Yes, he told us in advance what he planned to do. Few were listening. The following is a narrative taken from a 2008 Sunday morning televised "Meet The Press'. From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST, Televised "Meet the Press" THE THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag. General Bill Gann' USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played. The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171... During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It". NOW GET THIS !! 'Senator Obama replied: "As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides". "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression.." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing." (ARE YOU READY FOR THIS???) Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails - - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments ......"
When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past". "Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path. My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed, CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America " Yes, you read it right. I, for one, am speechless!!!
It started with a column by John Semmens under the title Semi-News -- A Satirical Look at Recent News.
Hot on the heels of his explanation for why he no longer wears a flag pin, presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama was forced to explain why he doesn’t follow protocol when the National Anthem is played.
According to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171, During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart.
“As I’ve said about the flag pin, I don’t want to be perceived as taking sides,” Obama said. “There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song ‘I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing.’ If that were our anthem, then I might salute it.”
The Snopes report adds:
In September 2008, this same piece began arriving in our inbox headed by the claim that it was derived from the 7 September 2008 airing of Meet the Press and naming the interviewer as "General Bill Ginn, USAF (ret.)".
It goes without saying that Senator Obama wasn't among the guests on the day's show (those were Senator Joe Biden and author Tom Friedman).
LOL if you could offer the slightest substantiation for this patently lunatic email and similar ones that you receive from the far away fringes of the ultra right blogosphere and post here.
I really don't know why you do it.
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 08-19-2012).]
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02:50 AM
rogergarrison Member
Posts: 49601 From: A Western Caribbean Island/ Columbus, Ohio Registered: Apr 99
From what you just wrote, it seems they did tell you why. When you asked them, their answer was based on what they believe, not you.
No, I said either they just give a dumbfounded look and say nothing or they just parrot exactly what Obama says. Not one has ever said he is better off now than in 08. Their BEST answer Ive ever got was it just takes time, Obamas plans are working (huh ?)
Tues, Obungler is coming here again...this time to Capital University down the street from me. No doubt to tell the fresh new students all about how HE is going to help them pay, or get loans from HIM to go to college if they vote for him. He totally loves to prey on kids just able to vote and have no idea how real things work. He wont tell them about how his plans will milk them dry when they graduate, or that theyre not likely to have an easy time finding a job after they graduate, or that they will be taxed to death to pay for his already failed plans out there. At the colleges, hes like a predator offering candy to the children.
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08:05 AM
hugh Member
Posts: 5563 From: Clementon,NJ,USA Registered: Jun 2000
It seems I have offended a few trolls...Good! I guess I'll have to keep score to see how many show up in here. The first batch will include boostedbird, hugh (no surprise here), and Marvin McInnis.
Ever since you posted this statement I have wanted to defend myself. I believe other than my first post in this thread and this one,I have not been in a thread you started(I prefer original thinking,not cut and paste).I don't wish to sidetrack this thread,so you can make your response to me in any way you wish.I would like you to honestly show where I have supposedly been a troll and the context in which it occurred.
Edited because fat fingers hit more than one key !
[This message has been edited by hugh (edited 08-19-2012).]
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08:29 AM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Rinselberg That was completely demolished on
Thank you! You honestly made an effort and posted actual information that shows that email to be incorrect. This is what a discussion is about, although not everyone will agree that Snopes is 100% reliable, as they do tend to lean to the left, but they are correct most of the time. This is the type of exchange of information that I am looking for.
[This message has been edited by avengador1 (edited 08-19-2012).]
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11:50 AM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
Originally posted by Hugh Ever since you posted this statement I have wanted to defend myself. I believe other than my first post in this thread and this one,I have not been in a thread you started(I prefer original thinking,not cut and paste).I don't wish to sidetrack this thread,so you can make your response to me in any way you wish.I would like you to honestly show where I have supposedly been a troll and the context in which it occurred.
Originally posted by Hugh One thing that makes me angry is being threatened.I don't normally post in political threads,but this time I need to make an exception ! KISS MY A$$ !!!!!!!!!!
There was no need to defend yourself, if you don't consider yourself a troll. There also isn't any need to feel angry or threatened if you are not a troll. I did not call you out by name, in this thread, until your first post telling me to kiss your ass. You felt for some reason that I was calling you a troll, even though when I first started this thread I made no mention of you. You certainly are being very defensive for someone who doesn't consider themself a troll. I'll make you a deal. If you remove your non-contributing remarks from this thread I will remove any mention and quotes from you, and of you, out of it too.
[This message has been edited by avengador1 (edited 08-19-2012).]
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12:06 PM
hugh Member
Posts: 5563 From: Clementon,NJ,USA Registered: Jun 2000
Originally posted by avengador1: There was no need to defend yourself, if you don't consider yourself a troll. There also isn't any need to feel angry or threatened if you are not a troll. I did not call you out by name, in this thread, until your first post telling me to kiss your ass.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by avengador1: Anyone not adding to the discussion will be ridiculed for being a troll, spammer and hypocrite. Why cause yourself heartache and anger? You have been warned!
Is this not meant as a threat? By A1 You felt for some reason that I was calling you a troll, even though when I first started this thread I made no mention of you. By hugh You called me a troll in your second post,but the threat to everyone(including me)was in your 1st post. By A1 You certainly are being very defensive for someone who doesn't consider themself a troll. By hugh Wouldn't any reasonable person be? By A1 I'll make you a deal. If you remove your non-contributing remarks from this thread I will remove any mention and quotes from you, and of you, out of it too. By hugh I'll make you a deal.Use your own words when posting,accept people for what they contribute and ignore(if you wish) those who don't agree with you.I liked you better when you were defending your son and yourself from ex members.I will always defend myself as you used to.
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02:08 PM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
I guess in your case it is going to be "if the shoe fits wear it". If anyone fits my definition of a troll, they will be called one, if you feel threatened because of this, you are a troll and any trolls are not welcomed. Friendly banter is another matter, I usually let it slide, but what you posted did not seem friendly to me, it was down right insulting. I didn't call you out as a troll, you outted yourself and proceeded to say and act like I did. I only called you a troll after you acted like one by what you posted. I gave you a way out of this, if you don't want it, that is your problem. I am still willing to honor my offer, under my conditons. If you don't want that then all will remain as is. The question now is: Are you going to remove your posts and let me remove any mention of your name and any quotes from this thread, and let people not think you are a troll? Or are you just going to let things stand as they are, and let people think you are a troll? Your choice. I'd hurry and make up my mind before others start to quote what you have posted here. I cannot remove those quotes then, and you would have to ask them to do so.
[This message has been edited by avengador1 (edited 08-19-2012).]
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10:11 PM
Aug 20th, 2012
Gridlock Member
Posts: 2874 From: New Westminster, BC Canada Registered: Apr 2002
The entire forum can't ask for him to have just one thread, and then post in that thread giving him a hard time.
It's not a difficult equation to master here...he stops posting his "articles" in separate threads, and everyone stops shitting on him in his thread started for the purpose of posting his "articles".
Seriously. Enough!
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01:44 AM
hugh Member
Posts: 5563 From: Clementon,NJ,USA Registered: Jun 2000
by A1 I guess in your case it is going to be "if the shoe fits wear it". If anyone fits my definition of a troll, they will be called one, if you feel threatened because of this, you are a troll and any trolls are not welcomed. by hugh What is your definition,and how do I fit it ? by A1 I didn't call you out as a troll, you outted yourself and proceeded to say and act like I did. by hugh untrue !!! by A1 I am still willing to honor my offer, under my conditons. by hugh You know what you can do with your conditions ! byA1 The question now is: Are you going to remove your posts and let me remove any mention of your name and any quotes from this thread, and let people not think you are a troll? Or are you just going to let things stand as they are, and let people think you are a troll? Your choice. I'd hurry and make up my mind before others start to quote what you have posted here. by hugh People can and should make up their own mind as to whether you are right or not.I think you are a hypocrite for offering to make that sort of offer ! I do not wish to prolong this "disagreement" any longer,as it is wasting space.Though I will defend myself,if necessary,from any more untrue statements.I will not remove anything I have said because it is the truth.
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09:52 AM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
So, I guess you are choosing to be known as a troll. You had your opportunity. You outed yourself by replying in this thread without me calling you out by name, you then went on to accuse me of threatening you personally because I warned any potential trolls that I would call them out as so. I guess your choice is to be known as a troll, so be it. If you can't see what you have done that isn't my problem.
You are forcing me to defend myself again. You keep calling me a troll,but have not yet given an accepted definition of one. I guess if you call me one often enough people will begin to think I am one (good strategy).The only problem with that strategy is people will read this thread a little closer and find out who is telling the truth and who is making it up as they go along.One more thing,I never accused you of personally threatening me.
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03:49 PM
Aug 21st, 2012
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
Originally posted by Hugh You are forcing me to defend myself again. You keep calling me a troll,but have not yet given an accepted definition of one. I guess if you call me one often enough people will begin to think I am one (good strategy).The only problem with that strategy is people will read this thread a little closer and find out who is telling the truth and who is making it up as they go along.One more thing,I never accused you of personally threatening me.
You fall into my definiton of a troll. You may not agree or like this, but it IS my defition. Your bickering about it, not contributing to this thread, and continual efforts to take this thread off topic just enforces my opinion that you are acting like a troll. You, and you alone, decided that I called you out as a troll, even before you posted in this thread, and before I made ANY mention of you. Anyone that reads the sequence of my posts, and yours, from the beginning, will see that I did not call you a troll until after your first post in this thread on 08-15-2012 @ 10:58 AM in which you tell me:
Originally posted by Hugh One thing that makes me angry is being threatened.I don't normally post in political threads,but this time I need to make an exception ! KISS MY A$$ !!!!!!!!!!
My reply to your posting and the first mention of you as a troll occurs on 08-15-2012 @ 9:24 PM that is over 10 hours later. So how exactly did I personally threaten you or make you feel threatened? What should I think of someone who is telling me to kiss their ass? I gave my definition of a troll in my first post of tis thread. It said:
Originally poated by Avengador1 If you don't like my threads, or what I post, this is your last chance to hit the back button. Anyone not adding to the discussion will be ridiculed for being a troll, spammer and hypocrite. Why cause yourself heartache and anger? You have been warned!
Where exactly do I name you or single you out in that sentence? Why did you feel I was calling you a troll by posting that warning to all potential trolls? Did you feel that you fit that description or was it because of something you planned to do in this thread? Why did you have to post in here in the first place and now act like a victim? I did not threaten you personally. I did not do anything that should have made you feel threatened, unless you already considered yourself to be a troll. I did not call you a troll in this thread until after your first post to me in it. I laid out my ground rules for posting in this thread and warned of the consecuenses. YOU chose to post in it, after reading the warning, so you should not have expected anything different treatment. You were warned! My offer still stands. Remove your non contributing posts and I will remove any quotes I have made of your posts or any mention of your name from this thread. If you want to contribute you will be welcomed to do so, if not, please don't waste Cliff's space.
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09:24 PM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
According to news reports President Obama signed the “The Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011” on August 10, 2012. reports,
“Democrats and Republicans came together to give President Obama more power to appoint officials jobs in his administration without seeking approval from the Senate.”
This bill will go into effect anywhere from 0-60 days from the date of President Obama signing it. The Senate approved the bill, 79-20, in June 2011. The House approved it, 261-116, last month.
“In the middle of election season, Democrats and Republicans in Congress have come together to give President Barack Obama more power to appoint officials to jobs in his administration without seeking approval from the Senate.”
Yes, you read correctly: more power. The article went on to point out just why this didn’t break across mainstream media:
Lost in the hubbub last weekend over Rep. Paul Ryan’s selection as Mitt Romney’s running mate was the fact that Obama signed a bill that eliminates the need to obtain Senate confirmation for about 170 executive branch posts: the Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011.
Senator Lieberman, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, which marked up and reported out the measure, said: “This bipartisan legislation represents the Senate at its best. A problem was identified, and Democrats and Republicans worked together to craft a solution. Now, future Administrations will be able to get their teams in place more quickly, and the Senate will be able focus its time and energy on the most important Executive Branch appointments. In no way does this bill erode the Senate’s role of “advice and consent.” Rather, it strengthens the Senate’s power by freeing us up to concentrate on nominees who will actually shape national policy.”
This is very concerning, this gives Obama the legal right to hire who he wants without approval from the senate for the following positions.
A list of positions exempted from Senate confirmation appears below.
Department of Agriculture
Assistant Secretary for Administration
Rural Utilities Service Administrator
Directors (7), Commodity Credit Corporation
Department of Commerce
Chief Scientist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Officer Corps, NOAA (321)
Corporation for National and Community Service Managing Directors (2)
Department of Defense
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration)
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
Director of the Selective Service System
Members (6), National Security Education Board
Council of Economic Advisers
Members (2)
Department of Education
Assistant Secretary for Management
Commissioner – Education Statistics
Members (15), National Board of Education Sciences
Department of Health and Human Services
Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Public Health Services Corps (2536)
Department of Homeland Security
Assistant Administrator, Grants, FEMA
Administrator, U.S. Fire Administration
Director, Office of Counternarcotics Enforcement
Chief Medical Officer
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
US Agency for International Development
Assistant Administrator for Management
Department of Justice
Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics
Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance
Director, National Institute of Justice
Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Director, Office for Victims of Crime
Department of Labor
Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management
Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
Director, Women’s Bureau
Office of National Drug Control Policy
Deputy Director
Deputy Director, Demand Reduction
Deputy Director, State and Local Affairs
Deputy Director, Supply Reduction
Department of State
Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
Assistant Secretary for Administration
Department of Transportation
Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs
Deputy Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration
Administrator, St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
Department of Treasury
Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
Assistant Secretary for Management
Treasurer of the United States Administrator,
Community Development Financial Institution Fund
Department of Veterans Affairs
Assistant Secretary for Management
Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration
Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs
Assistant Secretary for Operations, Security and Preparedness
Appalachian Regional Commission
Alternate Federal Co-Chairman
African Development Bank
Governor Alternate Governor
African Development Fund
Governor Alternate Governor
Asian Development Bank
Alternate Governor
Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development
Members (13), Board of Trustees
Mississippi River Commission
Commissioners (7)
National Council on Disability
Members (15)
National Institute for Literacy Advisory Board
Members (10)
National Museum and Library Services Board
Members (20)
National Science Board
Members (24)
More freedom for Obama, less accountability, and the ability to control.
Note: Homeland Security, DOD, and FEMA are on this list. Scarey thought indeed. I wonder if the same people who did President Obama’s background check will be doing theirs also?
Thank you! You honestly made an effort and posted actual information that shows that email to be incorrect. This is what a discussion is about, although not everyone will agree that Snopes is 100% reliable, as they do tend to lean to the left, but they are correct most of the time. This is the type of exchange of information that I am looking for.
John. I don't bother posting in these threads, but I do occasionally READ them. ( I run two OS's, and forgot to untick politics in this one ) Now, your reply I have quoted begs the question: HE researched the information, and proved it to be incorrect. The question really is simple, and you confirm that with your quoted reply: WHY did YOU not investigate it before posting it then? Surely, that is what responsible politicians should why don't you? This isn't an attack,per is just pointing out why so many people don't bother with the thread. Call me a troll if you will: I couldn't care less. But you do YOURSELF a mis-service by posting stuff YOU haven't corroborated as being TRUE first
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 08-21-2012).]
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09:40 PM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
I wouldn't call you a troll Nick. You have asked me a legitimate question, even though it is off topic. I like to post articles, get a discussion going, sometimes I will comment, sometimes not. I usually try to reply to questions asked of me when I can. It has been a bit more difficult since I am away from home getting training for my new business. If I were to corroborate every story I wouldn't have any need for a discussion. Sometimes I just want to see how people feel about the stories in some of the articles I post, corroborated or not. Sometimes I just post to pass a story along.
[This message has been edited by avengador1 (edited 08-21-2012).]
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10:23 PM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
Today, during his impromptu press briefing featuring lie after lie, President Obama told a whopper with regard to his campaign and Mitt Romney. “Nobody accused Mr. Romney of being a felon,” said the delusional commander-in-chief. He added, “we point out sharp differences between the candidates, but we don’t go out of bounds.”
In July, Stephanie Cutter, Obama’s deputy campaign spokeswoman, explained, “Either Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony, or he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people to avoid responsibility for some of the consequences of his investments.” That sure sounds like an accusation of a felony.
Or how about Harry Reid, who suggested that Mitt Romney hadn’t paid taxes for ten years? “The burden should be on him,” said Reid. “He’s the one I’ve alleged has not paid any taxes. Why didn’t he release his tax returns?” Tax evasion is a felony.
Or how about Nancy Pelosi? “Harry Reid made a statement that is true. Somebody told him. It is a fact. Whether he did or not can easily be disposed of: Mitt Romney can release his tax returns and show whether he paid taxes.”
And as to Obama’s claim that the campaign hasn’t gone “out of bounds,” how about Joe Soptic, a man the Obama campaign trotted out to tell supporters that Mitt Romney and Bain Capital had killed his wife of cancer? How about Joe Biden implying that Republicans would re-enslave black Americans? How about Obama suggesting that Romney was unpatriotic because Bain outsourced jobs?
Obama either lives in a world of his own making, or he’s fully convinced that nobody in the media will ask him a real question about his campaign’s sickening tactics. Perhaps both are true.
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10:28 PM
crashyoung Member
Posts: 1333 From: Lowell, Michigan, USA Registered: May 2012
I am willing to bet a dollar that whoever is elected, (other than the current resident of the white house, that is), will not bring any change to the current residents enacted taxes and huge debt load. It will be business as usual with the new administrative resident...
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11:56 PM
Aug 22nd, 2012
hugh Member
Posts: 5563 From: Clementon,NJ,USA Registered: Jun 2000
quote Originally poated by Avengador1 If you don't like my threads, or what I post, this is your last chance to hit the back button. Anyone not adding to the discussion will be ridiculed for being a troll, spammer and hypocrite. Why cause yourself heartache and anger? You have been warned! by hugh I don't like to be threatened and warned,and I am sure many forum members don't either (good way to start a thread}. I have not tried to take this thread off topic,I only defended myself against your unfounded charges ! As I am still doing ! by A1 My offer still stands. Remove your non contributing posts and I will remove any quotes I have made of your posts or any mention of your name from this thread. If you want to contribute you will be welcomed to do so, if not, please don't waste Cliff's space. by hugh I will not remove anything I have said because it is the truth. hypocrite !.What is YOUR definition of a hypocrite? A spammer? Making me defend myself wastes Cliff'S space !
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08:43 AM
Marvin McInnis Member
Posts: 11599 From: ~ Kansas City, USA Registered: Apr 2002
You fall into my definiton [sic] of a troll. You may not agree or like this, but it IS my defition [sic]. [emphasis added]
Sic, sic, sic.
"I don't know what you mean by 'glory,' " Alice said.
Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. "Of course you don't—till I tell you. I meant 'there's a nice knock-down argument for you!' "
"But 'glory' doesn't mean 'a nice knock-down argument'," Alice objected.
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master, that's all."
Alice was too much puzzled to say anything, so after a minute Humpty Dumpty began again. "They've a temper, some of them—particularly verbs, they're the proudest—adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs—however, I can manage the whole lot! Impenetrability! That's what I say!"
(Lewis Carroll, in Through the Looking Glass)
[This message has been edited by Marvin McInnis (edited 08-22-2012).]
How can you have a thread that excludes retadrs like this?
I love it when someone uses an insult to another person's intelligence by calling them dumb, stupid, retard, etc... and cannot even spell the word "retard" right. Oh the big, beautiful, retarded irony.
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11:24 AM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001
I wouldn't call you a troll Nick. You have asked me a legitimate question, even though it is off topic. I like to post articles, get a discussion going, sometimes I will comment, sometimes not. I usually try to reply to questions asked of me when I can. It has been a bit more difficult since I am away from home getting training for my new business. If I were to corroborate every story I wouldn't have any need for a discussion. Sometimes I just want to see how people feel about the stories in some of the articles I post, corroborated or not. Sometimes I just post to pass a story along.
Or more simply put, and more often than not, you are simply trolling for a reaction. You know it, I knowit,everyone else knows it. Why beat around the bush with all these failed bs rationalizations? You've changed your explanation more times than anyone can keep up with--why not just tell the truth and be done with it? And if you think you calling anyone a "troll" is going to make a rat's butt of difference to anyone, you're giving yourself way way too much credit.
[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 08-23-2012).]
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01:20 AM
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
This is the only thread I know of where it's authored by someone people think is a troll specifically to post topics people think are posted to troll, so they go there and get trolled and then complain about being trolled.
[This message has been edited by Formula88 (edited 08-23-2012).]
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12:00 PM
hugh Member
Posts: 5563 From: Clementon,NJ,USA Registered: Jun 2000
This is the only thread I know of where it's authored by someone people think is a troll specifically to post topics people think are posted to troll, so they go there and get trolled and then complain about being trolled.
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12:52 PM
Aug 26th, 2012
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
This is the only thread I know of where it's authored by someone people think is a troll specifically to post topics people think are posted to troll, so they go there and get trolled and then complain about being trolled.
Which is why I have not been posting here.
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07:22 PM
Aug 27th, 2012
stumpkin Member
Posts: 248 From: Central Minnesota, MN Registered: Aug 2007
So my daughter is was in college full time until she lost our health care coverage. You know the "health care coverage you can keep". This caused her to enter the work force (she is a cosmetologist) & continue her education part time. Seems that if you are retired military and on the "single payer system" they can change the rules on you. Take your kids coverage that you earned & give it to someone else's kid as an entitlement. Now Walgreens durg's no longer accepts our retired military coverage for it's Rx's. It is a low rembursser pays the same as Medicare. So how long before retired military & Medicare are no longer accepted?
So this is the single payer system that some feel is so good? Really! This election is so important for many reasons.
Edit 2 add like the troll thing entertaining! I usually toll avengador1's threads as they are usually just a cut n past thing. This one a member could actually reply to if you had a story or opinion on it. Guess I'm a BFT big fat troll!
------------------ 1986 Red s/e 2m6 5-sp, & 2006 Red Solstice 5-sp Live Strong - I Am Phil 4:13
[This message has been edited by stumpkin (edited 08-27-2012).]
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01:27 AM
fogglethorpe Member
Posts: 4828 From: Valley of the Sun Registered: Jul 2001
A psychotherapist who also notes the parental abandonment Obama suffered in his childhood says that while she can’t prove it, “the degree of Obama’s disconnect reminds me of my sexually abused clients.”
Writing under the pseudonym Robin of Berkeley, the psychotherapist says Obama’s poem “evoked images of sexual abuse.”
So an alleged psychotherapist, who refuses to identify herself, speculates that President Obama may have some personality traits in common with sexually abused clients..
Well, damn! I am 100% sold on the veracity of that "article" and the credibility of all those mentioned therein.
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01:56 AM
System Bot
fierobear Member
Posts: 27089 From: Safe in the Carolinas Registered: Aug 2000
So an alleged psychotherapist, who refuses to identify herself, speculates that President Obama may have some personality traits in common with sexually abused clients..
Well, damn! I am 100% sold on the veracity of that "article" and the credibility of all those mentioned therein.
That's because she's an EX-LIBERAL, living in BERKELEY, CA. Do I *really* need to explain it further?
This article offers some support for her conclusion:
Originally posted by avengador1: Yo uh psychotherapist who also notes da parental abandonment Obama suffered in his childhood says dat while she can’t prove it, “da degree o' Obama’s disconnect reminds me o' muh motha ****in sexually abused clients.” Writing under da pseudonym Robin o' Berkeley, da psychotherapist says Obama’s poem “evoked images o' sexual abuse.” Many pundits who gots examined Barack Obama’s unconventional childhood gots marveled at his ability ta overcome significant personal obstacles ta become da leader o' da free world, but it’s not hard ta imagine dere gots been consequences. Speculation 'boutObama’s sexuality has roiled beneaf da radar o' establishment media, fed, among other things, by Larry Sinclair’s sensational claims o' cocaine-fueled salad tosser acts wif Obama in Chicago an' reports o' Obama’s “transgender nanny” in Indonesia. Now, da former radical activist from Occidental College who has recounted uh 1980 encounter in which Obama affirmed revolutionary Marxist views tells WND in an interview his strong impression at da tyme wuz dat Obama an' da wealthy Pakistani roommate who accompanied him wuz salad tosser lovers Ya' know what I'm sayin'?
Ebonics speakers need this info too. Jus' tryna help, yo.
I am becoming what I have been accused of and will no longer post in this thread !I am no longer defending myself against false charges,but seeking revenge for them.It is not my nature to be vengeful,so I am stopping before I get worse.
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07:45 AM
avengador1 Member
Posts: 35468 From: Orlando, Florida Registered: Oct 2001