These were things we learned in a Rajasthan village during Akha Teej, a festival that takes place during the hottest months of spring, just before the monsoon rains, and that is considered an auspicious time for weddings. We stared miserably at the 5-year-old Rajani as it became clear that the small girl in the T-shirt, padding around barefoot and holding the pink plastic sunglasses someone had given her, was also to be one of the midnight ceremony's brides. The man who had led us to the village, a cousin to Mr. M, had advised us only that a wedding was planned for two teenage sisters. That in itself was risky to disclose, as in India girls may not legally marry before age 18. But the techniques used to encourage the overlooking of illegal weddings—neighborly conspiracy, appeals to family honor—are more easily managed when the betrothed girls have at least reached puberty. The littlest daughters tend to be added on discreetly, their names kept off the invitations, the unannounced second or third bride at their own weddings.
[This message has been edited by Arns85GT (edited 11-27-2013).]
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11:26 AM
System Bot
Formula88 Member
Posts: 53788 From: Raleigh NC Registered: Jan 2001
Originally posted by Arns85GT: I find this practice repugnant
I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure they're the exception rather than the rule and that most peace loving Muslims would decry one who takes a minor as a bride as not being a true Mulsim or following the true meaning of Islam.
"Tim Marshall, a reporter who covered the event for Sky News, later posted a denunciatory blog entry condemning the Internet-circulated claims of "child brides" as nothing more than uninformed, scurrilous rumor-mongering."
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02:23 PM
yellowstone Member
Posts: 9299 From: DĂĽsseldorf/Germany Registered: Jun 2003
"Tim Marshall, a reporter who covered the event for Sky News, later posted a denunciatory blog entry condemning the Internet-circulated claims of "child brides" as nothing more than uninformed, scurrilous rumor-mongering."
Rubbish, I read of PFF that Snopes was left-leaning, practically a commie pinko site, so whatever the OP says must be true.
"Tim Marshall, a reporter who covered the event for Sky News, later posted a denunciatory blog entry condemning the Internet-circulated claims of "child brides" as nothing more than uninformed, scurrilous rumor-mongering."
As usual the contrarian troll pokes his nose in,denying the truth, declaiming the facts, causing trouble again.
Who would you believe, the reporter who went to the event, or a desperately poor version of citizen journalist, sitting at home, making things up, not checking anything, and either unknowingly or deliberately, writing hysterical anti Islamic nonsense?
Hmmmmmm.. Reminds me of alot of people around here.
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03:15 PM
rinselberg Member
Posts: 16118 From: Sunnyvale, CA (USA) Registered: Mar 2010
Originally posted by Formula88-bot: I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure they're the exception rather than the rule and that most peace loving Muslims would decry one who takes a minor as a bride as not being a true Mulsim or following the true meaning of Islam.
I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure that this report came from the tiny minority of assclown journalists, and that most fact-loving journalists would decry one who publishes a faked-up report as not being a true journalist or following the true meaning of journalism.
Ive heard and seen about this as long as I can remember. I believe it and its just their culture. All these Islamic countries believe a woman is useless to their society except for bearing kids and providing entertainment for the men. Some of these places even kill female infants as they are seen as a burden rather than a benefit to the family. I seen it in SE Asia too. Husbands can even kill wives and daughters at will with no repercussion. There not allowed to appear in public unless covered up, not allowed to be schooled or work (except in the home or fields for the husband). In last decade or so they have been given more use as bombers.
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03:24 PM
rinselberg Member
Posts: 16118 From: Sunnyvale, CA (USA) Registered: Mar 2010
Originally posted by rogergarrison: Ive heard and seen about this as long as I can remember. I believe it and its just their culture. All these Islamic countries believe a woman is useless to their society except for bearing kids and providing entertainment for the men. Some of these places even kill female infants as they are seen as a burden rather than a benefit to the family. I seen it in SE Asia too. Husbands can even kill wives and daughters at will with no repercussion. There not allowed to appear in public unless covered up, not allowed to be schooled or work (except in the home or fields for the husband). In last decade or so they have been given more use as bombers.
You forget to mention India--where a lot of this is done by Hindus. I suspect there are other places in SE Asia where some Buddhist sects are involved. In Africa, it's not unknown among certain populations with Christian allegiances, and among some groups that are known as "Animist".
Well, you did say "SE Asia". But it's common for some to just say it's all on various Islamic communities.
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 11-22-2013).]
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03:27 PM
Pyrthian Member
Posts: 29569 From: Detroit, MI Registered: Jul 2002
Ive heard and seen about this as long as I can remember. I believe it and its just their culture. All these Islamic countries believe a woman is useless to their society except for bearing kids and providing entertainment for the men.
Good that most of our culture stopped doing that in the not-too-distant past even though some christian and mormon sects that still seem to like the practice. Hopefully a less religious worldview will prevail in most islamic countries, as well, and soon!
My wife was 30 when we met and 32 when I married her. I never considered marrying or having sex with a child.
Where are those stones you mentioned? I will gladly chuck them at these sickos.
What sickos? Because the ones in the OP's photos have been debunked as pedophiles or whatever label you might want to use again and again.
Please don't try to hold yourself above the sins of your faith and please don't hold your religion above anyone elses faith it reflects on your character and believability.
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06:00 PM
MidEngineManiac Member
Posts: 29566 From: Some unacceptable view Registered: Feb 2007
Not a problem, the pedo's fan club know how to keep them entertained and away from the kiddies....OH, yeh--that fan club goes by the name "our armed forces"
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 11-22-2013).]
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06:32 PM
Doug85GT Member
Posts: 9794 From: Sacramento CA USA Registered: May 2003
What sickos? Because the ones in the OP's photos have been debunked as pedophiles or whatever label you might want to use again and again.
Please don't try to hold yourself above the sins of your faith and please don't hold your religion above anyone elses faith it reflects on your character and believability.
Who said anything about my faith? I hate pedophiles of all faiths.
Despite the debunked photos, it is a real problem. Here is some reading material for you from various news sources.
If anybody feel a need to stick--the-wick into a kid that young, then ya are a sicko ripe fer being the "special one" in a game of lynching-and-piniata-with-louisville-sluggers.....and screw da "culture" annd "tollerance of others cultures" and "special rights"---THAT liberal crap is what got this continent into trouble in the 1st place.
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06:55 PM
Doug85GT Member
Posts: 9794 From: Sacramento CA USA Registered: May 2003
If anybody feel a need to stick--the-wick into a kid that young, then ya are a sicko ripe fer being the "special one" in a game of lynching-and-piniata-with-louisville-sluggers.....and screw da "culture" annd "tollerance of others cultures" and "special rights"---THAT liberal crap is what got this continent into trouble in the 1st place.
THat's exactly the point I was making it isn't confined to any religion IMO, these losers exist in many segments of society however the OP's photos and story are
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07:17 PM
MidEngineManiac Member
Posts: 29566 From: Some unacceptable view Registered: Feb 2007
Noooo not at all, I think they exist in most groups unfortunately but I do know the OP photos are
I dunno......I know Arn and what kind of man he is quite well personally, and NOPE, if he says something he HAS done his research, he has spent his life hunting crooks and trying to be a fair good man and make things right, He WAS the only one to show up at a parts sale I once had (LMAO) and has done amazing things for several communaties (cars, music, church--online and off)-----so until ya meet the guy in person a few times, just go with it, OK ?
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07:22 PM
FriendGregory Member
Posts: 4833 From: Palo Alto, CA, USA Registered: Jan 2004
Originally posted by Arns85GT:It is important, in my view, for we in the car enthusiast community to stand fore square with those fighting this deviant behaviour.
We at Pennocks are starting an army?
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09:39 PM
MidEngineManiac Member
Posts: 29566 From: Some unacceptable view Registered: Feb 2007
I dunno......I know Arn and what kind of man he is quite well personally, and NOPE, if he says something he HAS done his research, he has spent his life hunting crooks and trying to be a fair good man and make things right, He WAS the only one to show up at a parts sale I once had (LMAO) and has done amazing things for several communaties (cars, music, church--online and off)-----so until ya meet the guy in person a few times, just go with it, OK ?
NOPE he says lots of things on here and DOES NOT do his research. That does not mean he isn't great guy and hard worker etc. just that he SOMETIMES posts and seems to believe
If he bothered to research he could have found the truth about the he posted.
Perhaps the 2009 images are a little more compelling and it is, I suppose, at least possible that whoever first perpetrated these inflammatory falsehoods did so out of genuine misunderstanding. What is less forgivable - "bizarre & shameful" even - is that many hundreds of bloggers have gleefully perpetrated such errant nonsense in their publications without taking the few minutes required to check the veracity of its claims. While free speech is (or should be) a fundamental human right, perhaps even home-based citizen journalists should take at least some responsibility in ensuring that the information they publish is factual and accurate.
THat's exactly the point I was making it isn't confined to any religion IMO, these losers exist in many segments of society however the OP's photos and story are
It is not that you are obtuse, you just ALWAYS defend Allah. You carry with you the ability to quickly negate any ill word speakings against Allah. After a bit, the noise is deafening.
There are continual apologists for Islamic acts of terror, exploitation and suppression of women, acts of malice, and fascism.
Incidentally and not picking on anyone in particular, these apologists for Islamic malfesence are often anti-Semites and holocaust deniers too.
There is no comparison to a Canadian priest being prosecuted as a child molester and a Government sponsoring institutional paedophilia.
India is trying to pass laws against the practice and is being fought tooth and nail by Islamists
There is no doubt that hundreds of reports of this barbarism of child brides exist and the people who defend them are guilty of deflecting criticism rightly founded, and obscuring the issues to protect the guilty.
It is too bad we have people on the forum who errantly support the dark word of paedophilia by seeking to deny it's existence or make excuse for their behaviour.
It is not that you are obtuse, you just ALWAYS defend Allah. You carry with you the ability to quickly negate any ill word speakings against Allah. After a bit, the noise is deafening.
I don't always "defend Allah" or any other prophet but will always support the innocent people that follow any faith. I'll also call when I see it and my point in this thread is that the OP story is total Bull Caca.
There are continual apologists for Islamic acts of terror, exploitation and suppression of women, acts of malice, and fascism.
Incidentally and not picking on anyone in particular, these apologists for Islamic malfesence are often anti-Semites and holocaust deniers too.
Are you saying anyone here are apologists for such acts? I've yet to see it.
Anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers? Again are you talking about anyone on PFF because I've never seen any evidence
Originally posted by Arns85GT:
There is no comparison to a Canadian priest being prosecuted as a child molester and a Government sponsoring institutional paedophilia. Arn
Show us your evidence of Government sponsored institutional pedophilia please?
Originally posted by Arns85GT:
India is trying to pass laws against the practice and is being fought tooth and nail by Islamists
I would like to see laws against pedophilia in place everywhere in the world and any offenders would be punished for breaking any such laws.
Originally posted by Arns85GT: There is no doubt that hundreds of reports of this barbarism of child brides exist and the people who defend them are guilty of deflecting criticism rightly founded, and obscuring the issues to protect the guilty.
Who defends barbarism of child brides?
Originally posted by Arns85GT: It is too bad we have people on the forum who errantly support the dark word of paedophilia by seeking to deny it's existence or make excuse for their behaviour.
What a terrible accusation......No one here is supporting pedophilia, denying that it exists (in many cultures) nor making excuses for any such behavior!
Why not just admit the story you posted is and move on rather than accusing others?
[This message has been edited by newf (edited 11-23-2013).]
The five nations with the highest observed rates of child marriages in the world, below the age of 18, are Niger, Chad, Mali, Bangladesh and Guinea. The top three nations with greater than 20% rates of child marriages below the age of 15 are Niger, Bangladesh and Guinea.
In Europe, for example, Catholic canon law sets 14 as the minimum age for the marriage of girls, as does Spain with a legal guardian's permission. In North America, girls can be legally married at age 15 in Mexico. Canada and many states in the USA permit child marriages, with court's permission.
Hey those liars at the U.N. are involved too.
In September of 2011 a resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (A/RES/66/170) designated October 11th as the International Day of the Girl Child. On October 11th, 2012 the first International Day of the Girl Child was held, the theme of which was ending child marriage.
In 2013 the first United Nations Human Rights Council resolution against child, early, and forced marriages was adopted; it recognizes child marriage as a human rights violation and pledges to eliminate the practice as part of the U.N.'s post-2015 global development agenda.
India, the world's child marriage capital, has once again failed its under-age brides.
[quote]The country has refused to sign the first-ever global resolution on early and forced marriage of children led by the UN.
The resolution was supported by a cross-regional group of over 107 countries, including almost all countries with high rates of child marriage—Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Chad, Guatemala, Honduras and Yemen.
"The practice persists with impunity. In South Asia, 46% of women between ages 20-24 report having been married before age 18 in 2010. This translated to 24.4 million women in the region. Estimates project that from 2010 to 2030, 130 million more girls in the region will be married."[/quote]
Dubai: More than 5,000 girls below the age of 14 are married off in Saudi Arabia, according to media reports.
There have been 5,622 marriages where the bride is under the age of 14 in Saudi Arabia, said Ali Abdul Rahman Al Roumi, a social services academic at Imam Mohammad Bin Saud Islamic University, adding that specifying a legal age would not solve the problem, and may lead to “even bigger problems”.
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia is edging closer to setting a minimum age for marriage, a Justice Ministry official was quoted as saying on Wednesday, following international criticism of cases of child brides.
Atgaa, 10, and her sister Reemya, 8, are about to be married to men in their 60s. Atgaa will be her husband's fourth wife. Their wedding celebrations are scheduled for this week and will take place in the town of Fayaadah Abban in Qasim, Saudi Arabia.
The girls are getting married because their financially struggling father needs the money that their dowries will provide: young girls of this age can fetch as much as $40,000 each.
And Newf says
Show us your evidence of Government sponsored institutional pedophilia please?
NOPE he says lots of things on here and DOES NOT do his research.
If he bothered to research he could have found the truth about the he posted.
Should I post news stories of Christian pedophiles or can we agree that it happens in all faiths?
And I will repeat, there is a huge difference between the Canadian Government prosecuting a Catholic Priest who is a pedofphile, and the Saudi"s "considering" outlawing the practice.
You are so interested in trying to discredit and that you provide a convenient dodge for the perpetrators and are complicit in covering their trail.
Shame on you Newf
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03:16 PM
rogergarrison Member
Posts: 49601 From: A Western Caribbean Island/ Columbus, Ohio Registered: Apr 99
Should I post news stories of Christian pedophiles or can we agree that it happens in all faiths?
You don't have to post anything about any religion, I'm an atheist I don't care if you are of any religion, screwing kids is just wrong. and many of them do it so I don't care what they are, they are all wrong.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't
You don't have to post anything about any religion, I'm an atheist I don't care if you are of any religion, screwing kids is just wrong. and many of them do it so I don't care what they are, they are all wrong.
Agreed. In fact that's why I commented on the story in the OP. The story is false and is used to label a group of people unfairly.
[This message has been edited by newf (edited 11-23-2013).]
And I will repeat, there is a huge difference between the Canadian Government prosecuting a Catholic Priest who is a pedofphile, and the Saudi"s "considering" outlawing the practice.
I agree a huge difference but we are talking about Children Marrying correct?
So what age is too young to marry in your eyes? Your churches? Your Governments?
Which is it you have a problem with? Saudi Arabia or India, I mean your contention IS that there is "Government sponsoring institutional pedophilia." correct? Why are you leaving out the countries with the highest rates of Child Marriages?
Originally posted by Arns85GT:
You are so interested in trying to discredit and that you provide a convenient dodge for the perpetrators and are complicit in covering their trail.
Shame on you Newf
I am interested in discrediting obvious attempts at bigotry and stories like the one you posted as some might read it and think it's true, when of course it is not. It's just another sad attempt by people that hate Muslims to generalize and hate them further. It's ok to admit you were fooled by it Arn I'm sure there's plenty of gullible and ignorant people that have done the same.
Shame on me? No sir! Shame on you for perpetrating such hate and bigotry by posting the false article and not owning up to it.
[This message has been edited by newf (edited 11-23-2013).]