I think some people are real quick to give out a rating, especially when someone that is new has their ratings bar appear, and it has plenty of red in it. This seems to happen especially if they are accused of being former or banned member. This can almost guarantee a feeding frenzy of negative ratings. I usually don't bother to rate anyone until they have a few hundred posts under their belt, or if they have caught my attention as being a positive influence to the community. Trolls and spammers will be negged right away.
I think some people are real quick to give out a rating, especially when someone that is new has their ratings bar appear....
Actually, I agree... it seems people are more likely to rate someone when that thing is looking back at them. I had over 4k posts before mine showed itself, but it didn't take a week for it to grow another half dozen points.
Seems a bit cynical, but it isn't really surprising behavior.
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11:42 PM
fastblack Member
Posts: 3696 From: Riceville, IA Registered: Nov 2003
It amazes me that I have been here for almost 9 years and yet no ratings bar but then these people who have only been here a couple years (or less) get all pissy saying everybody attacks the new guy for having an opinion. I was new once (I actually think we all were) and I have voiced an opinion, even in a political discussion or two. Some people need to stop blaming others for their problems then step back, grow a pair, and look at how they are acting.
so because someone helps out in the tech section they deserve to spout off what ever opinions they choose in a disrespectful manner? is my opinion no more important that the next? now i can see purposefully talking crap to people getting you a ban but thats not what we are discussing. we all know full well that if you give an opinion even if respectful there are people that will dislike you for it and show it by rating you accordingly. and to say otherwise goes against human nature.... WE ALL JUDGE some can let it go and respect someone elses views, a lot cant. and that is FACT people cant handle others opinions if they differ from their own. and in OT no one is better than anyone else and that is the way it should be. you can have your opinion but yours is no more right than mine. now in tech section if you go spouting off that your opinion is right when it is not, that is not only wrong but can cause harm to someones vehicle or ones self becaus ethey trust your insight then yes thats wrong but again tech is not what we are talking about here its OT.
I was going to post the "Implied Facepalm", but somebody beat me to it. Ah, the heck with it. I'll post it again.
IMPLIED FACEPALM Because sometimes it's not even worth raising your hand
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05:44 AM
Marvin McInnis Member
Posts: 11599 From: ~ Kansas City, USA Registered: Apr 2002
BUT BEFORE i LEAVE AND STICK TO THE TECH END.. you people are the biggest bunch of panseys I've ever delt with.. you're like over grown baby's.. p.m.'d buddies to ask to neg rate people.. you somehow think, a person thats only here a stort time. has no rights, no opinions, no nothing.. not worthy to be part of the membership yet.. the click, the snob elite.. you want respect but give none, I was blasted from post #1.. the o/t is all yours, you all can have a circle jerk.. sad a few where nice.. one even warned me that if I don't follow the stat quo.. they'll gang up like a pack of hungry wolves.. he was so right..
sadly way to many can't think for themselves. or just don't want to rock the apple cart for fear of being pushed out.. enjoy..
Originally posted by Niterrorz:
so because someone helps out in the tech section they deserve to spout off what ever opinions they choose in a disrespectful manner? is my opinion no more important that the next? now i can see purposefully talking crap to people getting you a ban but thats not what we are discussing. we all know full well that if you give an opinion even if respectful there are people that will dislike you for it and show it by rating you accordingly. and to say otherwise goes against human nature.... WE ALL JUDGE some can let it go and respect someone elses views, a lot cant. and that is FACT people cant handle others opinions if they differ from their own. and in OT no one is better than anyone else and that is the way it should be. you can have your opinion but yours is no more right than mine. now in tech section if you go spouting off that your opinion is right when it is not, that is not only wrong but can cause harm to someones vehicle or ones self becaus ethey trust your insight then yes thats wrong but again tech is not what we are talking about here its OT.
[This message has been edited by Marvin McInnis (edited 08-14-2012).]
There's a difference. Having a "differing opinion" does not earn you negs, but being insulting toward those you are arguing with tends to get you some red in your bar. You can try it both ways, but as they say, you catch more flies with honey, but they will swarm to **** too.
[This message has been edited by tbone42 (edited 08-14-2012).]
so because someone helps out in the tech section they deserve to spout off what ever opinions they choose in a disrespectful manner? is my opinion no more important that the next? now i can see purposefully talking crap to people getting you a ban but thats not what we are discussing. we all know full well that if you give an opinion even if respectful there are people that will dislike you for it and show it by rating you accordingly. and to say otherwise goes against human nature.... WE ALL JUDGE some can let it go and respect someone elses views, a lot cant. and that is FACT people cant handle others opinions if they differ from their own. and in OT no one is better than anyone else and that is the way it should be. you can have your opinion but yours is no more right than mine. now in tech section if you go spouting off that your opinion is right when it is not, that is not only wrong but can cause harm to someones vehicle or ones self becaus ethey trust your insight then yes thats wrong but again tech is not what we are talking about here its OT.
God... I -almost- never post in T-O/T (I might have posted once or twice max...), but read a lot of it for entertainment. This comment got to me somehow...
@Niterrorz, what Cliff wanted to point out is not that a newcomer's opinion is by default not as worthy as an old timer until he's earned the respect of the pact, but it's the way some newcomers tend to speak their opinion. When you have made next to no contribution in the community and you come out and start voicing your opinion in an abrasive way, you're starting off on the wrong foot.
I've read some of E.'s posts and although he may not have been worse than other folks in here, he was quickly on the abrasive side. I'm not saying he's right or wrong in his opinions, at the end of the day, an opinion is just that, an opinion. There is no right or wrong there, but there is a way to express it.
A newbie cannot come on here and start acting with old timers the way old timers act between themselves... It's like when you argue with your best friend, you both can get somewhat nasty but you'll usually get over it quickly because you have a history with the person. If a stranger was to come to you and act the same way, you'd be much quicker to react and tell the person off, because this person has not earned the same privileges your best friend has.
Keep it up folks, the discussions here are always entertaining!
You have to admit, you are pretty aggressive & insulting in the way you talk to people, Furgal. And just so you know, I never neg'd you for it.
But it is off-putting.
I agree, i wouldent call you exactally "friendly" in the way you post and talk to people around here.. I never negged you though, i don't do that to anybody.. I dunno who you pissed off, but apparently it was enough for them to take steps to get you outta here..
Oh, and I probably want you gone more than anyone else at the forum, and even I haven't sent or received any PM's to ban you. It's a nice sounding excuse at first and I hope it gives you comfort but sorry, no mass PM deal going on here. You earned every one of those negs fair and square
I was going to post the "Implied Facepalm", but somebody beat me to it. Ah, the heck with it. I'll post it again.
IMPLIED FACEPALM Because sometimes it's not even worth raising your hand
i love you cliff you make me laugh
Originally posted by Marvin McInnis:
actually no its not my relationships have been quite mixed up as far and the failures go. cheater, druggie, and a few that just were mutually not working. so i believe you have me confused for someone else....
Originally posted by benoitmalenfant:
God... I -almost- never post in T-O/T (I might have posted once or twice max...), but read a lot of it for entertainment. This comment got to me somehow...
@Niterrorz, what Cliff wanted to point out is not that a newcomer's opinion is by default not as worthy as an old timer until he's earned the respect of the pact, but it's the way some newcomers tend to speak their opinion. When you have made next to no contribution in the community and you come out and start voicing your opinion in an abrasive way, you're starting off on the wrong foot.
I've read some of E.'s posts and although he may not have been worse than other folks in here, he was quickly on the abrasive side. I'm not saying he's right or wrong in his opinions, at the end of the day, an opinion is just that, an opinion. There is no right or wrong there, but there is a way to express it.
A newbie cannot come on here and start acting with old timers the way old timers act between themselves... It's like when you argue with your best friend, you both can get somewhat nasty but you'll usually get over it quickly because you have a history with the person. If a stranger was to come to you and act the same way, you'd be much quicker to react and tell the person off, because this person has not earned the same privileges your best friend has.
Keep it up folks, the discussions here are always entertaining!
oh..... ok ill admit.... im feeling a bit stupid as of right now.
[This message has been edited by Niterrorz (edited 08-14-2012).]
Oh, and I probably want you gone more than anyone else at the forum, and even I haven't sent or received any PM's to ban you. It's a nice sounding excuse at first and I hope it gives you comfort but sorry, no mass PM deal going on here. You earned every one of those negs fair and square
That's what I'm saying. How come I didn't get a PM to be part of the Ban Brigade? I gave him a neg for his abrasive tone and lack of coherent thoughts a long time ago. Besides, I just couldn't stand one more hyper-conservative making the "you must be a liberal" excuse for anyone that might hint at being slightly left of center.
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05:51 PM
dratts Member
Posts: 8373 From: Coeur d' alene Idaho USA Registered: Apr 2001
your to kind, i misinterpret the point frequently so im self labeling stupid on this one i need to brush up on my internet interpretation skills they have been declining a lot in the past few years.
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06:49 PM
IMSA GT Member
Posts: 10578 From: California Registered: Aug 2007
So back on topic here, I saw this thread last night and figured it would have died by now and this idiot would be gone but I came in from work and I'm watching this prick get positive ratings over the last hour based on his bar's pixel count and I'm wondering why that is? Who did he stroke off to get those "+"?....much like we apparently PM our buddies to get you the negatives, it seems you are PM'ing people begging and pleading like a little ***** to stay here. Just wondering.
[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 08-14-2012).]
Originally posted by 1988holleyformula: That's what I'm saying. How come I didn't get a PM to be part of the Ban Brigade? I gave him a neg for his abrasive tone and lack of coherent thoughts a long time ago. Besides, I just couldn't stand one more hyper-conservative making the "you must be a liberal" excuse for anyone that might hint at being slightly left of center.
Invite only. You need to be a part of the club. Have you been through initiation yet?
So back on topic here, I saw this thread last night and figured it would have died by now and this idiot would be gone but I came in from work and I'm watching this prick get positive ratings over the last hour based on his bar's pixel count and I'm wondering why that is? Who did he stroke off to get those "+"?....much like we apparently PM our buddies to get you the negatives, it seems you are PM'ing people begging and pleading like a little ***** to stay here. Just wondering.
I gave him a plus because I like getting a soda pop, some popcorn and sitting back watching grown ass men behave like high school girls spreading gossip because they have no balls to say what really bothers them. Ive had members here send around PM's or emails trying to get me banned and I honestly think its sad that someone cares enough and kinda proud on the fact I have managed to piss someone off bad enough to waste their own time trying. My ratings bar is like a Christmas tree mainly because I pissed off RFT, but hey, I like a little color. <----I imagine I will see a little more red after this.
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11:07 AM
System Bot
rogergarrison Member
Posts: 49601 From: A Western Caribbean Island/ Columbus, Ohio Registered: Apr 99
I find there are lots of people that give negs just because they dont like the way you part your hair or spell. You really have to be an asshat to everyone, or most everyone to get a neg from me. Its also hard for me to give you a pos. Im neutral in almost every case, whether you disagree with me or not. Its also true some people gang up with their budds to throw group negs at people. Shawn who used to be here did that to me because he started a campaign to get me off because he thought a 60 year old dating a 22 year old was a pedophile. I think thats where the most of my negs came from. I really dont care, my life will go on just fine in spite of people 1000 miles away that Ill never meet, calling me names. I always try to help people out, and I only give my own experience to back up anything I say. If I dont know, Ill say I dont and take my best guess. Getting banned wont send me to hell. I doubt Ive given out 1/2 dozen negs and pos.
I find there are lots of people that give negs just because they dont like the way you part your hair or spell. You really have to be an asshat to everyone, or most everyone to get a neg from me. Its also hard for me to give you a pos. Im neutral in almost every case, whether you disagree with me or not. Its also true some people gang up with their budds to throw group negs at people. Shawn who used to be here did that to me because he started a campaign to get me off because he thought a 60 year old dating a 22 year old was a pedophile. I think thats where the most of my negs came from. I really dont care, my life will go on just fine in spite of people 1000 miles away that Ill never meet, calling me names. I always try to help people out, and I only give my own experience to back up anything I say. If I dont know, Ill say I dont and take my best guess. Getting banned wont send me to hell. I doubt Ive given out 1/2 dozen negs and pos.
Of the negs I've given, all but three are banned so I can't undo them even if I wanted to. I will give out positives just for correct spelling but it takes a lot to get a negative and a lot more for me to keep it that way. I often remove them at some point.
No doubt, posting in OT will get you a negative in short order for the most minor offenses like disagreeing ...
Edit: I checked and have two active negatives and one will drop off when I have a beer and soften up.
[This message has been edited by TK (edited 08-15-2012).]
Originally posted by TK: Of the negs I've given, all but three are banned so I can't undo them even if I wanted to. I will give out positives just for correct spelling but it takes a lot to get a negative and a lot more for me to keep it that way. I often remove them at some point.
No doubt, posting in OT will get you a negative in short order for the most minor offenses like disagreeing ...
Edit: I checked and have two active negatives and one will drop off when I have a beer and soften up.
I hope it's not me, I'm cultivating an image.
------------------ Are Rayb and Harry Reid the same person?
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05:00 PM
Boondawg Member
Posts: 38235 From: Displaced Alaskan Registered: Jun 2003