well since people keep posting here, i guess i'll keep updating it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
very soon this thread will be pointless, but i'll keep it updated until he has all the bugs worked out. if you want your voice heard about the person you dealt with, you will have to find the thread and rate them from that thread.
UPDATED 07/24/07 I think 7 pages to read through is crazy when trying to find a user name to possibly deal with so just like the ¼ mile list started by NOS3800 I’m taking it on myself to keep this list updated as people add posts.
I didn’t make this up, I read through the entire thread that dohcfiend started here. https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum4/HTML/021717-7.... for the names. BUT PLEASE DONT POST IN THAT THREAD, as I will not be checking it for new posts.
The names are in alphabetical order If you see someone listed more than once, that’s because they have been mentioned more than once.
Be sure to check BOTH lists, some names are on both lists and you want to be an informed buyer/seller
BAD 3ats h0ndas 3ats h0ndas 88_P_Arrow AnimalGT brandosfiero Brandosfiero (aka dustinmtilley) classiccatalogs@kolenich.org Coupe85 dezie36 Digital Information Center, The DKOV domesticgal Exotic Rida exotic rida Exotic Rida F-I-E-R-O Fiero1969 fieroeddie FieroTom Fking74 gofast250 GT40Cory aka Cory Reynolds GTdude GTdude GT-X Held Motorsports Indyellowgt Jagray Jagray JaGray jagray Jeremy John Rigdon JR Kasdan keith711 kitcarman LowFieroGT lowfierogt LucidityStudios Master Tuner Akimoto mattm mattm Mccanda mrjohishome pheonix97031 race tech automotive aka the fiero shop ragerc92 ReMixGT rvalmore Shueglue737 Smoothwhitese Smoothwhitese Soaper Soloyosh stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula Triad v8fiero355 Wiccantoy XzotikGT aka (real name removed by request) yons Yons Yons aka Steve Yanda at Yons Racing
GOOD $rich$ $rich$ $rich$ $rich$ $rich$ $Rich$ 007Doug 007Doug 1984_fiero 1984_fiero 1984SE2M4 1MohrFiero 2000RagTop 2birds 2m4dale 2m4dale 2m4dale 2m4dale 3084me 3ats h0ndas 440man 84fieroswap 84fieroswap 84fierotrevor 85_fiero_2m4 85Lamb 86 fiero GT 86 FIERO GT 86 Fiero GT 86blackSE 86blackSE 86FIEROEARL 86goldse4speed 86GT3.4DOHC 86GT3.4DOHC 86GT3.4DOHC 86SEin93003 87 pegasus 87GT_97114 87GTV6 87Pegasus 87SEV6Reborn05 88fierocoupe 88formulaman 88GTFormula 88ironduke 88Ironduke Aaron Kelly Acesurfer Adrift aerosmithr0cker AnimalGT antinull Aus Aus Fiero Ausfiero AusFiero AusFiero Avengador1 Azarael Azareal Back On Holiday Back On Holiday bbitzer Beachbomb Beausoleil Racing Bigfieroman Bixby Bixby blackrams Blackrams!! Blacktree blacktree Blazin blazin bluefiero bluefiero bmwguru BMWGuru bnmoats Bob Maw Bobert bobmarshal bobmarshall Bonzo bonzo Boomtastic Boomtastic bornobsessed Bosuch boysatt boysatt boysatt boysatt bradbitz11 brandosfiero Brian Lamberts Brian Lamberts Brian Lamberts Brian Lamberts Brian Lamberts Brian Lamberts Brian Lamberts brian lamberts brian lamberts Brian Lamberts bruce BtotheB bubbajoe BuddyCraigg buddycraigg buddycraigg buddycraigg BVMotorsports CaddyRob caddyrocket capt fiero CaptFiero CaptFiero CaptKirk carbonfiber_kid carbonfiber_kid carbonfiber_kid carolina joe carolinajoe Carolinajoe carolinajoe carolinajoe Cheetah Cheetah Chester Chester / Elvira cliff pennock Clint!! coinball compyellowfiero Convertible Indy convertibleindy Coolcat Coop9200 crt454 CTFiero87 ctfiero87 CTFieroGT87 D B Cooper Damien Dan Reid daniel87fierogt dans85gt darrel morse Darrel Morse Darrell Morse Darrell Morse Darrell Morse + Darrell Morse + Darth Fiero Delaware Fiero DelawareFiero Derek2M6 aka Street&Strip Performance Devotshka Dewie dezie36 Ditch Dodgerunner Dodgerunner Don Hulse donk316 Doug Kinney Doug Kinney (Fiero Warehouse) DougKraft DougKraft Dr.Porsche DRA DRA DRA DreXteR Drexter Drivenvisions DtheC dthec dthec DtheC DtheC DtheC DtheC Dxr-Dad DZ eclipse Ed Morad Ed Morad Ed Parks Ed Parks Ed Parks (Fiero Factory) EdsB52 (I'm Back!!) EEExotic + Elanor84 Electrathon Electrathon Electrathon Electrathon Electrathon Electrathon Electrathon Electrathon electrathon Electrathon electrathon Elvira EMX5636 ernie ernie exoticse Exoticse exoticse exspook F8 fast fieros fast fiero's Fastback 86 fastfieros fastfieros FastFieros (Loyde) FastFieros (Loyde) fastfirebird Ferrari Momo fibersmith F-I-E-R-O F-I-E-R-O f-i-e-r-o fiero finale fiero rumor fiero store Fiero Store Fiero Store Fiero Store Fiero store fiero store Fiero Store + fiero sts fiero_adam Fiero_Adam Fiero_Freak Fiero_Freak Fiero1969, Fiero1Fan fiero1fan fiero1fan Fiero2m41 Fiero2m41 Fiero67 fiero67 fiero67 fierobear fierobruiser FieroDave Fierodave fierodave fierodave fierodog fierodustin_86 fierofanaticus2 FieroFanaticus2 FIEROFLYER Fierofool Fierofool (Charlie) fierofreak00 fierofreak00 Fierofreek00 FIEROFROSTBITE fierogt3800 FieroGTGuy fieroGTguy FieroGTguy + Fiero-in-Paradise fieroluv fieromadman fieroman FieroMaster88 FieroMonkey FieroMonkey FieroMontreal fieroparts.com Fieroparts.com Fierosails.com fierosound fierosound fierospeed fierostore fierostore Fierostore Fierostore + Fierostore.com Fierotech (Jeremy) fierowarehouse fierowarehouse firstfiero Fleabitdog flordia fiero floridafiero flyntus focusruch fojo fojo foxgapfiero foxgapfiero foxgapfiero foxgapfiero foxgapfiero frankt2012 frizlefrak Frizlefrak Gecko gilli2us GKDINC gladstonefiero Gokart Gokart Gokart GOKART Greengoblin0129 greengoblin0129 grgoyl86 aka Bob Schlag GT86 h.d.fire Hairy_Fiero HappyFiero haze haze Haze (Carl) Held Motorsports hnthomps hugh Hugh Hugh hugh hugh Icebear iced_theater icouldabeenav8 icouldabeenav8 IEATRICE ig88vsbobafett ig88vsbobafett ig88vsbobafett ig88vsbobafett Iggsbobbit (sp) IndyRestoGuy Indyyellowgt interceptor429 interceptor429 interceptor429 isthiswhereiputmyusername Iwanna IRM!! (sp) Jaei Sun Jake_Dragon JamesCurtis jazzman Jazzman jazzman jazzman jeffndebrus jegs jelly2m8 jelly2m8 Jerimiah jmarek78 Joe Torma Joe Torma Joe Torma Joe Torma Joe Torma Joe Troma!! John Stricker!! jstricker jstricker Justin Heileman justin heileman kcfiero ke4mns Kento Kento/Central Florida Fieros kevin23k Kickhill kickhill Kickhill Farms KissMySSFiero Kitcaraccessories + KlingonFiero klingonfiero KlingonFiero Knight Rider Knight Rider krackley kru L44_87GT Lamboman lanman31337 larini74 Lazer litespd Loki LoW_KeY LoW_KeY lowfierogt Lowfierogt lt1zgiest lurker luvin_my_fiero ly41181 ly41181 ly41181 m0sh_man m0sh_man Mach10 Madjack39/Donovan, madness Madness, AKA Matt Walters mark85GTv6 MarkJPana mattm mattm MaxQ maywoodfiero mcaanda McCandeal Mel Johnson Mel Johnson Mickey_Moose midengineracer mike mckelvey mingreengt MNFiero3800, Modena + monkeyman morse86 morse86 mosh_man mosh_man mOsh_man Mr Mikes Mr. Fiero (Mike) mrfiero mrfiero MRJ MRJ mrjohnishome mrjohnishome mrossum Ms LoriFiero MsLoriFiero MstangsBware MstangsBware mstangsbware mstangsbware mstangsbware MstangsBware MstangsBware mustangsBware mustangsBware mustangsbware mustangsbware mustangsbware My7Fieros Mypontiac2 naumanos1 Nazareth necromancer NestFiero Never2old neverendingproject Newbfiero Newbfiero NewbFiero NITRO Norm's Fiberglass norm's fiberglass NOS3800 NSAN1T User00013170 NYRED85GT NYRED85GT OHNIKO OLDSDOCTOR Oreif Oreif Oreif Oreif Oreif Oreif oreif Orief OSLO OSLO OSLO oslo Oslo Oslo Oslo oslo Papafiero partfiero partfiero partfiero PartFiero partfiero partfiero Paul McKibben Paul Mckibben Paul McKibben (fierosails) paul v Paul Vargyas PaulV PaulV PaulV PaulV PBJ peabody Phil Phoenix Pondski Pondski pondski Ponski PontiacFiero PontiacJeff porsche928 porsche928 powrmajik prism-bluegt psychic_mechanic Puck puck puck puck puck R Runner R Runner racer37 Racingman24 Rainman randomtask Randye RAREW66 RAREW66 RAREW66 rarew66 Ravant Rborecky Rborecky RCR RCR revin Rich ricksmastermix Rikker rjblaze rjblaze rjblaze rob barth rockcrawl Rockcrawl rockcrawl Rodney Rodney Rodney Rodney Rodney + Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman rodney dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman Rodney Dickman roger garrison Ron Dittmer Ron Dittmer Ronnie RossT rpro rpro Rrunner rubyredfiero rvalmore rverhalen (Robert) ryan hess Ryan hess rynelson85 sardonyx247 sc3800ttops sc3800ttops aka thejknight schumi seattleredforumula seattleredforumula Shad0wguy Shawnkfl shawnkfl shawnkfl shawnkfl shawnkfl Sherman shop_rat45 silentassasian_185 Silentassassin185 Silentassassin185 silver86se Ski Time SKIDMARK skitime Skitime Skitime + skstibi SKSTIBI slade1274 slickrick2000 SLOWnSTEADY sluppy sluppy123 Smorris SMorris!! Snapperhead soaper Songman Spiff Spiff spud321x srat110 srat110 stephs formula stephs formula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula stephsformula Stimpy STS Fiero sublime922 SummerJim summit racing Summit Racing SuperchargedV6 superstang460 + t-bird1963 TD37 tednelson tesmith66 tesmith66 tfwcars TG orieF 8891 The Fiero Factory The Fiero Farm the fiero farm The Fiero Farm The Fiero Store The Fiero Store The Fiero Store the Fiero Store the fiero store The Fiero Store The Fiero Store The fiero store The Fiero Store the fiero store The Fiero Store The Fiero Store ThismanyFieros thismanyfieros Tina tjxray99 tm_fiero Toddster tomanyfieros tomanyfieros tomanyfieros topher_time topher_time TorqueWench tuner2m6t turbo86se turboguy327 turbotoad Twin Lakes Fiero two88GT's unfinishedfiero urbanairpaint USFiero V8 Archie V8 Archie vballman VISCERAL volt110 vunda watts wbailey wbailey1041 WCF webelectricproducts.com West Coast Fiero west coast fieros West Coast Fieros wheels1 wheels1 wheels1 wheels1 wheels1 wheels1 wheels1 wheels1 wheels1 wheels1 wheels1 wheels1 Wheels1 Wheels1 Wheels1 Wheels1 Wheels1 Wheels1 Wheels1 Wheels1 Wheels1 Wheels1 wheels1 Wheels1 wiccantoy wiccantoy wiccantoy wikid_one will martin WisconsinGT Wolfhound!! wudman Xanth Xanth XRacer Pro yellowfiero88 Yellowstone younggun88 younggun88 zac88gt zoom88 Zoom88 Zoom88 ZZPerformance
. . . ------------------
Buddy Craigg - there are two "G"s in my last name Ling = 84SE-Modified Julia C = 85GT stock (kinda) Ivy = 67 Pontiac Catalina KCFOG
[This message has been edited by buddycraigg (edited 12-04-2007).]
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07:08 PM
System Bot
DtheC Member
Posts: 3395 From: Newton Iowa, USA Registered: Sep 2005
Thats a lot of work, good job. You already had a plus from me. It does require a bit of scrolling, maybe just list each entry once, with a number afterwords? DtheC 1 Electrathon 9 Stephsformula 4, -1 , for split ratings. The idea of using the colors is nice.
------------------ Ol' Paint, 88 Base coupe auto. Turning white on top, like owner. Leaks a little, like owner. Doesn't smoke, unlike owner
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11:55 PM
Dec 2nd, 2006
F-I-E-R-O Member
Posts: 8410 From: Endwell, NY Registered: Jan 2005
I have held off for several months but Donk316, Adrian Tallas, still owes me several hundred dollars for the balance of a new 3.4 DOHC crate motor I sold him almost 1 year ago and shipped to Canada prior to him taking a job with Halburton over-seas. The car he was putting it in was sold last summer on ebay at which time I emailed him through ebay about the remaining balance he had promised to pay me in March. I give him credit he did respond and at first acted like we had settled up things but when I copied him one of his prior emails his memory got better and said he would be able to pay the balance in October. Well........it is December and I have sent him 2 emails with no response. Sorry Adrian but you do not live up to your commitments as a man.
If you have children someday I hope you teach them better.
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12:35 AM
wftb Member
Posts: 3692 From: kincardine,ontario,canada Registered: Jun 2005
all i can say is dont ship the product until you are paid in full .i sold donk some suspension parts and shipped when i had his certified cheque in my account .some people wont want to do business this way ,thats fine ,they can buy off somebody else.
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12:45 AM
railshot Member
Posts: 1310 From: Pell Lake, Wisconsin, USA Registered: Jul 2006
Gotta give you a + for this, and point out that the "goods" do seem to outweigh the "bads" by quite a bit. Excellent job.! and thanks for making a "short" list for all to see.
edit: PS. that sig is "disturbing" LOL
[This message has been edited by railshot (edited 12-02-2006).]
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10:27 AM
thismanyfieros Member
Posts: 3468 From: Red Deer, alberta,canada Registered: Dec 2002
donk lived relatively close by to me..adrian is a stand up kind of guy...sad to see he hasnt done good on your transaction...i havent heard anything from him since this summer either...i am sure if he does get this he will make good on it..tim...
Thats a lot of work, good job. You already had a plus from me. It does require a bit of scrolling, maybe just list each entry once, with a number afterwords? DtheC 1 Electrathon 9 Stephsformula 4, -1 , for split ratings. The idea of using the colors is nice.
i'm going to leave it as is for now.
at least they are in alphabetical order. i think it's still easier than searching through 7 pages. and when you mix in all the flames and stories about how so and so did such and such. it would be easy to skim past a name.
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03:31 PM
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
all i can say is dont ship the product until you are paid in full .i sold donk some suspension parts and shipped when i had his certified cheque in my account .some people wont want to do business this way ,thats fine ,they can buy off somebody else.
Normally I do not ship before payment but since he paid for most of the agreed amount and at that time had a decent reputation here I decided to trust him but sometimes I have a tendancy to be understanding in certain situations.
I would even work out a payment plan but no response.
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09:46 PM
Dec 3rd, 2006
BobadooFunk Member
Posts: 5436 From: Pittsburgh PA Registered: Jun 2003
The list is a great idea, except if someone leaves your name with a retalitory 'bad buyer' such as my own. I would suggest if you see someones name on this list and its bad, refer to the other thread or caontact them about it to see whats up. I also delt with stephsformula and had no issues. Just my .02!
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01:22 PM
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
The list is a great idea, except if someone leaves your name with a retalitory 'bad buyer' such as my own. I would suggest if you see someones name on this list and its bad, refer to the other thread or caontact them about it to see whats up. I also delt with stephsformula and had no issues. Just my .02!
i did point to the thread where i got this info at the very top of this page.
but i will put another stephsformula on the good list for you.
[This message has been edited by buddycraigg (edited 12-03-2006).]
I bought from fierogt3800 ,when good I even give him a + ..It came slow but was not his fault ..Was the Mail Was on the other one ..Just wanted to let poeple he was a good seller in my list as well ..
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04:05 PM
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
I bought from fierogt3800 ,when good I even give him a + ..It came slow but was not his fault ..Was the Mail Was on the other one ..Just wanted to let poeple he was a good seller in my list as well ..
that's exactly why i started this thread. i tried to be very careful but missed that name. i've fixed it.
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09:14 PM
System Bot
DtheC Member
Posts: 3395 From: Newton Iowa, USA Registered: Sep 2005
Stephsformula has treated me right. So good I have 2 &1/2 transactions pending, bulky parts take time to ship. My car is not up in the air and she knows I'm in no big hurry, so to me it's no big thing. Other good sellers are Orief, mcaanda, the wraith, CT Fiero GT87, yellow Tee. Never a problem with Rodney, The Fiero Store, or GM Direct but I do put them in a diferent class. Newbifiero is in a class by himself for sending some stuff and never wanted payment. I'll prolly add a few other names after my christmas goodies arrive. I still haven't gotten my tool back from FieroGT45, but thats a diferent thread.
[This message has been edited by DtheC (edited 12-06-2006).]
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11:47 PM
Dec 6th, 2006
fourpoint9 Member
Posts: 1058 From: Long Beach, WA, USA Registered: Feb 2004
Stephsformula - I ordered a ABS Plastic Headliner and visors covered in black vinyl. She sent me a USED STOCK headliner with a patched crack and black vinyl with bubbles and wrinkles, it even smelled bad. (She now uses the photo to sell her headliners like it's the fiberglass product, but it's really a stock headliner.) I told her it was not acceptable so she offered me a fiberglass one, I had her send it with out the vinyl. I did not get a refund for the vinyl. I was too upset about how long it took and how poorly she communicated. The fiberglass one is ok but really it's not very good. The visors were ok
I would not do business with her again.
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01:33 AM
Dec 10th, 2006
Back On Holiday Member
Posts: 6238 From: Downingtown, PA Registered: Jul 2001
Take lowfierogt off the bad list he never had a bad sale to date. Saxman doesn't count he didn't buy his fiero anyway and if he would have bought it he wouldn't have that green problem child. Check his ebay record. I bought a Formula from him and he is restoring it for me. A+ in my book.
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10:10 AM
TennT Member
Posts: 1523 From: Humboldt, Tenn Registered: Nov 2002
Take lowfierogt off the bad list he never had a bad sale to date. Saxman doesn't count he didn't buy his fiero anyway and if he would have bought it he wouldn't have that green problem child. Check his ebay record. I bought a Formula from him and he is restoring it for me. A+ in my book.
Two things - First i've never had an issue with lowfierogt either, done lotsa business with him so + in my book.
Second - Rusty, if you weren't involved in that transaction, then please keep your mouth shut about it. Sax did start a transaction with tony, and just because it didn't finish doesn't mean his opinion isn't warranted.
+1 People in my book - stephs formula fiero store fierodave lt1zgiest (i think thats his name) Fast Fieros lowfierogt
[This message has been edited by RandomTask (edited 12-11-2006).]
Two things - First i've never had an issue with lowfierogt either, done lotsa business with him so + in my book.
Second - Rusty, if you weren't involved in that transaction, then please keep your mouth shut about it. Sax did start a transaction with tony, and just because it didn't finish doesn't mean his opinion isn't warranted.
+1 People in my book - stephs formula fiero store fierodave lt1zgiest (i think thats his name) Fast Fieros lowfierogt
Your right not my business. I just read about Saxman on the forum and see that 2 other times he had problems with people. Seems like if you have problems with 3 people then maybe you could be the problem too and there is alway two sides to every story and seems like we only see his side. Well you met Tony and know him so thats all that matters. Please this is not to bash anyone and I'm trying not to Burn anyone on this Forum.
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11:10 AM
RandomTask Member
Posts: 4545 From: Alexandria, VA Registered: Apr 2005
Your right not my business. I just read about Saxman on the forum and see that 2 other times he had problems with people. Seems like if you have problems with 3 people then maybe you could be the problem too and there is alway two sides to every story and seems like we only see his side. Well you met Tony and know him so thats all that matters. Please this is not to bash anyone and I'm trying not to Burn anyone on this Forum.
Gotcha - its cool. So what made you decide to pick up a rusty formula?
Originally posted by RandomTask: Gotcha - its cool. So what made you decide to pick up a rusty formula?
Not going to be a rusty formula when he's done with it. He has the suspension already powdercoated sitting in the basement. The bottom is getting all the rust fixed with por15. I have always wanted a Formula with t-tops. Going to be in almost new condition or better. U like my old car?
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11:53 AM
System Bot
Nazareth Member
Posts: 730 From: morristown, TN Registered: Aug 2003
excellent seller... vunda.... i bought his '86 SE for a great price and he even met me half way (over 200 miles) to deliver... I appreciate it dude... Tim
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08:13 PM
paulcal Member
Posts: 2608 From: Jacksonville, Fl Registered: Oct 2002
Exotic Rida still owes me $1300SUS that he quite literally just stole from me in April and took off. He even quit his job because i knew the # to his work! lol some people are so pathetic, how could a grown man steal $1560CAN from a student?
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01:16 PM
Saxman Member
Posts: 5151 From: Melbourne, FL Registered: May 2005
Originally posted by RustyFormula: Your right not my business. I just read about Saxman on the forum and see that 2 other times he had problems with people. Seems like if you have problems with 3 people then maybe you could be the problem too and there is alway two sides to every story and seems like we only see his side. Well you met Tony and know him so thats all that matters. Please this is not to bash anyone and I'm trying not to Burn anyone on this Forum.
(begin sarcasm)
Thanks for the mention. Now my feelings are hurt again. I am such a bad buyer!!
SO sorry to warn everyone about the bad ones. Go ahead and do what you want, RustyFormula. Mine are only fair warnings.
I see that GT40Cory has some nice GT-40 panels for sale on eBay. Ask Archie how fine his products are. ( https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum1/HTML/051535-3.html ) Oops - it must be a problem with Archie - not Cory.
Yons will have a car ready for you soon. Want a nice new 330hp Vortec engine? He'll tell you it's in there, but you will get a crate truck engine instead. You should still be happy with that.
(end sarcasm)
Thanks for consolidating this thread. Much easier to read, BuddyCraigg!
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05:26 PM
buddycraigg Member
Posts: 13606 From: kansas city, mo Registered: Jul 2002
Originally posted by Saxman: Thanks for consolidating this thread. Much easier to read, BuddyCraigg!
you're very welcome,
i decided to do it when i was shopping for exhaust manifolds and i wanted feedback for foxgapfiero but couldn't find it easily. and i thought to myself, if i could have used a list, then i'm sure other people could use a list. and it gives me something to do when i'm not lurking in tech.
Thanks for the mention. Now my feelings are hurt again. I am such a bad buyer!!
SO sorry to warn everyone about the bad ones. Go ahead and do what you want, RustyFormula. Mine are only fair warnings.
I see that GT40Cory has some nice GT-40 panels for sale on eBay. Ask Archie how fine his products are. ( https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum1/HTML/051535-3.html ) Oops - it must be a problem with Archie - not Cory.
Yons will have a car ready for you soon. Want a nice new 330hp Vortec engine? He'll tell you it's in there, but you will get a crate truck engine instead. You should still be happy with that.
(end sarcasm)
Thanks for consolidating this thread. Much easier to read, BuddyCraigg!
I'm sorry to hurt your feelings but you are not a bad buyer just not a good reader of bad sellers. You had one bad seller WRONG. Your warnings are not fair to a good seller. For him to be on a BAD sellers list is way out of line. No one has ever been riped off by lowfierogt with a money transaction. Some transactions may have went bad by two personallity that didn't see eye to eye but doesn't make that person a BAD Seller. For example two people all out lied to you and you bought the car and found out how bad they where. In another case you where going to buy a really nice car and found out someone wasn't going to give you a Free crate engine that was offered as freebee and couldn't give it to you because it wasn't even a crate engine that was offered by the person that was selling it to Tony. So by one person trying to be nice and help you out and give you something that he thought was a good engine turned out to be junk and when that person couldn't offer that you where all mad. Well that car has the same engine that was in the car when you looked at it and did really good on the dyno. Will be the fastest 3800 Fiero in Maryland this spring and maybe into the low 11s with the NOS turned on.
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10:09 PM
Saxman Member
Posts: 5151 From: Melbourne, FL Registered: May 2005
Originally posted by RustyFormula: I'm sorry to hurt your feelings but you are not a bad buyer just not a good reader of bad sellers. You had one bad seller WRONG. Your warnings are not fair to a good seller. For him to be on a BAD sellers list is way out of line. No one has ever been riped off by lowfierogt with a money transaction. Some transactions may have went bad by two personallity that didn't see eye to eye but doesn't make that person a BAD Seller. For example two people all out lied to you and you bought the car and found out how bad they where. In another case you where going to buy a really nice car and found out someone wasn't going to give you a Free crate engine that was offered as freebee and couldn't give it to you because it wasn't even a crate engine that was offered by the person that was selling it to Tony. So by one person trying to be nice and help you out and give you something that he thought was a good engine turned out to be junk and when that person couldn't offer that you where all mad. Well that car has the same engine that was in the car when you looked at it and did really good on the dyno. Will be the fastest 3800 Fiero in Maryland this spring and maybe into the low 11s with the NOS turned on.
1) Tony screwed over his "friends" up in Minnesota (or wherever he came from) which did involve $ - (just ask MinnGreen) 2) Tony changed the deal for his car AFTER I had already driven up and test-driven it - when he could have saved me the trip. 3) All I did was post to the local club guys that he changed the deal, and for others to be aware of it - then he started with threats and name-calling - finally involving my wife in his crazy rant (very uncool and uncalled for) 4) While he was fired up about all this, he started slamming other members of our local club who are the best standing members/racers around. 5) You weren't around, but do you know how soon his engine mounts broke on that car after out deal ended? He must have forgotten to tell you about that one, too.
Now, how is he a good seller when he couldn't control himself after the deal ended? All this was related to my potential SALE. He admitted that he decided to change the deal before I ever arrived. He admitted that he did not care what anyone thought and he was happy with his insults to me and my family. ALL because I told others exactly what happened during our sale.
So - take it as you like. Whether you call it a sale or not is not all that important. Whether you believe every word he say is not all that important. Regardless, I would still advise others not to deal with Tony (LowFieroGT or the new PCTECH) because of the outrageous way he dealt with me (and other Chesapeake Fiero Club members) after our deal ended. By your reasoning, I can't call him a bad seller because the sale never happened. So, to appease you, I'll just call him a bad "member" (heh heh - he said "member." )
Lucky for him, he has you defending him (NOT). I have not posted information on Tony here for a while since it appeared that he was chilling out a bit, but you brought it all back. I imagine Tony will still thank you for defending him, but now this is all back out again - and I will not forget the kinds of things he said about my frineds, me and my family.
People with that much fury in their heads and hearts do not let go of it that easy, so go ahead and deal with Tony. I know that something will surface again - so I know I am right to PM warnings to other members - and I would hope they would return the favor. Tony has too much rage to keep it in very long. I think you will eventually see that.
As I said in other PM's to you, I do wish you good luck with Tony. It would really be nice if he has changed for the better. Nice for the forum - and nice for the other Fiero owners here in Maryland.