But I really would like an answer.
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