Its a power struggle and pizzin contest to join or not join a cult (whichever one), some of us are determined we wont join and will defend ourselves, sometimes to the death---and others are determined we will join, and will do anything--even post-death, to try and force us.
How does any religion or religous action have any power over a non-believer? The act of baptism is symbolic. To a non believer it has as much power over them as a garden hose.
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12:52 PM
Boostdreamer Member
Posts: 7175 From: Kingsport, Tennessee USA Registered: Jun 2007
Dang, the prayers might be working. Last night I pulled out and dusted off the old bible from the bookshelf and read a couple of passages. This morning I get in the vehicle and radio had a Christian pastor was preaching a sermon.
Maybe this is working. My eyes are still closed and I'm not feeling the love from the Holy Ghost yet, but keep me in your prayers. You might just save a soul.
This makes me very hopeful! Thanks for sharing that! It means a lot for those of us who are sincere in being concerned about your soul.
Here's a request to you, Wichita. When you see a scripture, whether in this thread, in a PM, or in your Bible, READ IT OUT LOUD. It doesn't need to be loud enough to be heard by anyone else. If it is loud enough for your own ears, that is sufficient.
If Wichita genuinely asked for prayer, wanting and believing in it, this would be fine and dandy, but my reading of his posts suggests it's nothing more than to mock what he considers Christian hypocrisy. If he doesn't want the benefit or believe in the power of prayer, no amount of praying will matter.
I hope this is false. I believe that you can pray for someone's heart to be softened to the message of Jesus. Then it is up to the individual and his maker.
How does any religion or religous action have any power over a non-believer? The act of baptism is symbolic. To a non believer it has as much power over them as a garden hose.
Because of the arguments and power struggles that follow that symbolic act....Once its been done, it becomes a life-long battle to drive away those who argue "well, you were baptised, so you ARE a XXXXXXXXXX (whatever)".......Believe me, I know what I am talking about. I was baptised catholic as an infant, rejected the dogma and belief in my early teens, and 30 years later am STILL fighting off azzholes who want to consider me as "one of them"....and NOTHING that can be done or said, short of murder, is going to make them frack off with thier belief system and dogmas.
The guys here who know me personally know I really am "live and let live" and respect everybodies right to believe whatever they want--I might even lend a hand with chores at a church for a friend or do some LOA research for one...but DONT include me in the group. I DO NOT in any way shape or form answer to thier dieties, orginizational hierchy, dogmas, relegious laws, or anything else and dont really give a damn what some book or some other human said...THATS the line in the sand.
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 04-24-2013).]
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01:06 PM
MidEngineManiac Member
Posts: 29566 From: Some unacceptable view Registered: Feb 2007
I hope this is false. I believe that you can pray for someone's heart to be softened to the message of Jesus. Then it is up to the individual and his maker.
Unless ya pizz them off doin it, then ya have hardened their heart.
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01:07 PM
yellowstone Member
Posts: 9299 From: Düsseldorf/Germany Registered: Jun 2003
Is there a concern that an athiest might be baptized against his/her will? Since an athiest doesn't believe in the religion or baptism, how is this any more concern than someone watering the grass over their grave? I would think it would be of no more conern to an athiest than sending a letter to Santa on behalf of the deceased.
That is true (and actually goes even for the believers because when they're dead, they're dead). I just find the action itself strange, especially when it's not for atheists but for dead people who were followers of another religion...
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01:32 PM
TheDigitalAlchemist Member
Posts: 12686 From: Long Island, NY Registered: Jan 2012
Dang 7 negatives ratings given out in one thread. I prayed to Allah for you, did you happen to read any passages from the Qur'an?
kinda proves that religious folks AREN't that forgiving. in actuality, I suspect they can't WAIT till judgement day arrives, when they can look over Heaven's golden balcony and laugh at us non-believers all burning in hell below... and then *poof* they'll find themselves right next to us for having such naughty thoughts, and we'll laugh our evil asses off as we drop a bar of soap in front of each of 'em.
kinda proves that religious folks AREN't that forgiving. in actuality, I suspect they can't WAIT till judgement day arrives, when they can look over Heaven's golden balcony and laugh at us non-believers all burning in hell below... and then *poof* they'll find themselves right next to us for having such naughty thoughts, and we'll laugh our evil asses off as we drop a bar of soap in front of each of 'em.
Can I borrow your soap? I'll be keeping mine on some string to avoid anything unwanted + given to any one given a negative in this thread
How does any religion or religous action have any power over a non-believer? The act of baptism is symbolic. To a non believer it has as much power over them as a garden hose.
WOW really ?/
bombs airplane crashes shootings and you claim myths are harmless? and cult actions of no concern?
now lets list the current christian agenda VS OUR LAWS
drug laws who bankrolls the anti-legalization ads hint [a church] sex laws inc hooker and gays who was the bankrollers of the anti-gay marriage campaign ?? SODOMY LAWS ?? want a case of beer to take on a sunday boating/fishing trip ? BLUE LAWS GUESS WHO DOES THAT BOOK BANS AND MOVIE CENSORS = THE CHURCHIES ...ECT
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02:29 PM
2.5 Member
Posts: 43235 From: Southern MN Registered: May 2007
Wouldnt surprise me in the least....MOST of my red comes from relegious threads. Seems some xtians dont like free thinking and being told "no".
Mine changed by two but I don't know if they are + or -. The arrow moves back and forth with no change in the total ratings count so I have no idea what it means other than "it moves." But, such is life!
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03:36 PM
yellowstone Member
Posts: 9299 From: Düsseldorf/Germany Registered: Jun 2003
Mine changed by two but I don't know if they are + or -. The arrow moves back and forth with no change in the total ratings count so I have no idea what it means other than "it moves." But, such is life!
I guess that means that someone changed a previous rating of you.
I guess that means that someone changed a previous rating of you.
That's possible but it swings so much that I doubt that is the cause. It's moves around daily. Someone would have to be sitting there flipping it hourly and I don't think there are too many people conflicted about how to rate me.
I'm sure it means something cosmic but I don't know what!
Mine changed by two but I don't know if they are + or -. The arrow moves back and forth with no change in the total ratings count so I have no idea what it means other than "it moves." But, such is life!
Dang, the prayers might be working. Last night I pulled out and dusted off the old bible from the bookshelf and read a couple of passages. This morning I get in the vehicle and radio had a Christian pastor was preaching a sermon.
Maybe this is working. My eyes are still closed and I'm not feeling the love from the Holy Ghost yet, but keep me in your prayers. You might just save a soul.
You're such a tease.
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04:36 PM
fierofool Member
Posts: 12941 From: Auburn, Georgia USA Registered: Jan 2002
How do you tell when someone rates you with a + or - ? All I see is a different number of ratings.
Expressing your beliefs to an individual in my book is OK. They can listen, accept or reject what you're saying. What I don't condone is trying to force your beliefs on anyone. I occasionally ask someone to come to visit my church, but I don't harp on it or keep asking each time I see them. I have my beliefs, but I don't force them upon anyone who isn't open to listening and discussion.
Though the Spanish Inquisition, Medieval Inquisition and Roman Inquisitions were carried out by Christians of their era, we've moved on to a more civilized form of Christianity. It does seem, however that some religions are still of that mindset that if you don't believe and convert to MY religion, the only solution is death to the disbeliever.
[This message has been edited by fierofool (edited 04-24-2013).]
I've only ever given out 3 negs. One for someone I knew who ripped off myself and a bunch of PFF members, one for purposely diverting business away from me because I didn't renew a contract, and one for an individual who goaded someone to go ahead and commit suicide. Any other negs I may have given have been changed to positives. And I did say a prayer for both the one who was contemplating suicide and for the one who wanted him to do it. In my mind, I think it helped. Surely it didn't hurt because both are still with us. Can't hurt Wichita, either.
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07:23 PM
mferrell Member
Posts: 243 From: Elkveiw, Wv, USA Registered: Feb 2012
Wichita I did honestly pray that you will find the answers you are looking for and I will continue to do so. I will also be praying for the rest of you guys. I hope all who aren't sure of their salvation, will get the knowledge that they are looking for. And yes I do pray that a sinner is saved. I also pray that my Lord uses me to see that come to pass. Not that I can save anyone I can't even save myself, But that He might give me the words that You need to hear to make up your own mind that you need Him. And I also pray that I show everyone (the lost and those that are saved) the Love that He has shown me.
exactly. What if I worshiped Zeus, and a Christian prayed for me. Zeus might find that offensive and hold it against me. (note... I am not a greek god worshiper, just using it as an example)
Zeus died in the last movie "Wrath of the titans" so your cool.
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08:55 AM
System Bot
jaskispyder Member
Posts: 21510 From: Northern MI Registered: Jun 2002
Topic: ATTENTION ALL CHRISTIANS: Please pray for the salvation of Wichita
To all Christians on Pennocks,
I have asked forum member Wichita if he would give me permission to pray for him. I also asked for permission to change my signature to include a request for prayer for him. I have asked his permission to start this thread and to ask each of you to pray for his salvation and to add his name to your personal prayer lists as well as your church prayer lists. I wil also be PM'ing him some scriptures from time to time.
I have no problem with someone praying for anyone, to any spiritual entity, for any reason ... but I do have a problem with someone doing so loudly, publicly, or making an issue of it.
Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
(Matthew 6:1-5)
I come from a Christian tradition that emphasizes the personal nature of prayer and discourages loud public "testimony" and proclamation of faith. I decline your call to "all Christians."
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:
The responses here ... give me a glimpse of what it must have been like in the days preceding the flood.
That, my friend, strikes me as dangerously close to Pride and arrogant self-righteousness.
[This message has been edited by Marvin McInnis (edited 04-25-2013).]
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10:28 AM
FriendGregory Member
Posts: 4833 From: Palo Alto, CA, USA Registered: Jan 2004
My other choice to not believing in God is to believe in the power of amazing coincidence. To me, the power of prayer is no more surprising than turning a door handle and opening the door. I will just pray that God remembers Wichita. Warning; God has a sense of humor.
I have no problem with someone praying for anyone, to any spiritual entity, for any reason ... but I do have a problem with someone doing so loudly, publicly, or making an issue of it.
If you believe in multiple "gods" or entities, I take it that you're not a Christian. This thread and all CHRISTIAN activity in it was discussed with and approved by Wichita. Any posts that are not following the OP have not been discussed or approved by Wichita. So where does that place you?
Originally posted by Marvin McInnis:
I come from a Christian tradition that emphasizes the personal nature of prayer and discourages loud public "testimony" and proclamation of faith. I decline your call to "all Christians."
I am unaware of this "christian" tradition. Which scriptures teach this? None that I'm aware of.
Originally posted by Marvin McInnis: That, my friend, strikes me as dangerously close to Pride and arrogant self-righteousness.
It is neither. I want something good for someone else. I am saddened by the majority of the posts here because they are blatantly disrespectful of Christianity. You can have your own way of thinking and believing without being disrespectful. I have given NO ratings for this thread. It is unfortunate that a call to Christins draws all the non-Christians to jump in and turn a sincere thread into what has been called a troll thread.
Wichita, for these things, I am sorry. I did pray for you again last night. I will continue to do so. If this thread ever becomes overwhelming, just say the word and we'll ask Cliff to shut it down.